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Meena Harris' Tweet Blaming White Men for Boulder Shooting Got 6,500 Retweets, 35K Likes Before Deletion (2 Viewers)

Meena Harris is no different than the rest of the idiot left when it comes to mass shootings and mass killings. They know nothing and merely regurgitate the mindless leftist shit they have been spoon fed.

The myth of the Mass Killings being perpetrated by white males is just that...a myth. In fact if anyone bothered to study the racial composition of the 122 mass killings going back to 1982, you will find that the racial makeup of mass killings pretty closely mirrors our society. The last 10 mass killings have been perpetrated by 4 white males, 2 black men and 1 black woman, 2 Muslims, and 2 Latinos. 11-20 were perpetrated by 4 white men, 3 black men, and 3 latino men. In total, there have been 9 Asian shooters, 23 black shooters, 13 Latinos, 8 Muslims, 3 Native Americans, and 55 white shooters. Again...pretty representative of American society by race.

Now...add in the "mass shootings" anti gun leftists like to cite and you have approx 250-400 a YEAR...and virtually all of them perpetrated by minorities.
The political left has set race relations back by at least 50 years. The question is whether they're doing it intentionally or by accident. Are they evil, or are they just stupid?
Racist rightists have resurfaced every few decades since the civil war, as were seeing again today.
The political left has set race relations back by at least 50 years. The question is whether they're doing it intentionally or by accident. Are they evil, or are they just stupid?

Have you found Obamas Kenyan BC? If so please forward to Trump
Wrong, Meena Harris is a racist who tried to spin a tragedy for her own deranged political gain.

What is her political gain?
Attacking a person's niece for a Tweet, lmao. The Republican party, ladies and gentlemen.
White males of the Never Responsible Annihilators have been defending and protecting gun traffickers since the Revolt of Cincinnati in 1977.

Not sure what your point is/why you responded to my post when white males, annihilators, gun traffickers, Cincinnati, and the '70's have nothing to do with Meena Harris.
Nuh uh - she made a statistically accurate comment that proved untrue in this outlier instance.

Nonsense. She doesnt have a shred of evidence to suggest this is terrorism and it is black men that pose the greatest threat of murder.
Nonsense. She doesnt have a shred of evidence to suggest this is terrorism and it is black men that pose the greatest threat of murder.

According to national security orgs domestic white nationalists are the greatest terrorist threat.
ok, to the ADULTS in the room

you can't pass this off as a "mistake" Meena jumped the gun, plain and simple. Likely she wasn't the only one, how many of you out there can be honest and admit your first reaction was "yup, likely another white guy."

AT the same time this doesn't make Meena evil or vile or a posterchild for BLM or black grievance or anything else you might want to paint her as.

But politics being what it is, one side will try to excuse her and the other side will demonize her.

Because we have to score points for our side.

I am just GLAD and proud (so far) that no one has jumped on the "Muslims are all terrorists" bandwagon.

Maybe we are maturing into adults after all.

Not sure what your point is/why you responded to my post when white males, annihilators, gun traffickers, Cincinnati, and the '70's have nothing to do with Meena Harris.
I think my comment on this page says it all
She jumped the gun. Simple
Meena Harris, the niece of Vice President Kamala Harris, received more than 6,000 retweets and 35,000 likes on a since-deleted tweet, blaming white men for the violent shooting in Boulder, Colorado, on Monday.
According to screenshots of the deleted tweet, as of 6:59 p.m. ET on Monday, Harris received 6,564 retweets, 35,700 likes and over 300 quote tweets.
"The Atlanta shooting was not even a week ago. Violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country," Harris wrote in the tweet that has since been deleted.

Meena Harris' Tweet Blaming White Men for Boulder Shooting Got 6,500 Retweets, 35K Likes Before Deletion (msn.com)

Clearly, we as a Nation still have a long way to go with regards to assumptions about race and painting with a broad brush....it cuts in every direction.
Care to list recent mass shootings not done by Caucasian males?
Any bets on how long before they begin to refer to him as a white middle eastern male?
Care to list recent mass shootings not done by Caucasian males?

Black males are slightly over-represented in mass shootings, but not by enough to be significant:

Race of mass shooters reflects the U.S. population

Broadly speaking, the racial distribution of mass shootings mirrors the racial distribution of the U.S. population as a whole. While a superficial comparison of the statistics seems to suggest African American shooters are over-represented and Latino shooters underrepresented, the fact that the shooter’s race is unclear in around five percent of cases, along with the different time frames over which these statistics are calculated means no such conclusions should be drawn.

