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Lefties, Righties, Who's Who? (1 Viewer)

I am a social liberal and a fiscal conservative.

Or, as I like to say, "They took away my conservative card because I didn't believe that homosexuality caused earthquakes."

I live my life as a pro-choice, pro-gun, self-responsibility, anti-government cheese kinda guy.

But the people of late whom I feel have bastardized the label "conservative," (ie: birther's, alt-righters, neo-cons, bigots, homophobes, religious nuts, etc., ) have put me in a place to where I no longer want to bear the label of "conservative." These ignorant, shameful people, have placed a blemish on conservatism that most likely not wash off during my lifetime.

I reject it when the liberals call me a conservative. I reject it when the conservatives call me a liberal.

Pretty much, I think political extremists, both left and right, are bat**** crazy and I do not care to identify with either.

Okay, you guys can cancel your likes if you like but I need to amend my previous post.

Actually, I am "Pro-Life," and have stood responsible for all of my offspring. But, I'm also "pro-choice" too if that means that it's none of my business what you do with your body. Because it isn't any of my business. Just because I live a "pro-life" life, it doesn't mean I have any right to insist others do as well.
This is a lot of what my lefty media thread was about in the media bias section. I added lots of fluff that was designed to get lefties really stirred up, but most of the point was exactly what we are talking about here with the alternate viewpoint.

The alternative viewpoint can be difficult to reach sometimes, since we are trying to objectively look through a subjective lens. I find that if I pretend that I am an attorney who is being paid a fee to represent a client's lefty perspective, it is easier to step away from my own. Then I can assemble the most powerful defense of the opposing position, or in the case of the recreational political forums where I am a lefty, some strong lefty posts.

My observation has been, after watching the political pendulum swing to and fro many times is.....

The left is just like the right and the right is just like the left depending the location of the pendulum......

They have more in common than they have in differences yet both are too proud to admit it.

I have seen partisan hacks hang on the marching order/talking point of the day, all the while forgetting, they stood exactly the opposite, 4 or 8 years ago when the shoe was on the other foot.

Hypocrisy is fairly distributed.

If one chooses to participate in political forums such as these, they must suffer having their heads pissed on while the others try to convince them it's raining.

Kellyanne Conway is the world's best at convincing people that the piss in their hair is really raindrops from heaven. Truly a world class propagandist. Better than Tokyo Rose.
Since I joined, I have switched my political lean twice

I always thought of myself of a staunch conservative, but never regarding the social issues

On those I am moderate....pro choice, pro gun, and I don't really think it is anyone business what you do in your bedroom with another consenting adult

I do think businesses should have the right to serve who they want to serve....with a few exceptions....those being medical care, transportation, housing, and such

I am old fashioned ina lot of ways....I believe people should take care of themselves

Government should be small, and there only as a necessity in case of emergencies....

I think we have way too many career politians who cater to their donors, not their constituents

So I hate labels, and I hate boxes, and haven't found one yet that fits me because I keep changing( hopefully for the better)
I'm a person who believes that partisanship is humanity at its worst. I'm all for having political opinions. I'm against partisanship replacing common sense.
I'm a realist. Which means both parties are not an option for me.

That's interesting. A "realist" who doesn't seem to understand that the only reality is that one of the two parties is going to win.
I am quite qualified to be a professional troll, and am qualified to troll for either side. I have never been compensated for trolling though, and have never actually trolled professionally. I just have a troll like nature if you happen to be a lefty. If there are any political organizations out there who are reading this and want my services, you probably can't afford me.

How many forums am I banned from? I am only banned from politicalforum. I set up house over here and on a few other forums prior to my anticipated ban, and my permanent ban finally became official yesterday. I posted a goodbye thread prior to the permanent ban to say farewell to the many great members over there, and made it known that when that thread was censored and deleted, they will have done the permanent ban. My permanent ban from that site was the result of a political war where some of the admins were using their mod powers to manipulate my threads and help lefties win debates. I could have remained there indefinitely if I had been willing to debate with my mouth taped shut, but that is not how I operate. I posted a goodbye thread to say farewell, and they banned me the next day. I would be amazed if that thread is still there in the casual chat section, but it was probably deleted at the time of the ban.

Well, considering that you were identified as trolling from your post on this forum, I'd say that the fees for your services probably aren't out of anybody's budget.
If your far right, why would you call yourself a communist?

When I tried to fill in the "lean", I was unable to type in "righty". There was only a drop down menu of political descriptions to choose from. All of the choices on the drop down were terms that the left has hijacked and actively use to describe themselves with. It has become popular for lefties to select a trendy sounding political description term to "identify" with, especially hybrid combinations of these terms. The most accurate term from the drop down would have been "other", since "righty" was not in the drop down, but communist looked like a fun way to create some confusion. My use of the term communist to describe my "righty" political lean is really no different than the rest of the lefties here on this forum who have hijacked terms that describe more right leaning positions.
When I tried to fill in the "lean", I was unable to type in "righty". There was only a drop down menu of political descriptions to choose from. All of the choices on the drop down were terms that the left has hijacked and actively use to describe themselves with. It has become popular for lefties to select a trendy sounding political description term to "identify" with, especially hybrid combinations of these terms. The most accurate term from the drop down would have been "other", since "righty" was not in the drop down, but communist looked like a fun way to create some confusion. My use of the term communist to describe my "righty" political lean is really no different than the rest of the lefties here on this forum who have hijacked terms that describe more right leaning positions.

