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If most of the world agrees putin is committing war crimes, why are we not doing more like actually confronting him with military force? (1 Viewer)

I see no evidence for this claim

US never wanted to enter WWI. But eventually, the German U boats forced it to.

And the US never wanted to enter WWII. Pearl Harbor forced it.

Like I said, when nations get rabid for war, they don't stop or remain satisfied with just one or two countries. Such aggression just cannot be tolerated or allowed to go on until achieving cancerous proportions. Bad behavior needs to be nipped in the bud. Like cancer, it metastasizes.
US never wanted to enter WWI. But eventually, the German U boats forced it to.

And the US never wanted to enter WWII. Pearl Harbor forced it.

Like I said, when nations get rabid for war, they don't stop or remain satisfied with just one or two countries. Such aggression just cannot be tolerated or allowed to go on until achieving cancerous proportions. Bad behavior needs to be nipped in the bud. Like cancer, it metastasizes.
Russia has not attacked a NATO country

This is not our problem
That's nice.

I still see no evidence for your claim

That's pretty good evidence. What more do you want? Appeasement and sticking your head in the sand doesn't work. If that's not evidence, what could possibly count?

That's pretty good evidence. What more do you want? Appeasement and sticking your head in the sand doesn't work. If that's not evidence, what could possibly count?

Yes it does work. We should not escalate this war.

We have treaties for a reason

Let me know when NATO is attacked

Until then this is not our problem
Should one man with nukes be able to hold the whole world hostage? What if he decides to invade poland, does the whole nuke thing just go out the window because poland is a part of nato?

At what point is it time to stop him?

if sanctions don't start having any effect, I say screw it, have to get involved. **** him. Hopefully he's assassinated by his own people
Yes it does work. We should not escalate this war.

We have treaties for a reason

Let me know when NATO is attacked

Until then this is not our problem

So you let me know when Russia is attacked.
That's nice.

Poland is under our protection now. Let me know when Russia gets there

I am glad you agree appeasement and turning a blind eye to aggressive countries has never worked.
I am glad you agree appeasement and turning a blind eye to aggressive countries has never worked.
I'm glad you agree we should not defend countries we have no treaty with
GWB is still free despite war crimes and that is 20 years now

yeah, the entire war crimes thing is ridiculous. Also can't help but cringe at the hypocrisy. We invaded iraq for now reason. We bombed and murdered 100s of thousands of civilians, plus in other place. But those were poor, muslim, people of color so little outrage and calls for how horrible it is. Not everybody saying how horribel it is. It's exactly what we did to iraqis and Afghanis
Folks are blaming any inaction on Joe Biden as if the US was being attacked directly.
or like they are not pro Russia and pro dictators, and act liek Trump didn't spend years sucking Putin off and probably selling secrets. Yeah, Trump was real "tough". These people suck, plain and simple
No he was not. I am talking about our invasion of iraq under bush jr

Yeah I agree with that. That was just stupid. I have no answer to that. I didn't vote for Bush Jr. He, and Dick Cheney, should have been tried as war criminals. But Obama was too scared of the political backlash if he tried- and so set a dangerous precedent.

But that doesn't mean we now sit back until Putin is knocking on our door.
Yeah I agree with that. That was just stupid. I have no answer to that. I didn't vote for Bush Jr. He, and Dick Cheney, should have been tried as war criminals. But Obama was too scared of the political backlash if he tried- and so set a dangerous precedent.

But that doesn't mean we now sit back until Putin is knocking on our door.
We dont have to answer the door.

We dont have to escalate this war

Putin made a stupid move like we made a stupid move in iraq.

For now we leave it at that
We dont have to answer the door.

We dont have to escalate this war

Putin made a stupid move like we made a stupid move in iraq.

For now we leave it at that

What's going to make Putin wait for you to open the door any more than he did with Ukraine's door? It's just that if you wait, by that point he is going to be that much stronger. These things need to be nipped in the bud.
What's going to make Putin wait for you to open the door any more than he did with Ukraine's door? It's just that if you wait, by that point he is going to be that much stronger. These things need to be nipped in the bud.
Russia opposed our invasion of iraq. They could have attacked us over it. They did not

We should show the sane restraint

What if we attack Russia and that escalates into a full scale war with a superpower?

We should wait.....for now
We should wait.....for now

We kinda are. I agree there should be no escalation at this point. But I also agree with the sanctions and arms help. It's a delicate balance. We also shouldn't just completely ignore the problem and hope it will just stop with Ukraine, because I can guarantee it won't.
We kinda are. I agree there should be no escalation at this point. But I also agree with the sanctions and arms help. It's a delicate balance. We also shouldn't just completely ignore the problem and hope it will just stop with Ukraine, because I can guarantee it won't.
I thought you were saying we should attack Russia in ukraine now.

I am fine with sanctions and arms.

But not one US soldier should set foot in Ukraine

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