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Is Zimmerman brave, subborn or stupid? [W: 218] (1 Viewer)

You grow up and stop lying!
You already know Zimmerman said he landed on the other side of the tree which reduces the approximately 34 feet to begin with.

And secondly, you never indicated a little league field, making even more wrong.

So George only shimmied on his back 34 feet. And George punched the fat fireplug 13 feet.

Z did not confront M

M confronted Z both verbally and physically *aggravated assault*

LOL! Oh, I got it now. Zimmerman was in a vehicle and was armed. Martin forced Zimmerman to stop. Martin forced Zimmerman out of the vehicle. Martin forced Zimmerman to follow him on foot. I can see how Martin was at fault. :roll:

If they put me on the jury Zimmerman would have a tough time.
LOL! Oh, I got it now. Zimmerman was in a vehicle and was armed. Martin forced Zimmerman to stop. Martin forced Zimmerman out of the vehicle. Martin forced Zimmerman to follow him on foot. I can see how Martin was at fault. :roll:

If they put me on the jury Zimmerman would have a tough time.

Hey, Risky.. George parents have set up a website for donations and messages.

I sent them a message about the money needed for the Aurora victims and their families since they are facing hundreds of thousands in medical bills and funeral expenses.

Robert & Gladys | My Personal Web Site
LOL! Oh, I got it now. Zimmerman was in a vehicle and was armed. Martin forced Zimmerman to stop. Martin forced Zimmerman out of the vehicle. Martin forced Zimmerman to follow him on foot. I can see how Martin was at fault. :roll:

If they put me on the jury Zimmerman would have a tough time.

Nope, Risky....you still don't have it

Z was doing the following and M, the confrontation

The verbal confrontation... M initiates it (both Z and Dee Dee's statements confirm this)

The physically assault which is supported by proof of Z's injuries and witnesses observing the assault, is that M broke Z's nose and slammed his head repeatedly against, the cement.
And you are using it wrongly.

There was no "stealthily" anything being done by Zimmerman!

To have been stealth, he would have been trying to hide. He claimed right there on the 911 tape that Martin was walking towards him, looking at him, and running away.

If you are stealth, the person will not run away....
Sure there was.. George's neighbors said that some time late at night he was driving around with his lights off, or on foot peering into dark alleys with his flashlight.
Who gives a ****?

What some of his random neighbors may have said about his actions on other nights have nothing to do with this specific night, where Martin clearly saw him and even ran from him.

Stealth my ass.

You know, playing urban Rambo. I would have had him locked up if he did that in my old neighborhood.. Too many teen aged boys walkling to talk to teen aged girls on the front porch swing.
Kidnapping your neighbors now are we?
In both bond hearings the prosecution pointed out GZ confronted TM.

They aren't subject to the regular rules of evidence in a bond hearing.

You will learn soon enough how little the prosecution can talk about things. The prosecution cannot just say stuff in order to put on evidence. they have to call OTHER people to testify. We have already seen that law enforcement, including those who signed the weak affidavit for probable cause that got granted, have already stated they don't know who started the fight.

Dee Dee Dee's testimony has to be gold for the prosecution to get anywhere on that. And.... She is going to be subject to a rather brutal cross examination most likely.
Actually only Trayvon did the adult thing.. He ASKED, "why are you following me"?

George couldn't or wouldn't answer. Maybe he was playing at MENACING.. or maybe he FORGOT why he was following Trayvon.. ADD you know.

Har har har... You so funny! ShiiiiIiiIiIit!

Last I heard, if Dee Dee Dee can be trusted, is that George responded, "What are you doing here."

Which in essence, is a response. Anyone who hadn't smoked or cough syruped their brain cells away would be able to figure out why he was following him with that response.
Little League baseball has a recommended outfield fence length of 180 feet. In practice however, many fields actual fence may be shorter or longer than that.

One thing should be constant however, and that is the dimensions of the infield.

As the diagrams above show, the distance between the bases is 60 feet. The measurement from pitchers mound to home plate is 46 feet.
This square then makes the distance from home plate to second base to equal 84' 10 1/4".

Little League Baseball Field Dimensions, Size, Measurements - SportsKnowHow.com

However, if you knew anything about baseball. The distance between the bases is actually 90 feet in standard baseball, not 60 feet.

Nobody considers baseball distances (stated as Baseball, without the little league qualifier) in what they are in little league as opposed to the majors and minors instead.

