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If most of the world agrees putin is committing war crimes, why are we not doing more like actually confronting him with military force? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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Political Leaning
Should one man with nukes be able to hold the whole world hostage? What if he decides to invade poland, does the whole nuke thing just go out the window because poland is a part of nato?

At what point is it time to stop him?
Should one man with nukes be able to hold the whole world hostage? What if he decides to invade poland, does the whole nuke thing just go out the window because poland is a part of nato?

At what point is it time to stop him?

First you need some leaders who have balls.
First you need proof and it is lacking so far .

All that we have is US inspired Fake News .

Interesting tit bit re. the mass graves they found caused by Ukey killing from incursions into Donbass villages

First you need some leaders who have balls.
Naive....its is not a matter of balls.Its a matter of process.

Ummmm.....you need a platform for it.

It would be done under the auspices of whom??? Under what agreement signed by which countries?

This is what we have the International courts for. It will take a long time to gain a result but that is their function.
First you need proof and it is lacking so far .

All that we have is US inspired Fake News .

Interesting tit bit re. the mass graves they found caused by Ukey killing from incursions into Donbass villages

How are they only "finding" these mass graves now when Donbass villages were always under RUSSIAN BACKED SEPARATIST control?
First you need proof and it is lacking so far .

All that we have is US inspired Fake News .

Interesting tit bit re. the mass graves they found caused by Ukey killing from incursions into Donbass villages
Laughable...you can't do better than parroting some Putin line?
You know the answer. Yes, the nuke thing goes out the window in terms of military force for NATO. We try to stop him other ways that don't lead to nuclear war, but as I've said so many times lately, yes he can do a lot of harm because he has nukes, that's the price of allowing nukes to be made. What we need is a huge movement to eliminate nukes.
Should one man with nukes be able to hold the whole world hostage? What if he decides to invade poland, does the whole nuke thing just go out the window because poland is a part of nato?

At what point is it time to stop him?

What determines that Russia/Putin has committed war crimes that justify exactly what military response? What officially constitutes "most of the world", or a representation of such?
While on the topic of courts and crimes I would urge Americans to look at what passes for due process in Russia. The TV Producer that used a printed sign behind the on-line anchor as a protest against the war was pronounced guilty within hours of arrest having been denied benefit of counsel all the way up to her court appearance. Marina Ovsyannikova has been found guilty of organizing an illegal protest and fined 30,000 rubles (about $280). Of course what benefit is counsel in the Russian "Justice" system.

Will they charge her with additional crimes including those that carry 15 year prison terms for protesting the war? We don't know.
Should one man with nukes be able to hold the whole world hostage? What if he decides to invade poland, does the whole nuke thing just go out the window because poland is a part of nato?

At what point is it time to stop him?
Ask the UK, France and Germany. It's in their backyards and they have to funds to fight if they want. The USA doesn't need to fight this war.
Should one man with nukes be able to hold the whole world hostage? What if he decides to invade poland, does the whole nuke thing just go out the window because poland is a part of nato?

At what point is it time to stop him?

If you have an armed robbery with a hostage situation- which is basically what Putin is doing in Ukraine- it's not wise to immediately just go in there with all guns blazing, as tempting as it might be.

How many years was it before the war criminals in Serbia were arrested for their war crimes? It took a while, if I recall correctly; and they didn't even have nukes.
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Ask the UK, France and Germany. It's in their backyards and they have to funds to fight if they want. The USA doesn't need to fight this war.
Poland is a NATO treaty member. The only country that has ever invoked Article 5 of the NATO charter after being attacked is....the United States. Are you suggesting that having use the Charter for its benefit the US then walk out on its obligation to another NATO member?
What determines that Russia/Putin has committed war crimes that justify exactly what military response? What officially constitutes "most of the world", or a representation of such?
You can't be serious? Do you watch the news?
Ask the UK, France and Germany. It's in their backyards and they have to funds to fight if they want. The USA doesn't need to fight this war.
Yes and no. We shouldn't do it alone, but we should care about this war and do what we can.
How many years was it before the war criminals in Serbia were arrested for their war crimes? It took a while, if I recall correctly; and they didn't even have nukes.
It's a pretty good analogy, and yes it took several years, until he was voted out in 2000.
Poland is a NATO treaty member. The only country that has ever invoked Article 5 of the NATO charter after being attacked is....the United States. Are you suggesting that having use the Charter for its benefit the US then walk out on its obligation to another NATO member?
Are our NATO members fighting a war? If they do, we should aid them. Currently, they aren't, yet people are clamoring for the US to go over there and fight FOR them not WITH them.
Are our NATO members fighting a war? If they do, we should aid them. Currently, they aren't, yet people are clamoring for the US to go over there and fight FOR them not WITH them.
They have not to this point been attacked. Why don't you do yourself a favor and read the NATO charter. It isn't that long.
Yes and no. We shouldn't do it alone, but we should care about this war and do what we can.
I say we are. Unless our NATO members actually get into a hot war with Russia, we should stay out of direct military action against Russia.
Are our NATO members fighting a war? If they do, we should aid them. Currently, they aren't, yet people are clamoring for the US to go over there and fight FOR them not WITH them.

Nah, there is no talk of the US going to war without its European allies. Not sure where you're getting this stuff. Sounds a little odd and made-up- like propaganda or something.
I say we are. Unless our NATO members actually get into a hot war with Russia, we should stay out of direct military action against Russia.
Of course.
They have not to this point been attacked. Why don't you do yourself a favor and read the NATO charter. It isn't that long.
Please show us where in the NATO charter that states the USA should fight for any and all NATO members despite their lack of action? No. We fight with our members, not for them.
Nah, there is no talk of the US going to war without its European allies. Not sure where you're getting this stuff. Sounds a little odd and made-up- like propaganda or something.
.... the title of the thread suggests that the US acts. Do you know what thread you're replying to?
Please show us where in the NATO charter that states the USA should fight for any and all NATO members despite their lack of action? No. We fight with our members, not for them.
NATO members respond if a member nation is attacked and invokes Article 5 of the charter. Again READ THE DOCUMENT.
Should one man with nukes be able to hold the whole world hostage? What if he decides to invade poland, does the whole nuke thing just go out the window because poland is a part of nato?

At what point is it time to stop him?

Yes if he invaded his Poland the whole nuke thing goes out the window. Poland was made promises and had to make promises when it joined NATO

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