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Male customer caught on video violently attacking female McDonald's employees (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 1, 2011
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Lower Hudson Valley, NY
Political Leaning
[h=1]Male customer caught on video violently attacking female McDonald's employees[/h]
[FONT=&quot]A male customer was arrested for assaulting two female McDonald’s employees, grabbing one over the counter and kicking the other in the stomach.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]In a spectator’s video taken on New Year’s Eve, customer Daniel Willis Taylor, 40, who is white, yelled at a black cashier named Yasmine James inside a St. Petersburg, Fla., McDonald’s, reaching across the counter and grabbing her by the collar. She fought back, punching him on the arm and pulling his shirt.



Florida again
People sure do seem to get emotional over their McNuggets and fries.
The mainstream media is anti Florida.
Good for her for fighting back. I'm disappointed to see the sad sack manager and others not coming to her aid as soon as assailant laid hands on her.

Further reading suggests he was charged with battery, and is in jail awaiting trial unable to post a $1,000 bond (Hope I got that right, never been through the justice system.)

No one dares come to her aid or they might get fired. Big companies never back up employees.
No one dares come to her aid or they might get fired. Big companies never back up employees.

Victim fantasy. If one can't be racist on the job, now one's gotta take beatings. "The oppression!"
No one dares come to her aid or they might get fired. Big companies never back up employees.

it's always been that way. It was Ray-gun who taught the employer to abuse his employee first, second and 3rd.
How many videos of idiots getting pissed off about their McOrder do we have to see?

No number of them could make me believe it's about the McOrder.
Not that I expect fast food restaurant managers to be superheroes, but that manager was particularly useless.
You go, sister !!!!
Not that I expect fast food restaurant managers to be superheroes, but that manager was particularly useless.

Too bad she didn't have a roll of quarters in her hand.
People sure do seem to get emotional over their McNuggets and fries.

No McNuggets at 10:30 am?

"Don't make me use my ultimate form!"

Headline should read " customer caught on camera assaulting McDonald's employee".

Cuz....men and women are equal, you know?
Dude should of gone to chick fli a. They hardly ever screw up an order.
Dayaaaammm she got some good punches!
How many videos of idiots getting pissed off about their McOrder do we have to see?

That likely depends on how many McIdiots are recording videos of those McOrdering.

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