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Is Zimmerman brave, subborn or stupid? [W: 218] (2 Viewers)

George will be asked about his keys and mini maglite..
Which will not matter one bit to the requisite fear in order for him to use deadly force.
and the jury has to accept his claim of fear of death.

if not, he is toast.
First of all did anyone say that isn't the case?
But as most people know it will end in an acquittal, or a hung jury in his favor.

Secondly... It may never make it to a jury.
Which will not matter one bit to the requisite fear in order for him to use deadly force.

lol...it is so damn cute how GZ supporters are largely living in a sno-globe actually believing a jury will worship GZ as they do.
lol...it is so damn cute how GZ supporters are largely living in a sno-globe actually believing a jury will worship GZ as they do.
Is that your interpretation form inside your fantasy world?
We say it because that is what the evidence indicates.

Are you open to betting on who is right?
you want to turn a debate about the homicide of a 17-year old, into a game of money?

First of all... Was I talking to you or another person?
And who said it had anything to do with money?
You are still making the failed arguments you made before.
Tell you what. If I ask you, come at me with this bs. If I don't, mind your own business.

Secondly, it isn't a debate about the homicide of a 17 year old.

It is a debate about the evidence and forthcoming trial of the man charged with 2nd degree.
Who, as in the person killed, is actually irrelevant.
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lol...it is so damn cute how GZ supporters are largely living in a sno-globe actually believing a jury will worship GZ as they do.

I think that is about to backfire.

really? there's a rule saying you can only respond when directly addressed?
Use your head!
We already know your opinion on it.
So obviously I wasn't talking to you.

And as you should know, I don't give a **** about your opinion of betting on the out come of this situation involving Zimmerman.
I think that is about to backfire.

The press, as in "this news agency and this reporter", should be ashamed of their self.
what's your point?
The point? :doh
The point was the following:

Use your head!

We already know your opinion on it.
So obviously I wasn't talking to you.

And as you should know, I don't give a **** about your opinion of betting on the out come of this situation involving Zimmerman.​
...And as you should know, I don't give a **** about your opinion of betting on the out come of this situation involving Zimmerman...

if you only want one person responding to you and are gonna attack others for doing so, you should send the message via PM.
if you only want one person responding to you and are gonna attack others for doing so, you should send the message via PM.
No! You should use your head. When someone asks the other poster they are replying to, if they want to bet, that is directed towards them and not towards everyone else.
If someone asks if anyone wants to bet, that is directed towards anyone.
Use your head!
No! You should use your head. When someone asks the other poster they are replying to, if they want to bet, that is directed towards them and not towards everyone else.
If someone asks if anyone wants to bet, that is directed towards anyone.
Use your head!

wanting to bet over this issue, is very disrespectful.
wanting to bet over this issue, is very disrespectful.
As I already said: "And as you should know, I don't give a **** about your opinion of betting on the out come of this situation involving Zimmerman."
That pretty much means I do not care if you think it is respectful or not. Your opinion matters not to me. And I am sure it doesn't matter to others.
Or didn't you know that?
As I already said: "And as you should know, I don't give a **** about your opinion of betting on the out come of this situation involving Zimmerman."...

whether you care or not, I have the right to express my opinion of and reply to ANY non-Mod post in this forum.

if you don't like it, send someone a PM.

now, can we move on?
George Zimmerman won't play by the rules for poor average defendants. He's supposed to be sitting in jail waiting to hear from his public defender. He's supposed to refuse to talk to anyone because what a person is arrested they should know they lost their free speech rights in realistic terms. And the public defender brings the next offer of a plea deal which, of course, he is supposed to accept as the public defender explains if not he might get the maximum - which in GZ's case is life in prison.

And if he doesn't take the deal, he probably would as the public defender yawned his way through trial figuring a life sentence for him would help convince other "clients" to take the deal. Any guy in his situation - regardless of what happened - really on has 2 choices: Take a deal of 10 years after 1 year in jail, 5 years in, 4 more probation, plus all the lost rights of a felon OR go to trial and get a life sentence. "Not guilty" never even an option.

