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Is this man Obama's worst nightmare? (1 Viewer)

Harry Guerrilla

DP Veteran
Dec 18, 2008
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Is this man Obama's worst nightmare?

(Thread title is the title of the story, I'd say it's a bit much.)

He could be President Obama's worst nightmare – a business mastermind, a natural problem solver and a black man of "substance" who says he would "take the race card off the table" in a challenge against Obama as the GOP presidential candidate in 2012.

In addition to serving as the former president and CEO of Godfather's Pizza for 10 years, Cain, 64, is also former president and CEO of the National Restaurant Association and former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. He's been vice president of Burger King, vice president of Pillsbury Company, a mathematician for the U.S. Department of the Navy and a business analyst for Coca-Cola. He has a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Morehouse College and a master's degree in computer science from Purdue University.

What do you think?
(Read the rest of the story.)
The GOP will never nominate a black man. Non-issue.
Aside from being another stupid Republican gimmick, no, I don't think so....if only for this reason:

Cain's resolve was put to the test in 2006 when he was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer, a condition in which the disease had invaded his liver and colon. He endured double surgery, including removal of 30 percent of his colon and 70 percent of his liver, and chemotherapy treatments.

Disagree with DisneyDude.
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Well, there's a slim chance that a virtual unknown will be nominated. Yet, if nominated, then he has a high chance of winning. He's the golden chance, maybe even the salvation that the Republicans may be looking. Glenn is mad, Limbaugh's peak is in decline, and everybody is sick of Sarah Palin. The GOP needs a new face. A black one will be good
I'd personally love it if he was. The Republican party needs a big shake-up. They've become nothing more than Democrat-lite- bland, tasteless, and leaves one thirsting for more.;)
Aside from being another stupid Republican gimmick, no, I don't think so....if only for this reason:

Disagree with DisneyDude.

I'll believe it when I see it....I think its especially doubtful with the GOP being pushed further to the extreme right by the tea baggers. A black GOP candidate is not going to happen, at least for many many years.
Is this man Obama's worst nightmare?

(Thread title is the title of the story, I'd say it's a bit much.)

What do you think?
(Read the rest of the story.)
Cain is the man! I don't really care who the nominee is at this particular point in time as long as they are a tried and true fiscal conservative with a small government mentality. Cain would fit that role nicely.
It goes without saying. Look at the way the GOP reacted to Obama getting elected.
You're right, I mean why should anyone be concerned about someone mentored by Jeremiah Wright, Saul Alinski, Bill ayers, and that entire bunch who pretty much ran on the 1976 Jimmy Carter platform. Yeah, we reacted to his rhetoric, history, theorhetical governance, and lack of experience. Wait, that's what you were alluding to right?
If you had any questions, that should tell you something.
Oh, so you mean it's because he's black. Silly me, oh wait.....silly you as the GOP rhetoric did not reflect that accusation.

Again. What are you insinuating?
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It goes without saying. Look at the way the GOP reacted to Obama getting elected. If you had any questions, that should tell you something.

The GOP was opposed to Obama because he holds ideals they disagree with. They over-reacted to him winning the White House, but I doubt much of it, if any, was motivated by race.
I love that man!!! I really think he'll run if he feels enough people want him to.
I love that man!!! I really think he'll run if he feels enough people want him to.
I hope he puts his name in the hat......as long as it isn't detrimental to his health of course, campaigns are long, nasty, and draining so if he hasn't been cleared it's for his own sake that I would hope it comes down to what he needs. If however he thinks he needs to run, YAY!
You're right, I mean why should anyone be concerned about someone mentored by Jeremiah Wright, Saul Alinski, Bill ayers, and that entire bunch who pretty much ran on the 1976 Jimmy Carter platform. Yeah, we reacted to his rhetoric, history, theorhetical governance, and lack of experience. Wait, that's what you were alluding to right? Oh, so you mean it's because he's black. Silly me, oh wait.....silly you as the GOP rhetoric did not reflect that accusation.

Again. What are you insinuating?

