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Kanye West (1 Viewer)

Moderate Right

DP Veteran
Oct 21, 2015
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Slightly Conservative
If Kanye West attracts black votes away from Biden, helping Trump win, is that cheating?
It's certainly underhanded, but it's not cheating in the same way that Trump attacking mail-in ballots (except where he thinks it will help him) and simultaneously kneecapping USPS in order to jeopardize ballots arriving on time.
Any person that votes for Kanye, for any reason, is a ****ing idiot...
its a free country at the moment, Kanye can run and people who vote for him have the right an are not ----ing idiots
Is he even on any State ballot yet?
people can write in whom ever they want! Q 2024
people can write in whom ever they want! Q 2024

need to update the translation software, komrade, whomever is one word here in the west..........:2wave:
If Kanye West attracts black votes away from Biden, helping Trump win, is that cheating?

If Trump’s team supports him.

And it sure looks like they are.

Trumps lawyer filed his petition for getting on the ballot in Wl. Most states, like WI, specifically forbid an independent candidate to run if they are being supported by an opposing political party.
Where Kanye West is and isn’t on the ballot for the 2020 election

By the first week in August, West had already forfeited 225 Electoral College votes due to missed deadlines or problems with his filing petitions.

This is pretty much throwing sand in the gears.......

Well it does look like he got on the ballots in Colorado, Oklahoma and Vermont...so there's that.


I have a feeling that he didn't do any of the footwork and research to figure out how to run for President and in the end won't be on the ballot in many states.
If Trump’s team supports him.

And it sure looks like they are.

Trumps lawyer filed his petition for getting on the ballot in Wl. Most states, like WI, specifically forbid an independent candidate to run if they are being supported by an opposing political party.

Trump lawyer helped Kanye West try to get on Wisconsin’s ballot

Seems like that is true. I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. Trump's toadie is trying to undercut the USPS to affect Mail-In voting, the GOP has been cutting polling places, why not file Kanye's paperwork for him and promote him as a candidate to try to take away votes from Biden.

If Kanye West attracts black votes away from Biden, helping Trump win, is that cheating?

Fake signatures to get on the ballot is considered cheating by most standards.

By the time the election rolls around Kanye will likely be indicted for election fraud and divorced. But of course he'll expect Trump to pardon him...cuz like "law and order" is such a thing now.
If Kanye West attracts black votes away from Biden, helping Trump win, is that cheating?

Yep, incredibly immoral as well. Not only because those sponsoring Kanye's candidacy don't actually want him to win, it's taking advantage of a mentally ill person.
If Kanye West attracts black votes away from Biden, helping Trump win, is that cheating?

Why do you think he would attract black people's votes away from Biden?
If Kanye West attracts black votes away from Biden, helping Trump win, is that cheating?

Kanye is a fool and people already know it.... Money and Public Publicity has made many before him fools and their downfall is always the makings of a train-wreck off a high bridge.
its a free country at the moment, Kanye can run and people who vote for him have the right an are not ----ing idiots

They would be wasting their vote which is IDIOTIC.

But I doubt many Black Americans will vote for West. They cherish their votes, value them. They worked too hard to get the vote and work too hard even today to keep their voting rights from being stolen from them.

It is those that are privileged that will carelessly toss their vote away and we all know who they are are now don't we!
If Kanye West attracts black votes away from Biden, helping Trump win, is that cheating?

Not one bit. West so far will be on the ballot in just 4 states, Arkansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Vermont. Arkansas and Oklahoma are safe Trump sates, Colorado and Vermont safe Biden states. This is much ado about nothing.

West has missed the deadline for the following states and won't appear on their ballots, (23 states + the District of Columbia): 308 electoral votes – Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Maine, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Washington.

What I find interesting is the petitions of signatures in Illinois, well over half were declared invalid to keep West off the ballot there. Just another example of the monopoly the two major parties have on our electoral system and by hook or crook, they're bound and determine to keep that monopoly. They'll go to any length to keep independents and third party candidates off their ballots. They don't want the American people to have any other choice except for them. Yet it seems this bothers no one. Well, if we're satisfied with just two choices, so be it. But the problem is a majority of Americans aren't. But don't have the power to change the system since Republicans and Democrats write our election laws and they do so as a mutual protection act. If there is one thing both major parties agree on, it's no viable third party will ever rise. They want you limited to two choices and that is exactly what you get.

Majority in U.S. Still Say a Third Party Is Needed
Not one bit. West so far will be on the ballot in just 4 states, Arkansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Vermont. Arkansas and Oklahoma are safe Trump sates, Colorado and Vermont safe Biden states. This is much ado about nothing.

West has missed the deadline for the following states and won't appear on their ballots, (23 states + the District of Columbia): 308 electoral votes – Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Maine, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Washington.

What I find interesting is the petitions of signatures in Illinois, well over half were declared invalid to keep West off the ballot there. Just another example of the monopoly the two major parties have on our electoral system and by hook or crook, they're bound and determine to keep that monopoly. They'll go to any length to keep independents and third party candidates off their ballots. They don't want the American people to have any other choice except for them. Yet it seems this bothers no one. Well, if we're satisfied with just two choices, so be it. But the problem is a majority of Americans aren't. But don't have the power to change the system since Republicans and Democrats write our election laws and they do so as a mutual protection act. If there is one thing both major parties agree on, it's no viable third party will ever rise. They want you limited to two choices and that is exactly what you get.

Majority in U.S. Still Say a Third Party Is Needed

We have 3rd parties. If the "majority" is saying they're needed...they need to vote for them. Support 3rd parties, it's the only way to control the Republocrat Oligarchy.
If Kanye West attracts black votes away from Biden, helping Trump win, is that cheating?

It is illegal for a campaign to promote 2 different candidates in the same race yes. When Trumps legal team posted the requests for West's name to be on the ballot that is conflict of interest.
Some are saying Kayne might see some jail time over this.

There's a bunch of laws and requirements that you have to meet to run for president. Apparently, he's ignored these.
It's not cheating, more like freakin' delusional... :peace

According to his wife Kanye suffers from bi-polar disorder. That does not stop Trump from using him to increase his chances. He preys on the weak and mentally ill.

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