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Looks like Obama is winning this election right now[W:90] (1 Viewer)

Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

Campaign spending. Click on the links in the OP. A bunch of people here are making this about everything else and there are a **** load of threads on this forum for you guys to talk obama and debates.

So this isn't the thread topic

Thread: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now[W:90]
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

Hhmm... indefensible eh? there are more private sector jobs than there were in January 2009 when Obama was sworn in.

We already know his record on healthcare,:mrgreen:what was Romneys employment record when he was gov?:2wave:

There are more discouraged workers thus unemployed today than when Obama took office. Better pay closer attention to the facts from non partisan sources not the leftwing media
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

would you be willing to consider staying on topic here? Or are you just going to keep baiting and agitating. Plenty of threads for you to bash obama.

IM telling you why Obama WONT win.. the economy is destroyed... no spectre of cheap energy( no Keystone or drilling), the GWB tax cuts not being renewed, and one year wont do it at under 250gs... and that jobs are leaving because our tax rate wont be lowered by Obama...and "Obamacare the destroyer and taking of our liberties"

because of that any educate person can not vote for Obama if they love the USA...
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Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

So this isn't the thread topic

Well I suppose if you ignore everying in the original post and instead focus on an isolated portion you could get confused. Just for fun, try reading the OP and the links in it and let me know if it makes a little more sense to you.
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

Were you this excited when the stock market hit 14000 under Bush? What does the stock market have to do with record unemployment, record debt, and declining GDP?

God Speed to you on enlightening here bro...LOL...
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

Well I suppose if you ignore everying in the original post and instead focus on an isolated portion you could get confused. Just for fun, try reading the OP and the links in it and let me know if it makes a little more sense to you.

All I did was copy the heading on this page and that is what that heading says.
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

Well I suppose if you ignore everying in the original post and instead focus on an isolated portion you could get confused. Just for fun, try reading the OP and the links in it and let me know if it makes a little more sense to you.

Then lead the way..and show us how on topic you are.. again Rassmussen released the numbers..I posted them..Rev Al Obama is now losing by 4 points with likely voters....so whats the subject again LOL..

most of us are now talking about the "why" behind the numbers..
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Moderator's Warning:
Fewer people can post in this thread now. I suggest getting back on topic, which is campaign finance and spending.
Money Wins Presidency and 9 of 10 Congressional Races in Priciest U.S. Election Ever - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

Whoever spends the most will win this election. That much is almost certain.

And right now

2012 Presidential Race | OpenSecrets

Obama has a 70 million dollar lead in this election.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows Mitt Romney attracting 48% of the vote, while President Obama earns support from 44%. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.

Rasmussen tells a different story my leeft wing friend:
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows Mitt Romney attracting 48% of the vote, while President Obama earns support from 44%. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.

Rasmussen tells a different story my leeft wing friend:

You did not read his post nor do you understand the electoral college system.
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

no, Obama is much more eliquent and knowledgable that Mitchell.

It helps when calling someone eloquent that you actually spell it correctly... ;)

Obama is definitely a good orator... Yet, he is awful when challenged by an unscripted comment or persistent pressure, and he has proven numerous times that he falters without the teleprompters…

Plus, many have already woken up to falling victim to the pied pipers tune from his hollow speeches of the last campaign, and have seen how his words don’t match his actions anyway… I wouldn’t be so secure in hoping Obama can sweet talk people into following him again…

Also, Obama is expected to be able to outdebate Romney, so there’s another advantage for Romney going into them…

It also helps when judging who is more knowledgeable, that you know how to spell that as well…

In what way is Obama more knowledgeable, than Romney?

