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Looks like Obama is winning this election right now[W:90] (1 Viewer)

Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

you have no hard evidence that Barack Obama Sr. is not his father.

do you have any that he is?...why did the father magically "leave"?

I again said..I BELIEVE from all the evidence reviewed that there is a good chance Frank Marshal Davis is Obama's father..

and again.. even Obama says that FMD was his mentor, and it sure look like he was the father figure period in Obamas life..something is not right

Do you even know who FMD was?... I find it flat out distrubing that his mother's porn photos were found at FMDS house,and the pictures shot INSIDE FMDs house,!!!!!! and that his mother brought him there all the time.. something is just wrong..
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Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

are you not an American?

Your in quotes indicates a supporter and someone out of touch with reality where results don't matter but rhetoric does
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

are you not an American?

grow up... by "your" adults know that means "the guy you voted for"...

now back to the subject..

new pols have Rev Al Obama trailing Mitt..
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

Thats why there should be limits on how much a person can "donate" (buy) a candidate.
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

Sad that in this day and age, when we have nearly $16T in debt (nearly $5T of which occured in this president's 1 term), unemployment hovering around 8%, gas prices well over $3.50/gal in many locations, a stagnant faltering GDP which is slowing to about 1% (or slower than the rate of inflation), and a president who has attempted to push a 1-sided narrow social agenda that rewards ineptitude, illegal immigrants, racial bias, etc. that people think he is the better candidate because he is spending more money on ads...

There was once a time when the sitting president had a record he could run on, and didn't need to spend so much money on ads... There was once a time when a sitting incumbent president running for re-election had an unemployment rate down below 5.7%... where the debt wasn't measured in double digit trillions... where a wreckless spending deficit was less than $1B--nevermind $1T...

I don't see Obama winning this election, based on the reality of those problems... the polls which tend to show a close race, with enough undecideds to swing it in Romney's favor... and the history of numerous elections which show what factors cause incumbent presidents to either chose not to run again, or get removed from office by election...
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

Meh, it doesn't really matter which one wins. They should just call this election "Same ****, different day"
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

grow up... by "your" adults know that means "the guy you voted for"...

now back to the subject..

new pols have Rev Al Obama trailing Mitt..

you do realize that calling him this only makes your argument look VERY silly.
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

There was once a time when the sitting president had a record he could run on, and didn't need to spend so much money on ads...

When was the last time we had that? It wasn't Bush. We had over 4 dollars/gallon gas, ramped up depending, rand solely on terrorism propaganda and fear mongering, the decline of the economy which has persisted well into Obama's administration. Pretty much everything you're bitching about Obama, Bush was doing before. So when was this last time a sitting President had a record he could run on?
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

When was the last time we had that? It wasn't Bush. We had over 4 dollars/gallon gas, ramped up depending, rand solely on terrorism propaganda and fear mongering, the decline of the economy which has persisted well into Obama's administration. Pretty much everything you're bitching about Obama, Bush was doing before. So when was this last time a sitting President had a record he could run on?

The results showed that Bush had a very positive record to run on in 2004 but far too many ignored it and bought the liberal spin. I would take the 2004 economic results today in a heart beat. Why don't you do some non partisan research and find out what I am talking about?
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

Or candidates that can excite their base enough to get donations are charismatic and popular enough to get more votes. There really isn't much evidence that having more money than your opponent will help you win an election. What candidates need is enough money to get their message out to the right people. Look at Santorum's win Iowa. Romney far outspent him, but Santorum was still able to get his message out.
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

Or candidates that can excite their base enough to get donations are charismatic and popular enough to get more votes. There really isn't much evidence that having more money than your opponent will help you win an election. What candidates need is enough money to get their message out to the right people. Look at Santorum's win Iowa. Romney far outspent him, but Santorum was still able to get his message out.