We think of Pro Baseball when someone doesn't qualify their statement with the proper descriptive adjective.
LOL! Oh, I got it now. Zimmerman was in a vehicle and was armed. Martin forced Zimmerman to stop. Martin forced Zimmerman out of the vehicle. Martin forced Zimmerman to follow him on foot. I can see how Martin was at fault. :roll:

If they put me on the jury Zimmerman would have a tough time.

So If I step on someone's shoe by accident and they decide to shoot me for it, Its my fault for stepping on their shoe?
George parents have set up a website for donations and messages.

I sent them a message about the money needed for the Aurora victims and their families since they are facing hundreds of thousands in medical bills and funeral expenses.

Robert & Gladys | My Personal Web Site
You are a very unusually cruel person.
Don't care what you think.. My bros wanted me to move away or buy a gun.. but I owned a home and my youngest was finishing school.. It took six years, but the guy is in prison for 29 years.
Your personal life has nothing to do with this.
You are the one who keeps trying to inject it as if it does. Knock it off, no one cares.
So George only shimmied on his back 34 feet. And George punched the fat fireplug 13 feet.
Why don't you try to grasp the dynamics involved in such a struggle?
Don't care what you think.. My bros wanted me to move away or buy a gun.. but I owned a home and my youngest was finishing school.. It took six years, but the guy is in prison for 29 years.

more bull**** and lies. if any of this is even remotely true provide proof. if you arent willing to show proof, shut up about it and keep it to yourself.
From the beginning, I believed GZ had a Hero syndrome or maybe even Narcissistic personality disorder. His interviews since have only reinforced my belief. I have worked with people who had the same mentality as GZ. Fortunately, I did not work with them long.

Edit: GZ is not brave, stubborn or stupid. More complicated than that.
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From the beginning, I believed GZ had a Hero syndrome or maybe even Narcissistic personality disorder. His interviews since have only reinforced my belief. I have worked with people who had the same mentality as GZ. Fortunately, I did not work with them long.

Edit: GZ is not brave, stubborn or stupid. More complicated than that.

My sentiments exactly.. and his new website is a doozy..
Actually Parents teach their children about Stranger Danger ... always run away from a creepy stranger.

George had no authority to confront anyone.. He wasn't a cop .. George wasn't even a rent-a-cop.

Any person has the right to stop a crime or to report on as Z was doing.

A cop only has the power of arrest and nothing more. This all just shows your over powering desire to have police do everything for you.
But the truth is they protect no one. They only investige the bodys after the fact.
Whoa! Let me just venture out here and ask if you are racially unbiased.

If they are racist, then I can be equally racist.......:2razz: ...

remember we are talking about Black Panthers here.......They blame me for something done to blacks 50 or 150 years ago.

and this
""there are no good crackers, and if you find one, kill him before he changes"

I can be "racist" against that all I want,
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Any person has the right to stop a crime or to report on as Z was doing.

A cop only has the power of arrest and nothing more. This all just shows your over powering desire to have police do everything for you.
But the truth is they protect no one. They only investige the bodys after the fact.

Then George should be able to PROVE that Trayvon was committing some crime. If TeamGeorge can prove that.. then George will be acquitted.
Then George should be able to PROVE that Trayvon was committing some crime. If TeamGeorge can prove that.. then George will be acquitted.

he was punched, that is a crime justifying deadly force.......

You dont need t o SEE a crime to follow or report......just suspicions.
Any person has the right to stop a crime or to report on as Z was doing.

A cop only has the power of arrest and nothing more. This all just shows your over powering desire to have police do everything for you.
But the truth is they protect no one. They only investige the bodys after the fact.

George didn't need to be protected from Trayvon...

Batman vigilantes only count in comic books. What George did in his rush to judgment, is exactly what the idiot radicals have done in threatening Zimmermn.. YOU call them lynch mobs.
Then George should be able to PROVE that Trayvon was committing some crime. If TeamGeorge can prove that.. then George will be acquitted.

Nope and a hundred times NO

The state must disprove self-defense by proof beyond a reasonable doubt and if it gets to the jury, the state must show proof beyond a reasonable doubt

The jury sees doubt on the state's case against Z.....its OVER. The defendant must be acquitted.
Nope and a hundred times NO

The state must disprove self-defense by proof beyond a reasonable doubt and if it gets to the jury, the state must show proof beyond a reasonable doubt

The jury sees doubt on the state's case against Z.....its OVER. The defendant must be acquitted.

George will be asked about his keys and mini maglite..

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