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Lefties, Righties, Who's Who? (1 Viewer)

I am still pretty new, but I have successfully stirred the pot in the few threads that I have posted here. I am familiar with some of the lefties who have debated with me in my few threads, but was hoping to get a who's who picture of what everybody stands for politically. Are you a lefty, righty, Democrat, establishment Repub, anti establishment Repub, commie, progressive, liberal, conservative, etc?

My aim is to be known as the furthest right point on the line, where the left most dot says "far left", and the far right dot says "EvMetro". I voted for Trump and I identify as anti establishment Repub, conservative, and primarily as a "righty".

How about the rest of you? I would love to get a better idea of who is who, and maybe pick a few arguments. What political term(s) do you identify with, and how did you vote?

You are a "righty"? So you're soft on Russia and Crimea? ;)

But when you Who's Who is ready I would love to read it.
"small l" libertarian. That is fiscally conservative, socially liberal, small government, push most decision making down as close to the electorate as possible. All of that with a healthy dose of pragmatism.

good with homosexual marriage, good with drug legalization, good with legal abortion, not so good with public accommodation laws (read that as pro private property rights), pro-2A , not so good with most forms of gun control, rabidly pro 1A and 4A, not at all good with the idea of walls and rounding people up for mass deportation.

Basically prefer to leave people alone to lead their lives as they see fit.

Voted Gary Johnson. Think Trump is going to be a disaster of a president. The transition period has not in any way changed my mind about that.

Anything else?
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I lean towards the Left on most things, especially when it comes to social issues like LGBT+ rights (as well as being on of them), and abortion (pro-choice). I also am sort of an anti-estabishment liberal, which is one of the reasons why I chose not to vote for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

But I've also come to hold some moderate/conservative positions over time as well, such as being pro-2nd Amendment, and being against the sort of modern 'social justice' movement.

This is why my lean says 'Slightly Liberal'. I think it's the most accurate label on here that fits me personally. Athough, 'Independent' could probably fit me just as well.

I think I can see your "independent" streak...

I would imagine that the the election cycle was quite a mess for you, since there was no candidate who fit what you would have wanted.
Quite true that. Also, not sure that 'Communist', as he's identified himself, is one of those 'further right' on the political spectrum.
I always thought that it was one of the further left ones.

Go far enough to the left or right and you'll find they're largely indistinguishable. They want to control your life completely - they just have differing justifications.
Quite true that. Also, not sure that 'Communist', as he's identified himself, is one of those 'further right' on the political spectrum.
I always thought that it was one of the further left ones.

Check out post 18.
I like this topic and this thread. I chose Progressive as my lean... and yet my most aggravating exchanges occurred with Tangmo (who also chose Progressive as a lean). I have a quirky, spontaneous fantasy, where the moderators would form a committee to review posts, then assign each poster a secondary lean. Some subjects and issues, I jump in fully opinionated and, lawyer-like, enjoy justifying, arguing, defending and explaining. Other issues, say 2nd Amendment and Gun Laws, I have opinions I tend to keep to myself. I have not previously disclosed my time spent in college as a licensed armed security guard. TurtleDude, credentialed and versed in Federal and State Gun Case Laws, would immediately pounce and devour me ... and yet not sway my opinion in the least bit. I find no fun in that. I would rather play President Obama one-on-one in basketball than a Division III bench warmer. I want to feel I have a chance. Ah... I do feel like I have a place at debatepolitics.com
Go far enough to the left or right and you'll find they're largely indistinguishable. They want to control your life completely - they just have differing justifications.

Hmm. Yeah, I can see your point on that.
Regardless, I find that level of control over me in someone else's hands unacceptable.
I like this topic and this thread. I chose Progressive as my lean... and yet my most aggravating exchanges occurred with Tangmo (who also chose Progressive as a lean). I have a quirky, spontaneous fantasy, where the moderators would form a committee to review posts, then assign each poster a secondary lean. Some subjects and issues, I jump in fully opinionated and, lawyer-like, enjoy justifying, arguing, defending and explaining. Other issues, say 2nd Amendment and Gun Laws, I have opinions I tend to keep to myself. I have not previously disclosed my time spent in college as a licensed armed security guard. TurtleDude, credentialed and versed in Federal and State Gun Case Laws, would immediately pounce and devour me ... and yet not sway my opinion in the least bit. I find no fun in that. I would rather play President Obama one-on-one in basketball than a Division III bench warmer. I want to feel I have a chance. Ah... I do feel like I have a place at debatepolitics.com

Certainly a very nice sentiment. Seems there's a place for many a different point of views here at DP.
"small l" libertarian. That is fiscally conservative, socially liberal, small government, push most decision making down as close to the electorate as possible. All of that with a healthy dose of pragmatism.

good with homosexual marriage, good with drug legalization, good with legal abortion, not so good with public accommodation laws (read that as pro private property rights), pro-2A , not so good with most forms of gun control, rabidly pro 1A and 4A, not at all good with the idea of walls and rounding people up for mass deportation.

