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Is adoption really a reasonable alternative to abortion? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2005
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Political Leaning
Adoption is argued by anti-abortioners as an altenative to abortion. But is adoption really a reasonable alternative? I'm an not looking to discuss issues from a woman's point of view of having to carry a child -- I understand that and it has been discussed. What I am interested in is more as to whether it is realistic from the demand perspective. If abortion is outlawed, are we going to have hundreds of thousands of kids in foster care?

There is currently, a fairly high demand for at least certain races of babies. But from my limited research, there are approximately 500,000 kids in the foster care systems in this country.

If abortion in made illegal, will there be enough adoption demand to soak up the extra hundreds of thousands of unwanted children that will now be born each year? Or are we going to be creating a huge population of unwanted kids growing up in the foster care system.
Also, adoption is a parenting decision, not a pregnancy decision.
steen said:
Also, adoption is a parenting decision, not a pregnancy decision.

Fair enough -- I wonder if there enough who would make this decision to adopt the huge increase in supply of unwanted babies? Or will we have a generation of foster kids?
Iriemon said:
Fair enough -- I wonder if there enough who would make this decision to adopt the huge increase in supply of unwanted babies? Or will we have a generation of foster kids?
Foster kids, street kids, killed babies. Pro-life don't care. Once it has served its purpose of restricting and controlling women, it is just another welfare leech that wants their tax money.
Iriemon said:
Adoption is argued by anti-abortioners as an altenative to abortion. But is adoption really a reasonable alternative? I'm an not looking to discuss issues from a woman's point of view of having to carry a child -- I understand that and it has been discussed. What I am interested in is more as to whether it is realistic from the demand perspective. If abortion is outlawed, are we going to have hundreds of thousands of kids in foster care?

There is currently, a fairly high demand for at least certain races of babies. But from my limited research, there are approximately 500,000 kids in the foster care systems in this country.

If abortion in made illegal, will there be enough adoption demand to soak up the extra hundreds of thousands of unwanted children that will now be born each year? Or are we going to be creating a huge population of unwanted kids growing up in the foster care system.
There are currently about 120,000 completed adoptions a year, about 1/10th the amount of the number of abortions. The cost of adopting can run upwards of over $20,000; adopting 'special needs' children runs to about $2500 through government agencies.
If we take statistical incomes and costs, even those willing to adopt would be out of the loop. If we take a conservative figure of say, 5% born as 'special needs', you're talking half of the number of adoptions performed, which is probably more than it is now.
The average conception to live birth rate is 40-50%. If that gives us 600,000 live births a year in addition to those that wouldn't have been aborted or lost, how are the hospitals and medical personnel going to cope? If current adoption trends stayed the same, 480,000 of these children would be in foster care, wards of the state or burdening an already bulging welfare system. School systems would be over-burdened even more than they are now, specially those in inner cities.
Seeing what parents who claim to have wanted their kids sometimes do to them-abuse, neglect, etc., I shudder to think how the numbers of abuse and neglect might jump.
Iriemon said:
Adoption is argued by anti-abortioners as an altenative to abortion. But is adoption really a reasonable alternative? I'm an not looking to discuss issues from a woman's point of view of having to carry a child -- I understand that and it has been discussed. What I am interested in is more as to whether it is realistic from the demand perspective. If abortion is outlawed, are we going to have hundreds of thousands of kids in foster care?

There is currently, a fairly high demand for at least certain races of babies. But from my limited research, there are approximately 500,000 kids in the foster care systems in this country.

If abortion in made illegal, will there be enough adoption demand to soak up the extra hundreds of thousands of unwanted children that will now be born each year? Or are we going to be creating a huge population of unwanted kids growing up in the foster care system.

there are about 40 parents wanting to adopt for every infant put of for adoption. but putting more infants up for adoption isnt going to help all the foster care children that no one wants find homes.
steen said:
Foster kids, street kids, killed babies. Pro-life don't care. Once it has served its purpose of restricting and controlling women, it is just another welfare leech that wants their tax money.
Very true, and here, I have a source to back up this claim. The preganancy agencies in Mississippi. The "inform" the abortion seeker of how a fetus develops insisting that abortion (even within the first trimester) is the killing of a child (showing grotesque bloodly pictures to frighten the women). Then offer kindly of services to make sure the woman follows through with the pregnancy.
Once the the woman gives birth, all that "assistance" is no more. You're on your own.
steen said:
Foster kids, street kids, killed babies. Pro-life don't care. Once it has served its purpose of restricting and controlling women, it is just another welfare leech that wants their tax money.