Romney graduated from BYU summa cum laude (with highest praise), and then got a joint MBA and JD from Harvard, graduating as a Baker Scholar for being in the top 5% of his Harvard Business School class (even organizing a study group, which turned around all the people in the study group’s grades to get all A’s)

Then went on to be extremely successful in business, even starting his own business that earned him hundreds of millions of dollars…

He then went on to lead and organize the Olympics… which included international diplomacy, eliminating corruption, and organizing large scale construction projects, among other things…

Then he went on to lead a government, where as Governor of MA he closed a budget gap of nearly $3B in 2 years without raising taxes, and created a $2B rainy day fund in just 2 years… He also wrestled control of the Big Dig, the largest construction project in US History. He did this with a legislature dominated by the opposition party, as well.

He has also organized and lead the building of a local parish of his church, co-lead a Mormon mission, and raised 5 sons who are quite accomplished in their own right. He’s bilingual, and can speak fluent French, which he learned while on the mission, but used effectively when organizing the Olympics.

Obama may know more about the inner workings of this administration… he might be apprised of the current terror/security threats from briefings… and he might be more knowledgeable about being a drugged up waste of flesh… But, Romney would once getting those briefings, and he would be setting up his own administration, so he'd know it in and out (and you can guarantee that there'd be no Holder in it)...

On the other hand, Romney is quite accomplished, and master of numerous disciplines… in particular he is extremely versed in what it takes to lead large organizations, create growth, rebuild broken economies, balancing a budget, working with an opposition party to get things accomplished, managing large scale construction projects, create business, etc. (you know… all the things needed in a president at the moment)

Obama is yet to show he can manage a large organization effectively, balance a budget, work together with an opposition party to accomplish anything, oversee large scale construction projects effectively, create business, etc.
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

...Obama is yet to show he can manage a large organization effectively, balance a budget, work together with an opposition party to accomplish anything, oversee large scale construction projects effectively, create business, etc.

Obama tried to work with the GOP to reform the healthcare system, but the GOP instead was focused on the 2012 election than helping their fellow Americans.

Obama has been managing the USA just fine.

Obama tried to give businesses a tax-break to hire more workers, but the GOP said "no".
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

I always say history will judge GWB well...

He is a good man..

9/11 on his watch
Invasion of Iraq war on the basis of lies
Economy crashed under him
Failed education policy
Patriot Act
Permitting Torture
"mission accomplished"
No link between Hussein and Bin Laden (he claimed there was)

Really? "good man"?
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

By those same lines there should be limits on how much a candidate can spend to buy an election.

I would love to see a federal limit for each candidate of X amount that they can use to run for election. That money should be given to the candidates who have the votes to run from any party/group from the federal government. No donations from individuals, businesses or anyone else you can owe favors to. Level the playing field and we might even get a president who isnt from either of these two damn parties.

I agree 100%. :mrgreen:
Lets get back to democracy not moving to plutocracy.
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

9/11 on his watch
Invasion of Iraq war on the basis of lies
Economy crashed under him
Failed education policy
Patriot Act
Permitting Torture
"mission accomplished"
No link between Hussein and Bin Laden (he claimed there was)

Really? "good man"?

1. He was in office 6 months.

2. The basis of faulty intelligence but everyone thought Hussein Obama (whopps I get those 2 mixed up), Saddam Hussein had WMD. You Libs love to play Monday Morng QB.

3. Unemployment was under 6%

4. He triedd to reform it but education has beeen a total disaster since 1964...We have poured billions into it.........As long as the dems are in the Backpocket of the NEA it will remain that way.

6. dems and Republican love the PA and it has kept us saafe since 9/11/01

7. The people that they tortured cut off peoples heads and blow up children........If the info they get saves one American's Life, go for it.

8. the ship crew put that banner up.

9. Never claimed that.

WEak my left wing friend, very weak.
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Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

Obama tried to work with the GOP to reform the healthcare system, but the GOP instead was focused on the 2012 election than helping their fellow Americans.

Obama has been managing the USA just fine.

Obama tried to give businesses a tax-break to hire more workers, but the GOP said "no".

