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Moby Claims CIA Asked Him To Post About Trump and Russia (1 Viewer)

This isn't about Trump but how the politicization of the Intel agencies allowed the deal to go through even though they had evidence of Russia's bribery and kickback schemes. They should have reported it to Congress after alerting Obama and his administration which proceeded with the deal anyway. By doing so they could have stopped it.

I'm not sure which "intel agencies" you are referring to, but the ones I know were not politicized in the slightest. Keep in mind that while the FBI has law enforcement powers, that is not true of the CIA, for example. They can disseminate reports but decisions whether to prosecute are made elsewhere.
Actually, it isn't. That's why human history is filled with events where people rejected authority and sought more freedom.

True, but that only happens when authority is proven to be destructive of its means and therefore grip on society. Until then, the herd mentality takes root until true is revealed and the bonds of authority are broken.
I'm not sure which "intel agencies" you are referring to, but the ones I know were not politicized in the slightest. Keep in mind that while the FBI has law enforcement powers, that is not true of the CIA, for example. They can disseminate reports but decisions whether to prosecute are made elsewhere.

Well let's just focus on the FBI. Isn't the FBI the lead agency for exposing, preventing, and investigating intelligence activities on U.S. soil, and the Counterintelligence Division uses its full suite of investigative and intelligence capabilities to combat counterintelligence threats?
Well let's just focus on the FBI. Isn't the FBI the lead agency for exposing, preventing, and investigating intelligence activities on U.S. soil, and the Counterintelligence Division uses its full suite of investigative and intelligence capabilities to combat counterintelligence threats?

It is and it does.
If what I believe is about to be exposed, it should make every American uncomfortable regardless of your disdain for Trump. It is going to be un-nerving.

What would that be?
If you took out "moby" and said an "unamed anonymous source" I bet the leftists here would find it more believable.

Depends upon the vetting of the source, if it was confirmed from other sources, but this Moby thing is out there with hidden planet on other side of sun.
WRONG. The opposition research was first conducted by a Republican candidate. His findings were then "passed on" to Hillary and the DNC.

1. Mr. Simpson admitted his agency did not go back and verify that accounts documented by Mr. Steele. However, he made it clear in his testimony that he believed in Mr. Steele's work with a high level of credibility based on their prior working relationship AND Mr. Steele's past work at MI5 - that also being very accurate and credible. Therefore, he had no reason to doubt the validity of Mr. Steele's work where the dossier is concerned.

And yet Mr. Simpson stands by his testimony that it was, in fact, the Carter Page from the Trump campaign who did travel to former Soviet block countries if not directly to Russia. It's interesting how Pres. Trump asserts Pages's passport supporting the claim that Page never traveled to Prague yet he never claims that Page never traveled to any former Soviet block country. Why is that? Attention to detail, kind sir.

Haven't gotten to that portion of the transcript yet, but I'm still reading. I may get back to you on this later...

But it was made public. Hell, Obama's Intel Chiefs even briefed Congress on its contents while it was being made public, and while the FBI was using it to obtain FISA warrants.

There was a obvious and coordinated and politically driven effort to disemminate its contents, and if Moby's telling the truth, then he was just a useful idiot, a tool and not the Patriot he thinks he is.
Mr. Simpson make clear in his testimony that the opposition research his company did on Trump actually supported the intelligence the FBI already had. So, I fail to see how research information that confirms what intelligence agencies already knew can be considered as "a coordinated and politically driven effort" especially given that the Obama Administration take the President-elect aside in his private residence and informed him of what they had. It would be a completely different story if they had kept the information to themselves and just let Trump swing in the wind.

I'll answer the last part this way:

1) I think each party will go out of its way to protect their own such as what's currently happening with the GOP and Pres. Trump. Except for those politicians who are retiring or have decided not to seek another term in office, they're all clearly afraid to say anything against him for fear or retaliation either from the President himself or his surrogates of the voters. So, they'll say just enough "truth" to show their discontent yet remain within that lines not to lose total support either from the POTUS or their party (leadership).

2) Nixon Watergate.


Chriatopher Steele was hired after The Washington Free Beacon dropped Fusion GPS.

The dossier was funded excluively by the Hillary campaign and the DNC...


