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Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain First!" (1 Viewer)

Glen Contrarian

DP Veteran
Jun 21, 2013
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Bernie to the left of me, Hillary to the right, he
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One side - supported by the EU, British prime minister David Cameron, President Obama, and most economists - warned that leaving the EU would be a very bad idea, and would have severe economic consequences not just for England, but also the world.

The other side - supported by the xenophobic anti-immigration right wing of the UK and a certain Donald Trump - believed the UK's sovereignty was at stake, that brown people and Islam was taking over and that the UK could not longer control either its borders or its economy.

So the UK's right wing did what today's right wings throughout the world seem to love to do: burn it all down so we can be in charge and everything will magically all better. As a result, the world's markets are in free fall (I'm in too much of a hurry to find links - it's all over the news - JFGI) and the EU is now telling the UK to leave "as soon as possible". The British Pound has fallen more in one day than it did during the worst day of the Great Recession, more - according to reports on the BBC - than it ever did in living memory. There is a very real danger that the Brexit will cause a recession in the world's major economies, including America (remember, the EU is our largest trading partner). What's more, Scotland - which almost left the UK a couple years ago - voted strongly to remain in the EU...and as a result, if I were a betting man, I'd bet heavily that within three years, Scotland will be its own nation and will join the EU...if the EU still exists. But the right wing thinks the Brexit was somehow a great thing.

But this is all the right wing way - "burn it all down!" Look at our own right wing: they want to get rid not just of Obamacare, not just most of our social safety net, but also several of our government agencies that have helped to make all Americans' lives better. "Burn it all down!" with no real plan on what to do with the pile of ashes that what's left of the economy or the national infrastructure that took lifetimes to build.

Look at what the UK's right wing is doing not just to their own economy, but to the world's economy. This is the kind of thing that will happen if we let America's right wing get its way.
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs

A comment I read on another board.

It's ironic. Colonized the world then ****ed themselves based on the idiotic fear brown people were about to return the favor.

So when English people travel will they now pretend to be Scottish like Americans pretend to be Canadian?
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs


This comment perfectly explains why Brexit has left the UK's young feeling so devastated - Vox


A quick note on the first three tragedies. Firstly, it was the working classes who voted for us to leave because they were economically disregarded, and it is they who will suffer the most in the short term. They have merely swapped one distant and unreachable elite for another.

Secondly, the younger generation has lost the right to live and work in 27 other countries. We will never know the full extent of the lost opportunities, friendships, marriages and experiences we will be denied. Freedom of movement was taken away by our parents, uncles, and grandparents in a parting blow to a generation that was already drowning in the debts of our predecessors.

Thirdly and perhaps most significantly, we now live in a post-factual democracy. When the facts met the myths they were as useless as bullets bouncing off the bodies of aliens in a HG Wells novel. When Michael Gove said, ‘The British people are sick of experts,’ he was right. But can anybody tell me the last time a prevailing culture of anti-intellectualism has led to anything other than bigotry?"
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs

One side - supported by the EU, British prime minister David Cameron, President Obama, and most economists - warned that leaving the EU would be a very bad idea, and would have severe economic consequences not just for England, but also the world.

The other side - supported by the xenophobic anti-immigration right wing of the UK and a certain Donald Trump - believed the UK's sovereignty was at stake, that brown people and Islam was taking over and that the UK could not longer control either its borders or its economy.

So the UK's right wing did what today's right wings throughout the world seem to love to do: burn it all down so we can be in charge and everything will magically all better. As a result, the world's markets are in free fall (I'm in too much of a hurry to find links - it's all over the news - JFGI) and the EU is now telling the UK to leave "as soon as possible". The British Pound has fallen more in one day than it did during the worst day of the Great Recession, more - according to reports on the BBC - than it ever did in living memory. There is a very real danger that the Brexit will cause a recession in the world's major economies, including America (remember, the EU is our largest trading partner). What's more, Scotland - which almost left the UK a couple years ago - voted strongly to remain in the EU...and as a result, if I were a betting man, I'd bet heavily that within three years, Scotland will be its own nation and will join the EU...if the EU still exists. But the right wing thinks the Brexit was somehow a great thing.

But this is all the right wing way - "burn it all down!" Look at our own right wing: they want to get rid not just of Obamacare, not just most of our social safety net, but also several of our government agencies that have helped to make all Americans' lives better. "Burn it all down!" with no real plan on what to do with the pile of ashes that what's left of the economy or the national infrastructure that took lifetimes to build.

Look at what the UK's right wing is doing not just to their own economy, but to the world's economy. This is the kind of thing that will happen if we let America's right wing get its way.


Or, a free people rejected the loss of freedom, along with the intellectually vacant insults and rhetoric, and determined the better future for their country was based on the ability to welcome all who share their common goals.
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs

So it's a bad thing if your country leaves a group that is assuming more and more of their members sovereignty as time goes on? That's stupid.
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs

So it's a bad thing if your country leaves a group that is assuming more and more of their members sovereignty as time goes on? That's stupid.