Obamacare over 2 trillion dollar cost and no way to pay for it.......30 million more people in the system and doctors are leaving it.........
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

1. He was in office 6 months.
Happened on his watch. While on vacation on his ranch he ignored the memo "Bin Laden Determined To Strike in US". CIA warned him. He did nothing.

2. The basis of faulty intelligence but everyone thought Hussein Obama (whopps I get those 2 mixed up), Saddam Hussein had WMD. You Libs love to play Monday Morng QB.
Really? Then what was up in 2001? Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice 2001: Iraq Has No WMD's/Is Not A Threat - YouTube

And all the intelegence was point that direction? You sure about the NP?
On Sept. 18, 2002, CIA director George Tenet briefed President Bush in the Oval Office on top-secret intelligence that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, according to two former senior CIA officers. Bush dismissed as worthless this information from the Iraqi foreign minister, a member of Saddam’s inner circle, although it turned out to be accurate in every detail. Tenet never brought it up again....Nor was the intelligence included in the National Intelligence Estimate of October 2002, which stated categorically that Iraq possessed
No one in Congress was aware of the secret intelligence that Saddam had no WMD as the House of Representatives and the Senate voted, a week after the submission of the NIE, on the Authorization for Use of Military Force in Iraq. The information, moreover, was not circulated within the
among those agents involved in operations to prove whether Saddam had WMD."
Bush knew Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction - Salon.com
Sounds like old W was picking and choosing intelligence and just looking for an excuse to invade if you ask me.

Did you froget this report to NP?
Duelfer, head of the Iraq survey group, concluded that Iraq's weapons of mass destruction were "essentially" destroyed since 1991 Gulf War..."
Report Shows No WMD In Iraq | PBS NewsHour | Oct. 7, 2004 | PBS

Cmon NP. Get connected to reality.

3. Unemployment was under 6%

Trying to white wash it arent ya navy?

4. He triedd to reform it but education has beeen a total disaster since 1964...We have poured billions into it.........As long as the dems are in the Backpocket of the NEA it will remain that way.
Yep typical. Play the union card...

6. dems and Republican love the PA and it has kept us saafe since 9/11/01
Hey i thought you guys were all about "protecting liberty". This is the biggest enfrigement on our rights ever!

7. The people that they tortured cut off peoples heads and blow up children........If the info they get saves one American's Life, go for it.
The vast majority of Guantanamo detainees are released with no charges.
So let me get this straight. You think its ok to torture people? You admit that we torture people? You think its ok to sink to the levels of ruthless dictators? You think its ok to violate international law and peoples human rights?

8. the ship crew put that banner up.
Sure it was.
Why didnt he just have it taken down?

9. Never claimed that.
Bush Defends Assertions of Iraq-Al Qaeda Relationship (washingtonpost.com) He defends those claims to this day buzzo.
Bush, Oct. 7: "We know that Iraq and the al-Qaeda terrorist network share a common enemy — the United States of America. We know that Iraq and al-Qaeda have had high-level contacts that go back a decade" and "we've learned that Iraq has trained al-Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases."
Bush, State of the Union address, Jan. 28: "And this Congress and the American people must recognize another threat. Evidence from intelligence sources, secret communications, and statements by people now in custody reveal that Saddam Hussein aids and protects terrorists, including members of al-Qaeda."

Bush, Feb. 6: "Senior members of Iraqi intelligence and al-Qaeda have met at least eight times since the early 1990s. Iraq has sent bomb-making and document forgery experts to work with al-Qaeda" and "Iraq has also provided al-Qaeda with chemical and biological weapons training."
USATODAY.com - Bush administration quotes linking Iraq and al-Qaeda

Stop with the bull**** Navy. Youre not fooling anyone.

WEak my left wing friend, very weak.
Actually your excuses are weak Navy.

