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Meena Harris' Tweet Blaming White Men for Boulder Shooting Got 6,500 Retweets, 35K Likes Before Deletion (1 Viewer)

Muslim is not a race. Where did you get those stats, I've been challenged finding much on some of the shooters?
I provided the database in the link. And while Muslim isnt a race, it damn sure deserves its own category.

The Mother Jones Database on Mass shootings includes ALL mass shootings that meet the FBI criteria. I like the Mother Jones source because they are a very liberal media source, very Anti-gun, and the database is 'fair'.

The Washington Post has the same database resource for police shootings resulting in deaths. Both are very valuable.
Biden made sure the "white terrorist male" narrative was set in stone after the mass shooting in GA, as he and his President dropped everything to fly down to GA and make sure everyone knew it was a racist, hate crime.
Before an investigation even got a good head start.
We will get nowhere with the Divider in Chief redux in office.

When the facts are against you, play your "victim of lyin' libruls" card!

White Supremacists Killed More Americans Than Muslim ...
"White supremacists have killed about nine times as many Americans as Muslim extremists have during terrorist attacks carried out in the U.S. in recent years, according to a report released Thursday by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism's Global Terrorism Database.

The annual report shared data the GTD collected throughout 2019 on terrorist attacks carried out in the U.S. and abroad and compared it with information compiled in previous years. The data included the number of attacks reported in each country, those attacks' targets, the number of victims and perpetrators killed and the organizations behind each incident..."

FBI director raises alarm about white supremacy, Russian interference; Trump’s DHS chief skips hearing

New York Daily News |Sep 17, 2020

September 17, 2020:

Capitol Breach Cases | USAO-DC | Department of Justice
Following arrests, or surrender, defendants must appear before district court magistrate/judge where the arrest takes place, in accordance with the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. See the FBI Most Wanted List for the U.S. Capitol Violence
Capitol Violence — FBI
View the latest press releases on charges and arrests related to the violence at the U.S. Capitol. Pipe Bombs in D.C. A reward of up to $100,000 is available for information leading to the...

DOJ Refers Ex-Trump Appointee Who Led DC Attorney's Office for Internal Investigation Over Capitol Riots Interview
Law|1 day ago
A federal judge said DOJ lawyers "should know better" than to make public comments about pending cases, and said he wouldn't hesitate to impose a gag order or sanction attorneys.

Antigovernment Movement | Southern Poverty Law Center
The Intelligence Project identified 566 extreme antigovernment groups that were active in 2020, down from 576 in 2019. Of these groups, 169 were militias (marked with an asterisk), down from 181 in 2019. ..
Oklahoma City bombing - Wikipedia
...Perpetrated by anti-government extremists Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, the bombing happened at 9:02 am and killed at least 168 people, injured more than 680 others, and destroyed more than one-third of the ...
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99% of violent crime is committed by men. White terrorism is all men. When it comes to violent crime, men are the problem. Violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to the country.

The FBI and DHS studied violence last year and came to the same conclusion: very conservative white men are domestic terrorists.
The FBI and DHS studied violence last year and came to the same conclusion: very conservative white men are domestic terrorists.

Minorities knew. It took us a minute.
Nuh uh - she made a statistically accurate comment that proved untrue in this outlier instance.
It is statistically accurate that nonwhites commit more murders.
This was a particularly stupid post. Ms Harris has 716k followers and according to her twitter bio: " she/her • BLM • proud Oakland native, mom, lawyer, #1 New York Times bestselling author of AMBITIOUS GIRL • #supportfarmersprotest"

Best selling authors are allowed to be criticized for what they post regardless to whom they are related. This is not a minor child.
Leftists idea of what 'Equal before the law' and 'equitable treatment' looks like.
The same sure to be enshrined in the legislation being passed, even now already.
Yup, we're already paying reparations, are denying white famers debt relief based on their skin color and have Democrats in Congress who refuse to confirm ANY Biden nominee if he or she is WHITE.
I provided the database in the link. And while Muslim isnt a race, it damn sure deserves its own category.

The Mother Jones Database on Mass shootings includes ALL mass shootings that meet the FBI criteria. I like the Mother Jones source because they are a very liberal media source, very Anti-gun, and the database is 'fair'.