Black males are slightly over-represented in mass shootings, but not by enough to be significant:
From your source...
"While a superficial comparison of the statistics seems to suggest African American shooters are over-represented and Latino shooters underrepresented, the fact that the shooter’s race is unclear in around five percent of cases, along with the different time frames over which these statistics are calculated means no such conclusions should be drawn."
99% of violent crime is committed by men. White terrorism is all men. When it comes to violent crime, men are the problem. Violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to the country.

And black men account for the majority of violent crimes committed in the US, including murders.
And black men account for the majority of violent crimes committed in the US, including murders.

About 50% of violent crime is committed by about 5% of the population: poor young white men. About 50% of violent crime is committed by about 5% of the population: poor young black men.

About 100% of violent crime is committed by about 10% of the population: poor young men.

Men are the problem. Uneducated men are taught to point at black people as a scapegoat.
Meena Harris, the niece of Vice President Kamala Harris, received more than 6,000 retweets and 35,000 likes on a since-deleted tweet, blaming white men for the violent shooting in Boulder, Colorado, on Monday.
According to screenshots of the deleted tweet, as of 6:59 p.m. ET on Monday, Harris received 6,564 retweets, 35,700 likes and over 300 quote tweets.
"The Atlanta shooting was not even a week ago. Violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country," Harris wrote in the tweet that has since been deleted.

Meena Harris' Tweet Blaming White Men for Boulder Shooting Got 6,500 Retweets, 35K Likes Before Deletion (msn.com)

Clearly, we as a Nation still have a long way to go with regards to assumptions about race and painting with a broad brush....it cuts in every direction.

My concern is that this meaningless event provides further cover for the real problem, Meena's parents (mother is sister of the VPOTUS and U.S. Senate, tie-breaking vote, step-father, sell-out to a stock scam, labor exploitation scheme).

Meena's divisive tweet will disappear from all focus, but the beatings will continue to be inflicted on Uber's drivers and bag-holder, recent "investors" until its PR machine no longer serves as a substitute for actual (not EBIDA) profits earned while operating in the actual framework of the law.

Meena's mother and step-father are possibly among the worst liabilities of the Biden Admin. it is likely to do nothing to relieve itself of.

Uber, on its best day, extracts labor and material resources of the poor and redistributes them to the wealthy, losing $20 billion in less than two years. All the while making promises of a bright, profitable future sending its stock price from pandemic low below $14, into the $70s. Uber recently invested more than $100 million in a California voting referendum benefiting all but Uber's own drivers.

"Derek Anthony West (born August 12, 1965) is an American attorney and former government official, and the current chief legal officer of Uber.[1][2] ....
Personal life
West married Maya Harris, the sister of future Vice President Kamala Harris, in July 1998.[62][63] They were both in the class of 1992 at Stanford Law School.[64] .."
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Meena Harris is an opportunist and a loose cannon too who is creating diplomatic issues for her aunt. Meena Harris: Why is Kamala’s niece causing a stir in the White House? | Evening Standard
A 'loose cannon' which showed exactly how fast a lie can run across the planet a light speed, confirming conformation bias all those who re-Tweeted.

Too bad the correct and accurate information can't match it, and never does.

The only reasonable position is to never believe the flurry of Tweets or so called 'news' reports until some 48 to 72 hours after the event and some actual facts are determined and reported from the investigation.
From your source...
"While a superficial comparison of the statistics seems to suggest African American shooters are over-represented and Latino shooters underrepresented, the fact that the shooter’s race is unclear in around five percent of cases, along with the different time frames over which these statistics are calculated means no such conclusions should be drawn."

You must have a severe reading comprehension problem to think that what I wrote is inconsistent with that text. I posted the entire paragraph that you reposted here.

You implied that white males were over-represented as mass shooters. My point was to show that you're wrong. As usual.
Meena Harris is no different than the rest of the idiot left when it comes to mass shootings and mass killings. They know nothing and merely regurgitate the mindless leftist shit they have been spoon fed.

The myth of the Mass Killings being perpetrated by white males is just that...a myth. In fact if anyone bothered to study the racial composition of the 122 mass killings going back to 1982, you will find that the racial makeup of mass killings pretty closely mirrors our society. The last 10 mass killings have been perpetrated by 4 white males, 2 black men and 1 black woman, 2 Muslims, and 2 Latinos. 11-20 were perpetrated by 4 white men, 3 black men, and 3 latino men. In total, there have been 9 Asian shooters, 23 black shooters, 13 Latinos, 8 Muslims, 3 Native Americans, and 55 white shooters. Again...pretty representative of American society by race.

Now...add in the "mass shootings" anti gun leftists like to cite and you have approx 250-400 a YEAR...and virtually all of them perpetrated by minorities.

Are you suggesting liberals talk out of their ass because they're too dishonest and stupid to present actual facts?


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