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Moby Claims CIA Asked Him To Post About Trump and Russia (1 Viewer)

Well Jack, there's so much crap in the news it is getting tough to figure out what is fact.

But anything to do with those who were in charge of our Intel agencies and the DOJ during the Obama administration I have become skeptic of them. If it turns out the FBI and DOJ and other agencies had anything to do with dressing up that Trump Dossier as counter intelligence there is going to be the biggest ****storm this country has ever seen.

I in all my years have never seen two former intel directors turn into political hacks as the likes of Clapper and Brennan. And you can add Comey to that list too.

The people who received the dossier were obligated to investigate it. There is no evidence anyone did anything wrong. Clapper is just not very smart. Brennan is an opportunist but basically harmless. Comey is an admirable man.
Stephen Hawking is also very concerned about aliens.

As am I. Heard they have a base in Indonesia. Underwater though.
Peter Sztrok and Bruce Ohr's demotions have nothing to do with propaganda and everything to do with their involvment in this GROWING SCANDAL.

You should either address the topic or go troll someone elses thread
You didn't answer my question. Let's try it again:

Care to explain why you keep using the same phrase over and over and over again, almost like you're just pushing propaganda around various threads on the forum?
The people who received the dossier were obligated to investigate it. There is no evidence anyone did anything wrong. Clapper is just not very smart. Brennan is an opportunist but basically harmless. Comey is an admirable man.

No one is saying they didn't have an obligation to investigate it. But they also didn't have the right to dress up opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign dress it up as counter intelligence in order to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. That's outrageous! And as far as Comey goes, any FBI director that would succumb to political pressures instead of doing his job is hardly admirable.
You didn't answer my question. Let's try it again:

Care to explain why you keep using the same phrase over and over and over again, almost like you're just pushing propaganda around various threads on the forum?

You shouldn't discount the possibility that he has the same limited vocabulary as many other Trump supporters.
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No one is saying they didn't have an obligation to investigate it. But they also didn't have the right to dress up opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign dress it up as counter intelligence in order to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. That's outrageous!
So if evidence of a crime is discovered and brought to the FBI, the FBI shouldn't use avenues legally provided to them to pursue potential criminal acts if it doesn't come from an arbitrarily decided allowable source?

Hmm...that's an interesting philosophy you have. Of course, it also ignores the various reports that the FBI already have similar intelligence, but that's okay too.
You shouldn't discount the possibility that he has the same limited vocabulary as many other Trump supporters.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
So if evidence of a crime is discovered and brought to the FBI, the FBI shouldn't pursue potential criminal acts if it doesn't come from an arbitrarily decided allowable source?

Hmm...that's an interesting philosophy you have. Of course, it also ignores the various reports that the FBI already have similar intelligence, but that's okay too.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

If what I believe is about to be exposed, it should make every American uncomfortable regardless of your disdain for Trump. It is going to be un-nerving.
''Singer Moby claims his friends in the CIA asked him to spread the word that Trump had ties to Russia because he has a large social media following than the agency"

Moby?? :lamo

Who will it be tomorrow? Beyoncé?
If what I believe is about to be exposed, it should make every American uncomfortable regardless of your disdain for Trump. It is going to be un-nerving.
It really is amazing how some people keep expecting "something" to be exposed that always seems JUUUUSSSTTT around the corner.

By the way, my approval or disdain has nothing to do with the stupidity of your comment that I noted.
It really is amazing how some people keep expecting "something" to be exposed that always seems JUUUUSSSTTT around the corner.

By the way, my approval or disdain has nothing to do with the stupidity of your comment that I noted.

I have taken note of your comment that my comment is stupid. check.

Have a nice evening.
If what I believe is about to be exposed, it should make every American uncomfortable regardless of your disdain for Trump. It is going to be un-nerving.

Yes, but just wait until you see the post I'm going to unleash in the very near future. And when I post my post, it will show you the lengths that *insert person here* has gone to *insert thing here*! I'm just waiting for one last piece to fall into line, but when it does, my super epic post will absolutely blow your socks off!
Yes, but just wait until you see the post I'm going to unleash in the very near future. And when I post my post, it will show you the lengths that *insert person here* has gone to *insert thing here*! I'm just waiting for one last piece to fall into line, but when it does, my super epic post will absolutely blow your socks off!

Charlie Daniels is snorting meth right now, the poor old victim.
Thank you, your acceptance of the fact is appreciated.

No it isn't you lie. In fact the very editing you did of my actual post shows deceitfulness.