Thats old news, so why dont you at least inform yourself and try to get up to speed on this issue before replying ?
Depends upon the vetting of the source, if it was confirmed from other sources, but this Moby thing is out there with hidden planet on other side of sun.

How many anonymous sources does it take to be "confirmed" for you? There is a reason hearsay is not allowed in court.
What would that be?

The Obama administration already admittied to the FISC court of widespread abuse and violations related to unmaskings and American citizens caught up in upstream searches.

And Devin Nunez reportedly told Republican lawmakers last week that he has evidence that shows clear abuse by Obama's FBI and DOJ

This was of-course after Nunez gained access to sunpoeaned FBI and DOJ documents related to the FBIs use of the dossier in obtaining FISA warrants.

Peter Sztrok and Bruce Ohr among others related to this scandal will be appearing before the House Intel commitee.

You think theyre going to perjur themselves, take the 5th or testify truthfully ?
Say it enough times and it's bound to become true...like Benghazi. :roll:

Obama's NSA already admitted to FISC court of widespread abuses and violations


They even admitted to under reporting those abuses, which included illegal upstream searches and unmaskings

Samantha Powers testified under oath that the over 250 unmasking request attributed to her were made by someone else who used her name and security clearances.

Go ahead and bury your head in the sand, its not going to make this growing scandal go away
It's interesting that you'd instantly go from skepticism..

Well Jack, there's so much crap in the news it is getting tough to figure out what is fact.

But anything to do with those who were in charge of our Intel agencies and the DOJ during the Obama administration I have become skeptic of them.
If it turns out the FBI and DOJ and other agencies had anything to do with dressing up that Trump Dossier as counter intelligence there is going to be the biggest ****storm this country has ever seen.

I in all my years have never seen two former intel directors turn into political hacks as the likes of Clapper and Brennan. And you can add Comey to that list too.

...to out right denial relying on your own knowledge of events...

If what I believe is about to be exposed, it should make every American uncomfortable regardless of your disdain for Trump. It is going to be un-nerving.

...in the span of two posts.

Can we at least let the Russia investigation be completed and then let the evidence lead us to a proper conclusion?
The Obama administration already admittied to the FISC court of widespread abuse and violations related to unmaskings and American citizens caught up in upstream searches.

And Devin Nunez reportedly told Republican lawmakers last week that he has evidence that shows clear abuse by Obama's FBI and DOJ

This was of-course after Nunez gained access to sunpoeaned FBI and DOJ documents related to the FBIs use of the dossier in obtaining FISA warrants.

Peter Sztrok and Bruce Ohr among others related to this scandal will be appearing before the House Intel commitee.

You think theyre going to perjur themselves, take the 5th or testify truthfully ?

Do you believe Moby's Tale?
It's interesting that you'd instantly go from skepticism..

...to out right denial relying on your own knowledge of events...

...in the span of two posts.

Can we at least let the Russia investigation be completed and then let the evidence lead us to a proper conclusion?

You actually believe Republicans in part funded the dossier.

You really dont have a leg to stand on when it comes to critiquing other peoples post

And of-course you and your ilk want to focus on Trump / Russia collusion. Its the distraction from the actual scandal.
Obama's NSA already admitted to FISC court of widespread abuses and violations


They even admitted to under reporting those abuses, which included illegal upstream searches and unmaskings

Samantha Powers testified under oath that the over 250 unmasking request attributed to her were made by someone else who used her name and security clearances.

Go ahead and bury your head in the sand, its not going to make this growing scandal go away

How did you reach that conclusion when that's not what the Hill.com article says at all.

All it says is the ACLU through their numerous FOIA requests reported that "less than 1% of the FISA warrants issued during the Obama Administration were in violation of section 702 (of the Patriot Act)". But that's NOT an admission of wrong-doing by the Obama Administration nor the NSA. That's simply an assessment by the ACLU - a liberal civil liberties organization BTW - when compared to Obama's predecessor. Ninety violations compared to the hundreds of requests is hardly anything to sneeze at.

(BTW, I thought you hated liberals? Since when did they become useful to you? Oh! Wait...that's right. It's when they support your point of view that they become relevant.....got it. ;))
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Do you believe Moby's Tale?

