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Migrant boats in the English channel (1 Viewer)

Infinite Chaos

DP Veteran
Oct 28, 2007
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Political Leaning
~ A group of 20 people - including 18 Albanian migrants and two children - were rescued from an inflatable boat off the coast of Kent on Sunday.~

Those on board the boat reportedly alerted their families in Calais after their inflatable boat started taking in water ~

Was only a matter of time, the fact the authorities only found out because one of the migrants made a phone call for help shows that our sea patrols need beefing up.

What humane solutions should be involved in solving this issue?
Was only a matter of time, the fact the authorities only found out because one of the migrants made a phone call for help shows that our sea patrols need beefing up.

What humane solutions should be involved in solving this issue?

They are Albanians.. illegals, send them home.

As for boats in the channel. Well if the UK leaves the EU then those will explode in numbers, but if the UK stays and finally agrees to change the migration rules for non-EU citizens and refugees, then they could go away.
Was only a matter of time, the fact the authorities only found out because one of the migrants made a phone call for help shows that our sea patrols need beefing up.

What humane solutions should be involved in solving this issue?

3400 KM of coastline is pretty hard to patrol, even with modern radar and aerial support. When you add the often foggy weather into the mix, it compounds the problem.
Was only a matter of time, the fact the authorities only found out because one of the migrants made a phone call for help shows that our sea patrols need beefing up.

What humane solutions should be involved in solving this issue?

Firing several shots across their bows to show you mean business, then towing them back to within sight of France (or wherever is closest) and let them row or swim to shore. :shrug:

If you let them set foot on English soil then some bleeding heart activists will try to make it a permanent arrangement.
Was only a matter of time, the fact the authorities only found out because one of the migrants made a phone call for help shows that our sea patrols need beefing up.

What humane solutions should be involved in solving this issue?

Drop them in France.
They are Albanians.. illegals, send them home.

As for boats in the channel. Well if the UK leaves the EU then those will explode in numbers, but if the UK stays and finally agrees to change the migration rules for non-EU citizens and refugees, then they could go away.

Why would the numbers explode? The EUpeans would want to give the UK a hard time? That is, what I have always thought the largest risk, although, it would be the lesser reason to stay in.
3400 KM of coastline is pretty hard to patrol, even with modern radar and aerial support. When you add the often foggy weather into the mix, it compounds the problem.

The Chanel is not an easy piece of water and the boots would have to be boarded in France or Holland or some such, where the police are relatively effective in controlling the masses. Unless the governments wanted the refugees to cross, only very few would make it.
Why would the numbers explode? The EUpeans would want to give the UK a hard time? That is, what I have always thought the largest risk, although, it would be the lesser reason to stay in.

No, but the UK and EU would have to negotiate a deal to either/or prevent such boats going to the UK and of course if the EU would take back those people. These deals take time to negotiate. Just being realistic here. Right now the Brits can send them back no questions asked, but once the French border becomes an external border then the rules will change.
Five coastguard launches (3 operational) and a couple of police boats can't cover it. The running down of the coastguard service means even watchers will be voluntary.
No, but the UK and EU would have to negotiate a deal to either/or prevent such boats going to the UK and of course if the EU would take back those people. These deals take time to negotiate. Just being realistic here. Right now the Brits can send them back no questions asked, but once the French border becomes an external border then the rules will change.

The deal could be easy to negotiate or hard. And as I said, the EU has every reason to harm any country opting out, as it is a shambles and a successful exit cum immediate improvement would motivate forces all through Europe.
The deal could be easy to negotiate or hard. And as I said, the EU has every reason to harm any country opting out, as it is a shambles and a successful exit cum immediate improvement would motivate forces all through Europe.