That's a really cold statement to make and I think many prolifers would not agree with you, myself included.

As far as the question goes......it is very hard to adopt healthy newborn infants in our country. There just aren't hardly any available. So a woman who gave birth to a healthy newborn would have no trouble finding that baby a loving home in our country.

However a drug addicted baby or baby with severe health problems may not find a home.

Also when talking about foster kids you have to realize that many of them have problems that are too hard and complex for new adoptive parents to handle. While an infertile couple may be willing and ready to accept an infant for adoption they are way less likely to adopt a 4 year old with severe problems which many foster children unfortunately have.

Also it is important to understand that not all foster children are actually "up" for adoption. Many are in the foster care system while the parents are trying to straighten their lives out and they are not in fact all children who have parents who have abandoned them.

And Steen for you to suggest my sole purpose of being prolife is to restrict and control women is ludicrous. It would be similar to my suggesting that all prochoicers care about is making sure abortions occur to cure poverty and population problems.
jfuh said:
Very true, and here, I have a source to back up this claim. The preganancy agencies in Mississippi. The "inform" the abortion seeker of how a fetus develops insisting that abortion (even within the first trimester) is the killing of a child (showing grotesque bloodly pictures to frighten the women). Then offer kindly of services to make sure the woman follows through with the pregnancy.
Once the the woman gives birth, all that "assistance" is no more. You're on your own.

Sure just like the planned parenthood website suggests to pregnant women that its quite possible that a fetus is unable to feel pain at anytime during a pregnancy and then refuses to acknowledge studies showing that many women experience mental health issues related to abortion procedures.
How contradictory is this?? She also explains the center's Christian background and approach, and why it doesn't teach about birth control or refer for adoptions. "… [O]ur mission statement [is] to deal with a woman who has an unplanned pregnancy," she explains. "And her choices are abortion, adoption, parenting. She has basically those three choices, and we want to give her full information about all those choices."

Why does this NOT surprise me....:roll:
steen said:
Also, adoption is a parenting decision, not a pregnancy decision.

That's an odd statement. If you are pregnant and deciding between adoption or abortion than it is a pregnancy decision. Why would it be a parenting decision when either way you will not be parenting the child?
talloulou said:
Sure just like the planned parenthood website suggests to pregnant women that its quite possible that a fetus is unable to feel pain at anytime during a pregnancy and then refuses to acknowledge studies showing that many women experience mental health issues related to abortion procedures.
Yep, just more pro-life propaganda, completely irrelevant.
Show me your source then that the fetus feels pain. Show me the proof that a cell with no nerves feels, a collection of cells with no centralized processing feels.
What kind of mental issues will a woman feel during pregnancy?
Not all women want to be seen as mere incubators.
ngdawg said:
How contradictory is this?? She also explains the center's Christian background and approach, and why it doesn't teach about birth control or refer for adoptions. "… [O]ur mission statement [is] to deal with a woman who has an unplanned pregnancy," she explains. "And her choices are abortion, adoption, parenting. She has basically those three choices, and we want to give her full information about all those choices."

Why does this NOT surprise me....:roll:
Yep, only teach of the "horror's" of abortion but even admist all that when the woman executes her god given freel will and chooses an abortion, they simply turn around and show how that's a sin yada yada, oh yeah, no referal to abortion clinics or anything.
star2589 said:
there are about 40 parents wanting to adopt for every infant put of for adoption. but putting more infants up for adoption isnt going to help all the foster care children that no one wants find homes.

That's what I've been saying for months now, but no one wants to hear it, it seems. Those are the kids that need adopting the most - they're old enough to understand that either their biological parents didn't want them or couldn't take care of them (for various reasons), and they sit in the system for years, watching younger children be placed into homes, and they feel the rejection again and again. My heart aches so bad for those kids, and I wish there was more that I could do for them to let them know that there ARE people out there that care about them and their well being and happiness.
talloulou said:
That's a really cold statement to make and I think many prolifers would not agree with you, myself included.

