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Is Zimmerman brave, subborn or stupid? [W: 218] (1 Viewer)

I didn't get it before but now I do. This poster is against GZ but only pretending to be a GZ supporter to make GZ supporters look silly. Nobody would sincerely repeatedly make the most laughable claims.

Trayvon Martin stalked GZ and for violent intenses.

He deliberately approached GZ angily and reaching into his pocket - then turning and running to hide to find an attack point seeing GZ on the phone.

He then came around on GZ a second time, for the purpose of and actually doing violent felony assault on George Zimmerman.

TM not only was a stalker, but a violent stalker who was stalking for the purpose of doing violence. Whether he also planned to rob GZ and/or steal his truck we can't know because TM was killed during the commission of the crime.
Trayvon Martin stalked GZ and for violent intenses.

He deliberately approached GZ angily and reaching into his pocket - then turning and running to hide to find an attack point seeing GZ on the phone.

He then came around on GZ a second time, for the purpose of and actually doing violent felony assault on George Zimmerman.

TM not only was a stalker, but a violent stalker who was stalking for the purpose of doing violence. Whether he also planned to rob GZ and/or steal his truck we can't know because TM was killed during the commission of the crime.

lol....GZ supporters have their own Creationism Division.
And pray tell, what context are you referring to that I didn't pay attention to?
You fabricating evidence to fit a preconceived and biased narrative?

Or was it it in context of Thunder's false claim of "angry pursuit"?

Or was it whysoserious's claim of "stalking", "stealthily" or not, when there was no stalking.

Is that the context you are referring to? iLOL

It was Omara who said they need a year to prepare the defense. When you need a whole year you are admitting you need time to fabricate a story.
It was Omara who said they need a year to prepare the defense. When you need a whole year you are admitting you need time to fabricate a story.
What a ridiculous thing to think.
The only thing it admits is that they need time to go through all of the evidence and come to a complete understanding while doing the same thing for the other cases they have.

Far be it from you to understand that.
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angrily pursuing someone in a car and on foot, is stalking.

I see no elements of the crime mentioned.

I'll take your concession of the point now.
No, staying in the car would have avoided making a stupid decision. Regardless of what happened after he got out of the car, Z got out of the car believing that he was potentially putting himself in danger by doing so. That's just plain ****ing stupid.

Your view does not seem to be the law in Florida nor is ****ting on your breakfast

That fact is .....Z broke no law and that what the court system is about *legal or not legal*

Right and wrong are just words.....
No, staying in the car would have avoided making a stupid decision. Regardless of what happened after he got out of the car, Z got out of the car believing that he was potentially putting himself in danger by doing so. That's just plain ****ing stupid.

I disagree that staying in his trunk meant he would have meant he is safer. A person is much safer outside than inside their vehicle if an agressor is approaching. But that's not the issue.

I've only been in "civil" genteel white middle class society a few years. There are many good sides to it. But I also be struck by how little loyally, how narcisstic, apathetic and cowardly many if not most people are.

There was nothing wrong in GZ getting out of his truck. It does means he isn't totally crippled by fear. I think most people are, that fear overwhelming will make all decisions of their lives.

If I posted "it was stupid for TM to go out at night alone in the rain" and therefore he was largely to blame for it would you accept that? Yet it definitely is dangerous for a person to go out alone at night and walk around in a high crime neighborhood.

And I could go on to blame TM for approaching GZ rather than going home or staying away, after TM told that girl on the phone that he was afraid of GZ. So, once again, it is TM's fault under your reasoning.
Your view does not seem to be the law in Florida nor is ****ting on your breakfast

That fact is .....Z broke no law and that what the court system is about *legal or not legal*

Right and wrong are just words.....

If I was talking abou tthe law or right and wrong, you'd have a point.

I'm talking about stupid. And it's clear that Z did something incredibly stupid. That's the one thing in this case that's not even debatable.
I disagree that staying in his trunk meant he would have meant he is safer.

Good for you.

A person is much safer outside than inside their vehicle if an agressor is approaching.

Which obviously wasn't the case here. So we return to the painfully obvious fact that Z getting out of th ecar was a stupoid decision.
Prove the elements of the crime stalking please......

Or, you can just shutup accusing him of a crime he didn't commit.