Shame on you.
No one is saying they didn't have an obligation to investigate it. But they also didn't have the right to dress up opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign dress it up as counter intelligence in order to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. That's outrageous! And as far as Comey goes, any FBI director that would succumb to political pressures instead of doing his job is hardly admirable.

When it was first received there was not necessarily knowledge it was opposition research. And even if that were known, so what? Bad motives can produce good intel.
Moby claims CIA asked him to post about Trump and Russia...

Moby claims CIA asked him to post about Trump and Russia | Fox News

'' Singer Moby claims his friends in the CIA asked him to spread the word that Trump had ties to Russia because he has a large social media following than the agency "..

This is a disturbing admission and even more evidence that there was a concerted and coordinated effort by the Obama administration, the Hillary campaign, the DNC and select media outlets and people in the entertainment industry to undermine the 2016 Presidential election and by extension our democracy.

Im going to go out on a limb and predict that next week is going to be a r really tough week for Democrats and people that have wasted the last year of their lives obsessing over Trump / Russia collusion false narrative

This just in: "Over-rated DJ Sells a Few More Albums by Helping Under-rated President."
When it was first received there was not necessarily knowledge it was opposition research. And even if that were known, so what? Bad motives can produce good intel.

And then again bad motives can produce total mayhem.
No it isn't you lie.
No, I'm quite certain I appreciate you accepting that fact.

In fact the very editing you did of my actual post shows deceitfulness.
I didn't edit your post, except to omit the "check. Have a nice evening." parts of it, which were completely irrelevant.

Why would you post a lie that can so very easily be proven a lie?

Shame on you.
You literally just claimed I lied about how I felt and then posted a lie that I edited your post when I did no such thing.

Trump is not the victim of bad motives.

How do you know?

Did you hear the first indictment out of the Uranium One probe just happened.

Something that should have happened under the Obama administration. But the undercover agent working for the FBI had a gag order placed on him and wasn't allowed to talk.

Mark Lambert, 54, of Mount Airy, Maryland, was charged in an 11-count indictment with one count of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and to commit wire fraud, seven counts of violating the FCPA, two counts of wire fraud and one count of international promotion money laundering. The charges stem from an alleged scheme to bribe Vadim Mikerin, a Russian official at JSC Techsnabexport (TENEX), a subsidiary of Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corporation and the sole supplier and exporter of Russian Federation uranium and uranium enrichment services to nuclear power companies worldwide, in order to secure contracts with TENEX.

I wonder who will be next? tck tck..........
What was you favorite part of Simpsons testimony ? His lie that the FBI had someone inside the Trump campaign ?

My favorite part was when he claimed Steele thought the FBI was partisan in Trumps favor and thats why Steele felt compelled to leak the dossier to the media.

Lol !! No, Fusion GPS and Steele felt compelled to leak the dossier to the media because they were working for Hillary Clinton.
Because they were directed to, just like they were directed to conjure up a list of false allegations against Trump.

How ****ing stupid do your own media outlets think you people are ? I mean, aren't you offended in the least ?

Why do you have such a tendency to quote someone and never address what they said in that quote?
How do you know?

Did you hear the first indictment out of the Uranium One probe just happened.

Something that should have happened under the Obama administration. But the undercover agent working for the FBI had a gag order placed on him and wasn't allowed to talk.

Mark Lambert, 54, of Mount Airy, Maryland, was charged in an 11-count indictment with one count of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and to commit wire fraud, seven counts of violating the FCPA, two counts of wire fraud and one count of international promotion money laundering. The charges stem from an alleged scheme to bribe Vadim Mikerin, a Russian official at JSC Techsnabexport (TENEX), a subsidiary of Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corporation and the sole supplier and exporter of Russian Federation uranium and uranium enrichment services to nuclear power companies worldwide, in order to secure contracts with TENEX.

I wonder who will be next? tck tck..........

That does not suggest a plot against Trump.
That does not suggest a plot against Trump.
Maybe not but it sure does imply an administration not being forthright, that was able to silence an undercover agent working for 10 years on recording Russia and their shady actions to acquire uranium worldwide while members of his administration pushed through the Uranium One deal. Where was your beloved "upstanding guy" Comey or Mueller before him when all this was going on? Evidently turning a blind eye........
Oh, I dunno...85%?

Speaking for myself, It's 10:00 am and I haven't submitted to authority a single time today and don't plan on it.

Right. I suppose situational details determine submission to authority. I know that if there is a police car visible, I drive differently and obey all the rules. If there is no cop in sight, I follow the crowd and exceed the speed limits most of the time.

Depending upon the situation, as Stanley Milgram learned through experiment, maybe 85% will submit to authority and do what they are told, even if it means physically punishing/assaulting another human being.

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