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'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of contentious (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 28, 2008
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North Texas
Political Leaning

AUSTIN — A shoving match and war of words nearly turned into a fistfight on the Texas House floor Monday, the final day of a bitterly contentious 140-day legislative session.

"This session has been very, very difficult," said Rep. Celia Israel, D-Austin. "There are enough of us here who remember a time in Texas when respect and decorum ruled the day."

As they protested, Latino Reps. Ramon Romero and Cesar Blanco, both Democrats, waved to the noisy crowd. Republican Matt Rinaldi of Irving, a fervent supporter of the anti-immigration legislation, approached the Latino Democrats. They said Rinaldi told them he had called U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to report the protesters, who were largely Hispanic.

The Democrats were enraged. A shoving match ensued, and lawmakers accused one another of making violent threats. Rinaldi said a Democrat eventually threatened to "come get" him. Rep. Justin Rodriguez, D-San Antonio, who didn't witness the initial altercation, said he later heard Rinaldi say, "I'll put a bullet in your head," to the Democrat he alleged was menacing.

Deranged Democrats. I realize that's a redundant statement.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Deranged Democrats. I realize that's a redundant statement.
The person who instigated the fight and threatened to murder another legislator was a Republican. It says so in your snippet.
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Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

So the Republican lawmaker stating that he'd put a bullet in the head of his colleague...he's not deranged? Just these democrats, huh?



Oh look at the OP trying to generate fake news by copying the Fox News methodology.

How cute.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

The person who instigates the fight and threatens to murder another legislator was a Republican. It says so in your snippet.

No kidding! What an epic fail by the OP.

Reading can be one's friend, eh?
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

The person who instigates the fight and threatens to murder another legislator was a Republican. It says so in your snippet.
Calling federal immigration enforcement to enforce existing laws regarding declared illegal immigrants is 'instigating the fight'? You sure there werent maybe some other factors involved? And by all accounts his cmment about puttng a bullet in the guys brain FOLLOWED a physical threat made toward him. Funny you didnt mention THAT part as well.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

The person who instigates the fight and threatens to murder another legislator was a Republican. It says so in your snippet.

Rodriguez threatened him several times, and the Republican said if he they came after him, he'd put a bullet in his head in self-defense.

Which is exactly what you should do if someone attacks you. I would do the same.

This was fully orchestrated by the Democrats.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Rodriguez threatened him several times, and the Republican said if he they came after him, he'd put a bullet in his head in self-defense.

Which is exactly what you should do if someone attacks you. I would do the same.

This was fully orchestrated by the Democrats.

That's not a threat at all. IOKIYAR.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Calling federal immigration enforcement to enforce existing laws regarding declared illegal immigrants is 'instigating the fight'? You sure there werent maybe some other factors involved? And by all accounts his cmment about puttng a bullet in the guys brain FOLLOWED a physical threat made toward him. Funny you didnt mention THAT part as well.

Given what the protests were, it was pretty much a dick move, and assumes that those of Latino descent in the State House were illegal immigrants. And then to go and tell the Statesmen that's what you did, that certain is nothing more than antagonistic. If he felt there were illegals there, call, but the only reason to run over to the two was to cause a scene. However, I would say both sides were quite in the wrong. Though threatening someone's life is probably a bit further than shoving someone. I think the initial quote was the correct one.

"This session has been very, very difficult," said Rep. Celia Israel, D-Austin. "There are enough of us here who remember a time in Texas when respect and decorum ruled the day." Neither side here showed any amount of respect or decorum, and this in general, is the path America is on. And it's not just the "left's fault".
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Given what the protests were, it was pretty much a dick move, and assumes that those of Latino descent in the State House were illegal immigrants. And then to go and tell the Statesmen that's what you did, that certain is nothing more than antagonistic. If he felt there were illegals there, call, but the only reason to run over to the two was to cause a scene. However, I would say both sides were quite in the wrong. Though threatening someone's life is probably a bit further than shoving someone. I think the initial quote was the correct one.

"This session has been very, very difficult," said Rep. Celia Israel, D-Austin. "There are enough of us here who remember a time in Texas when respect and decorum ruled the day." Neither side here showed any amount of respect or decorum, and this in general, is the path America is on. And it's not just the "left's fault".
Again...calling federal law enforcment agents to enforce federal laws is a 'dick move'?

I agree with your second quote though. Respect and decorum should rule the day in a governing body and neither side apparently showed much of that.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

The person who instigated the fight and threatened to murder another legislator was a Republican. It says so in your snippet.

Epic fail for Erod.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Rodriguez threatened him several times, and the Republican said if he they came after him, he'd put a bullet in his head in self-defense.

Which is exactly what you should do if someone attacks you. I would do the same.

This was fully orchestrated by the Democrats.
So what?

Ribaldi obviously has the mental capacity and reasoning ability of a rabid chihuahua.

