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'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of contentious (1 Viewer)

Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

These responses passed the test. So predictable.

I love coming here and watching Democrats spin in unison. It's like going to the zoo.

:lol: you fell flat on your face right out of the OP. Just continuing to say blather like this in your own thread is only embarrassing you more. By all means... continue.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Growing up, nobody ever told me it was appropriate if I got in a fistfight to pull out a gun and shoot the other person.

Let us know when the gun comes out. You do realize a fist fight can result in death?
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Growing up, nobody ever told me it was appropriate if I got in a fistfight to pull out a gun and shoot the other person.

This happened in Texas, where kids are given guns instead of binkies to calm them down. :2razz:
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Let us know when the gun comes out. You do realize a fist fight can result in death?

Pulling a gun in a fistfight, unless you are vastly outnumbered or the other person draws a weapon of their own, is the act of a coward.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Growing up, nobody ever told me it was appropriate if I got in a fistfight to pull out a gun and shoot the other person.

Its absolutely legal ( and justified) in Texas to use deadly force if someone physicslly assaults you

A few years ago a guy bumped into another guy on I-45. He got out to exchange information and the other guy
who was 3 times is size came out swinging.
The guy who ran into him pulled his pistol, shot him, killed him and it was legal

This isnt the UFC, were a Ref pulls the guy off you when you've had your bell rung by the other guy. Its real life, and you or anyone else has every right to defend yourself.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Calling federal immigration enforcement to enforce existing laws regarding declared illegal immigrants is 'instigating the fight'? You sure there werent maybe some other factors involved? And by all accounts his cmment about puttng a bullet in the guys brain FOLLOWED a physical threat made toward him. Funny you didnt mention THAT part as well.

Partisans, right?
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Pulling a gun in a fistfight, unless you are vastly outnumbered or the other person draws a weapon of their own, is the act of a coward.

Sure, if you agree to fight. If I have a gun and someone attempts to assault me, I will pull it.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

This happened in Texas, where kids are given guns instead of binkies to calm them down. :2razz:

That would actually not suprise me in the slightest :mrgreen:

But one would hope that sort of exposure to firearms would have given them more respect for them. Apparently, that is not the case.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Its absolutely legal ( and justified) in Texas to use deadly force if someone physicslly assaults you

A few years ago a guy bumped into another guy on I-45. He got out to exchange information and the other guy
who was 3 times is size came out swinging.
The guy who ran into him pulled his pistol, shot him, killed him and it was legal

This isnt the UFC, were a Ref pulls the guy off you when you've had your bell rung by the other guy. Its real life, and you or anyone else has every right to defend yourself.

This ^
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

This happened in Texas, where kids are given guns instead of binkies to calm them down. :2razz:

And yet we have dramatically less gun violence than places with strict gun laws, and almost non from licensed gun owners.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

:lol: you fell flat on your face right out of the OP. Just continuing to say blather like this in your own thread is only embarrassing you more. By all means... continue.

LOL, did you even read the story?

I knew you'd step in the bear trap. Like shooting fish in a barrel.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

:lol: you fell flat on your face right out of the OP. Just continuing to say blather like this in your own thread is only embarrassing you more. By all means... continue.

Great stuff, ain't it?

I can still hear the swish of the backpedaling.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Yes, because he did it specifically to antagonize the opposition view. He wasn't some concerned citizen who thought that there were illegal aliens running a meth lab or something like that. He was a lawmaker who, on the last day of this entire brouhaha, decided to call INS (who knows if he actually did) and then go and tell the opposition politicians that he did so. This isn't some altrusitic concern for the safety of America, it was a political jab, a purposeful political jab, at the opponents. And he got what he wanted, an emotional retort. But he got too caught up in his own troll and stepped over the line with threatening the life of another statesman.

it's unfortunate as well, and I fear that as our rabid partisanship increases, these things will increase as well. We will see a less and less civil government, each trying to exploit the emotional retaliation of the other side to use as propaganda fodder for their partisan behavior.
Did he do it SPECIFICALLY to 'antagonize' ...a group of bitter angry protesters and their representatives that were already clearly destroying 'decorum'? And how is having law enforcement enforcing the LAW antagonistic. Oh...wait...there isnt supposed to be consequences for the illegal actions...right? I mean...responding to mob rule...well...that might incite them further, so we should just let that continue to grow.

