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Moby Claims CIA Asked Him To Post About Trump and Russia (1 Viewer)

nah... I couldn't care less about moby much less his politics. Some of his songs were ok.

I seem to recall all of the hatred from trumpettes towards the entertainment industry.
The only reason they are all kissing Moby is pure desperation.
It also shows that anyone believed to be pro Trump is instantly held in high regard.
It is all hilarious.
Heres the problem though, had he said the opposite. Many on this board would suck up the nonstop coverage on the media treating him like he was a great reliable source.

Only the really weird ones. Seems those on the far right just keep on digging deeper to protect Trump- no one can protect him- he is on his own.
I mean, there could never be any other rational reason for a public figure to resign their position or retire except for some shady, underhandedness. Heaven forbid anyone for leaving their job for any reason other than unethical practices. :roll:


I hope
I figure they used more than one. As in the photo- burrow down, get to the bottom start on next stack- while doing this keep on with Dark State, and other BS. They would be a hit in CT Threads.

They were once the party of law and order, respect for institutions, deficit hawks. Now they have chucked all that and will reap the whirlwind.
I sorta have an expectation/hope at the end of this a Bi Partisan Committee, no elected Politicians- to investigate all and explain to the American people who was leading them astray with lies and BS. And I am sure, sure as little green apples will give you the runs, Nunes and others will be at the top of the list

We can hope.
He just quotes people and just rambles about anything but the quoted. Any reason you are jumping in between he and I? I bet I know why. :lol:

What you posted was irrelevent, partisan nonsense. He's right, I have no intention of lowering myself to your level.
What you posted was irrelevent, partisan nonsense. He's right, I have no intention of lowering myself to your level.

Then don't quote me genius.
You right wingers are really so pathetic. Just keep throwing **** against the wall and try to make anything stick, no matter how stupid.

My god, this deep state is such nonsense, or that Obama is trying to undermind Trump. What a joke! Trump underminds himself by being such a complete and utter a hole and completely incompetent.

it's really so pathetic.
You right wingers are really so pathetic. Just keep throwing **** against the wall and try to make anything stick, no matter how stupid.

My god, this deep state is such nonsense, or that Obama is trying to undermind Trump. What a joke! Trump underminds himself by being such a complete and utter a hole and completely incompetent.

it's really so pathetic.

Would you like some cheese with that whine?

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