But George Zimmerman has some illusion that because he believes he is not guilty, he should say so in court and he believes if people talk bad about him then he should tell his side again.

So instead, George Zimmerman just keeps talking. Over and over he talked to the police. He let the police video him telling his story over and over. In the interrogation room. Even at the scene on video. On national television. On You Tube.

This is the ultimate David and Goliath battle. George Zimmerman is a nobody, an average guy. Not very educated. Not particularly smart. Certainly not perfect. Lived hand to mouth. A nobody with nothing.

Against him? Well at least at the start... NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, CBS, New York Times and NY Post, LA Times, basically all national press, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the entire Democratic Congressional delegation, President Obama, The United Stated Department of Justice, The FBI, Jeb Bush, The Republican Governor of Florida, The Attorney General of Florida, The local City Council, The Black Panthers... the list is almost endless.

Yet George just keeps on telling his story over and over and over. One little nobody nothing guy who not only won't give up, he won't agree to be silenced either.

Any DA or defense attorney would confirm that if even 1/10th of defendants arrested wanted a jury trial the entire criminal justice system would collapse. Imagine if all Defendants refused the play the game of take any best deal as the only real way out? Not 1 in 1,000,000 guys would have all the enemies lied up against him like he does. But not 1 in 1,000,000 guys have the support either. Without the media GZ would have a Public Defender and just be sitting in jail until he took the deal or refused to and then a year os so later after a 2 day trial got a life sentence.

Is he brave? Stubborn? Stupid? Wrong place at the wrong time? Right place a the right time? All of those?

Brave? Not sure. He killed an unarmed 17 year old after realizing the kid wasn't going to bend over to his paranoia. Stubborn? Sure. He followed a kid after being told he didn't need to. Stupid? Yeah, takes a certain level of stupidity to assume somebody walking around in a hoodie is up to thievery. Wrong place at the wrong time? Not sure how that is possible considering he put himself in that place at that time. Right place at right time? To do what? Kill a kid who wasn't up to anything illegal? Sure.

Your narrative of poor little Zimmerman is getting tiresome.
whether you care or not, I have the right to express my opinion of and reply to ANY non-Mod post in this forum.

if you don't like it, send someone a PM.

now, can we move on?
Just as I have a right to openly ask if someone wants to bet.
It is in no way disrespectful.
Yet calling someone who is deceased by TM, or M, instead of his first name is, especially when one is supposed to be on his side of the coin, so to say.

Now if you want to go round and round on this we can. I have no problems doing so.
Or instead you can use your head and not reply to something asked of a another person when it obviously does not pertain to you.
Brave? Not sure. He killed an unarmed 17 year old after realizing the kid wasn't going to bend over to his paranoia. Stubborn? Sure. He followed a kid after being told he didn't need to. Stupid? Yeah, takes a certain level of stupidity to assume somebody walking around in a hoodie is up to thievery. Wrong place at the wrong time? Not sure how that is possible considering he put himself in that place at that time. Right place at right time? To do what? Kill a kid who wasn't up to anything illegal? Sure.

Your narrative of poor little Zimmerman is getting tiresome.

Good post..

This whole thing has become too weird.. They have three websites asking for donations.. Everybody in the family seems to have quit their jobs. O'Mara looks like a doe caught in the headlights.. George seems to be having a love affair with himself on camera and considers himself a celebrity. He's pursing his lips and calling his supporters "the Masses".

I have just never seen anything like it.
Good post..

This whole thing has become too weird.. They have three websites asking for donations.. Everybody in the family seems to have quit their jobs. O'Mara looks like a doe caught in the headlights.. George seems to be having a love affair with himself on camera and considers himself a celebrity. He's pursing his lips and calling his supporters "the Masses".

I have just never seen anything like it.

It's funny how you can kill an innocent kid in the US and become a reality tv star all in the same year.

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