Typical you blaming the EU for everything. Do you really think the EU would agree to anything that they dont get anything out off? Your whole anti-Europe view is that the Europe will just bend over and take it up the ass by the UK. Why should we? The UK is the one wanting a divorce, not us. So why on earth should we agree to anything with the UK without getting something in return?
Typical you blaming the EU for everything. Do you really think the EU would agree to anything that they dont get anything out off? Your whole anti-Europe view is that the Europe will just bend over and take it up the ass by the UK. Why should we? The UK is the one wanting a divorce, not us. So why on earth should we agree to anything with the UK without getting something in return?

"They" always have gotten things out of it. It would be silly to say otherwise. The problem is that the peoples did not get, what they had been promised EUeans and many lost their lives either economically or even physically. So nastiness and deceit to the point of cutting the nose off in spite of the face would surprise nobody coming from a EUean.

That is not to say that leaving the EU is a good idea for GB. Only that it is the way the EU acts.
Was only a matter of time, the fact the authorities only found out because one of the migrants made a phone call for help shows that our sea patrols need beefing up.

What humane solutions should be involved in solving this issue?

They should do everything they can to discourage illegal immigration and people won't risk life and limb on boat in the English Channel in order to illegally enter. If they are allowed to stay then they are basically rewarded for trying to come into a country illegally which encourages more people do to the same.
"They" always have gotten things out of it. It would be silly to say otherwise.

What are you talking about?

The problem is that the peoples did not get, what they had been promised EUeans and many lost their lives either economically or even physically. So nastiness and deceit to the point of cutting the nose off in spite of the face would surprise nobody coming from a EUean.

Do you copy and paste this crap into every thread? You have yet to define who these "peoples" are, let alone the "promises", the lives lost and all that. Would be nice for once that you provide some sort of evidence to your clear isolationistic nationalistic rhetoric... hell just define who "peoples" are and what promises....
The only ones who will benefit from a divorce are the lawyers.
What are you talking about?

Do you copy and paste this crap into every thread? You have yet to define who these "peoples" are, let alone the "promises", the lives lost and all that. Would be nice for once that you provide some sort of evidence to your clear isolationistic nationalistic rhetoric... hell just define who "peoples" are and what promises....

If you do not know the EU losers in this, you don'T read the financial and economic news very closely.
Interesting, and concerning, is the fact that these Albanians were being smuggled across by British criminals. I thought people-trafficking was the preserve of nasty, foreign types.
Interesting, and concerning, is the fact that these Albanians were being smuggled across by British criminals. I thought people-trafficking was the preserve of nasty, foreign types.

I don't think the Albanian Mob is as big in England as it is in Paris......

Criminals are criminals. Regardless of nationality, they'll do whatever to make a quick buck.
If you do not know the EU losers in this, you don'T read the financial and economic news very closely.
So you won't name "them".

Well seeing how you clearly don't read much of any relevance yourself, not surprising.
So you won't name "them".

Well seeing how you clearly don't read much of any relevance yourself, not surprising.

Anyone that knows the numbers would be embarrassed to say, what you just said. But if you Google "eu unemployment youth" and any variety of other indices you will very rapidly see, who the losers are. Or that a look at pension plans and any number of other social works that are foundering now instead of in ten years. You don't really think that Germany were the "Sick Man of Europe" and lost a decade's growth for nothing do you. It was the same Euro that is pushing France into street unrest right now. I cannot believe that anyone could have missed the huge number of losers from the sloppily made EU nor is it feasible that anyone could believe that the Marie le Pens' of Europe are due to a well run European Union, even if they haven't read the Treaties and economic literature.
They are Albanians.. illegals, send them home.

As for boats in the channel. Well if the UK leaves the EU then those will explode in numbers, but if the UK stays and finally agrees to change the migration rules for non-EU citizens and refugees, then they could go away.


