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Is it Racist for White Countries to Remain White? (2 Viewers)

Is it Racist for White Countries to Remain White?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 38.3%
  • No

    Votes: 37 61.7%

  • Total voters
We all, regardless of race, act like Apes sometimes
Oh, there were other fascist regimes in human history. Germany and Japan just hold the title for having slaughtered the most among that lot.

Stalin and the Soviet Union killed way more than Hitler or Japan ever did. Same thing with China. So communism has killed the most.
Stalin and the Soviet Union killed way more than Hitler or Japan ever did. Same thing with China. So communism has killed the most.

Stalin and Mao each had exponentially more time than Hitler did. Not only did he kill six million Jews and millions of other “undesirables” but you could make the argument that every Allied death in the European theater(including the Eastern Front) is directly attributable to his megalomania. On top of that, Japan killed an immense number of Chinese civilians on top of Allied POWs.

So no, while communism is almost as bad fascism is still the greatest evil to have existed.
The first thing a dictator does is kill his political enemies, or throws them in prison.

That puts an end to politics in that country. Stalin also killed a lot of Communists, he was an equal opportunity mass murderer...

Stalin has a lot in common with Hitler, almost nothing with Angela Merkel...

If ya think about it, it's kinda dumb.
At least 5 million people

Somewhere around there yeah. About 3-4 million died in the Holodomar, and another million died in the GULAG and summary executions. 5-8 million is a good estimate.
Its physically impossible for Stalin to have killed even 15 million people. The Soviet demographics dont allow for it.

Look up how big the Soviet Union is again. Its way more than 15 million.
Its physically impossible for Stalin to have killed even 15 million people. The Soviet demographics dont allow for it.

Well I can definitely tell you Mao killed way more than Hitler. About 40 to 70 million people.
I asked this question in another thread and got what I found to be a very interesting answer.

So what do you think? Is it racist for a white country to remain white?

Meaningless question unless you give definitions of white and racism. How does a country remain white? Are you suggesting policy?
So a man who is naturally attracted to his own race and has babies is racist?

If this is the definition of racism, then why should I care? What's problematic about that?

To much political correctness in some of this group of posters! If a person wants his grandchildren to resemble looks wise
his grandparents that certainly is not racists, that's going way to far.
That's debatable. One immigration card doesn't make it universal. There was plenty of people who didn't view Italians as white. I mean ****, there's people today who don't believe.

And again, that's just Italians. What about Greeks? Slavs?

Slavs were never considered non-white, the Germans eliminated them because they were not Aryan!
Look up how big the Soviet Union is again. Its way more than 15 million.

No, it's not. Anything higher than 8 million just isn't supported by the demographic data. The claims that Stalin killed tens of millions is ridiculous. You can't remove such huge chunks of the Soviet population without it showing up in the demographics. If Stalin did kill anywhere near 20 million, 40 million, or whatever insane number it would be shown in the effect it had on the Soviet population. If Stalin had killed so many people the population of the USSR wouldn't have been 196 million in 1941.
Not everyone is poisoned by tribalism. I'm not. I'm about as white as you can be but I don't care if my red hair and light eyes dies out in my grandson's generation. My ancestors, highland Scots, were maybe the world's most tribal people but I don't buy any of that crap. And I'm not rare. Most people I know feel the same. We just don't care about race. And anyone who does is an anachronism, an anchor, an impediment to human development.
Racists are a dying breed, but it's not happening fast enough. Long as that kind of tribalism exists we're just hairless apes.

My favorite grandparent was a Cameron visited Scotland after college graduation & afterwards on honeymoon & disagree.
'The drive of ethnic groups to separate and create nations in which there own unique culture, language & faith are
dominant is among the most powerful drive of mankind.' It's not a bad or a good thing IMO but you're swimming up
stream not to acknowledge the power of ethnonationalism.

Ethnonationalism outlasted Marxism tearing apart the USSR. Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova & the Caucusus followed suite
& then went the 5 nations of Central Asia. That was not the end only the beginning, minorities inside the new nations wanted their
place in the sun & the Caucasus became the 20th century Balkans. This is just the primary example of many other breakups throughout
the world demonstrating the pull of ethnonationalism.
No of course it isn't racist, but it is impossible.
Its physically impossible for Stalin to have killed even 15 million people. The Soviet demographics dont allow for it.

No, not impossible. Read Red Holocaust (2009):

We now know beyond a reasonable doubt that there were more than 13 million Red Holocaust victims 1929– 53, and that this figure could rise about 20 million.

The archival revolution strongly supports Stalin’s indictment for crimes against humanity on a scale in the vicinity of 20 million: 9.7 million 1929– 38, and 10.9 million excess deaths 1939– 53.

Rosefielde, Steven. Red Holocaust (Kindle Locations 602-603). Taylor and Francis. Kindle Edition.
Its physically impossible for Stalin to have killed even 15 million people. The Soviet demographics dont allow for it.

You do realize the Soviet Union is bigger than just Russia.
No, it's not. Anything higher than 8 million just isn't supported by the demographic data. The claims that Stalin killed tens of millions is ridiculous. You can't remove such huge chunks of the Soviet population without it showing up in the demographics. If Stalin did kill anywhere near 20 million, 40 million, or whatever insane number it would be shown in the effect it had on the Soviet population. If Stalin had killed so many people the population of the USSR wouldn't have been 196 million in 1941.

That what happened in 1946? 170 million?
That what happened in 1946? 170 million?

Well I don't know if you recall, but there was a little war between 1941 and 1945 call the Second World War, during which this guy you might recall was named Hitler who ordered the invasion of the USSR, during which 27 million Soviet civilians and soldiers were killed.
Well I don't know if you recall, but there was a little war between 1941 and 1945 call the Second World War, during which this guy you might recall was named Hitler who ordered the invasion of the USSR, during which 27 million Soviet civilians and soldiers were killed.

Well then why would people lie about Stalin killing a hell of a lot of his own people? He wasn't a nice guy at all.

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