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Legalize it! (1 Viewer)


Somewhere in Babylon
DP Veteran
Jan 12, 2010
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Somewhere in Babylon...
Political Leaning
Come on guys.

Can't we all just... get a bong... :mrgreen:


In all seriousness though.

Legalize it man. It don't hurt nobody. Not legalizing it is hurting a lot of people, and creating criminals.
You're welcome.

Decriminalization is better than complete prohibition. But it will do little to actually prevent the black market and gang activity that are associated with prohibition.
Decriminalization is better than complete prohibition. But it will do little to actually prevent the black market and gang activity that are associated with prohibition.

There's a BBC video in the link I provided. I think you'll be quite surprised.
I'd rather not.

I'm not satisfied that there is enough information to support the "harmless" nature of marijuana usage.
I'd rather not.

I'm not satisfied that there is enough information to support the "harmless" nature of marijuana usage.

It doesn't need to be harmless to be legal.
EXACTLY. And tobacco, and scuba diving, rock climbing, skydiving, racecar driving, motorcycles, etc.

don't forget to include the dangers of sex

maybe o'donnell was ahead of her time [/sarcasm]
Alcohol, used in moderation, has minimal deleterious effects on the body.

That is beyond false. Alcohol is a carcinogen. Even when used in moderation is still significantly elevates risk for cancers all throughout the digestive tract. It also increases risk for heart disease and liver disease. And not to mention it does a number on your brain.

Your health teacher should be shot. Alcohol is several times more dangerous and unhealthy that marijuana.
That is beyond false. Alcohol is a carcinogen. Even when used in moderation is still significantly elevates risk for cancers all throughout the digestive tract. It also increases risk for heart disease and liver disease. And not to mention it does a number on your brain.

Your health teacher should be shot. Alcohol is several times more dangerous and unhealthy that marijuana.
Im sorry but your information seems to be outdated.

Alcohol has been shown, in moderation (meaning a few ounces of wine a day at most), to have a positive impact on and against cardiovascular disease. Ethanol itself, taken daily, has been shown to have some positive effects on diabetes. There has also been research to show that consuming alcohol in moderation can decrease the risk of stroke and can result in a longer overall lifespan. Alcohol has also been shown to have positive effects on people with dementia, again, in moderation.

Instances of cancer have been shown to occur, but usually in cases of consumption over what we would consider moderate.

Alcohol is not benign, but in moderation it has minimal negative impact on human health. If we have a body of irrefutable research that can show the same for marijuana, I would be in favor of lifting the ban. However, such research I have seen has not been solid and is countered by opposing studies.
Im sorry but your information seems to be outdated.

Alcohol has been shown, in moderation (meaning a few ounces of wine a day at most), to have a positive impact on and against cardiovascular disease. Ethanol itself, taken daily, has been shown to have some positive effects on diabetes. There has also been research to show that consuming alcohol in moderation can decrease the risk of stroke and can result in a longer overall lifespan. Alcohol has also been shown to have positive effects on people with dementia, again, in moderation.

Instances of cancer have been shown to occur, but usually in cases of consumption over what we would consider moderate.

Alcohol is not benign, but in moderation it has minimal negative impact on human health. If we have a body of irrefutable research that can show the same for marijuana, I would be in favor of lifting the ban. However, such research I have seen has not been solid and is countered by opposing studies.

And weed when used in the same way has less of an adverse effect on the body.

As far as I'm aware, even when abused, weed does not cause, if any, physical damage. Mental in some cases, so they tell me, but not physical.
My only support for legalizing it comes from personal experiences:

Alcohol is legalized, though controlled, and is detrimental enough to necessitate one's argument for making it illegal. . . yet people don't advocate this actively. I guess people don't want to piss off a bunch of angry drunks.

Marijuana is far less detrimental with far fewer social and public effects when consumed. . . but the drug-wars that were in full swing numerous years ago plagued people's minds against it.

Many people don't support legalizing it simply because it is illegal and has been since they were born - leading them to just *not* want to change things. Their support of keeping it illegal lies purely with 'it's always been that way' - rather than wanting to rock the boat and switch over.

It will be legalized - a day which I'm dreading because my husband will be smoking it up all the time.
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My only support for legalizing it comes from personal experiences:

Alcohol is legalized, though controlled, and is detrimental enough to necessitate one's argument for making it illegal. . . yet people don't advocate this actively. I guess people don't want to piss off a bunch of angry drunks.

Marijuana is far less detrimental with far fewer social and public effects when consumed. . . but the drug-wars that were in full swing numerous years ago plagued people's minds against it.

Many people don't support legalizing it simply because it is illegal and has been since they were born - leading them to just *not* want to change things. Their support of keeping it illegal lies purely with 'it's always been that way' - rather than wanting to rock the boat and switch over.

It will be legalized - a day which I'm dreading because my husband will be smoking it up all the time.

The reason alcohol isn't going to be outlawed is because it was a miserable failure last time. It led to corruption, violence, and gave organized crime a black market item that made them prosperous.
The reason alcohol isn't going to be outlawed is because it was a miserable failure last time. It led to corruption, violence, and gave organized crime a black market item that made them prosperous.

Which is exactly the same as what has happened with drugs.
The reason alcohol isn't going to be outlawed is because it was a miserable failure last time. It led to corruption, violence, and gave organized crime a black market item that made them prosperous.


Look at that, then.
We don't even have to examine another country's findings to see evidence of how things are when something is made illegal.
And how things are when that thing is made legal.

We have our own case precedence - but no one's listening to that voice of reason.

Look at that, then.
We don't even have to examine another country's findings to see evidence of how things are when something is made illegal.
And how things are when that thing is made legal.

We have our own case precedence - but no one's listening to that voice of reason.

That's because the political climate won't allow it. Politicians are afraid of the scare ads that will claim that they want to get babies stoned.
That's because the political climate won't allow it. Politicians are afraid of the scare ads that will claim that they want to get babies stoned.

The serious reason is the fact that it happend *in the past* - time and history acts as a buffer and permits denial and doubt to grow to fill the void.

People *always* need "here and now so I can witness it with my own eyes" type of measure. . . and some blockers.
I think we should crack down on pot enforcement. Keep it illegal, and impose heavy fines on those caught with it. Marijuana should not be legalized.
I think we should crack down on pot enforcement. Keep it illegal, and impose heavy fines on those caught with it. Marijuana should not be legalized.

Why do you feel this way?

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