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Moby Claims CIA Asked Him To Post About Trump and Russia (2 Viewers)

What's your guess on the percentage of the US population that does not submit to authority?

Oh, I dunno...85%?

Speaking for myself, It's 10:00 am and I haven't submitted to authority a single time today and don't plan on it.
And you base this on... what exactly? That the accusations are salacious and you don't like them?

I base it on Glenn Simpsons testimony...

" Chris deals in a vary different kind of information, which is human intelligence, human information. So by its very nature the question of whether something is accurate isn't really asked. The question that is asked generally is whether it's credible. Human intelligence isn't good for, you know, filing lawsuits. It's good for making decisions and trying to understand what's going on that a really valuable thing, but it's not the same thing. " “we just wanted people in official positions to ascertain whether it was accurate or not.”


And Steele's own admission in Court records from a another Libel case that the allegations in the dossier were just bits of raw intelligence, unverified and passed onto the FBI for further investigation...


You just keep repeating this lie and repeating this lie, over and over again, in hopes that somebody on here isn't aware of recent developments -- which you just ignore, and, yes, completely blow this nonsense out of the water.

Lol !! I love it when hacks proclaim victory and advertise their ignorance simultaneously. Read he above links, Simpson admitted it wasn't verified in his testimony and Steele admitted in court records that the dossier was just bits of unverified raw intelligence that wasn't meant to be made public.

No, he won't win a dime. He lied in public about these trips, asserting they never happened, until he was outed and had zero option but to finally recant. Further, it's not just that he went to Moscow, but he also made contact about brokering a percentage of the sale of Rosneft with their executives, which he had previously denied up and down.

Sure hope Page didn't lie to the FBI, or in his grand jury interview, as Mueller is taking that **** seriously. His decision to plead the fifth to any and all questions sure doesn't sound good.

Carter Page's Libel suit is one of 4 current suits brought against Fusion GPS and media outlets, which is what happens when media outlets publish unsubstantiated Clinton paid for partisan propaganda. Page denied under oath that he met the two Kremlin officials cited in he dossier, and his Libel suite against Yahoo news among other media outlets proves he's really not too worried about Mueller

Lie. He stated some of the allegations are unsubstantiated, and made clear they stand by their work. Whether their work is accurate or not and exactly how much, is very much debatable, but this is just GOP cover-up games you're taking part in.

No YOUR'E LYING, again, here's Simpsons testimony

" Chris deals in a vary different kind of information, which is human intelligence, human information. So by its very nature the question of whether something is accurate isn't really asked. The question that is asked generally is whether it's credible. Human intelligence isn't good for, you know, filing lawsuits. It's good for making decisions and trying to understand what's going on that a really valuable thing, but it's not the same thing. " “we just wanted people in official positions to ascertain whether it was accurate or not.”

If you think that a judge granted a warrant based purely on allegations in an opposition research document, then you're just on another planet of conspiracy theory nonsense, and I guess you're assuming that everyone is as crooked and ignorant of the law as Trump and his gang.


CNN from April...

FBI used allegations in the dossier to bolter investigation and obtain FISA warrant against Carter Page
FBI used dossier allegations to bolster Trump-Russia investigation - CNNPolitics

"The FBI last year used a dossier of allegations of Russian ties to Donald Trump's campaign as part of the justification to win approval to secretly monitor a Trump associate, according to US officials briefed on the investigation.

The dossier has also been cited by FBI Director James Comey in some of his briefings to members of Congress in recent weeks, as one of the sources of information the bureau has used to bolster its investigation, according to US officials briefed on the probe."

Not only was the FBI using the allegations in dossier to obtain FISA warrants, Obama's Intel chiefs were presenting the allegations to Congress and Trump and Obama as legitimate intelligence

Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him - CNNPolitics

"The allegations were presented in a two-page synopsis that was appended to a report on Russian interference in the 2016 election. The allegations came, in part, from memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative, whose past work US intelligence officials consider credible. The FBI is investigating the credibility and accuracy of these allegations, which are based primarily on information from Russian sources, but has not confirmed many essential details in the memos about Mr. Trump."

The scandal lives on InfoWars, nowhere else..

I challenge you to go back through my post and or threads and find ONE, just one time I linked to Infowars. Go ahead, Ill wait.

It was LEAKED by people outside the FBI, stop making things up.

Liberals do this ALL THE TIME. They're far too arrogant to admit that they're ignorant and uniformed, so they just accuse other people of lying, of " making things up "

FBI agents' text messages spur congressional probe into possible news leaks

FBI agents' text messages spur congressional probe into possible news leaks | TheHill

" Republican-led House and Senate committees are investigating whether leaders of the Russia counterintelligence investigation had contacts with the news media that resulted in improper leaks, prompted in part by text messages amongst senior FBI officials mentioning specific reporters, news organizations and articles."

In one exchange, FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and bureau lawyer Lisa Page engaged in a series of texts shortly before Election Day 2016 suggesting they knew in advance about an article in The Wall Street Journal and would need to feign stumbling onto the story so it could be shared with colleagues."

