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If Germany Had Won World War II (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 5, 2015
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North East USA
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Slightly Liberal
On the internet you can find just about any opinion you look for. I just found this.

I think it is vomit inducing. :sick::sick::sick:

What do you think would have happened if Germany had won World War II?


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On the internet you can find just about any opinion you look for. I just found this.

I think it is vomit inducing. :sick::sick::sick:

What do you think would have happened if Germany had won World War II?
On the internet you can find just about any opinion you look for. I just found this.

I think it is vomit inducing. :sick::sick::sick:

What do you think would have happened if Germany had won World War II?

Why are you taking Nazis seriously?
I will begin by responding to the claim that a Nazi victory in the Second World War would have strengthened "traditional family values."


The Nazi government encouraged the mixing of the sexes. The Ulm district of the Hitler Youth pointed out the organization of mixed social evenings with dancing "had a more beneficial effect on the relationship between boys and girls than any number of exhortations and lectures". (45) In 1936, when approximately 100,000 members of the Hitler Youth and the BDM attended the Nuremberg Rally, 900 girls between fifteen and eighteen returned home pregnant. Apparently, the authorities failed to establish paternity in 400 of these cases. (46)...

Hildegard Koch could not understand why her mother was so upset by these stories of young girls getting pregnant. "After all, we were the new youth; the old people just had to learn to think in the new way and it was our job to make them see the ideals of the new nationalised Germany. When I told her about the camp with the Hitler Youth she was shocked. Well, suppose a young German youth and a German girl did come together and the girl gave a child to the Fatherland - what was so very wrong in that? When I tried to explain that to her she wanted to stop me going on in the BDM - as if it was her business! Duty to the Fatherland was more important to me and, of course, I took no notice." (48)...

Isle McKee wrote about her experiences in the German League of Girls in her autobiography, Tomorrow the World (1960): "We were told from a very early age to prepare for motherhood, as the mother in the eyes of our beloved leader and the National Socialist Government was the most important person in the nation. We were Germany's hope in the future, and it was our duty to breed and rear the new generation of sons and daughter. These lessons soon bore fruit in the shape of quite a few illegitimate small sons and daughters for the Reich, brought forth by teenage members of the League of German Maidens. The girls felt they had done their duty and seemed remarkably unconcerned about the scandal." (49)...

Koch was then introduced to several SS men. "They were all very tall and strong with blue eyes and blond hair... We were given about a week to pick the man we liked and we were told to see to it that his hair and eyes corresponded exactly to ours. We were not told the names of any of the men. When we had made our choice we had to wait till the tenth day after the beginning of the last period, when we were again medically examined and given permission to receive the SS men in our rooms at night... He was a sweet boy, although he hurt me a little, and I think he was actually a little stupid, but he had smashing looks. He slept with me for three evenings in one week. The other nights he had to do his duty with another girl. I stayed in the house until I was pregnant, which didn't take long." (75)
German League of Girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel)
Because of my concern for the Jews. Jews tend to be prosperous, so they become vulnerable in a bad economy.

Dude, the Nazis are kaput. There's not going to be another holocaust.

Taking them seriously only helps them. It legitimatizes a extremely fringe group
Dude, the Nazis are kaput. There's not going to be another holocaust.

Taking them seriously only helps them. It legitimatizes a extremely fringe group

I hope what you say is right. :)

I am not Jewish. I have always liked Jews.
I hope what you say is right. :)

I am not Jewish. I have always liked Jews.

Ok lol that's good.

And yeah, Nazis aren't going to be making a comeback anytime soon.
Ok lol that's good.

And yeah, Nazis aren't going to be making a comeback anytime soon.

Probably not, but there is a lot of that stuff out there on the internet. I like to go on anti semetic websites and infuriate the anti semites by reminding them how intelligent and prosperous most Jews are. :lol:

August Bebel, who helped form the German Social Democratic Party said, "Anti Semitism is the socialism of fools."

By the way, I am an Anglican myself. That is a traditional Episcopalian using the 1928 Book of Common Prayer.

Reading The New English Bible, including the Apocrypha, increased my appreciation for Jews.
Probably not, but there is a lot of that stuff out there on the internet. I like to go on anti semetic websites and infuriate the anti semites by reminding them how intelligent and prosperous most Jews are. :lol:

August Bebel, who helped form the German Social Democratic Party said, "Anti Semitism is the socialism of fools."

By the way, I am an Anglican myself. That is a traditional Episcopalian using the 1928 Book of Common Prayer.

Reading The New English Bible, including the Apocrypha, increased my appreciation for Jews.

That's the problem. Your taking what people say on the internet seriously :mrgreen:
Ok lol that's good.

And yeah, Nazis aren't going to be making a comeback anytime soon.

They are right now, they just changed their name.
That's the problem. Your taking what people say on the internet seriously :mrgreen:

I think that the attitudes and personalities people reveal on the internet are more accurate than that they reveal in their reveal lives. The anynomity of the internet encourages cranks and haters to let it all hang out.
It was all well and good until the no porn part.

Sure, if Hitler takes down Stalin, Stalin doesn't kill millions.

Instead, Hitler kills them.

What a magical world that would have been!

What makes anyone imagine that the first one of those two monstrous dictatorships to have acquired nuclear weapons would not have used that enormous advantage to force the other one out of North America? The notion that they would agree to share it is laughable.
Dude, the Nazis are kaput. There's not going to be another holocaust.

A Holocaust being carried out by Nazis won't happen again, you're right. There is still the possibility of another one happening at the hands of those surrounding Israel.
A Holocaust being carried out by Nazis won't happen again, you're right. There is still the possibility of another one happening at the hands of those surrounding Israel.


The Egyptians aren't interested; the Iraqis and Syrians are FUBAR; the Saudis are a paper tiger.

Israel has nukes and everybody knows full well that they would use them without hesitating.
What makes anyone imagine that the first one of those two monstrous dictatorships to have acquired nuclear weapons would not have used that enormous advantage to force the other one out of North America? The notion that they would agree to share it is laughable.

If you watch the show (or read the book), exactly that is one of the story points.
Trains would of been fantastic though.

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