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If Republicans do get back into power, what are they going to do? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 24, 2009
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San Francisco
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You would think this would be an easy question for the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee and the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, “If Republicans do get back into power, what are they going to do?” You would think this question would be easy for two seasoned politicians but you would be wrong …

Excerpted from “Meet the Press,” transcript for July 18, 2010, NBC News
[SIZE="+2"]M[/SIZE]R. GREGORY: … f Republicans do get back into power, what are they going to do?

REP. SESSIONS: It's quite simple that the American people do understand the agendas that are before us. They understand what the president and the speaker stand for, and they understand what Republicans stand for. Republicans, and especially our candidates who are all over this country, very strong standing with the American people back home, we need to live within our own means. And certainly the projections that are ahead including health care and the projections for unemployment for a long time and debt for as far as we can see is staggering. We need to live within our own means. Secondly, we need to make sure that we read the bills. These bills are so bad, which is why we don't have a budget that is being looked at now. The 2011 budget is staggering in terms of taxes, and the, the discipline that is lacking from this House Democratic leadership to even debate and bring the bill for the budget and appropriations to the floor is a lack of leadership. And lastly...

MR. GREGORY: But, Congressman, that's a, that's a pretty gauzy agenda so far. I mean, what specific--what painful choices are Republicans prepared to make? Are they going to campaign on repealing health care, for instance, repealing financial regulation? Would you like to see those two things done?

REP. SESSIONS: Well, first of all, let's go right to it. We're going to balance the budget. We should live within our own means, and we should read the bills and work with the American people.

Representative Pete Sessions and Senator John Cornyn weren't able to be very specific at all. So, offer what you think is the answer to the question: If Republicans do get back into power, what are they going to do?
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I'll offer my own take: Republicans are saying to us, “Vote for us because we're not in charge.” They have no leadership agenda other than to be the leaders. Nada. Nothing. A complete blank.
The job creators, investors, and entrepreneurs are sitting on the sidelines because we have too much capacity for the demand. Corporations have an abundance of cash and tax cuts for the rich will only add to that pile of cash.
Corporations are downsizing, laying off and cutting back production and services because the recession has led to a decrease in demand.
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I'll offer my own take: Republicans are saying to us, “Vote for us because we're not in charge.” They have no leadership agenda other than to be the leaders. Nada. Nothing. A complete blank.

If they come out and say, "We're going to cut Social Security and Medicare" you'll hammer them for it and if they don't you hammer them.

You can't win an election by saying things like that.
You populists want a balanced budget and want to keep all the special programs.
You can't win by being honest.
You would think this would be an easy question for the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee and the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, “If Republicans do get back into power, what are they going to do?” You would think this question would be easy for two seasoned politicians but you would be wrong …

Representative Pete Sessions and Senator John Cornyn weren't able to be very specific at all. So, offer what you think is the answer to the question: If Republicans do get back into power, what are they going to do?

Pretty standard political speak from the Republicans. No different than what you typically hear from the Democrats.

Actually am a fan of David Gregory. And his questions are/were good. But no one really expected the Republicans to go on record stating "painful choices" they are going to propose. The same way the Democrats are successfully avoiding making any painful choices of their own. Not the politically savvy thing to do these days.

The reason we are in our current mess is that politicians (in both parties) are adept at perpetually delaying making tough long term decisions. Because making painful decisions gets in the way of their re-elections. And re-election ranks several steps higher on the priority list than doing their ****ing jobs.

With all that said. The biggest benefit from the GOP winning back one or both houses would be putting the brakes on this insane spending. (similar to what happened in the mid 90's....)

Some Republicans are saying we can't extend unemployment benefits without paying for them while in the next breath demanding that the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans be renewed permanently without paying for them! It doesn't make sense, but, I suppose they get credit for hubris.

In this time of national crisis real leaders need to be honest with the American people. Republicans aren't leading, they're lying.
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Some Republicans are saying we can't extend unemployment benefits without paying for them while in the next breath demanding that the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans be renewed permanently without paying for them! It doesn't make sense, but, I suppose they get credit for hubris.