What stellar leadership skills.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Calling federal immigration enforcement to enforce existing laws regarding declared illegal immigrants is 'instigating the fight'?
I think comments which can easily be seen as racist is instigating a fight, yes.

And by all accounts his cmment about puttng a bullet in the guys brain FOLLOWED a physical threat made toward him. Funny you didnt mention THAT part as well.
It was in the snippet. I also didn't mention the part in the snippet where the legislators were waving to the crowd. Congratulations on completely not understanding the point.

My point

Your head
Rodriguez threatened him several times, and the Republican said if he they came after him, he'd put a bullet in his head in self-defense.

Which is exactly what you should do if someone attacks you. I would do the same.
So you would murder someone if they shoved/punched you in the midst of a scrum?

Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

These responses passed the test. So predictable.

I love coming here and watching Democrats spin in unison. It's like going to the zoo.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

I think comments which can easily be seen as racist is instigating a fight, yes.

It was in the snippet. I also didn't mention the part in the snippet where the legislators were waving to the crowd. Congratulations on completely not understanding the point.

My point

Your head
So you would murder someone if they shoved/punched you in the midst of a scrum?

Funny...the past president incorporated his 'racist' actions into many of his major speeches and was cheered by his adoring supporters.

And you are cute. But your only point was "Ewwww! Look at the evil Republicans!" You position is transparent (and can be applied to pretty much every topic of discussion). The 'snippet' stated that people became 'enraged' when they were told the INS had been called and a shoving match began. Hmmm...enraged...followed by shoving.... Then it also showed that the democrat had made physical threats to get him to which the reply was made that the efforts to 'get him' would be greeted with a bullet....and you **** yourself over the bullet, ignoring everything prior (and anything NOT the evil Republicans).
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

And you are cute. But your only point was "Ewwww! Look at the evil Republicans!"
This just proves you didn't understand my point, as I wasn't saying anything about "evil Republicans". As I said previously:

My point

Your head

Have a great day.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Again...calling federal law enforcment agents to enforce federal laws is a 'dick move'? .

Yeah, calling ICE on protesters just because they are Hispanic is a dick move.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

If folks as reported come into the capitol building holding signs proclaiming their illegal immigrant status...

Then yeah, the state troopers working security ought to check into that.


Free speech and all, sure but confessing to a crime in front of cops usually has a result.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Gee, was a democrat threatening to shoot other candidates in the head?

No, that was Mr(and I use the honorific loosely) Rinaldi.

As stated, it was in response to threats against his person.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

It's still just he said/he said at this point but I think most of us would make it known that if someone threatens to "come get you" that they'd be sorry if they did. He may have went a little extreme with saying bullet in the head but it was a heated moment.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Again...calling federal law enforcment agents to enforce federal laws is a 'dick move'?

Yes, because he did it specifically to antagonize the opposition view. He wasn't some concerned citizen who thought that there were illegal aliens running a meth lab or something like that. He was a lawmaker who, on the last day of this entire brouhaha, decided to call INS (who knows if he actually did) and then go and tell the opposition politicians that he did so. This isn't some altrusitic concern for the safety of America, it was a political jab, a purposeful political jab, at the opponents. And he got what he wanted, an emotional retort. But he got too caught up in his own troll and stepped over the line with threatening the life of another statesman.

I agree with your second quote though. Respect and decorum should rule the day in a governing body and neither side apparently showed much of that.

it's unfortunate as well, and I fear that as our rabid partisanship increases, these things will increase as well. We will see a less and less civil government, each trying to exploit the emotional retaliation of the other side to use as propaganda fodder for their partisan behavior.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

As stated, it was in response to threats against his person.

Growing up, nobody ever told me it was appropriate if I got in a fistfight to pull out a gun and shoot the other person.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Radical Leftist elements in my State, Tx are hysterical and doing anything they can to undermine the will of the majority

Their ideology and agenda has been rejected again and again, and now theyre desperate and willing to resort to intimidation and violence
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Yes, because he did it specifically to antagonize the opposition view. He wasn't some concerned citizen who thought that there were illegal aliens running a meth lab or something like that. He was a lawmaker who, on the last day of this entire brouhaha, decided to call INS (who knows if he actually did) and then go and tell the opposition politicians that he did so. This isn't some altrusitic concern for the safety of America, it was a political jab, a purposeful political jab, at the opponents. And he got what he wanted, an emotional retort. But he got too caught up in his own troll and stepped over the line with threatening the life of another statesman.

it's unfortunate as well, and I fear that as our rabid partisanship increases, these things will increase as well. We will see a less and less civil government, each trying to exploit the emotional retaliation of the other side to use as propaganda fodder for their partisan behavior.
It almost becomes a chicken and egg thing...is partisanship raising emotion or is emotion raising partisanship.

We can at least agree it's not good either way.

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