I didn't say he committed a crime. I wasn't accusing him of a crime. There is the crime stalking, and then there is the verb.

Use a dictionary, Caine.
The line "college of the galatically retarded" comes to mind as the Zimmerman haters again resort to using "stalking."

You can call me retarded, but I am not the one who doesn't know the difference between a verb and a crime. If Michael Bourne steals second, are you going to try to charge him with theft? Words have different meanings, and you can "stalk" someone without it being a crime. Here is a good for instance:

You see someone walking and you think they are suspicious. They get out of view so you drive past them and park. Then, you watch them walk by again, so you drive past them again. Then, they walk past and go out of view for a third time, so you get out of your car and go looking for them.

That's a ****ing great example.
You can call me retarded, but I am not the one who doesn't know the difference between a verb and a crime. If Michael Bourne steals second, are you going to try to charge him with theft? Words have different meanings, and you can "stalk" someone without it being a crime. Here is a good for instance:

You see someone walking and you think they are suspicious. They get out of view so you drive past them and park. Then, you watch them walk by again, so you drive past them again. Then, they walk past and go out of view for a third time, so you get out of your car and go looking for them.

That's a ****ing great example.

You are only fooling yourself...

The prosecution has stated repeatedly that Z profiled M as a criminal and followed M....followed M... NOT Z stalking M
You are only fooling yourself...

The prosecution has stated repeatedly that Z profiled M as a criminal and followed M....followed M... NOT Z stalking M

To pursue quarry stealthily. That's the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition that I am using.

If you don't like it, take it up with them. I didn't define the word. I just speak ****ing English.
Thinking there was a poll, I dropped in. I will admit to not having read the thread, but I would say that Zimmerman is unquestionably stupid. He's screwed himself over again and again after he screwed himself by confronting Martin. I'm not arguing whether he should or should not have challenged Martin. Zimmerman's actions since that night have been nothing if not stupid. He is not a bright person.
First is you never plead to anything. (unless your are mobster etc)

2: Zimmerman is a great guy standing up for all our rights to defend our self and not be railroaded by the media and militant niggers.

3: In the end this will be example case of self defence. When you attack someone and smash their head on cement, your going to die.
Thinking there was a poll, I dropped in. I will admit to not having read the thread, but I would say that Zimmerman is unquestionably stupid. He's screwed himself over again and again after he screwed himself by confronting Martin. I'm not arguing whether he should or should not have challenged Martin. Zimmerman's actions since that night have been nothing if not stupid. He is not a bright person.

So its stupid to confrnt criminals?
We just all going to lay down and die? Be easy victims........????
First is you never plead to anything. (unless your are mobster etc)

2: Zimmerman is a great guy standing up for all our rights to defend our self and not be railroaded by the media and militant niggers.

3: In the end this will be example case of self defence. When you attack someone and smash their head on cement, your going to die.

Whoa! Let me just venture out here and ask if you are racially unbiased.
Zimmerman confronted Martin because Martin was a criminal?

yes, he was acting suspicious. he also ran from a guy watching him. Classic criminal behavior.
of course he was not a true criminal untill he broke Z's nose...........

and he did not confront him (a legal action). He followed him, lost him, he was going to make a call, then he got his face smashed in.........
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Zimmerman confronted Martin because Martin was a criminal?

Z did not confront M

M confronted Z both verbally and physically *aggravated assault*
To pursue quarry stealthily. That's the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition that I am using.

If you don't like it, take it up with them. I didn't define the word. I just speak ****ing English.
And you are using it wrongly.

There was no "stealthily" anything being done by Zimmerman!
And you are using it wrongly.

There was no "stealthily" anything being done by Zimmerman!

They just make up words. There was nothing "stealthy" about Zimmerman's conduct at all. But someone somewhere posted that and it sounds good so they'll all repeat it like chanting the edicts of their political master gurus.
yes, he was acting suspicious. he also ran from a guy watching him. Classic criminal behavior.
of course he was not a true criminal untill he broke Z's nose...........

and he did not confront him (a legal action). He followed him, lost him, he was going to make a call, then he got his face smashed in.........

Actually Parents teach their children about Stranger Danger ... always run away from a creepy stranger.

George had no authority to confront anyone.. He wasn't a cop .. George wasn't even a rent-a-cop.

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