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Labor Secretary: 'There are jobs out there' (1 Viewer)


Filmmaker ● Lawyer ● Patriot
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Oct 1, 2005
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Pay no attention to that rising unemployment rate!

Labor Secretary: 'There are jobs out there' - USATODAY.com

It's up to you

I am not an economist. I believe that numbers only tell you part of the story. I deal with real people, and I know that the only true replacement for a job lost, is a new job that pays good wages. I'm committed to making that a reality for anyone who wants a job.

That's why I'm so excited to announce www.myskillsmyfuture.org— a new online tool to connect workers with high quality training and local employment.

By visiting the site and adding information about your most recent work experience, you can see exactly what skills you need to qualify for a broad range of careers. You can also find local training and education providers and, yes — you can see local job postings.

In other words, what's next ... is up to you.

There are jobs out there.
And, this Labor Day — and every day — I'm going to continue helping people find them and employers fill them. If you're ready to embrace a 21st century career, I want you to know your Department of Labor is here to help you. And, if you're an employer looking to fill positions, we've got a list of great candidates for you.
It is so very sad to read something like this. They seem to feel the answer to creating more jobs is to start a website. This is the best the government can come up with.

And there is still over two more years remaining of this feebleness.

I don't care how many Americans voted for BHO, they are instinctively too good a people to deserve this.
"The big question: Are things getting better? To answer that, we need to look back more than a year ago, when the economy was losing a staggering 800,000 jobs a month. Our actions, most notably the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, stopped those losses."
Employment Situation Summary

Here's the group of people that should get on the internet and check this out; if their internet access wasn't turned off.
You're doing a heck of a job, Brownie, er....Hildy....

Her rose tinted glasses are certainly working well for her.
"The big question: Are things getting better? To answer that, we need to look back more than a year ago, when the economy was losing a staggering 800,000 jobs a month. Our actions, most notably the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, stopped those losses."

Eventually, you don't have any more jobs to lose.

That's like punching a hole in the side of a milk carton, then celebrating the fact that it stopped leaking eventually.
First we have Muareen Dowd telling us that we're too stupid to understand just how brilliant Obama really is. Now we have this ole girl telling us that we're too lazy to get out and find a job.
It is so very sad to read something like this. They seem to feel the answer to creating more jobs is to start a website. This is the best the government can come up with.
"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

"The big question: Are things getting better? To answer that, we need to look back more than a year ago, when the economy was losing a staggering 800,000 jobs a month. Our actions, most notably the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, stopped those losses."

Where do you get your statistics, Pbrauer, because every time I read this type of stat it grows by another 50,000.

Here are other stats which show that the job losses weren't near that high.

» Blog Archive » Corporate Talent: Where the US Labor Market is Going

Did you do any real research rather than just repeating what was said in some left wing web site? Where is your link?
I just got hired along with another guy for a new job, and it's looking like we'll need a third. Are you guys suggesting that there are no jobs at all or are you just deliberately misinterpreting his statement so you have something to attack?
I just got hired along with another guy for a new job, and it's looking like we'll need a third. Are you guys suggesting that there are no jobs at all or are you just deliberately misinterpreting his statement so you have something to attack?

3 down, 16 million to go....:2razz:

I see signs of recovery as well, in northern Utah, but not so much in the Phoenix, AZ area where our winter home is.
3 down, 16 million to go....:2razz:

I see signs of recovery as well, in northern Utah, but not so much in the Phoenix, AZ area where our winter home is.

You can rent out that second home, hire someone to manage it. BAM! A fourth job! At this rate, by 2715 we'll have that unemployment problem handled!
You can rent out that second home, hire someone to manage it. BAM! A fourth job! At this rate, by 2715 we'll have that unemployment problem handled!

Been there, done that, won't do it again.....besides, we need a place to stay whether we are north, or south...got grandkids in both locations, but there is no room at their house, not for months at a time.
The AZ home is real close to the new Cardinal football stadium, just 5 miles north of it, so I might consider renting it out for a week around superbowl, if it is being played there.

Arizona got hit hard by the housing bubble bursting. We know several people who thought they were safely employed, and they weren't.
Most of them were 2 job families, so they are holding on to their house, but some others are not.
Even some who had very high paying jobs are in trouble, comes from buying more house than they needed, then their income took a hit. When it comes to money, I have been paranoid my whole life. We never had more debt than we could pay off in short notice, except the house, and we made an effort to pay it off early. It is nice to have no debt....very nice.
"The big question: Are things getting better? To answer that, we need to look back more than a year ago, when the economy was losing a staggering 800,000 jobs a month. Our actions, most notably the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, stopped those losses."

Seems like these are the statistics that really count:


United States Unemployment Rate

If one looks at July 2009 v July 2010, looks pretty static to me, despite $787 Billion stimulus in Feb. '09; $3 Billion Cash for Clunkers; Energy Star Tax Credits and all the rest. The best one can say is, "Wow!! I wonder what the unemployment rate would have been without that stuff!" 'cause it doesn't seem to have made much difference.
Yeah - I'm sure there are job openings out there that aren't being filled.

Why not?

Of the top of my head without giving it extreme deep thought I can give two reasons: 1) The jobs are NOT where people are needing them - and if someone doesn't have a job it's likely they can't relocate or plan to travel a long distance. 2) The jobs *open and unfilled* have qualifications and pre-requisites that many can't meet even if they did apply.
Yeah - I'm sure there are job openings out there that aren't being filled.

Why not?

Of the top of my head without giving it extreme deep thought I can give two reasons: 1) The jobs are NOT where people are needing them - and if someone doesn't have a job it's likely they can't relocate or plan to travel a long distance. 2) The jobs *open and unfilled* have qualifications and pre-requisites that many can't meet even if they did apply.
Classified ads for jobs are way down in our local paper.
But, truth be known, the classifieds are not the best place to look for a job. I never found one there. Usually it was friends who knew of openings in their departments....or internal job postings where I worked...I expect if the economy does pick up, the employees let go will be invited back first. The ones I feel sorry for are recent college graduates. They have an expensive degree, and no job prospects...
So, the government basically ripped off the private sector and created a job finding site? :lamo
There ARE jobs out there. Wal-Mart greeter, fry cook at McDonald's, and many other minimum wage jobs. Better hurry up and get 'em, folks, before the illegal aliens beat you to 'em. Obama - Bringing prosperity to......... ?? :mrgreen:

Nothing worse than hearing "sorry sir you are over qualified to be a wall mart greeter."

WTF I can not say "hello welcome to wallmart" with an education?

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