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Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax mounts defense against sexual assault accusation, calls it an 'uncorroborate (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 11, 2009
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South Carolina
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Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, who over the weekend was championed by many Democrats as a successor to embattled Gov. Ralph Northam, is now fiercely defending his own reputation in the face of a sexual assault allegation.


Oh man....Now the Lt. Governor in VA is under fire as well? Doesn't bode well for democrats right now considering how the reaction would go if this were Republican's we were talking about here....
Oh man....Now the Lt. Governor in VA is under fire as well? Doesn't bode well for democrats right now considering how the reaction would go if this were Republican's we were talking about here....

Well, from what I understand, these allegations have thus far little to no corroborating evidence to back them up beyond the allegation itself. I would want to see more information before making a determination and calling for this man's personal and professional life to be forever ruined, even if he is with the political opposition. I am going to give Fairfax the same benefit of the doubt and hold him to the same standards that I held Justice Kavanaugh to.
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Oh man....Now the Lt. Governor in VA is under fire as well? Doesn't bode well for democrats right now considering how the reaction would go if this were Republican's we were talking about here....

Yep, these #metoo (she said/he said) situations of alleged events over a decade ago are messy to say the least. Criminal acts must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, yet allegations of errors in judgment (sex was had without proof of consent?) seem to require no more than a 'credible' (it could have happened?) allegation. If she seems genuinely that upset then he probably (must have?) made her so.
Oh man....Now the Lt. Governor in VA is under fire as well?
Yes, it seems Democrats mistakenly dismissed Republican concerns over due process when the Kavanaugh fracas went down, now they look quite hypocritical talking about "uncorroborated allegations".
Doesn't bode well for democrats right now
In more ways than one; the line of succession to the governorship in Virginia passes to the Speaker of the State legislature (a Republican)
how the reaction would go if this were Republican's we were talking about here....
Yes, there's that, but by now the public is inured, we all know we are expected to presume any uncorroborated allegation of this sort is true when the alleged perpetrator is a Republican, remember "believe the woman"! To expect any claim to be proven (or even substantiated by any evidence) is deemed an outrageous demand. Only if the accused is a Democrat can there be any presumption of innocence.
Well, from what I understand, these allegations have thus far little to no corroborating evidence to back them up beyond the allegation itself. I would want to see more information before making a determination and calling for this man's personal and professional life to be forever ruined, even if he is with the political opposition. I am going to give Fairfax the same benefit of the doubt and hold him to the same standards that I held Justice Kavanaugh to.
Good for you, but it makes the left look like complete hypocrites.
Seems like the entire premise in weaponizing public opinion is that, "if only the public new that candidate A did disgusting act X, they wouldn't vote for them". Society survived Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton, they could survive Ralph Northam and Justin Fairfax.

Society as a busy-body is disgusting.
Well, from what I understand, these allegations have thus far little to no corroborating evidence to back them up beyond the allegation itself.
Unlike Ford's Kavanaugh accusations, in this case we know when and where it happened, there is evidence both accused and accuser were present at the location when it is claimed the assault transpired, and the accused even admits he encountered his accuser at the same time and location, just describes the incident differently.
Good for you, but it makes the left look like complete hypocrites.

Can you define "hypocrite" for the rest of us? Because your use of the word strongly suggests that you don't know what it means.
Neither the Governor or Lt Governor should resign.

This is the whirlwind Kavvy talked about.
Oh man....Now the Lt. Governor in VA is under fire as well? Doesn't bode well for democrats right now considering how the reaction would go if this were Republican's we were talking about here....

For blue dog democrats it won't matter one whit.
Yes, it seems Democrats mistakenly dismissed Republican concerns over due process when the Kavanaugh fracas went down, now they look quite hypocritical talking about "uncorroborated allegations".

In more ways than one; the line of succession to the governorship in Virginia passes to the Speaker of the State legislature (a Republican)

Yes, there's that, but by now the public is inured, we all know we are expected to presume any uncorroborated allegation of this sort is true when the alleged perpetrator is a Republican, remember "believe the woman"! To expect any claim to be proven (or even substantiated by any evidence) is deemed an outrageous demand. Only if the accused is a Democrat can there be any presumption of innocence.

Good for you, but it makes the left look like complete hypocrites.

Can you define "hypocrite" for the rest of us? Because your use of the word strongly suggests that you don't know what it means.

In the context of the conversation, yes, I'd say he clearly knows what it means.
Eerily similar.

The woman accusing Democratic Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax of sexual assault 15 years ago has hired Christine Blasey Ford's legal team to represent her.

Vanessa Tyson, an associate professor of politics at Scripps College in California who is currently on leave, has accused Fairfax of sexual assault in a hotel room at the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston. Tyson’s Stanford colleague Jennifer Freyd told the Bay Area News Group on Tuesday that sometime last fall, at the start of their fellowship program, Tyson told Freyd and a couple of other colleagues about the 2004 encounter at the Boston convention.


In the context of the conversation, yes, I'd say he clearly knows what it means.

Actually, in the context of the discussion, it directly suggests that he doesn't, so I'd like to hear him define it for himself. Unless you're darkwizard's a sock, any further posts from you are unnecessary.
No evidence....They aren't going to resign......Try again

Well, in Governor's case. They have pictures. Ya' like pictures right?


In Lt Governor Fairfax's case........I thought you guys did away with all that "innocent until proven guilty" stuff. I definitely remember the Democratic leadership taking a stand against such things.

Booker: Doesn't Matter If Kavanaugh Is "Innocent Or Guilty," Trump Should Nominate Someone Else
Actually, in the context of the discussion, it directly suggests that he doesn't, so I'd like to hear him define it for himself. Unless you're darkwizard's a sock, any further posts from you are unnecessary.

By all means wait for him to "explain" things to you. Still, as far as I'm concerned he's spot on with his response.
By all means wait for him to "explain" things to you. Still, as far as I'm concerned he's spot on with his response.

Are you darkwizard's sock?
We believe survivors!!! We believe survivors!!! We believe survivors!!! 😂😂😂

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