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Long live Britania! (1 Viewer)


free market communist
DP Veteran
Sep 5, 2005
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Political Leaning
and congratulations on your new backbone.

It looks good on you!
And may you be spelled properly henceforth and forever.

Wow! I am truly amazed! I really never thought you would do it!

Congratulations on taking back your sovereignty! Well done! I am so proud.

and congratulations on your new backbone.

It looks good on you!

My sentiments exactly. When I celebrate America's independence on July 4th, next weekend, I will make it a point to celebrate Great Britain's independence as well.
My sentiments exactly. When I celebrate America's independence on July 4th, next weekend, I will make it a point to celebrate Great Britain's independence as well.
and you'll be celebrating at least a day early.
And may you be spelled properly henceforth and forever.


It's that American exceptionalism.

We don't have to spell.
It's that American exceptionalism.

We don't have to spell.
No worries.

Even if you write "Skeetland" or "Whales" we'll still know what you mean anyway. All a matter of context. :lol:

P.S. My speelchukker incidentally is underlining "exceptionalism" as misspelt (mis-spelled). Darn stupid Brit snob program. Needs brexiting.
I've never really been impressed by the Brits. Their royal family, cuisine, orthodontics, ale, military.... Meh.

But I have a new found admiration today.
Rule Britannia!!!!
...................Britannia waives the rules......
Breeetons ever ever eh........ver
will be fools.

(don't really mean that last bit, the temptation was just too great)

I've never really been impressed by the Brits. Their royal family, cuisine, orthodontics, ale, military.... Meh.

But I have a new found admiration today.
You've discovered the ecstasies of "spotted dick" ?? :mrgreen:
I am German and for some reasons I regret that Great Britain will leave the European Union. On the other hand, if it's the wish of the British in their majority, I have to accept that and wish you good luck.

Whether other nations will follow the example of Great Britain we will see. What I personally don't understand in the British debate are all these discussions about national souveranity and a lack of democracy in Europe. The point is simply: If Brits say that there is no democracy in the European Union they must say what they mean with it. I think, the European Union is very democratic. Could it be even more democratic? Yes, it could be, you must strengthen the European parliament and the European Commissionars schould be voted for directly from the European people. This would be even more democratic from a certain point of view. But the point is: By being even more democratic, you must weaken the influence of national governments on European politics. The arguments of some British people are then not very honest, because if they want "even more" democracy for Europe you must weaken national influence on European politics and I can't imagine that this was that, what the British people really wanted, that as British nation they would not any longer have influence on European politics.

So I am a convinced European and I defend the European Union and I defend it as it is although not everybody will always be glad with all European decisions. And I hope that the European Union will remain stable as I think it has alot to offer for the nations who are part of this project. On the other hand good luck for the United Kingdom. And I think for the European Union it's also better, if nations who don't want to be part of the project leave it.
When can we look forward to states leaving the union?
I've never really been impressed by the Brits. Their royal family, cuisine, orthodontics, ale, military.... Meh.

Actually they do have a very professional and capable military..
I am German and for some reasons I regret that Great Britain will leave the European Union. On the other hand, if it's the wish of the British in their majority, I have to accept that and wish you good luck.

Whether other nations will follow the example of Great Britain we will see. What I personally don't understand in the British debate are all these discussions about national souveranity and a lack of democracy in Europe. The point is simply: If Brits say that there is no democracy in the European Union they must say what they mean with it. I think, the European Union is very democratic. Could it be even more democratic? Yes, it could be, you must strengthen the European parliament and the European Commissionars schould be voted for directly from the European people. This would be even more democratic from a certain point of view. But the point is: By being even more democratic, you must weaken the influence of national governments on European politics. The arguments of some British people are then not very honest, because if they want "even more" democracy for Europe you must weaken national influence on European politics and I can't imagine that this was that, what the British people really wanted, that as British nation they would not any longer have influence on European politics.

So I am a convinced European and I defend the European Union and I defend it as it is although not everybody will always be glad with all European decisions. And I hope that the European Union will remain stable as I think it has alot to offer for the nations who are part of this project. On the other hand good luck for the United Kingdom. And I think for the European Union it's also better, if nations who don't want to be part of the project leave it.

The problem with your anology is that the EU representing Europe is very unskilled in politics itself. Weaker then the nations you claim should be weakened for it to work. I am sure that the last straw was the immigrant issue. Nobody is against immigrants, however when they are forced on a nation's entitlement system and they make no effort to assimilate into the society of the nation they are immigrating to, soveriegnity becomes a joke.
When can we look forward to states leaving the union?

That depends on how many presidents we elect who do not respect the separation of powers and the US Constitution.
Jingoism does, some times.

So you prefer to be governed by un-elected bureaucrats rather than having any say in your own affairs. Got it.

That's cool. Not everybody is in to freedom or democracy.
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So you prefer to be governed by un-elected bureaucrats rather than having any say in your own affairs. Got it.

That's cool. Not everybody is in to freedom or democracy.

Except the UK is governed by their own elected bureaucrats.

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