Is there a right leaning choice?
I am still pretty new, but I have successfully stirred the pot in the few threads that I have posted here. I am familiar with some of the lefties who have debated with me in my few threads, but was hoping to get a who's who picture of what everybody stands for politically. Are you a lefty, righty, Democrat, establishment Repub, anti establishment Repub, commie, progressive, liberal, conservative, etc?

My aim is to be known as the furthest right point on the line, where the left most dot says "far left", and the far right dot says "EvMetro". I voted for Trump and I identify as anti establishment Repub, conservative, and primarily as a "righty".

How about the rest of you? I would love to get a better idea of who is who, and maybe pick a few arguments. What political term(s) do you identify with, and how did you vote?

Moronic bait post.
"small l" libertarian. That is fiscally conservative, socially liberal, small government, push most decision making down as close to the electorate as possible. All of that with a healthy dose of pragmatism.

good with homosexual marriage, good with drug legalization, good with legal abortion, not so good with public accommodation laws (read that as pro private property rights), pro-2A , not so good with most forms of gun control, rabidly pro 1A and 4A, not at all good with the idea of walls and rounding people up for mass deportation.

Basically prefer to leave people alone to lead their lives as they see fit.

Voted Gary Johnson. Think Trump is going to be a disaster of a president. The transition period has not in any way changed my mind about that.

Anything else?

I consider libertarian defined as economic conservative/social liberal to be more Libertarian with a capital "L".

Libertarian (little "L") also known as "classical liberal" does believe the central government should be fiscally responsible at all times, and derive its authority from the people instead of the other way around. It should have sufficient power and funding to provide the common defense and promote (not provide) the general welfare. Whatever social services it provides should be extremely limited and by the consent of those who pay the bills--the rest should be strictly limited to the states and/or local communities who will organize their business and societies according to how they wish to organize their societies and live.

And as for the socially liberal part, to be liberal or conservative, unorthodox or traditional, good or bad, should be left up to each individual conscience. In other words every person and family should be able to be who they choose to be, live as they choose to live, and believe, think, and express what they choose to believe, think, and express without interference from anybody else - at least up to the point where they interfere with other people's legal and/or inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The narrow minded, judgmental, punitive little theocracies that existed at the time the Constitution was signed were entirely legal and were not interfered with. And by the end of that century, they all had voluntarily dissolved themselves. And lawless towns like Deadwood, vulgar, violent, rowdy, mean, and dangerous were also entirely legal and were not interfered with. And they also dissolved and/or reformed themselves and became more civilized and people friendly.

People will always use trial and error and make mistakes while they figure things out, but in an environment of freedom to choose who and what they will be, they generally figure out what is best or right.
Is there a right leaning choice?

Many of them would have been right leaning choices before lefties hijacked them. Now, they are all different ways to say you are a lefty. There very well might be many true righties on this forum who use an accurate lean term, but I can't tell them apart from all the lefties who use the very same terms.
Many of them would have been right leaning choices before lefties hijacked them. Now, they are all different ways to say you are a lefty. There very well might be many true righties on this forum who use an accurate lean term, but I can't tell them apart from all the lefties who use the very same terms.

I see, it is a leftist conspiracy:roll:
Well, considering that you were identified as trolling from your post on this forum, I'd say that the fees for your services probably aren't out of anybody's budget.

Pretty much anything I post will be viewed as trolling, in the eyes of my political opponents. Politics are ugly, and so is political discussion and debate. The closer political discussion gets to the truth, the uglier it gets. Some forums might view my right leaning posts as trolling, some would consider them flamebaiting, others would call them insults or attacks, all depending on the administration team of that site. Some sites will categorize my posts with these descriptions in order to censor them and politically punish me, other sites will not. I give my word that I am not a paid or professional troll, and that I am simply an alpha male righty. You are probably correct that my skills are not beyond every budget, but they are certainly out of reach of most budgets.

I have been identified as many more things besides being a troll. I have been labeled as a racist, a bigot, a xenophobe, hate monger, misogynist, hater, troll, paid troll, murderer, killer, *sshole, s.o.b., and more, depending on how close I hold lefty feet to the fire. When I pass lefties in the grocery store, we just smile and say good morning to each other. On the internet, it is quite different. We can get a lot more specific, and the truth comes out. Once I get lefties into a position where they have to dodge answering me, these names come out, and I get to feel the true hate.
It was a huge **** you to the establishment permanent political class by electing the only person running who was not part of it and has no love of it.

