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Meena Harris' Tweet Blaming White Men for Boulder Shooting Got 6,500 Retweets, 35K Likes Before Deletion (1 Viewer)


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Meena Harris, the niece of Vice President Kamala Harris, received more than 6,000 retweets and 35,000 likes on a since-deleted tweet, blaming white men for the violent shooting in Boulder, Colorado, on Monday.
According to screenshots of the deleted tweet, as of 6:59 p.m. ET on Monday, Harris received 6,564 retweets, 35,700 likes and over 300 quote tweets.
"The Atlanta shooting was not even a week ago. Violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country," Harris wrote in the tweet that has since been deleted.

Meena Harris' Tweet Blaming White Men for Boulder Shooting Got 6,500 Retweets, 35K Likes Before Deletion (msn.com)

Clearly, we as a Nation still have a long way to go with regards to assumptions about race and painting with a broad brush....it cuts in every direction.
Meena Harris, the niece of Vice President Kamala Harris, received more than 6,000 retweets and 35,000 likes on a since-deleted tweet, blaming white men for the violent shooting in Boulder, Colorado, on Monday.
According to screenshots of the deleted tweet, as of 6:59 p.m. ET on Monday, Harris received 6,564 retweets, 35,700 likes and over 300 quote tweets.
"The Atlanta shooting was not even a week ago. Violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country," Harris wrote in the tweet that has since been deleted.

Meena Harris' Tweet Blaming White Men for Boulder Shooting Got 6,500 Retweets, 35K Likes Before Deletion (msn.com)

Clearly, we as a Nation still have a long way to go with regards to assumptions about race and painting with a broad brush....it cuts in every direction.

No, it really doesn’t. The conservative social media sphere is essentially dedicated to distributing disinfo. Meena Harris made an error.
No, it really doesn’t. The conservative social media sphere is essentially dedicated to distributing disinfo. Meena Harris made an error.
She didnt make an error, she made a race based assumption and jumped to conclusions.....its not pretty when its directed against minorities, its not pretty when it directed against anyone else.
She didnt make an error, she made a race based assumption and jumped to conclusions.....its not pretty when its directed against minorities, its not pretty when it directed against anyone else.

Nuh uh - she made a statistically accurate comment that proved untrue in this outlier instance.
Nuh uh - she made a statistically accurate comment that proved untrue in this outlier instance.
Another graduate of the Don Trump/Al Sharpton school of race relations. :rolleyes:

You do love your broad brush.
99% of violent crime is committed by men. White terrorism is all men. When it comes to violent crime, men are the problem. Violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to the country.
I always pay attention to what the nieces and nephews of our vice presidents post. Who wouldn't?
She didnt make an error, she made a race based assumption and jumped to conclusions.....its not pretty when its directed against minorities, its not pretty when it directed against anyone else.

She likely did what CNN and MSNBC hosts did when they saw the video of the (alleged) perp being led away in handcuffs - based on his light skin tone, the Syrian immigrant was initially described as a white man.
She likely did what CNN and MSNBC hosts did when they saw the video of the (alleged) perp being led away in handcuffs - based on his light skin tone, the Syrian immigrant was initially described as a white man.
Apparently color can be quite misleading.....
She didnt make an error, she made a race based assumption and jumped to conclusions.....its not pretty when its directed against minorities, its not pretty when it directed against anyone else.

So now white people are gonna be oppressed? No. So who gives a ****. The white victim cult, that's who cares. Normal white people are not claiming the Harris kid has victimized us.
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Meena Harris, the niece of Vice President Kamala Harris, received more than 6,000 retweets and 35,000 likes on a since-deleted tweet, blaming white men for the violent shooting in Boulder, Colorado, on Monday.
According to screenshots of the deleted tweet, as of 6:59 p.m. ET on Monday, Harris received 6,564 retweets, 35,700 likes and over 300 quote tweets.
"The Atlanta shooting was not even a week ago. Violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country," Harris wrote in the tweet that has since been deleted.

Meena Harris' Tweet Blaming White Men for Boulder Shooting Got 6,500 Retweets, 35K Likes Before Deletion (msn.com)

Clearly, we as a Nation still have a long way to go with regards to assumptions about race and painting with a broad brush....it cuts in every direction.

Meena Harris is an opportunist and a loose cannon too who is creating diplomatic issues for her aunt. Meena Harris: Why is Kamala’s niece causing a stir in the White House? | Evening Standard
Apparently color can be quite misleading.....

Yep, when race and ethnicity are commingled things tend to get rather complicated. George Zimmerman was a white Hispanic and Elizabeth Warren was (or maybe still is?) a Native American. ;)
Meena Harris, the niece of Vice President Kamala Harris, received more than 6,000 retweets and 35,000 likes on a since-deleted tweet, blaming white men for the violent shooting in Boulder, Colorado, on Monday.
According to screenshots of the deleted tweet, as of 6:59 p.m. ET on Monday, Harris received 6,564 retweets, 35,700 likes and over 300 quote tweets.
"The Atlanta shooting was not even a week ago. Violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country," Harris wrote in the tweet that has since been deleted.

Meena Harris' Tweet Blaming White Men for Boulder Shooting Got 6,500 Retweets, 35K Likes Before Deletion (msn.com)

Clearly, we as a Nation still have a long way to go with regards to assumptions about race and painting with a broad brush....it cuts in every direction.
God, she's as dumb as Kamala.
Feeling a little stupid here...

Nearly every law enforcement and intelligence agency in the country agree that white supremacists are the leading cause of domestic terrorism today.

So...technically speaking...what's the issue here?

Why do you consider the recent mass shootings in either Atlanta or Boulder to be domestic terrorism or the (alleged) perps to be white supremacists?
She likely did what CNN and MSNBC hosts did when they saw the video of the (alleged) perp being led away in handcuffs - based on his light skin tone, the Syrian immigrant was initially described as a white man.


Syrians are Eurasian Caucasians, ergo White. He is a well tanned white man and if he is the shooter, then the comment by Meena Harris will be in fact correct. Arabs are white folks who speak a Semetic language, not a separate race or biological grouping. If an Israeli other than a Falasha (Ethiopian Jew) had shot folks in Colorado, then would you still be denying the whiteness of the alleged shooter?

Cheers and be well.
Why do you consider the recent mass shootings in either Atlanta or Boulder to be domestic terrorism or the (alleged) perps to be white supremacists?

I derped. Never mind.

Syrians are Eurasian Caucasians, ergo White. He is a well tanned white man and if he is the shooter, then the comment by Meena Harris will be in fact correct. Arabs are white folks who speak a Semetic language, not a separate race or biological grouping. If an Israeli other than a Falasha (Ethiopian Jew) had shot folks in Colorado, then would you still be denying the whiteness of the alleged shooter?

Cheers and be well.

I’m not denying anything, I simply noted that the description of the (alleged) perp is evolving - thus the (likely) reason that the tweet was deleted.
No, it really doesn’t. The conservative social media sphere is essentially dedicated to distributing disinfo. Meena Harris made an error.

Wrong, Meena Harris is a racist who tried to spin a tragedy for her own deranged political gain.
The political left has set race relations back by at least 50 years. The question is whether they're doing it intentionally or by accident. Are they evil, or are they just stupid?
That's a broad, non-specific statement. Can you be more specific, maybe include some specific comparisons between 1971 and 1921? Thanks in advance.

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