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Israeli nuclear counterstike (1 Viewer)

Would you support an Israeli nuclear response to an Iranian nuclear attack?

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M14 Shooter

DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Toledo-ish OH
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
In the news today, we see a story regarding how close the Iranians are to a nuclear weapon.

One of the greatest concerns regarding a nuclear-capable Iran is that they will use their nuke(s) against Israel.

If Iran were to nuke Israel, would you support or oppose an Israeli nuclear response? Why?
M14 Shooter said:
In the news today, we see a story regarding how close the Iranians are to a nuclear weapons.

One of th egreatest concerns regarding a nuclear-capable Iran is that they will use their nuke(s) against Israel.

If Iran were to nuke Israel, would you support or oppose an Israeli nuclear response? Why?

And now Russia has agreed to sell them the missiles they need to launch a strike against Israel. Russia has become little more then a weapons wh0re these days, they are irresponsible, and as unstable as ever they were, it's a very serious problem.

new coup for you said:
ending isreali angst would solve alot of problems

Sounds like you're a terrorist!
I say the United Nations should get involved.

:2rofll: :2funny: :lamo :laughat:
M14 Shooter said:
In the news today, we see a story regarding how close the Iranians are to a nuclear weapon.

One of the greatest concerns regarding a nuclear-capable Iran is that they will use their nuke(s) against Israel.

If Iran were to nuke Israel, would you support or oppose an Israeli nuclear response? Why?

It's time that the Iranian threat is neutalized. I honestly believe that the only way to keep Iran in check is destroy all of their nuclear facilities. If the mullahs cannot be controlled then they must be DESTROYED!

Death to the MULLAHS
Death to the President of Iran
Vader said:
Sounds like you're a terrorist!

i'm tired of hearing people cry about an area of sand smaller then New Jersey

i also don't think said country is worth antagonizing half the world against America

So if Iran wants to end all the bullshit then i'm for it
cnredd said:
I say the United Nations should get involved.

:2rofll: :2funny: :lamo :laughat:
Why? So that they can form a committee to vote on the willingness to discuss possibly condemning the action by saying they strongly verbally oppose violence against Israel. ROFL.
Vader said:
It's time that the Iranian threat is neutalized. I honestly believe that the only way to keep Iran in check is destroy all of their nuclear facilities. If the mullahs cannot be controlled then they must be DESTROYED!

Death to the MULLAHS
Death to the President of Iran

Replace Mullahs and Radical Islam with the West and America and you sound just like jolly old Bin Laden.
M14 Shooter said:
In the news today, we see a story regarding how close the Iranians are to a nuclear weapon.

One of the greatest concerns regarding a nuclear-capable Iran is that they will use their nuke(s) against Israel.

If Iran were to nuke Israel, would you support or oppose an Israeli nuclear response? Why?

Of course Israel should respond to nukes with nukes. Israel is tiny and Iran is huge; one nuclear attack on Israel would virtually devastate the country and represent an existential threat. They would have little choice but to launch an all-out nuclear assault on Iran (as would the US, UK, France, and India).
They really should do it (and I'm sure they will) far before Iran develops a nuclear bomb. It's not like building it is an overnight process. It takes months at least, and I'm sure Israel will have adequate fore-warning to deal with it.
It has been whispered for decades that Israel has a, DOOMSDAY SYSTEM .Where in, if it ever looked like she was going to be over run by the Arabs . She would launch enough nuclear rockets to destroy the entire Arab world.The ultimate meaning of NEVER AGAIN !
I think they should act now, especially after the threats from Irans own president, they waged war that day. Do the world a favor, and nuke their weapons sites now, they have every reason to do so.
-4- people dont think Israel should strike back?

M14 Shooter said:
-4- people dont think Israel should strike back?


Anti-semitics, it's a world wide problem.
Deegan said:
Anti-semitics, it's a world wide problem.

I wonder how many of the "no" votes would agree that Iran should strike back with nuclear weapons if Israel were to nuke them first.
M14 Shooter said:
I wonder how many of the "no" votes would agree that Iran should strike back with nuclear weapons if Israel were to nuke them first.

I'm sure they would say Iran should nuke them, anyone who says a nuked country should "turn the other cheek" is either insane, or hateful.:roll:
Well I wouldn't ALWAYS be in favor of responding to a nuclear attack with nukes, if conventional weapons could accomplish the same goals. But I just don't see any way that it would be possible for Israel to respond to a nuclear attack with conventional weapons before being wiped off the map, because it's so small.
Kandahar said:
Well I wouldn't ALWAYS be in favor of responding to a nuclear attack with nukes, if conventional weapons could accomplish the same goals. But I just don't see any way that it would be possible for Israel to respond to a nuclear attack with conventional weapons before being wiped off the map, because it's so small.

I think that if Israel were nuked it would already be almost wiped off the map. They could launch a counterstrike, but there would be nothing left to defend. I think if Iran did this it would cause us to go there like we did in Afghanistan and Iraq.

That being said, I don't think the Iranians would do this. Their leaders know that if they dropped a nuke, a retribution will follow.
Israelis can do whatever the hell they want but if they get nuked, its their fault for not stopping it. I mean if they get nuked a whole bunch of innocents will die. But if they retaliate a whole bunch of innocents will die. Its pretty ****ed up ****.

Nuclear weapons are the worst invention we've ever come up with. If it wasn't for nuclear weapons, I might think world peace would be easier to accomplish but I think, for the sake of humanity, we need to keep everyone from building and using nukes. Everyone. We're not excluded in this.
Connecticutter said:
I think that if Israel were nuked it would already be almost wiped off the map. They could launch a counterstrike, but there would be nothing left to defend. I think if Iran did this it would cause us to go there like we did in Afghanistan and Iraq.

That being said, I don't think the Iranians would do this. Their leaders know that if they dropped a nuke, a retribution will follow.

The rationality of the Iranian government is at least a subject of debate. The president called for wiping Israel off the map, and one of the ayatollahs has said that it would be worth it to nuke Israel (knowing full well that it would be the end of his government), because such a trade would kill a significant portion of the world's Jews but only a small portion of the world's Muslims.
M14 Shooter said:
In the news today, we see a story regarding how close the Iranians are to a nuclear weapon.

One of the greatest concerns regarding a nuclear-capable Iran is that they will use their nuke(s) against Israel.

If Iran were to nuke Israel, would you support or oppose an Israeli nuclear response? Why?

Been saying this for as long as I've been a member of this site. Israel will destroy the Iranian plant soon. They can't afford not to. Iran will use the plant to make material to make a nuke. They will use said nuke on Isreal. Directly or through terrorists. We all know this. Isreal is not going to sit around and wait for it. It is the only logical thing for them to do. Gotta love the Jews when it comes to these things. They don't dick around with this *****. Would you?
If Israel is going to strike, now would be the time to do it. Recent reports indicate that America's worst fears may be coming true. Iran is well ahead of schedule to produce a nuclear weapon, and may have one as early as next spring, instead of being a few years away as was previously thought.
RE : FinnMacCool # 20
Doesn't matter there are no innocents.Hitler was elected chancellor of Germany all Germanywas responsible for him. The nut case that runs Iran was elected,all Iranians are responsible for him.
I understand the Israeli plan completley, You may destroy us ,but we will take you with us.Its the old mutualy assured destruction in a diferent form.
JOHNYJ said:
The nut case that runs Iran was elected

Iran's "elections" are highly questionable.

JOHNYJ said:
all Iranians are responsible for him.

Does that mean all Americans are responsible for Bush?

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