I'm not "insinuating" anything. The facts speak for themselves. Although not every person in the GOP is racist (I would even go as far as to say that probably less aren't than are), the reality is, those who are comprise a large enough number that will prevent a person of color from being nominated. All you have to do is look at how few people of color there are in office in the GOP to figure that out. Its not rocket science.
McCain took a big hit because people were worried about his health, and he didn't have one of the most fatal cancers known to man. Not many people actually recover from this type of Cancer, and I doubt he will even be out of the woods. Unless he picks a good VP, he has almost no shot at winning a general election.
The GOP was opposed to Obama because he holds ideals they disagree with. They over-reacted to him winning the White House, but I doubt much of it, if any, was motivated by race.

They over-reacted because they were shocked that someone who was "different" from them could actually become President and they have been throwing a tantrum ever since.
They over-reacted because they were shocked that someone who was "different" from them could actually become President and they have been throwing a tantrum ever since.

They would have thrown the same tantrum if he had been a white guy.
They would have thrown the same tantrum if he had been a white guy.

I disagree. The most vocal are the ones who sat silent when GWB was doing the same things they are complaining about Obama for.
I'm not "insinuating" anything. The facts speak for themselves.
Hmmm. The facts don't seem to indicate racism. Sorry, you're wrong.
Although not every person in the GOP is racist (I would even go as far as to say that probably less aren't than are), the reality is, those who are comprise a large enough number that will prevent a person of color from being nominated.
And I'm sure you know that being a liberal and all. I'm sure you know the thoughts in the minds of people you disagree with and all. Oh wait, could it be maybe you have a pre-concieved notion not based in actual practice.
All you have to do is look at how few people of color there are in office in the GOP to figure that out.
That's by their choice, not the GOP's, anyone who has conservative values is welcome by conservatives. Sorry, that is not a good point.
Its not rocket science.
Hmmm. The facts don't seem to indicate racism. Sorry, you're wrong. And I'm sure you know that being a liberal and all. I'm sure you know the thoughts in the minds of people you disagree with and all. Oh wait, could it be maybe you have a pre-concieved notion not based in actual practice. That's by their choice, not the GOP's, anyone who has conservative values is welcome by conservatives. Sorry, that is not a good point. Obviously.

The facts speak for themselves. The fact that you turn a blind eye to them prevents you from seeing them.
Looked it up -- 111th Congress

African American Members
There are 42 African American Members (7.8% of the total membership) in the 111th Congress,
41 serving in the House 21 and one in the Senate. All are Democrats, including two Delegates.
Fourteen African American women, including two Delegates, serve in the House.

Actually, that's rather telling....both by the under-representation and their party.


I hate it when facts get in the way of my opinions.
I disagree. The most vocal are the ones who sat silent when GWB was doing the same things they are complaining about Obama for.

And they sat silent because he was a Republican, and they are throwing a tantrum now because Obama is a democrat. The Tantrum is partisan politics, not racism.

Even though it may be letterism. What do they have against the letter D?
I'm not "insinuating" anything. The facts speak for themselves. Although not every person in the GOP is racist (I would even go as far as to say that probably less aren't than are), the reality is, those who are comprise a large enough number that will prevent a person of color from being nominated. All you have to do is look at how few people of color there are in office in the GOP to figure that out. Its not rocket science.

I'm really tired of this kind of crap. Republicans, Tea Party , are no more racist than Dems and Liberals. In fact I think the dems are probably more racist. All they've done for blacks is to keep them down and dependent so they are assured of the black vote. Hopefully someday soon the majority of blacks will come to the right side where they'll be treated as equals.
Herman Cain is a great man and could turn this country around. If he runs the blacks would be wise to support him.
As far as his health goes, he looked really healthy the last time I saw him. I forget how many yrs he said he has been cancer free.
I'm really tired of this kind of crap. Republicans, Tea Party , are no more racist than Dems and Liberals. In fact I think the dems are probably more racist. All they've done for blacks is to keep them down and dependent so they are assured of the black vote. Hopefully someday soon the majority of blacks will come to the right side where they'll be treated as equals.
Herman Cain is a great man and could turn this country around. If he runs the blacks would be wise to support him.
As far as his health goes, he looked really healthy the last time I saw him. I forget how many yrs he said he has been cancer free.

Re his health being an issue -- he was diagnosed in 2006. This guy looks like a good 'un, but his health would undoubtedly be a major issue like it was with McCain because of his age.
It goes without saying. Look at the way the GOP reacted to Obama getting elected. If you had any questions, that should tell you something.

It had nothing to do with his color, and everything to do with his policy issues and stance.

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