The Washington Post has the same database resource for police shootings resulting in deaths. Both are very valuable.
I saw the database, I was wondering where you were getting the racial breakdown. You'd categorize all of these people in the same group? Not me.
Yup, we're already paying reparations, are denying white famers debt relief based on their skin color and have Democrats in Congress who refuse to confirm ANY Biden nominee if he or she is WHITE.
Source for those fat ones?
Source for those fat ones?
Fat what? Do you not know those are ALL true?

now...me...I always have a standard but I cant speak to the guy you are responding. But to me, Ive dealt with enough folk that demand sources and then just shriek "Nu UNNNN You are just a big poopy head...I hate Trump!" and then run from the conversation screeching. Or they just bail. So now, I need a commitment from people that they will acknowledge those as facts and condemn them when the source is give and not just make some lame ass excuse as to once its been proven, why its OK.

But again...thats just me.
ok, to the ADULTS in the room

you can't pass this off as a "mistake" Meena jumped the gun, plain and simple. Likely she wasn't the only one, how many of you out there can be honest and admit your first reaction was "yup, likely another white guy."

AT the same time this doesn't make Meena evil or vile or a posterchild for BLM or black grievance or anything else you might want to paint her as.

But politics being what it is, one side will try to excuse her and the other side will demonize her.

Because we have to score points for our side.

I am just GLAD and proud (so far) that no one has jumped on the "Muslims are all terrorists" bandwagon.

Maybe we are maturing into adults after all.

View attachment 67324622
It was another white guy. People from the middle east are all white, how else do you explain Jesus?
It is statistically accurate that nonwhites commit more murders.

The United States Census Bureau estimated that the population of New York was 19,336,776 on July 1, 2020,

• Total6,151,548
............................................................................................................................Trump ................................................................... Biden

2020 population - 6,886,834 (estimate)[5]

2019 murders :


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I'm glad she deleted the tweet, but I wish more public figures would run their comments through a brain before publicizing them. :rolleyes:
Fat what? Do you not know those are ALL true?

now...me...I always have a standard but I cant speak to the guy you are responding. But to me, Ive dealt with enough folk that demand sources and then just shriek "Nu UNNNN You are just a big poopy head...I hate Trump!" and then run from the conversation screeching. Or they just bail. So now, I need a commitment from people that they will acknowledge those as facts and condemn them when the source is give and not just make some lame ass excuse as to once its been proven, why its OK.

But again...thats just me.
No, I don't know they are true, as a matter of fact I know that at least one of them is false. I ask for a source when I don't believe people's statements.
No, I don't know they are true, as a matter of fact I know that at least one of them is false. I ask for a source when I don't believe people's statements.
Welll...lets see...it cant be the fact that Duckworth said she wouldnt vote for Biden's nominees unless they were minorities. Its not the Farm Bill that is specifically targeted to minorities and excludes non minority applicants...and it cant be that the fact that cities have already begun their reparation programs.

OK...I'll let you argue it out with him.
Welll...lets see...it cant be the fact that Duckworth said she wouldnt vote for Biden's nominees unless they were minorities. Its not the Farm Bill that is specifically targeted to minorities and excludes non minority applicants...and it cant be that the fact that cities have already begun their reparation programs.

OK...I'll let you argue it out with him.
It is the Farm bill. White farmers were specifically excluded because of malfeasance within loan programs to farmers where black farmers were excluded and white farmers benefitted.
99% of violent crime is committed by men. White terrorism is all men. When it comes to violent crime, men are the problem. Violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to the country.
and a chunk of them are Qanon or other conspiracy theory groups. Ooops!
Back on topic, why is what the VP's niece said important to anyone?
Back on topic, why is what the VP's niece said important to anyone?
ANYTHING AND ANYONE to distract from the disaster of the last President and to lick their wounds ;)
ANYTHING AND ANYONE to distract from the disaster of the last President and to lick their wounds ;)

Seems to me, every time one of their distractions fail, they start screeching about how black men are all murderers or some shit.
It was another white guy. People from the middle east are all white, how else do you explain Jesus?
Middle Easterners are whites now??? I guess the Muslim ban wasnt racist after all
ANYTHING AND ANYONE to distract from the disaster of the last President and to lick their wounds ;)
Talking about current events is now 'distracting' from the prior president?? Thats really stupid.

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