You start by using dishonest political talking points from your party's leaders.
Not a good way to fix things.

In this is a time of national crisis real leaders need to be honest with the American people. Republicans aren't leading, they're lying.

Honesty isn't how you win an election.
That's reality.

The "American people" are spoiled brats, wanting their cake and eating it to.

Republicans, Democrats I often forget who lies the most.
It's like a never ending contest.
Just use the old standards. Cut taxes, family values, blame the Democrats for everything that's wrong, attack welfare, try to look stronger on defense.

Some Republicans are saying we can't extend unemployment benefits without paying for them while in the next breath demanding that the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans be renewed permanently without paying for them! It doesn't make sense, but, I suppose they get credit for hubris.

In this time of national crisis real leaders need to be honest with the American people. Republicans aren't leading, they're lying.

And the Democrats aren't providing any legit long term leadership. They are just writing checks when there is no money in the bank. (and those crazy Chinese keep covering the "overdrafts". Go figure....)

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If they come out and say, "We're going to cut Social Security and Medicare" you'll hammer them for it and if they don't you hammer them.

You can't win an election by saying things like that.
You populists want a balanced budget and want to keep all the special programs.
You can't win by being honest.

Actually, I would not. It does point to a real problem though. Every one talks about wanting to balance the budget, but no one has the courage to say that balancing the budget is going to hurt, and hurt alot, and will probably hurt every one. Until politicians have the courage to say that, nothing is going to actually get done.
The job creators, investors, and entrepreneurs are sitting on the sidelines because we have too much capacity for the demand. Corporations have an abundance of cash and tax cuts for the rich will only add to that pile of cash.
Corporations are downsizing, laying off and cutting back production and services because the recession has led to a decrease in demand.

There is a lot of truth to this, and it goes further. Corporations do have some actual decent(though not yet good) demand, but until things are further along into a recovery, are not bringing back employees, instead working those they have a lot of hours, which is largely cheaper.
Whom ever offers the masses a free ride to the treasury to return with a blank check will get the vote, this is where we are today...it's sad.
MR. GREGORY: But wait a minute, conservatives need a, a Democratic president's debt commission to figure out what it is they want to cut?

I laughed at this.
Actually, I would not. It does point to a real problem though. Every one talks about wanting to balance the budget, but no one has the courage to say that balancing the budget is going to hurt, and hurt alot, and will probably hurt every one. Until politicians have the courage to say that, nothing is going to actually get done.

I know you wouldn't.
You're not a seething partisan.

If they did say it, it would be used against them.
To scare the elderly.
I'll offer my own take: Republicans are saying to us, “Vote for us because we're not in charge.” They have no leadership agenda other than to be the leaders. Nada. Nothing. A complete blank.

So therefor I should vote for Democrats. Right?
Whom ever offers the masses a free ride to the treasury to return with a blank check will get the vote, this is where we are today...it's sad.

Most people do not want a free ride. They want a job with decent wages and job security. They do not want a government for the rich.
Most people do not want a free ride. They want a job with decent wages and job security. They do not want a government for the rich.
Perhaps but most people have seem to be MIA in the last few generations. Also because one is rich in no way allows the government to punish them, equal respresentation for all citizens should be the rule and if the rich are getting favorable status then the government should bring the working class up to that status. To punish the rich and keep the working class at the same level of representation is why we are at where we are today. The working class needs the government off their back and out of their pocket books.
Perhaps but most people have seem to be MIA in the last few generations. Also because one is rich in no way allows the government to punish them, equal respresentation for all citizens should be the rule and if the rich are getting favorable status then the government should bring the working class up to that status. To punish the rich and keep the working class at the same level of representation is why we are at where we are today. The working class needs the government off their back and out of their pocket books.
You must be kidding? The rich are getting punished? What planet do you live on?
Perhaps but most people have seem to be MIA in the last few generations. Also because one is rich in no way allows the government to punish them, equal respresentation for all citizens should be the rule and if the rich are getting favorable status then the government should bring the working class up to that status. To punish the rich and keep the working class at the same level of representation is why we are at where we are today. The working class needs the government off their back and out of their pocket books.