One group showed up with the intent to destabilize and antagonize. Guess which one it was.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

It is no surprise that Ramon Romero and Cesar Blanco carry the water for pro sanctuary city protestors instead of doing their sword duty.
I don't like it that the protestors interrupted the people's business, and having them escorted so that talks could continue would have sufficed.
So lets lay blame at all involved. This is getting out of hand. Protest outside, be reasonable. Also be reasonable and show some decorum when dealing with the out of control mob and don't get in the gutter with them.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Pulling a gun in a fistfight, unless you are vastly outnumbered or the other person draws a weapon of their own, is the act of a coward.

Depends on who starts the fight.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

The person who instigated the fight and threatened to murder another legislator was a Republican. It says so in your snippet.

Reading is fundamental.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Calling federal immigration enforcement to enforce existing laws regarding declared illegal immigrants is 'instigating the fight'? You sure there werent maybe some other factors involved? And by all accounts his cmment about puttng a bullet in the guys brain FOLLOWED a physical threat made toward him. Funny you didnt mention THAT part as well.

To suggest doing so was not an act of agression in this situation is partisan hackery. But then, were used to it from you.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

It almost becomes a chicken and egg thing...is partisanship raising emotion or is emotion raising partisanship.

We can at least agree it's not good either way.

I believe it's that partisanship is raising the emotion. While politics in general has always had quite the emotional side to it, but I think that because the Republocrats have frozen out political competition so well and we're now stuck with the "two", it's really heightened everything. Because we consider third parties a waste, they become a waste, and now we have to swallow whatever tripe the Republocrats shove down our throats. And because we've locked ourselves in, and there is no proper political competition, the partisanship skyrocketed and as the choices became worse and worse so that we can't defend our particular side of the Republocrats, just attack the others, the emotion then skyrocketed as well. And now we're stuck in a world of Clinton v. Trump, no one really wanted it, but we got it shoved down our throats and the Repulocrats are now aware that they can shove the ****iest of **** candidates down our throats and we'll happily swallow it up blaming the other side all while doing so. So it's only going to get worse. And both candidates are bottom of the barrel, but you've convinced yourself you have to vote for one, there's no room for reason and intelligence. Just partisan emotion and attack.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Sure, if you agree to fight. If I have a gun and someone attempts to assault me, I will pull it.

Especially if my family is with me.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Yeah, calling ICE on protesters just because they are Hispanic is a dick move.
He didnt call ICe just because they were Hispanic. He called ICe because they decalred that they were there illegally.

See...being Hispanic is not illegal. Being an immigrant is not illegal. Being an illegal immigrant is...well...illegal. A group of illegal immigrants showing up to protest and agitate over a sanctuary cities legislative act...well hell...thats like BEGGING the INS to come take you away. Its no different than people standing in public and crowing about being illegal and getting free education benefits an intentionally shining a spotlight on yourself.

Illegal. The crux of all of this is that there a bunch of people in this country that have decided its OK to openly violate the laws. Sorry...thats going to have consequences.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Its absolutely legal ( and justified) in Texas to use deadly force if someone physicslly assaults you

A few years ago a guy bumped into another guy on I-45. He got out to exchange information and the other guy
who was 3 times is size came out swinging.
The guy who ran into him pulled his pistol, shot him, killed him and it was legal

This isnt the UFC, were a Ref pulls the guy off you when you've had your bell rung by the other guy. Its real life, and you or anyone else has every right to defend yourself.

Pulling a pistol and shooting somebody because you are scared you might lose a fight is cowardly. Killing the other person because you are scared you might lose a fight is absurd.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Rodriguez threatened him several times, and the Republican said if he they came after him, he'd put a bullet in his head in self-defense.


And yet nowhere in the OP does it say anything about self defense.

If I didn't know better I'd say you were making s*** up. Oh wait. You do that all the time!
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

Did he do it SPECIFICALLY to 'antagonize'

No other reason to do what he did, when he did it, other than to antagonize. This protest hadn't started this day, and if it were truly out of respect for the law, he would have called far sooner, not afterwards. Also, he wouldn't have told the representatives he did so. He would have called at the start, kept quiet and that would be that.

He called after everything became a rancor, and then ran up to tell these representatives he did it. That's done only to antagonize, only to start something.

This wasn't some altruistic action, only the truly partisan would try to paint it as such.
Re: 'I'll put a bullet in your head': Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of content

And yet we have dramatically less gun violence than places with strict gun laws, and almost non from licensed gun owners.


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