As far as the question goes......it is very hard to adopt healthy newborn infants in our country. There just aren't hardly any available. So a woman who gave birth to a healthy newborn would have no trouble finding that baby a loving home in our country.

However a drug addicted baby or baby with severe health problems may not find a home.

Also when talking about foster kids you have to realize that many of them have problems that are too hard and complex for new adoptive parents to handle. While an infertile couple may be willing and ready to accept an infant for adoption they are way less likely to adopt a 4 year old with severe problems which many foster children unfortunately have.

Also it is important to understand that not all foster children are actually "up" for adoption. Many are in the foster care system while the parents are trying to straighten their lives out and they are not in fact all children who have parents who have abandoned them.

And Steen for you to suggest my sole purpose of being prolife is to restrict and control women is ludicrous. It would be similar to my suggesting that all prochoicers care about is making sure abortions occur to cure poverty and population problems.

If we already have a lot of kids that need to be adopted, but many are not because they are not "desirable", to me that says that adoption is not an answer for unwanted children. Eliminating abortion sounds like a prescript for condemning many thousands of "undesirable" children to a life in the foster care system. Sounds kind of cruel.
Lemme see....if I had to pick between a foster home or a grave...what would I do........:roll: <think, think, think,>

Uh.....I'm goin' with the foster home.
Captain America said:
Lemme see....if I had to pick between a foster home or a grave...what would I do........:roll: <think, think, think,>

Uh.....I'm goin' with the foster home.

Not me! A life as an unwanted kid, being shuffled from underfunded institution to undefunded institution by people that could care less, being abused, unwanted, unloved. And that is if I'm lucky.

I'd *much* prefer to skip that "life," and wait until my parents actually wanted a child they would care for and love before being born.
Iriemon said:
Adoption is argued by anti-abortioners as an altenative to abortion. But is adoption really a reasonable alternative? I'm an not looking to discuss issues from a woman's point of view of having to carry a child -- I understand that and it has been discussed. What I am interested in is more as to whether it is realistic from the demand perspective. If abortion is outlawed, are we going to have hundreds of thousands of kids in foster care?

There is currently, a fairly high demand for at least certain races of babies. But from my limited research, there are approximately 500,000 kids in the foster care systems in this country.

If abortion in made illegal, will there be enough adoption demand to soak up the extra hundreds of thousands of unwanted children that will now be born each year? Or are we going to be creating a huge population of unwanted kids growing up in the foster care system.

I'm only going to say this once. If you don't want kids, then don't have sex. It's quite simple really. Even a water-head understands that!
talloulou said:
That's a really cold statement to make and I think many prolifers would not agree with you, myself included.
Pro-lifers actively work AGAINST sex-ed and contraception. But once there is conception, they also actively work AGAINST support for pregnant women or new families. So you can call it "cold" all you want, it IS the political reality of the pro-life movement.

And Steen for you to suggest my sole purpose of being prolife is to restrict and control women is ludicrous.
The pro-life political movement itself has exactly that purpose, and you support it and lend legitimacy to it. So yes that is what you do.
talloulou said:
Sure just like the planned parenthood website suggests to pregnant women that its quite possible that a fetus is unable to feel pain at anytime during a pregnancy
Well, not till 29-30th wek or somewhere around there anyway. So certainly at any time the PP performs abortions, there is absolutely no fetla pain or awareness.

and then refuses to acknowledge studies showing that many women experience mental health issues related to abortion procedures.
And many many more do not. Have you THAT MUCH bought into the pro-life lies?
Someone please answer this paradox! There is a group called Planned Parenthood, but it supports abortion. So how can a group with the words plan and parenthood support the killing of beings that result in people becoming parents? Shouldn't they be telling people how to raise the kid instead of killing it?
talloulou said:
That's an odd statement. If you are pregnant and deciding between adoption or abortion than it is a pregnancy decision. Why would it be a parenting decision when either way you will not be parenting the child?
First you decide whether you want to be pregnant or not. Then you decide whether you want to be a parent or not.
Donkey1499 said:
I'm only going to say this once. If you don't want kids, then don't have sex.
Or have an abortion.

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