Oh by the way how nice of you to call Obama pretty. You must have quite the thing for the man.
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Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

Jesus Christ. This thread has been pretty much toasted by all the trolling, name calling, and crap in here, so I am only going to make one post, then a few people can decide whether they want to agree with me, disagree with me, or just keep taking this thread further into the toilet. My statement is as follows:

It does not matter who the winner this year will be. It matters who the loser will be, and you can take it to the bank. No matter who wins, the American people are going to lose, and we will all be screwed. Any why not? If the crazy partisanship I am seeing in this thread is any indication of the direction America is headed in, the we all, collectively, deserve the biggest screwing of our pathetic, miserable lives. Maybe there is hope after this year, because if we end up getting royally screwed then maybe we will all wake the **** up, and begin to care more about our country than the idiots (both Democrat and Republican) who are now running it. So here's the deal - I am going to study the issues as hard as I possibly can, and decided who is going to screw us over the worst. If it's Romney, then I'm voting for him. If it's Obama, then I'm voting for him. Why? Because we need to be screwed hard enough to realize what the **** is happening to this country, and then take steps to ensure that we stop electing these idiots each and every year.

My motto: Let's screw America for the sake of ending this damn dog and pony show these assholes put on every 4 years.


BTW, I don't really mean all that. I'm just pissed at how we all love voting for idiots. I'm still voting for Gary Johnson, the only non-idiot out there. Sure, you might think me an idiot for voting for someone who can't win. If if either of the major whores in the game wants my vote, they are sure the **** going to have to earn it. Just because Obama and Romney are whores doesn't mean I have to be a whore too, and sell myself out to them. :mrgreen:
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

Jesus Christ. This thread has been pretty much toasted by all the trolling, name calling, and crap in here, so I am only going to make one post, then a few people can decide whether they want to agree with me, disagree with me, or just keep taking this thread further into the toilet. My statement is as follows:

It does not matter who the winner this year will be. It matters who the loser will be, and you can take it to the bank. No matter who wins, the American people are going to lose, and we will all be screwed. Any why not? If the crazy partisanship I am seeing in this thread is any indication of the direction America is headed in, the we all, collectively, deserve the biggest screwing of our pathetic, miserable lives. Maybe there is hope after this year, because if we end up getting royally screwed then maybe we will all wake the **** up, and begin to care more about our country than the idiots (both Democrat and Republican) who are now running it. So here's the deal - I am going to study the issues as hard as I possibly can, and decided who is going to screw us over the worst. If it's Romney, then I'm voting for him. If it's Obama, then I'm voting for him. Why? Because we need to be screwed hard enough to realize what the **** is happening to this country, and then take steps to ensure that we stop electing these idiots each and every year.

My motto: Let's screw America for the sake of ending this damn dog and pony show these assholes put on every 4 years.


BTW, I don't really mean all that. I'm just pissed at how we all love voting for idiots. I'm still voting for Gary Johnson, the only non-idiot out there. Sure, you might think me an idiot for voting for someone who can't win. If if either of the major whores in the game wants my vote, they are sure the **** going to have to earn it. Just because Obama and Romney are whores doesn't mean I have to be a whore too, and sell myself out to them. :mrgreen:

A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hussein Obama so it does not surprise me.
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

For someone who claims they do not support Obama you do a great job hiding that reality. Why is it Obama supporters buy the rhetoric and ignore the results?

Well it boils down to the fact that there is a faction of right wingers who are so absolutely delusional with Obama derangement syndrome that they can't understand someone who merely disagrees with Obama... they have to outright hate him, and that I disagree with Obama but don't hate him like they do they somehow these delusional wing-nuts equate that with supporting him. I try explaining this to them but logic, reason and facts seem to elude them.
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

9/11 on his watch
Invasion of Iraq war on the basis of lies
Economy crashed under him
Failed education policy
Patriot Act
Permitting Torture
"mission accomplished"
No link between Hussein and Bin Laden (he claimed there was)

Really? "good man"?

....unfunded medicare prescription drug program.

And don't forget the Cheney energy policy. In fairness, that was first term when Dick was really in charge. Second term, W. became...


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