Basically prefer to leave people alone to lead their lives as they see fit.

Voted Gary Johnson. Think Trump is going to be a disaster of a president. The transition period has not in any way changed my mind about that.

Anything else?

Except as I define libertarian (small "L") you are not required to be socially liberal at all. You CAN be if you choose but you can also be socially conservative/traditional if you choose. Libertarian (small "L") is synonymous with individual liberty allowing people to be whomever or whatever they choose so long as they don't get in anybody's face and/or tread on other's rights to be whomever or whatever they choose.

Tolerance to the classical liberal or libertarian (small "L") means allowing others to be and live as they choose short of violating the rights of others. It does not mean that we approve of or condone the actions or beliefs or opinions of others; only that we don't punish others because they don't act, believe, or speak as we do.
I am a social liberal and a fiscal conservative.

Or, as I like to say, "They took away my conservative card because I didn't believe that homosexuality caused earthquakes."

I live my life as a pro-choice, pro-gun, self-responsibility, anti-government cheese kinda guy.

But the people of late whom I feel have bastardized the label "conservative," (ie: birther's, alt-righters, neo-cons, bigots, homophobes, religious nuts, etc., ) have put me in a place to where I no longer want to bear the label of "conservative." These ignorant, shameful people, have placed a blemish on conservatism that most likely not wash off during my lifetime.

I reject it when the liberals call me a conservative. I reject it when the conservatives call me a liberal.

Pretty much, I think political extremists, both left and right, are bat**** crazy and I do not care to identify with either.

Except as I define libertarian (small "L") you are not required to be socially liberal at all. You CAN be if you choose but you can also be socially conservative/traditional if you choose. Libertarian (small "L") is synonymous with individual liberty allowing people to be whomever or whatever they choose so long as they don't get in anybody's face and/or tread on other's rights to be whomever or whatever they choose.

Tolerance to the classical liberal or libertarian (small "L") means allowing others to be and live as they choose short of violating the rights of others. It does not mean that we approve of or condone the actions or beliefs or opinions of others; only that we don't punish others because they don't act, believe, or speak as we do.

I had a big problem with legalizing and recognizing gay marriage at first, simply because I don't think the government has any business recognizing or encouraging ANY domestic situation.

But then I realized that the overly complicated tax code and hundreds of years of family law would make it too complicated to undo, so I said "gays should be able to marry". That, to me, was the only classically liberal choice from a pragmatic standpoint. With the exception of literally rewriting the entire government, gays shouldn't NOT be allowed to marry.

It's not progressive or socially liberal so much as hands-off libertarian in my opinion.
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...you sound suspiciously like a professional troll.

Tell us, how many political forums are you banned from?

I am quite qualified to be a professional troll, and am qualified to troll for either side. I have never been compensated for trolling though, and have never actually trolled professionally. I just have a troll like nature if you happen to be a lefty. If there are any political organizations out there who are reading this and want my services, you probably can't afford me.

How many forums am I banned from? I am only banned from politicalforum. I set up house over here and on a few other forums prior to my anticipated ban, and my permanent ban finally became official yesterday. I posted a goodbye thread prior to the permanent ban to say farewell to the many great members over there, and made it known that when that thread was censored and deleted, they will have done the permanent ban. My permanent ban from that site was the result of a political war where some of the admins were using their mod powers to manipulate my threads and help lefties win debates. I could have remained there indefinitely if I had been willing to debate with my mouth taped shut, but that is not how I operate. I posted a goodbye thread to say farewell, and they banned me the next day. I would be amazed if that thread is still there in the casual chat section, but it was probably deleted at the time of the ban.
Except as I define libertarian (small "L") you are not required to be socially liberal at all. You CAN be if you choose but you can also be socially conservative/traditional if you choose. Libertarian (small "L") is synonymous with individual liberty allowing people to be whomever or whatever they choose so long as they don't get in anybody's face and/or tread on other's rights to be whomever or whatever they choose.

Tolerance to the classical liberal or libertarian (small "L") means allowing others to be and live as they choose short of violating the rights of others. It does not mean that we approve of or condone the actions or beliefs or opinions of others; only that we don't punish others because they don't act, believe, or speak as we do.

I see your point - I was somewhat unclear. By socially liberal I meant that I respect individual liberty.

Personally I'm not a fan of abortion though we - my wife and I - were never in a position where we had to consider one, both our children were very much wanted. On the other hand I'm personally fine with homosexuality - I can't imagine why anyone would care about who someone decides to spend a night or their entire lives with.
I like this topic and this thread. I chose Progressive as my lean... and yet my most aggravating exchanges occurred with Tangmo (who also chose Progressive as a lean). I have a quirky, spontaneous fantasy, where the moderators would form a committee to review posts, then assign each poster a secondary lean. Some subjects and issues, I jump in fully opinionated and, lawyer-like, enjoy justifying, arguing, defending and explaining. Other issues, say 2nd Amendment and Gun Laws, I have opinions I tend to keep to myself. I have not previously disclosed my time spent in college as a licensed armed security guard. TurtleDude, credentialed and versed in Federal and State Gun Case Laws, would immediately pounce and devour me ... and yet not sway my opinion in the least bit. I find no fun in that. I would rather play President Obama one-on-one in basketball than a Division III bench warmer. I want to feel I have a chance. Ah... I do feel like I have a place at debatepolitics.com

Greetings, Trippy Trekker. :2wave:

Since I missed your arrival, :wcm to our playground! I trust you will enjoy your time here! :thumbs:
I like that term "goodly". Kinda reminds me of how Trump says "bigly".