Lot's of Lefty poutrage over this, I see. Must have been a good move by Britain then.
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs


This comment perfectly explains why Brexit has left the UK's young feeling so devastated - Vox


A quick note on the first three tragedies. Firstly, it was the working classes who voted for us to leave because they were economically disregarded, and it is they who will suffer the most in the short term. They have merely swapped one distant and unreachable elite for another.

Secondly, the younger generation has lost the right to live and work in 27 other countries. We will never know the full extent of the lost opportunities, friendships, marriages and experiences we will be denied. Freedom of movement was taken away by our parents, uncles, and grandparents in a parting blow to a generation that was already drowning in the debts of our predecessors.

Thirdly and perhaps most significantly, we now live in a post-factual democracy. When the facts met the myths they were as useless as bullets bouncing off the bodies of aliens in a HG Wells novel. When Michael Gove said, ‘The British people are sick of experts,’ he was right. But can anybody tell me the last time a prevailing culture of anti-intellectualism has led to anything other than bigotry?"

Quoted for truth!
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs

A comment I read on another board.

I don't pretend to be Canadian. Pretending is a leftwing tactic.
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs

One side - supported by the EU, British prime minister David Cameron, President Obama, and most economists - warned that leaving the EU would be a very bad idea, and would have severe economic consequences not just for England, but also the world.

The other side - supported by the xenophobic anti-immigration right wing of the UK and a certain Donald Trump - believed the UK's sovereignty was at stake, that brown people and Islam was taking over and that the UK could not longer control either its borders or its economy.

So the UK's right wing did what today's right wings throughout the world seem to love to do: burn it all down so we can be in charge and everything will magically all better. As a result, the world's markets are in free fall (I'm in too much of a hurry to find links - it's all over the news - JFGI) and the EU is now telling the UK to leave "as soon as possible". The British Pound has fallen more in one day than it did during the worst day of the Great Recession, more - according to reports on the BBC - than it ever did in living memory. There is a very real danger that the Brexit will cause a recession in the world's major economies, including America (remember, the EU is our largest trading partner). What's more, Scotland - which almost left the UK a couple years ago - voted strongly to remain in the EU...and as a result, if I were a betting man, I'd bet heavily that within three years, Scotland will be its own nation and will join the EU...if the EU still exists. But the right wing thinks the Brexit was somehow a great thing.

But this is all the right wing way - "burn it all down!" Look at our own right wing: they want to get rid not just of Obamacare, not just most of our social safety net, but also several of our government agencies that have helped to make all Americans' lives better. "Burn it all down!" with no real plan on what to do with the pile of ashes that what's left of the economy or the national infrastructure that took lifetimes to build.

Look at what the UK's right wing is doing not just to their own economy, but to the world's economy. This is the kind of thing that will happen if we let America's right wing get its way.

An incoherent diatribe from the Left. Looks like a full scale meltdown.
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs

Lot's of Lefty poutrage over this, I see. Must have been a good move by Britain then.

The left will always support acts that involve government more in their affairs, but any move that acts to remove government from the peoples lives they will reject every single time.

Oh and no people, the left supports the government controlling pot, so don't try that.
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs


Or, a free people rejected the loss of freedom, along with the intellectually vacant insults and rhetoric, and determined the better future for their country was based on the ability to welcome all who share their common goals.

They were ALREADY free, and more so than they are today as a direct result of the Brexit! It was only a right-wing talking point there that they somehow were less free. As someone's already pointed out, the people of the UK have suddenly lost the right to live and work in the other twenty-seven countries in the EU. They were NOT suffering under some kind of tyranny...they were already free.

But just like I pointed out, because it wasn't something that the right wing liked, "burn it all down!"
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs


Or, a free people rejected the loss of freedom, along with the intellectually vacant insults and rhetoric, and determined the better future for their country was based on the ability to welcome all who share their common goals.

But don't you know they got freedom of movement with membership.

You know ignoring that the only reason they don't have freedom of movement when they're not a member is because of the members of that same group. :lol:
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs

An incoherent diatribe from the Left. Looks like a full scale meltdown.

No, it was quite coherent Tell me what parts or big words are confusing you, and I'll try to help.
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs

One side - supported by the EU, British prime minister David Cameron, President Obama, and most economists - warned that leaving the EU would be a very bad idea, and would have severe economic consequences not just for England, but also the world.

The other side - supported by the xenophobic anti-immigration right wing of the UK and a certain Donald Trump - believed the UK's sovereignty was at stake, that brown people and Islam was taking over and that the UK could not longer control either its borders or its economy.

