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Lefties, Righties, Who's Who? (1 Viewer)


Dec 26, 2016
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Speaking freely
Political Leaning
I am still pretty new, but I have successfully stirred the pot in the few threads that I have posted here. I am familiar with some of the lefties who have debated with me in my few threads, but was hoping to get a who's who picture of what everybody stands for politically. Are you a lefty, righty, Democrat, establishment Repub, anti establishment Repub, commie, progressive, liberal, conservative, etc?

My aim is to be known as the furthest right point on the line, where the left most dot says "far left", and the far right dot says "EvMetro". I voted for Trump and I identify as anti establishment Repub, conservative, and primarily as a "righty".

How about the rest of you? I would love to get a better idea of who is who, and maybe pick a few arguments. What political term(s) do you identify with, and how did you vote?
I am still pretty new, but I have successfully stirred the pot in the few threads that I have posted here. I am familiar with some of the lefties who have debated with me in my few threads, but was hoping to get a who's who picture of what everybody stands for politically. Are you a lefty, righty, Democrat, establishment Repub, anti establishment Repub, commie, progressive, liberal, conservative, etc?

My aim is to be known as the furthest right point on the line, where the left most dot says "far left", and the far right dot says "EvMetro". I voted for Trump and I identify as anti establishment Repub, conservative, and primarily as a "righty".

How about the rest of you? I would love to get a better idea of who is who, and maybe pick a few arguments. What political term(s) do you identify with, and how did you vote?

And yet you identify your political leaning as 'undisclosed'? I take your post at face value, but I did have to grin when I saw that.

I identify my political leaning as 'other' because I am a fairly pure classical liberal--that would be identified as mostly a modern American conservative with a few tweaks--but they don't give me the option of identifying as libertarian (little "L") or classical liberal on the list.
I am still pretty new, but I have successfully stirred the pot in the few threads that I have posted here. I am familiar with some of the lefties who have debated with me in my few threads, but was hoping to get a who's who picture of what everybody stands for politically. Are you a lefty, righty, Democrat, establishment Repub, anti establishment Repub, commie, progressive, liberal, conservative, etc?

My aim is to be known as the furthest right point on the line, where the left most dot says "far left", and the far right dot says "EvMetro". I voted for Trump and I identify as anti establishment Repub, conservative, and primarily as a "righty".

How about the rest of you? I would love to get a better idea of who is who, and maybe pick a few arguments. What political term(s) do you identify with, and how did you vote?

I'm with AlbqOwl.

You first.
I'm with AlbqOwl.

You first.

Well in fairness to the OP, he did describe his political/ideological leaning and said who he voted for.

By the way, I did vote Trump as the only viable option open to me.
I am a social liberal and a fiscal conservative.

Or, as I like to say, "They took away my conservative card because I didn't believe that homosexuality caused earthquakes."

I live my life as a pro-choice, pro-gun, self-responsibility, anti-government cheese kinda guy.

But the people of late whom I feel have bastardized the label "conservative," (ie: birther's, alt-righters, neo-cons, bigots, homophobes, religious nuts, etc., ) have put me in a place to where I no longer want to bear the label of "conservative." These ignorant, shameful people, have placed a blemish on conservatism that most likely not wash off during my lifetime.

I reject it when the liberals call me a conservative. I reject it when the conservatives call me a liberal.

Pretty much, I think political extremists, both left and right, are bat**** crazy and I do not care to identify with either.
I am still pretty new, but I have successfully stirred the pot in the few threads that I have posted here. I am familiar with some of the lefties who have debated with me in my few threads, but was hoping to get a who's who picture of what everybody stands for politically. Are you a lefty, righty, Democrat, establishment Repub, anti establishment Repub, commie, progressive, liberal, conservative, etc?

My aim is to be known as the furthest right point on the line, where the left most dot says "far left", and the far right dot says "EvMetro". I voted for Trump and I identify as anti establishment Repub, conservative, and primarily as a "righty".

How about the rest of you? I would love to get a better idea of who is who, and maybe pick a few arguments. What political term(s) do you identify with, and how did you vote?

I am an independent who is solidly in the anti-establishment conservative category. I don't care for establishment politicians in either party. I was primarily a Ted Cruz supporter and was going to sit the 2016 election out, however Trump won me over in the debates against Hillary. Trump has tapped into a populist movement that many in both parties failed to catch onto. A similar movement led to the Brexit victory in the UK. My hope is that Trump breaks up the oligarchy that exists with establishment politicians. I have hope that that will be the case in the republican party, however the democrat party has not yet looked in the mirror and reflected on why they have been losing since 2010. They are still blaming everyone from Russia to the FBI director to angry white men.
I am still pretty new, but I have successfully stirred the pot in the few threads that I have posted here. I am familiar with some of the lefties who have debated with me in my few threads, but was hoping to get a who's who picture of what everybody stands for politically. Are you a lefty, righty, Democrat, establishment Repub, anti establishment Repub, commie, progressive, liberal, conservative, etc?