I believe there was a coordinated disinformation campaign meant to undermine Trumps candidacy, the election and Trumps Presidency and I still think its going on

Moby's doubled down on his claims, and given what we already know, I wouldnt be surprised if he was telling the truth.

There is overwhelming evidence to support the assertion that the Obama administration, the Hillary Campaign, the DNC, Fusion GPS and select media outlets conspired to undermine the election, and by extension our Democracy.

I have yet seen one Lib reconcile the fact that key participants have been demoted and or remomed from their senior positions at the FBI and DOJ.

Or reconcile McCabe's announcment that he planned on retiring after his testimony.
Moby says CIA 'friends' asked him to share Trump dossier | Daily Mail Online

Moby has claimed that members of the CIA asked him to share details of Trump's alleged collusion with Russia because he had a large number of social media followers.

The DJ made the claim during a radio interview on Friday where he was asked about an Instagram post he made in February last year, a month after Trump's inauguration.

In that post, Moby, 52, said that after speaking to 'friends who worked in DC', he could tell fans that Trump 'was being blackmailed by the Russian government, not just for being peed on by Russian hookers, but for much more nefarious things.'

The reference was to the 'dirty dossier' of inaccurate accusations that was compiled by a former British intelligence officer which included a reference to the president being urinated on by prostitutes during a trip to Moscow.

Moby went on to say: 'The Trump administration is in collusion with the russian government, and has been since day one.

'I'm writing these things so that when/if these things happen there will be a public record beforehand.'

In his phone interview on Friday, he defended the post to Louisville station WFPK, and said the information was reliable and came from CIA insiders who were 'truly concerned' about the president.

I'm interested in the nefarious stuff but also really interested in the nitty gritty stuff too.
You actually believe Republicans in part funded the dossier.

Mr. Simpson's testimony makes that very clear (not to mention it's already been publicly reported.


You really dont have a leg to stand on when it comes to critiquing other peoples post.

Really? Show where I've purposely made a false or misleading statement that I didn't immediately correct? I openly admit to getting my facts wrong from time to time, but I've never purposely attempted to mislead anyone. And I've always admitted to when I was wrong OR have gone back and corrected my error. So, try again.

And of-course you and your ilk want to focus on Trump / Russia collusion. Its the distraction from the actual scandal.

Here you go with "the actual scandal" again. Stop with the dog whistles propaganda already. It makes you look bad.
How did you reach that conclusion when that's not what the Hill.com article says at all.

All it says is the ACLU through their numerous FOIA requests reported that "less than 1% of the FISA warrants issued during the Obama Administration were in violation of section 702 (of the Patriot Act)". But that's NOT an admission of wrong-doing by the Obama Administration nor the NSA. That's simply an assessment by the ACLU - a liberal civil liberties organization BTW - when compared to Obama's predecessor. Ninety violations compared to the hundreds of requests is hardly anything to sneeze at.

(BTW, I thought you hated liberals? Since when did they become useful to you? Oh! Wait...that's right. It's when they support your point of view that they become relevant.....got it. ;))

Actually the illegal surveillance is more like 5 perent of all upstream searches, or 1 out of 20.

Here's CIRCA's article....

And here FISC opinion, just in case you planned on attacking the source....

Do you think it is credible?

I certainly don't want it to be true.

But I have to say when it comes to Brennan, Obama's CIA director, that guy turned into a real political hack since Trump was elected. And there is enough evidence out there that he was a political animal while serving as Obama's CIA director. There have been several former CIA officials who claim Brennan operated on loyalty to Obama first.

What Moby describes is something the CIA engages in. It is called information operations, information warfare.


So your question is do I think this Moby dude is credible? I don't know.

We are talking about Brennan's CIA. I don't trust Brennan, Clapper or Comey.

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Chriatopher Steele was hired after The Washington Free Beacon dropped Fusion GPS.

The dossier was funded exclusively by the Hillary campaign and the DNC.

Again, you need to fully read and C-O-M-P-R-E-H-E-N-D your own sources, tough guy. From your linked source above:

The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about President Trump’s connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said.

That's a far cry from your claim that:

The dossier was funded exclusively by the Hillary campaign and the DNC.

But let's not let facts get in the way of the truth.

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