I just went in to update my leaning to "righty", but had to choose from a list of different ways to say lefty. I could have marked "other" but that was not controversial enough. Commie should leave some confusion in the future...

You're a commie? I bet you love Trump, huh? Or could I be mistaken?
It is pretty interesting getting these more detailed "leans" in this thread format. I do in fact package up almost everybody as a lefty, but for some reason in this thread format, everybody reads as being people who I would respect. I will still butt heads and box with lefties on other threads, but the environment here on this thread feels more like a holiday office party. Lotsa cool folks.
You're a commie? I bet you love Trump, huh? Or could I be mistaken?

Lol, check out post 18. I have supported Trump since the very first moment Megyn Kelly reported on him. I stopped donating to Cruz, and hopped the Trump train from the very beginning.
says the guy who calls almost everyone "lefty", lol.

Looks like you gave up on the Mexican rapist thread, lol. I doubt that we will ever finish the argument on that, but you are pretty fun to butt heads with.
The lean thing looks kinda generic. I read the sticky thread that had the quadrants of political position, but that seemed pretty generic too. The quiz that went with it was rigged anyway. It seems better to open a thread and where we can get into it better. I posted a bit about my position in my OP, but can disclose more. There are not many folks who stake ownership claims to the furthest right dot on the line...

The classical liberal thing you mentioned is of interest to me. I actually identify with a lot of what a liberal would mean to Madison or Locke, but today's liberals have hijacked the term liberal in such a way that I just stay away from the term and go by "righty".

They have also hijacked the term far right. if you have any views that to not meet up to "political correctness" standards, they will label you as far right or alt right.
I had a big problem with legalizing and recognizing gay marriage at first, simply because I don't think the government has any business recognizing or encouraging ANY domestic situation.

But then I realized that the overly complicated tax code and hundreds of years of family law would make it too complicated to undo, so I said "gays should be able to marry". That, to me, was the only classically liberal choice from a pragmatic standpoint. With the exception of literally rewriting the entire government, gays shouldn't NOT be allowed to marry.

It's not progressive or socially liberal so much as hands-off libertarian in my opinion.

And I am one who fully supported and actually actively in person lobbied for necessary equal RIGHTS for gay couples, but I was not willing to consent to change a definition of marriage that has endured for thousands of years. I won't make my argument to defend that here as it would derail the thread, but I don't know how many people have accused me of hating gays, wanting to deny gays their rights, being homophobic, yadda yadda. It's just nuts.

To the classical liberal, my views or your views about anything are tolerated peacefully so long as I don't try to improperly forcibly impose them on others and accept being overruled by the majority.
I'm a realist. Which means both parties are not an option for me.

I think I can sympathize with you that there was no candidate that you wanted, but there is something about what you posted that looks like an oxymoron...
Im easy, I will always be independant. The rhetoric of both parties and the sheep they want is not for me. There are many free mind thinking righties and lefties out there though but that's not what the media focuses on. I'll never claim another party again because I find it all silly. Stereotypically I will never match any stereotypical talking point list because it's illogical and not based on reality, I also could change my list based on current reality, invention, knowledge etc. Free thinking, circumstansial thinking and accepting reality doesn't seem to be popular with either party.

many issues im socially liberal, many issues im conservative, especially fiscal
been called a lefty on abortion issues and equal rights issues
been called a righty on gun and war issues
been called both on crime issues and economic issues

I'm simply me and find parties silly. The one plus i feel "confident" in with trump being elected president is that I feel his election will speed up the process of breaking the strangle hold of the two party system on us.
Lol, check out post 18. I have supported Trump since the very first moment Megyn Kelly reported on him. I stopped donating to Cruz, and hopped the Trump train from the very beginning.

Cruz > Trump.

Nevertheless, here we are I guess.
Lol, check out post 18. I have supported Trump since the very first moment Megyn Kelly reported on him. I stopped donating to Cruz, and hopped the Trump train from the very beginning.

Well, I have been conditioned, as a cold war baby, do instinctively distrust commies. So, needless to say, I am no Trump fan.

But he will soon be my president. I'm trying to look at it from the bright side. I will get a taste of Moscow and not have renew my passport.

Should we start referring to each other as "comrade?" Maybe put away my Jack Daniels and get used to drinking vodka?

Will we all be mailed an instructional booklet on "How to be a Commie for Dummies?"

Who does this commie thing work? Will they be sending out cards?

BTW..... Welcome to Debate Politics!

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