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Is Helen Thomas' view on Jews held by most of the White House Press Corps? (1 Viewer)

Is Helen Thomas' view on Jews held by most of the White House Press Corps?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • No

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Not sure, no idea... etc.

    Votes: 15 62.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Educating the Ignorant
DP Veteran
Dec 19, 2008
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Is Helen Thomas' view on Jews held by most of the White House Press Corps?

Nobody can honestly answer anything but the last one. Less they're some sort of psychic who can read minds. And in that case, stay out of my head!
Nobody can honestly answer anything but the last one. Less they're some sort of psychic who can read minds. And in that case, stay out of my head!

Merely seeking opinions...

It's uneducated opinion you seek though. And there is little point to uneducated opinion. Basically, you're looking for wild accusation and supposition. And in my opinion, that is completely useless.
It's uneducated opinion you seek though. And there is little point to uneducated opinion. Basically, you're looking for wild accusation and supposition. And in my opinion, that is completely useless.
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

That said, they report the news... supposedly... does anyone sense an anti-Semitic slant to the coverage?

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If I had to take a guess I would say no, but I voted I don't know.
I think she is more "unique." I voted no, I don't believe much of the White House Press Corps believes the same way as Helen Thomas.
I voted 'I do not know' because that is the truth.

In reality my impressions of the beliefs of the White House Press Corp are that they believe whatever they think President Obama wants them to believe.
Don't know, though I would certainly hope not.

Here's something to consider, though. Helen Thomas is the child of Lebanese immigrants. I wouldn't be surprised if her personal background factored in to some kind of bias. I do know some people from Lebanon who seem to have the same views about Israel as she does.
I don't presume to know what the other members of the press corps thinks. I do think Helen Thomas is just old and needs to retire.
As every one else points out, there is no way of knowing, but I find it unlikely.
I think she is more "unique." I voted no, I don't believe much of the White House Press Corps believes the same way as Helen Thomas.

This is hearsay till I remember where I read it, but I read that the press corp is circleing the wagons around her. If this true they may be of like minds. Or liberals covering for liberals. Wish I could remember where I read it but some of you will run across the piece.
What a load of crap.

Sure...her statement comes from her being in the White House press corps - and NOT from the fact that she's the child of Lebanese immigrants.

Which do you think has more influence.

You guys are living in a cartoon world. It's the only reason I can come up with for the way you paint everyone with whom you disagree with the same broad strokes.

It just keeps getting worse on here.

Utterly remarkable.
I have been mulling over what Helen Thomas actually did say.
1) it is my understanding that Free Speech is guaranteed under the Constitution of the USA.
2) She did suggest that the Jews return to the Nations from which they came, namely Poland/Germany/USA and other nations around the World.

The Critics of her words (of whom I was one) automatically reasoned that she was suggesting that there should be a continuation of the Holocaust, however this could not take place as the Nazi's were defeated.
I do not believe that this is what she was implying.

I believe that if we simply take her words at face value, as she used them, there would be no reason to become as irate as we appear to have done.

I hear that she has apologized and resigned whatever position she held.
I fear that what we as a civilization are doing is not good for freedom of speech, we must move away from condemning people because we hear something in their uttered words that was not implicitly implied or spoken.
Who cares? lol

If that view was held by most of the White house press corps, I would care quite a bit. Its an extremely disturbing view to be held by a majority of any group, let alone those who are in charge of disseminating information to the public.
Is Helen Thomas' view on Jews held by most of the White House Press Corps?


I don't know. I do not think her views make her anti-semitic and to a certian degree she has a point. What happened with Israel today would be like us taking a section of Africa, kicking out the inhabatants and letting blacks all over the world immigrate to those sections they claimed their ancestors are from. Or it would be like the federal government taking your home and giving it to some native American tribe that once inhabated your home centuries ago. So I do not know why we are fooling ourselves on this issue of Israel.Just because your ancestors or anceint ancestors lived in a area does not give you a claim to it. That said to the victor go the spoils of war. The Arabs the Ottoman empire as a result of of WWI and it was broken up into different chunks and the allies were free to do with what they wanted with their chunk.

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