I'm not sure how much of a middle finger that was. The establishment already included the Banks and Mega-Corps, Trump was already part of that world. Shaking hands and smiling with the Clintons. And now his cabinet will just be the same Banks and Mega-Corps that were already part of the establishment. Sure, perhaps not career politicians, but career political donors.
I'm not sure how much of a middle finger that was. The establishment already included the Banks and Mega-Corps, Trump was already part of that world. Shaking hands and smiling with the Clintons. And now his cabinet will just be the same Banks and Mega-Corps that were already part of the establishment. Sure, perhaps not career politicians, but career political donors.

The difference is they know how the system works. And the reason they are political donors is because in a corrupt, self-serving system, they pay extortion money to get the government off their backs as much as possible. I recommend Peter Schweitzer's excellent little book Extortion that explains it very well. As Trump candidly admitted, he gave to everybody--more to ones more likely to be in power than to others--because if you are in big business and don't play ball, you could be in for a lot of grief. You want to be friends with those who have the power to hurt you.

But now he is putting together a team that has already achieved success, wealth, and privilege and presumably want to give something back. They don't need money, but leaving behind a legacy of real accomplishment for the national good could be a strong motive. And if a healthy thriving economy happens to benefit their businesses along with everybody else, who cares?
That's interesting. A "realist" who doesn't seem to understand that the only reality is that one of the two parties is going to win.

Just because I vote republican, or democrat, because of this very fact, does not mean I am in lock step with that particular party or even candidate platform. Because I live in reality.

Question...when Trump won the White House, who was that a victory for? The GOP? They certainly don't seem to feel that way...
I am still pretty new, but I have successfully stirred the pot in the few threads that I have posted here. I am familiar with some of the lefties who have debated with me in my few threads, but was hoping to get a who's who picture of what everybody stands for politically. Are you a lefty, righty, Democrat, establishment Repub, anti establishment Repub, commie, progressive, liberal, conservative, etc?

My aim is to be known as the furthest right point on the line, where the left most dot says "far left", and the far right dot says "EvMetro". I voted for Trump and I identify as anti establishment Repub, conservative, and primarily as a "righty".

How about the rest of you? I would love to get a better idea of who is who, and maybe pick a few arguments. What political term(s) do you identify with, and how did you vote?

The great thing about DP is that for every righty there is a wrongy.
I am a social liberal and a fiscal conservative.

Or, as I like to say, "They took away my conservative card because I didn't believe that homosexuality caused earthquakes."

I live my life as a pro-choice, pro-gun, self-responsibility, anti-government cheese kinda guy.

But the people of late whom I feel have bastardized the label "conservative," (ie: birther's, alt-righters, neo-cons, bigots, homophobes, religious nuts, etc., ) have put me in a place to where I no longer want to bear the label of "conservative." These ignorant, shameful people, have placed a blemish on conservatism that most likely not wash off during my lifetime.

I reject it when the liberals call me a conservative. I reject it when the conservatives call me a liberal.

Pretty much, I think political extremists, both left and right, are bat**** crazy and I do not care to identify with either.

Seems we have a lot in common
I am still pretty new, but I have successfully stirred the pot in the few threads that I have posted here. I am familiar with some of the lefties who have debated with me in my few threads, but was hoping to get a who's who picture of what everybody stands for politically. Are you a lefty, righty, Democrat, establishment Repub, anti establishment Repub, commie, progressive, liberal, conservative, etc?

My aim is to be known as the furthest right point on the line, where the left most dot says "far left", and the far right dot says "EvMetro". I voted for Trump and I identify as anti establishment Repub, conservative, and primarily as a "righty".

How about the rest of you? I would love to get a better idea of who is who, and maybe pick a few arguments. What political term(s) do you identify with, and how did you vote?

Satan owns the two furthest dots left and right already... sorry.
Just because I vote republican, or democrat, because of this very fact, does not mean I am in lock step with that particular party or even candidate platform. Because I live in reality.

Question...when Trump won the White House, who was that a victory for? The GOP? They certainly don't seem to feel that way...

Just saying that the reality is one of the two parties is going to win. That's the reality. I would think that a realist would deal with reality. You could call yourself something other than a realist.
EvMetro said:
My aim is to be known as the furthest right point on the line

So, rather than arrive at your political positions by good epistemic practice, reasoned and careful evaluation of the evidence, consideration of the wisdom traditions of the world, and faithfulness to moral intuition, you seek to arrive at your political positions by making sure you're farther right than anyone else?

I find that pretty obviously absurd.
Just saying that the reality is one of the two parties is going to win. That's the reality. I would think that a realist would deal with reality. You could call yourself something other than a realist.

Forcing myself to agree with an ideology because the holders of that ideology are going to be in power is completely retarded.
Okay, you guys can cancel your likes if you like but I need to amend my previous post.

Actually, I am "Pro-Life," and have stood responsible for all of my offspring. But, I'm also "pro-choice" too if that means that it's none of my business what you do with your body. Because it isn't any of my business. Just because I live a "pro-life" life, it doesn't mean I have any right to insist others do as well.

This is a meaningless distinction. You said you were "pro-choice," which means you're a pro-abort.

Now you say you haven't personally killed any kids. Congrats. You're still a pro-abort.

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