My aim is to be known as the furthest right point on the line, where the left most dot says "far left", and the far right dot says "EvMetro". I voted for Trump and I identify as anti establishment Repub, conservative, and primarily as a "righty".

How about the rest of you? I would love to get a better idea of who is who, and maybe pick a few arguments. What political term(s) do you identify with, and how did you vote?

With all due respect, if your objective is to simply take positions farther to the right than those of others on the internet that isn't much of a political philosophy.
And yet you identify your political leaning as 'undisclosed'? I take your post at face value, but I did have to grin when I saw that.

I identify my political leaning as 'other' because I am a fairly pure classical liberal--that would be identified as mostly a modern American conservative with a few tweaks--but they don't give me the option of identifying as libertarian (little "L") or classical liberal on the list.

I'm the same. I switched my lean from "slightly conservative" to "Libertarian" about a year ago, and the very next post directed at me said "WELL, OF COURSE YOU'RE WRONG, LIKE ALL LIBERTARIAN JACKWAGONS". So I immediately switched it to private.

It's just far too hard to have a conversation with someone who 1) thinks they know all of your positions, and 2) automatically thinks you're wrong about everything.
I'm a realist. Which means both parties are not an option for me.
And yet you identify your political leaning as 'undisclosed'? I take your post at face value, but I did have to grin when I saw that.

I identify my political leaning as 'other' because I am a fairly pure classical liberal--that would be identified as mostly a modern American conservative with a few tweaks--but they don't give me the option of identifying as libertarian (little "L") or classical liberal on the list.

The lean thing looks kinda generic. I read the sticky thread that had the quadrants of political position, but that seemed pretty generic too. The quiz that went with it was rigged anyway. It seems better to open a thread and where we can get into it better. I posted a bit about my position in my OP, but can disclose more. There are not many folks who stake ownership claims to the furthest right dot on the line...

The classical liberal thing you mentioned is of interest to me. I actually identify with a lot of what a liberal would mean to Madison or Locke, but today's liberals have hijacked the term liberal in such a way that I just stay away from the term and go by "righty".
With all due respect, if your objective is to simply take positions farther to the right than those of others on the internet that isn't much of a political philosophy.

It is a combination of philosophy and alpha male attitude. Thanks for your reply.
I'm the same. I switched my lean from "slightly conservative" to "Libertarian" about a year ago, and the very next post directed at me said "WELL, OF COURSE YOU'RE WRONG, LIKE ALL LIBERTARIAN JACKWAGONS". So I immediately switched it to private.

It's just far too hard to have a conversation with someone who 1) thinks they know all of your positions, and 2) automatically thinks you're wrong about everything.

Right. Those types have no clue what a libertarian (little "L") or a classical liberal is though I would have used either term had it been on the list. I am not shy about sharing my political leanings or ideology and 'other' was the only logical option open to me at DP.
I'm the same. I switched my lean from "slightly conservative" to "Libertarian" about a year ago, and the very next post directed at me said "WELL, OF COURSE YOU'RE WRONG, LIKE ALL LIBERTARIAN JACKWAGONS". So I immediately switched it to private.

It's just far too hard to have a conversation with someone who 1) thinks they know all of your positions, and 2) automatically thinks you're wrong about everything.

I may have to fill out that field then. I love it when people tell me I am wrong, and when they insult or attack me. It sets the stage for a nice debate.
The lean thing looks kinda generic. I read the sticky thread that had the quadrants of political position, but that seemed pretty generic too.

says the guy who calls almost everyone "lefty", lol.
The lean thing looks kinda generic. I read the sticky thread that had the quadrants of political position, but that seemed pretty generic too. The quiz that went with it was rigged anyway. It seems better to open a thread and where we can get into it better. I posted a bit about my position in my OP, but can disclose more. There are not many folks who stake ownership claims to the furthest right dot on the line...

The classical liberal thing you mentioned is of interest to me. I actually identify with a lot of what a liberal would mean to Madison or Locke, but today's liberals have hijacked the term liberal in such a way that I just stay away from the term and go by "righty".

I do understand. I am just a glutton for punishment though and therefore don't pass up an opportunity to teach if there is even a spark of curiosity. However, there isn't a lot of curiosity amidst the more dogmatic positions.
I may have to fill out that field then. I love it when people tell me I am wrong, and when they insult or attack me. It sets the stage for a nice debate.