“Article is out, but hidden behind paywall so can’t read it,”
Page texted Strzok on Oct. 24, 2016.

“Wsj? Boy that was fast,” Strzok texted back, using the initials of the famed financial newspaper. “Should I ‘find’ it and tell the team?”

The text messages, which were reviewed by The Hill, show the two FBI agents discussed how they might make it appear they innocently discovered the article, such as through Google News alerts.

“I can get it like I do every other article that hits any Google News alerts, seriously,” Strzok wrote, adding he didn’t want his team hearing about the article “from someone else.”
And now, from this thread:

Growing Scandal! Everybody drink!

(And yes, there are more examples, I just got tired of copying and pasting)

Care to explain why the FBI would remove Peter Sztrok from his position as assistant head of the FBI's counter intelligence division and reassign him to Human resources if this GROWING SCANDAL was all " Lies lies lies lies !! ". <<< Your typical and so very inane reply.

Why was Bruce Ohr removed from both of his senior positions in the DOJ if this GROWING SCANDAL is just " Lies lies lies lies..." ?
Moby's lying ? Can you prove that ?

When you were growing up, did you ever think your political arguments would get this ridiculous?
Moby may be a nobody to you, but again he as a huge social media following.
And your alien nonsense just shows you have nothing intelligent to offer up, so why not troll the thread

Moby has 1.3 million followers. He's not even top 100.

Top 100 Most Twitter Followers | Friend or Follow

Paul Logan, a literal nobody from YouTube whose only claim to global fame is making a video about a Japanese haunted forest has 4.12 million followers. Moby has won Grammys, sold millions of records, and has 3x fewer followers than a kid from YouTube. Anybody who claims the guy has a 'huge' anything on Twitter doesn't really comprehend KPIs for social media.
Care to explain why the FBI would remove Peter Sztrok from his position as assistant head of the FBI's counter intelligence division and reassign him to Human resources if this GROWING SCANDAL was all " Lies lies lies lies !! ". <<< Your typical and so very inane reply.

Why was Bruce Ohr removed from both of his senior positions in the DOJ if this GROWING SCANDAL is just " Lies lies lies lies..." ?
Care to explain why you keep using the same phrase over and over and over again, almost like you're just pushing propaganda around various threads on the forum?
Or Moby wanting to come off good in his friends eyes?

The number of permutations reaches the factorial.

Perhaps the fractal. Whatever the magnitude, it was repeated from the smaller and will repeat forward to the larger. It is only the beginning folks, only the beginning.
That has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard in my life. The CIA did not recruit Moby to post about Trump. Sorry. Didn’t happen.

Either Moby is lying or Moby has a buddy who lied to him about being in the CIA in the first place. I completely believe he is naive enough for the latter to be true.

You're the naïve one. If, like Moby, you had the spirituality of a Taoist–Christian–agnostic quantum mechanic, you would understand. You would understand. I also think having the bollocks over the "i" in "naïve" is pretty cool.
Moby has 1.3 million followers. He's not even top 100.

Top 100 Most Twitter Followers | Friend or Follow

Paul Logan, a literal nobody from YouTube whose only claim to global fame is making a video about a Japanese haunted forest has 4.12 million followers. Moby has won Grammys, sold millions of records, and has 3x fewer followers than a kid from YouTube. Anybody who claims the guy has a 'huge' anything on Twitter doesn't really comprehend KPIs for social media.

Honestly you cant really compare the old world to new youtube stars. Moby had grassroots fans while Paul Logan had youtube algorythems and kid youtube attention zergs. Youtube killed the non-glamorous star.

Ill leave you this to contemplate on:

Honestly you cant really compare the old world to new youtube stars. Moby had grassroots fans while Paul Logan had youtube algorythems and kid youtube attention zergs. Youtube killed the non-glamorous star.

Ill leave you this to contemplate on:

I have no idea where to start with this but to suggest Moby has a 'huge social media following' is ridiculous. Nobody listens to techno.
Moby claims CIA asked him to post about Trump and Russia...

Moby claims CIA asked him to post about Trump and Russia | Fox News

'' Singer Moby claims his friends in the CIA asked him to spread the word that Trump had ties to Russia because he has a large social media following than the agency "..

This is a disturbing admission and even more evidence that there was a concerted and coordinated effort by the Obama administration, the Hillary campaign, the DNC and select media outlets and people in the entertainment industry to undermine the 2016 Presidential election and by extension our democracy.

Im going to go out on a limb and predict that next week is going to be a r really tough week for Democrats and people that have wasted the last year of their lives obsessing over Trump / Russia collusion false narrative

Care to explain why you keep using the same phrase over and over and over again, almost like you're just pushing propaganda around various threads on the forum?

Peter Sztrok and Bruce Ohr's demotions have nothing to do with propaganda and everything to do with their involvment in this GROWING SCANDAL.

You should either address the topic or go troll someone elses thread
Peter Sztrok and Bruce Ohr's demotions have nothing to do with propaganda and everything to do with their involvment in this GROWING SCANDAL.