True, Obama wouldn't have to spend a dime if he had the results that he didn't have to divert from. All he can do now is spend money attacking Romney and diverting from the disastrous economic results. Obama gets a lot of free publicity from the media and if he had positive results he wouldn't need a dime of campaign funds.
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

The results showed that Bush had a very positive record to run on in 2004 but far too many ignored it and bought the liberal spin. I would take the 2004 economic results today in a heart beat. Why don't you do some non partisan research and find out what I am talking about?

I always say history will judge GWB well...

He is a good man..
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

Money Wins Presidency and 9 of 10 Congressional Races in Priciest U.S. Election Ever - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

Whoever spends the most will win this election. That much is almost certain.

And right now

2012 Presidential Race | OpenSecrets

Obama has a 70 million dollar lead in this election.

Moderator's Warning:
See this? It is the topic. Any more posts about things not related to campaign finaces will result in penalties.
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

The results showed that Bush had a very positive record to run on in 2004 but far too many ignored it and bought the liberal spin. I would take the 2004 economic results today in a heart beat. Why don't you do some non partisan research and find out what I am talking about?

Did he? Undeclared war, expanding deficit, nation building, fear mongering, WMDs in the middle of a desert somewhere, gas prices tripled under him, Patriot Act started under him along with other freedom killing expansions of government.

All I can say is that anyone who supported Bush who now rails against Obama, and vice versa, is a hypocrite.
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

Thats why there should be limits on how much a person can "donate" (buy) a candidate.

By those same lines there should be limits on how much a candidate can spend to buy an election.

I would love to see a federal limit for each candidate of X amount that they can use to run for election. That money should be given to the candidates who have the votes to run from any party/group from the federal government. No donations from individuals, businesses or anyone else you can owe favors to. Level the playing field and we might even get a president who isnt from either of these two damn parties.
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

Moderator's Warning:
See this? It is the topic. Any more posts about things not related to campaign finaces will result in penalties.

Could have sworn that this is the thread topic

Looks like Obama is winning this election right now[W:90]
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

mod warning.. so I deleted my excellent post
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Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

Here is the reality of "your" President

WSJ Sizes up Obama... - Free Speech

Back on the topic of this thread. Obama will win the election because...

1.The republican nominee, Romney changes positions like a well lubricated windmill.

2.Bain Capital .according to 'federal disclosure' form filed August, last year,mitt says that he was retired as of Feb. 11, 1999.This has been the mantra of team Romney throughout the campaign. For instance,according to mitts sworn testimony, mitt was involved in bain,while managing the Olympics in 2002,...at least.:shock:

3.sending American jobs overseas. the only thing bain capital did was offshore jobs;hardly qualifications for the job he says he is morn qualified to do.

The republicans screwed the pooch., with this economy they shoulda had a slam dunk this election, but with the thin bench they have and the radicals that got elected in the midterms, it kinda looks like it will be the dems that have the slam dunk.:2wave:
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

Romney may outspend him, but if he fails at the debates...he will not win.
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

Romney may outspend him, but if he fails at the debates...he will not win.

We have seen candidates fail in debates and win. We have seen candidates have terrible first terms and win. We have never seen a candidate outspend his opponent and lose. Why would this year be any different?
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

We have seen candidates fail in debates and win. We have seen candidates have terrible first terms and win. We have never seen a candidate outspend his opponent and lose. Why would this year be any different?

There is a point beyond which more spending has very little effect, and we are probably going to exceed that point by a large margin this year by both candidates. If that is the case, things other than money will become the key points.
Re: Looks like Obama is winning this election right now

Looks like Rev Al Soetero is losing.....

Rasmussen reported:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows Mitt Romney attracting 48% of the vote, while President Obama earns support from 44%. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.

Today, consumer confidence has fallen to the lowest level of 2012. Most Americans believe both the economy and their own personal finances are getting worse.

Long-term optimism about the economy has fallen to the lowest level ever measured by Rasmussen Reports. Just 40% expect the economy to be stronger in five years. That’s down from 46% a year ago, 50% two years ago and 58% three years ago. Most believe the housing market will take more than three years to recover.

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