Well, from what I've seen so far, you in particular should expect a goodly number of "nice debates".
I am still pretty new, but I have successfully stirred the pot in the few threads that I have posted here. I am familiar with some of the lefties who have debated with me in my few threads, but was hoping to get a who's who picture of what everybody stands for politically. Are you a lefty, righty, Democrat, establishment Repub, anti establishment Repub, commie, progressive, liberal, conservative, etc?

My aim is to be known as the furthest right point on the line, where the left most dot says "far left", and the far right dot says "EvMetro". I voted for Trump and I identify as anti establishment Repub, conservative, and primarily as a "righty".

How about the rest of you? I would love to get a better idea of who is who, and maybe pick a few arguments. What political term(s) do you identify with, and how did you vote?

I am more of a traditional Goldwater conservative who belongs to the tiny Reform Party who thinks the religious right hijacked the GOP. More of a fiscal conservative and social liberal. I voted for Gary Johnson because I hated even the thought of Hillary Clinton and/or Donald Trump occupying the White House or either one becoming CINC of our armed forces.

Perhaps the live and let live motto brands some of my politics. I seen both party do 180's when they came from out of power to in power of their political philosophy. I always vote for whom I think is the best candidate for the office, parties be danged and I have found myself voting for more and more third party candidates as time goes by.

I list other as my lean as the Reform Party isn't a choice. I believe in Fiscal responsibility and pretty much leave social issues up to the people involved. As long as someone isn't harming others, let them live their life as they so wish.
Well, from what I've seen so far, you in particular should expect a goodly number of "nice debates".

I like that term "goodly". Kinda reminds me of how Trump says "bigly".

I just went in to update my leaning to "righty", but had to choose from a list of different ways to say lefty. I could have marked "other" but that was not controversial enough. Commie should leave some confusion in the future...
I am more of a traditional Goldwater conservative who belongs to the tiny Reform Party who thinks the religious right hijacked the GOP. More of a fiscal conservative and social liberal. I voted for Gary Johnson because I hated even the thought of Hillary Clinton and/or Donald Trump occupying the White House or either one becoming CINC of our armed forces.

Perhaps the live and let live motto brands some of my politics. I seen both party do 180's when they came from out of power to in power of their political philosophy. I always vote for whom I think is the best candidate for the office, parties be danged and I have found myself voting for more and more third party candidates as time goes by.

I list other as my lean as the Reform Party isn't a choice. I believe in Fiscal responsibility and pretty much leave social issues up to the people involved. As long as someone isn't harming others, let them live their life as they so wish.

Lol, good to see you over here. I have always enjoyed going round and round with you. Hopefully nobody I know will ever catch me on one of the forums where I am a progressive liberal...
I like that term "goodly". Kinda reminds me of how Trump says "bigly".

I just went in to update my leaning to "righty", but had to choose from a list of different ways to say lefty. I could have marked "other" but that was not controversial enough. Commie should leave some confusion in the future...

...you sound suspiciously like a professional troll.

Tell us, how many political forums are you banned from?
Conservative, Very Conservative, Libertarian, Libertarian - Right.

None of those should be confused with leftist.

Also, good luck being more to the economic right than me.
Lol, good to see you over here. I have always enjoyed going round and round with you. Hopefully nobody I know will ever catch me on one of the forums where I am a progressive liberal...

I've been classified as being ultra right and ultra left depending on the subject. I don't let political parties decide my stance on any issue, I make up my own mind. I'm one of those weird people who thinks Obama has done some good things and done some bad things, the same with Bush, with Clinton before him and with Bush the elder.

I still rate Eisenhower as the best president that I have experienced in my lifetime with Jimmy Carter the worst. The rest fall in-between.
With all due respect, if your objective is to simply take positions farther to the right than those of others on the internet that isn't much of a political philosophy.

Quite true that. Also, not sure that 'Communist', as he's identified himself, is one of those 'further right' on the political spectrum.
I always thought that it was one of the further left ones.
I lean towards the Left on most things, especially when it comes to social issues like LGBT+ rights (as well as being on of them), and abortion (pro-choice). I also am sort of an anti-estabishment liberal, which is one of the reasons why I chose not to vote for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

But I've also come to hold some moderate/conservative positions over time as well, such as being pro-2nd Amendment, and being against the sort of modern 'social justice' movement.

This is why my lean says 'Slightly Liberal'. I think it's the most accurate label on here that fits me personally. Athough, 'Independent' could probably fit me just as well.
I lean towards the Left on most things, especially when it comes to social issues like LGBT+ rights (as well as being on of them), and abortion (pro-choice). I also am sort of an anti-estabishment liberal, which is one of the reasons why I chose not to vote for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

But I've also come to hold some moderate/conservative positions over time as well, such as being pro-2nd Amendment, and being against the sort of modern 'social justice' movement.

This is why my lean says 'Slightly Liberal'. I think it's the most accurate labep on here that fits me personally.

Fair enough, hence my respect for you. ;)

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