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Militarized police forces throughout the US carry out mass arrests (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 12, 2015
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Mass arrests are occurring as thousands protest police violence and institutional racism in cities all across the USA.

Following the killing of five police officers by a lone gunman, Micah Xavier Johnson, police and government officials have used the attack to further curb democratic rights and clamp down on anti-police brutality protests across the country.

According to CNN, at least 309 individuals have been arrested in New York City, New York; Chicago, Illinois; St. Paul, Minnesota; and Baton Rouge, Louisiana for participating in protests against the police killings of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling.

St. Paul police arrested 46 individuals last Saturday night on charges of third-degree riot for allegedly marching onto Interstate-94 and injuring 21 officers by throwing rocks at them. Bail was set at $1,500 for each gross misdemeanor charge, and they could appear in court as early as this morning.
On Sunday, St. Paul police arrested another 52 demonstrators for marching on Grand Avenue. They are currently being cited for public nuisance and unlawful assembly.

In Baton Rouge, riot police armed with military grade equipment had arrested some 102 protesters by Saturday night, most of whom were charged with obstructing public property. Among those arrested was prominent Black Lives Matter activist DeRay McKesson. He was charged with allegedly blocking traffic.
McKesson, who was taken to East Baton Rouge Parish Prison, described conditions in the prison to the New York Times, stating, “Not everybody could fit. Some of us had to stand. I, like many other people, slept on the floor or didn’t sleep at all because there just wasn’t enough room.”

McKesson also claimed that prior to his arrest police had attempted to provoke individuals. Witnesses say police tackled McKesson and slammed him to the ground, in what appeared to be a deliberate targeting. The incident was captured on a cellphone video. McKesson was released on Sunday.

According to CBS News, officers also arrested dozens of protesters who had been invited to demonstrate in a local Baton Rouge woman’s yard. Video footage shows that officers in riot gear surrounded the house before moving onto the property to carry out the arrests. Police officials later justified these actions by claiming that protesters planned on marching onto the interstate and disrupting traffic.

Militarized police forces throughout the US carry out mass arrests - World Socialist Web Site
Where in the United States have the police and the military "merged"?

The real question is:

The real question is:

That is easy.
When it was realized that swat gear was beneficial to the regular force as well.

It does seem as though the intimidation factor is working well.
Mass arrests are occurring as thousands protest police violence and institutional racism in cities all across the USA.

Militarized police forces throughout the US carry out mass arrests - World Socialist Web Site

This implied criticism is noted.

Being militarized when dealing with crowd control is smart. You can't put 100 officers into a crowd of hundreds expecting them to perform crowd control without protecting them. Don't give them riot gear? Be prepared to bury people.
The real question is:


Yeah, you're right, cops shouldn't be allowed to wear safety equipment. They should be required to throw themselves into harm's way without any additional equipment. :roll:
Yeah, you're right, cops shouldn't be allowed to wear safety equipment. They should be required to throw themselves into harm's way without any additional equipment. :roll:

Because that's totally what I said.

This implied criticism is noted.

Being militarized when dealing with crowd control is smart. You can't put 100 officers into a crowd of hundreds expecting them to perform crowd control without protecting them. Don't give them riot gear? Be prepared to bury people.

Mornin' Maggie!

I see what you're saying, here. However, I think sometimes the overly aggressive response on the part of LEOs can contribute to the overall escalation of a situation. IOW, a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts is set up.

I'm currently visiting my folks in Atlanta, and we all watched Fri as the events unfolded. There were only 3 arrests (all of which occurred early Sat morning), no property damage, no injuries. I have to wonder if the response tactics of the APD didn't contribute to that outcome. It was quite a different scene here than in other parts of the country.


Clearly, SWAT was there in the back. Just not the first line of "defense."

Just my :twocents: ;)
Because that's totally what I said.


That's more or less what's implied by the pictures.
Police are going to organize and wear body protection, when it ratio of people to them is often over 10:1.

A six shot revolver and bullet in your shirt pocket, like Barney Fife, isn't going to cut it.

Did you see the San Jose Trump protest?
Supporters got assaulted left and right, with little to no police intervention.
Want that to become to new norm?
Mornin' Maggie!

I see what you're saying, here. However, I think sometimes the overly aggressive response on the part of LEOs can contribute to the overall escalation of a situation. IOW, a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts is set up.

I'm currently visiting my folks in Atlanta, and we all watched Fri as the events unfolded. There were only 3 arrests (all of which occurred early Sat morning), no property damage, no injuries. I have to wonder if the response tactics of the APD didn't contribute to that outcome. It was quite a different scene here than in other parts of the country.

View attachment 67204077

Clearly, SWAT was there in the back. Just not the first line of "defense."

Just my :twocents: ;)

Excellent point about SWAT on the back lines ready to step forward. I think many police depts look at it the way you do...self-fulfilling prophesy. Today and for the foreseeable future, I can see them putting the safety of their officers above all else, though. Too high a probability of copycats.
Perhaps, if the people acted a civil manner, there would be zero arrests.

Perhaps if governments governed in a lawful manner, there would be no protests?

Football requores heltmets. Are they militarized? They used to play without.

Ditto hockey, baseball, etc. Or, did they realize body protection works?

Football does not require Armored Personnel Carriers, War Bots, Assault Rifles, Grenades, Rocket launchers, Heavy machine guns...
Could the riots be the result of Dems promising everything to the "underclass" and then failing to deliver?
Could the riots be the result of Dems promising everything to the "underclass" and then failing to deliver?

I say they aren't rioting enough. We need complete and utter chaos. This election and this rampant police brutality has proven that the government considers us the enemy. They will never help us. They will not fullfill their promises. They NEVER WILL. Dictators free themselves and enslave the people.
I say they aren't rioting enough. We need complete and utter chaos. This election and this rampant police brutality has proven that the government considers us the enemy. They will never help us. They will not fullfill their promises. They NEVER WILL. Dictators free themselves and enslave the people.
Would you post your location so the rioters can start in your neighborhood?
MY government is helping me a lot, has been since 1963. Of course, it wasn't free....I had to play the part of indentured servant (U. S. Navy) for a long time. But now I am enjoying the good life, living in an area where a "riot" is more likely to be a few dozen people holding signs and the media cropping the pics and editing the videos to avoid showing that the turnout is so low.
Law abiding citizens don't riot, they use the courts to solve such problems.

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