You should either address the topic or go troll someone elses thread

They were demoted well before you ever heard their names. And yet you still think it's a big conspiracy.

What was you favorite part of Simpsons testimony ? His lie that the FBI had someone inside the Trump campaign ?

My favorite part was when he claimed Steele thought the FBI was partisan in Trumps favor and thats why Steele felt compelled to leak the dossier to the media.

Lol !! No, Fusion GPS and Steele felt compelled to leak the dossier to the media because they were working for Hillary Clinton.
Because they were directed to, just like they were directed to conjure up a list of false allegations against Trump.

How ****ing stupid do your own media outlets think you people are ? I mean, aren't you offended in the least ?
Did the Dems publish it? Nope- I am sure next week it will be Aliens who are behind the so called Deep State,- no not those aliens, the ones from Planet ZVksd/kladvcfkv.
Now you're channeling Stephen Hawking.
They were demoted well before you ever heard their names. And yet you still think it's a big conspiracy.

What the hell does that even mean ? They were demoted for something not related to the dossier and the FBIs investigation ?

They're both neck deep in this scandal, both had direct ties to Fusion GPS and Steele and Ohr's wife was employed by Fusion GPS

Bruce Ohr was demoted AGAIN, removed from his other senior DOJ position recently. Right after the House Intel commitee recieved subpoenaed FBI and DOJ documents
I read this story not on Fox but the New York Daily News hardly known for being "right-wing".

The CIA director if true would be at the time. Brennan who was a former WH aide to Obama. Brennan along with Clapper of the NSA under Obama have been the most voicetress former members ever in the history of the Intel agencies to do the Sunday morning media circus pushing anti-Trump crap. Brennan called for a coup if Trump fired Mueller.

Under Obama the following were CIA directors

Leon Panetta
February 13, 2009 – June 30, 2011[11]

Michael Morell
July 1, 2011 – September 6, 2011

David Petraeus
September 6, 2011 – November 9, 2012[12]

Michael Morell
November 9, 2012 – March 8, 2013

John Brennan
March 8, 2013 – January 20, 2017[13]

Meroe Park
January 20, 2017

As I go over that list I know Leon Panetta didn't last long under Obama. I personally think that is because Obama didn't like what Panetta had to say.

Then the next one Petraeus well we know how that ended after just a year. I am sure he didn't tell Obama what he wanted to hear either.

Then came Brennan his trusty partisan aide. And then all was good with Obama.

Don't know what to think about this Moby story but the way the Obama administration played politically weaponizing agencies who knows.

I don’t know what this is supposed to be.
I read this story not on Fox but the New York Daily News hardly known for being "right-wing".

The CIA director if true would be at the time. Brennan who was a former WH aide to Obama. Brennan along with Clapper of the NSA under Obama have been the most voicetress former members ever in the history of the Intel agencies to do the Sunday morning media circus pushing anti-Trump crap. Brennan called for a coup if Trump fired Mueller.

Under Obama the following were CIA directors

Leon Panetta
February 13, 2009 – June 30, 2011[11]

Michael Morell
July 1, 2011 – September 6, 2011

David Petraeus
September 6, 2011 – November 9, 2012[12]

Michael Morell
November 9, 2012 – March 8, 2013

John Brennan
March 8, 2013 – January 20, 2017[13]

Meroe Park
January 20, 2017

As I go over that list I know Leon Panetta didn't last long under Obama. I personally think that is because Obama didn't like what Panetta had to say.

Then the next one Petraeus well we know how that ended after just a year. I am sure he didn't tell Obama what he wanted to hear either.

Then came Brennan his trusty partisan aide. And then all was good with Obama.

Don't know what to think about this Moby story but the way the Obama administration played politically weaponizing agencies who knows.

Moby is a liar and this is complete nonsense. Panetta was entrusted by BHO to command the mission to kill UBL, and was rewarded by being made Secretary of Defense.
What the hell does that even mean ? They were demoted for something not related to the dossier and the FBIs investigation ?

They're both neck deep in this scandal, both had direct ties to Fusion GPS and Steele and Ohr's wife was employed by Fusion GPS

Bruce Ohr was demoted AGAIN, removed from his other senior DOJ position recently. Right after the House Intel commitee recieved subpoenaed FBI and DOJ documents

Question you keep on avoiding
Do you believe Moby- Yes - No?
Moby is a liar and this is complete nonsense. Panetta was entrusted by BHO to command the mission to kill UBL, and was rewarded by being made Secretary of Defense.

Well Jack, there's so much crap in the news it is getting tough to figure out what is fact.

But anything to do with those who were in charge of our Intel agencies and the DOJ during the Obama administration I have become skeptic of them. If it turns out the FBI and DOJ and other agencies had anything to do with dressing up that Trump Dossier as counter intelligence there is going to be the biggest ****storm this country has ever seen.

I in all my years have never seen two former intel directors turn into political hacks as the likes of Clapper and Brennan. And you can add Comey to that list too.

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