MIA? Really? When jobs where available the last 20 years, employment was at historic lows. How exactly is that MIA, or asking for government handouts? It actually should be a hint that people are not happily soaking up unemployment benefits.

How do you figure the rich are being punished? Because they pay more in taxes, despite the impact of taxes on their life being smaller?
You must be kidding? The rich are getting punished? What planet do you live on?
In my line of work I can see how this happens, I see businesses leaving a closing at a alarming rate. I have gotten to know a lot of small business up close and personal including the one I work for. The biggest complaint is regulations and taxes and in that order, if not for these issues the employer would be able to pay out more on labor and stay in business and remain some what profitable. Anyway big corporations is not what I am referring to but that said, big corporation will always make money, either here in the U.S. or otherwise. Now look at NJ, MI., CA. and see what is happening, if they can't afford to operate these companies pack up and leave or just shut down, but we got even with them attitude has put those on the unemployment line. Big business and small employ people... it's that simple, punish the employer and it will in turn punish the employee through shut downs, layoffs and pay reduction. The government isn't going to help one live at the level that the employer was able to provide for the employee.
MIA? Really? When jobs where available the last 20 years, employment was at historic lows. How exactly is that MIA, or asking for government handouts? It actually should be a hint that people are not happily soaking up unemployment benefits.

How do you figure the rich are being punished? Because they pay more in taxes, despite the impact of taxes on their life being smaller?
regulation and government corruption is the biggest killer of business or at least here in the northeast. My company moved from one town to the next, original price tag 3.5 million, final cost 10 million, after complying to over regulations, payoffs, court battles.
regulation and government corruption is the biggest killer of business or at least here in the northeast. My company moved from one town to the next, original price tag 3.5 million, final cost 10 million, after complying to over regulations, payoffs, court battles.

The recession caused by lack of regulation is the biggest business killer.
The recession caused by lack of regulation is the biggest business killer.
What? if a company is over regulated it will close and leave and there isn't anything the government can do to make it stay. Companies are leaving this state because of this. A company called CAI(chemical) here in MA. employing about 50 or more people had a explosion/fire and completely burnt to the ground, along with damaging other structures. Now CAI wanted to rebuild but was denied, no new chemicals companies or structures are permitted to build, so what did this company do, it closed and moved to Canada but it still supplies it's customers here in MA. What happened to those 50 employees, well they were put out of work, what happen to this company paying it's taxes to the town well it now pays the province of Ontario and nor MA. What happens when companies leave a community, that community gets a lower tax revenue along with unemployed people within that community. So the town's answer is to raise taxes on the community including the unemployed. The average tax rate for home owners in eastern MA. is between 4,000 to 6,000 dollars a year and going up, what do we receive not much more than we received 30 years ago.
The recession caused by lack of regulation is the biggest business killer.
So the answer is to add let's say 10,000 more new regulations and companies will flock to your state and open for business, is this what your saying>
What? if a company is over regulated it will close and leave and there isn't anything the government can do to make it stay. Companies are leaving this state because of this. A company called CAI(chemical) here in MA. employing about 50 or more people had a explosion/fire and completely burnt to the ground, along with damaging other structures. Now CAI wanted to rebuild but was denied, no new chemicals companies or structures are permitted to build, so what did this company do, it closed and moved to Canada but it still supplies it's customers here in MA. What happened to those 50 employees, well they were put out of work, what happen to this company paying it's taxes to the town well it now pays the province of Ontario and nor MA. What happens when companies leave a community, that community gets a lower tax revenue along with unemployed people within that community. So the town's answer is to raise taxes on the community including the unemployed. The average tax rate for home owners in eastern MA. is between 4,000 to 6,000 dollars a year and going up, what do we receive not much more than we received 30 years ago.

Between the new Finance Reform and the new Health Care bill, am guessing the amount of regulation that Small Business has to endure/bear is about to go up quite a bit. Either directly or indirectly....


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