Are you serious?
Anyone that knows the numbers would be embarrassed to say, what you just said. But if you Google "eu unemployment youth" and any variety of other indices you will very rapidly see, who the losers are. Or that a look at pension plans and any number of other social works that are foundering now instead of in ten years. You don't really think that Germany were the "Sick Man of Europe" and lost a decade's growth for nothing do you. It was the same Euro that is pushing France into street unrest right now. I cannot believe that anyone could have missed the huge number of losers from the sloppily made EU nor is it feasible that anyone could believe that the Marie le Pens' of Europe are due to a well run European Union, even if they haven't read the Treaties and economic literature.
Well, I cannot (and will not) go into every aspect of this gish-galloping rant, but an elaboration on Germany being (having been?) the sick man of Europe for a decade would be interesting. Especially since the inference seems to be (with you I can only guess at what you're actually trying to say, since you never say anything clearly) that the sickness is (was?) somehow linked to the common currency.

You gonna try and, for once, make a concise case of that one?
Anyone that knows the numbers would be embarrassed to say, what you just said. But if you Google "eu unemployment youth" and any variety of other indices you will very rapidly see, who the losers are.

But the EU has absolutely nothing relevant to do with each individual countries labour laws, which is what causes youth unemployment... So you are blaming the EU for the lack of actions and failed policies of national governments going back decades.... what the hell? The only involvement the EU has on labour laws, is to make sure that EU citizens are not discriminated against. Had the EU been in any way involved in labour laws on the scale you claim, then France and Spain would not have been in the situation they are.. because it is 70% due to failed labour laws.

Or that a look at pension plans and any number of other social works that are foundering now instead of in ten years.

What the HELL does the EU have to do with national pension plans? Absolutely NOTHING! Funding of national pensions is and has always been the job of national governments, just as healthcare, school, military, justice, and social programs have been.

You don't really think that Germany were the "Sick Man of Europe" and lost a decade's growth for nothing do you.

What??!?!?!?! Germany the sick man of Europe? HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.. you got to be ****ing kidding me.. And you are blaming the EU for that? How about blaming the cold war and gobling a failed state called East Germany for any problems in Germany? Noooo you just blame the EU, much easier..

It was the same Euro that is pushing France into street unrest right now.

WHAT? Are you ****ing kidding me? You have lost it.. seriously. The reason France is in the streets (which is not uncommon) is that the government is finally starting to tackle the utter **** labour laws in France that is causing youth unemployment and a high structural unemployment. It has absolutely nothing to do with the Euro or the EU. It has been a problem in France (and Spain, and Italy) long before the EU even existed. The EU has been pressuring France and others to liberalize their labour laws, but that is all.. a suggestion with zero ability to back that up with actions. Those countries that have liberalized their labour system have seen great progress and wealth.. Denmark comes to mind. 1980s.. an unemployment rate of 7% was seen as full employment. Now that is under 2% if not lower, and that was due to massive changes in labour laws.. away from the France/Spain systems to a more open and free system.

I cannot believe that anyone could have missed the huge number of losers from the sloppily made EU nor is it feasible that anyone could believe that the Marie le Pens' of Europe are due to a well run European Union, even if they haven't read the Treaties and economic literature.

What I cant believe is that you keep blaming the EU and Europe in general for the failed policies of national governments. Le Pens possible rise into power has nothing to do with the EU, because the EU does not control the immigration of Algerians/Moroccans to France. The EU is nothing but a scapegoat for failed national policies that both the left and right cant admit. On top of that, the far right is exploiting the situation with their xenophobic racist Islamphobic and in some cases anti-Semitic rhetoric and blaming the establishment and the EU for all the problems of the land.

Like Farage once said.. it was the fault of those EU migrants that there was ques on the M5, which made him come late to a TV show.... and if you believe that kind of ****, then you have totally lost it.
Well, I cannot (and will not) go into every aspect of this gish-galloping rant, but an elaboration on Germany being (having been?) the sick man of Europe for a decade would be interesting. Especially since the inference seems to be (with you I can only guess at what you're actually trying to say, since you never say anything clearly) that the sickness is (was?) somehow linked to the common currency.

You gonna try and, for once, make a concise case of that one?

This is not the article I as thinking of, but it comes quite close albeit from a slightly different angle. The sick man of the euro | The Economist

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