So the UK's right wing did what today's right wings throughout the world seem to love to do: burn it all down so we can be in charge and everything will magically all better. As a result, the world's markets are in free fall (I'm in too much of a hurry to find links - it's all over the news - JFGI) and the EU is now telling the UK to leave "as soon as possible". The British Pound has fallen more in one day than it did during the worst day of the Great Recession, more - according to reports on the BBC - than it ever did in living memory. There is a very real danger that the Brexit will cause a recession in the world's major economies, including America (remember, the EU is our largest trading partner). What's more, Scotland - which almost left the UK a couple years ago - voted strongly to remain in the EU...and as a result, if I were a betting man, I'd bet heavily that within three years, Scotland will be its own nation and will join the EU...if the EU still exists. But the right wing thinks the Brexit was somehow a great thing.

But this is all the right wing way - "burn it all down!" Look at our own right wing: they want to get rid not just of Obamacare, not just most of our social safety net, but also several of our government agencies that have helped to make all Americans' lives better. "Burn it all down!" with no real plan on what to do with the pile of ashes that what's left of the economy or the national infrastructure that took lifetimes to build.

Look at what the UK's right wing is doing not just to their own economy, but to the world's economy. This is the kind of thing that will happen if we let America's right wing get its way.

Obama laughed in the face of the public about Russia, North Korea, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Brazil+Germany (when caught spying)....and countless others.

Very wise of a nation to do the opposite of that idiot.
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs

Obama laughed in the face of the public about Russia, North Korea, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Brazil+Germany (when caught spying)....and countless others.

Very wise of a nation to do the opposite of that idiot.

Really? Where/when did he do that? Please be very specific.
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs

They were ALREADY free, and more so than they are today as a direct result of the Brexit! It was only a right-wing talking point there that they somehow were less free. As someone's already pointed out, the people of the UK have suddenly lost the right to live and work in the other twenty-seven countries in the EU. They were NOT suffering under some kind of tyranny...they were already free.

But just like I pointed out, because it wasn't something that the right wing liked, "burn it all down!"

Your argument:

Leaving a governmental organization is bad because other governmental organizations will restrict your rights. :lamo
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs

The ONLY reason markets are down right now is that the bettors were betting upon Remain. Had they been betting on Leave the markets would be up big time right now. This should highlight the absolute foolishness of putting our financial future in the hands of gamblers out for themselves alone.

Look, a number of folks, on both sides of the pond, have declared themselves elite. They so believe they are above the "common man" that they have ceased listening to those they govern. This is a coming to God moment for those elites. And they will ensure the people suffer for handing them this lesson.

Decades ago the leaders of the US and the UK decided we should all globalize. In the US at least it was always in direct opposition to the will of the people. People are finally reacting to decades of their government doing the polar opposite of what they are elected to do.
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs

They were ALREADY free, and more so than they are today as a direct result of the Brexit! It was only a right-wing talking point there that they somehow were less free. As someone's already pointed out, the people of the UK have suddenly lost the right to live and work in the other twenty-seven countries in the EU. They were NOT suffering under some kind of tyranny...they were already free.

But just like I pointed out, because it wasn't something that the right wing liked, "burn it all down!"

Already free? Apparently not to the level that the British electorate wanted, given the mandates from Brussels.

What's also interesting is if Northern Ireland's going to exit the UK to join the EU or not.

While it may be a temporary loss on various stock markets, I really don't think that it's going to be a long term meltdown as some are predicting. The long standing trade relationships, many of which were in place before EU, will continue, and those that have been established while the UK was part of the EU will also continue, as they were established based on mutual benefit, which hasn't changed and won't change with BrExit.

All the fear mongering over BrExit strikes me as more chicken little than anything else.
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs

They were ALREADY free, and more so than they are today as a direct result of the Brexit! It was only a right-wing talking point there that they somehow were less free. As someone's already pointed out, the people of the UK have suddenly lost the right to live and work in the other twenty-seven countries in the EU. They were NOT suffering under some kind of tyranny...they were already free.

But just like I pointed out, because it wasn't something that the right wing liked, "burn it all down!"

Well, you have your opinion, but the people of the UK don't share it. In fact, perhaps your opinion is more reflective of talking points, than the results of their vote are. Indeed, the insults you've directed towards the people of the UK, and the attempt to carry such insults over to this side of the big pond confirm they are just that.

I believe it is the nature of humans to consolidate into culturally agreeable groups. History indicates this is true. When that natural state is threatened, as it has been with the edicts and demands of the EU, it seems also natural for those people to want to protect their common goals.

Claiming this is some right wing, xenophobic response is little more than a kneejerk reaction similar to the words of a loser calling the victor names; Meaningless and sophomoric.
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs

A comment I read on another board.

This is so much bigger than immigration. One of our most diverse cities voted to leave FFS.
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs

Lot's of Lefty poutrage over this, I see. Must have been a good move by Britain then.

Yeah, burning down the world's economy "must have been a good move." Right.

There's a phrase for this: "Cutting off one's nose to spite one's face." Nationalism is good...but ONLY in moderation. This wasn't moderation - this was an all-out bender, a months-long binge...and the hangover is going to last for generations.

If you look back at the history of WWI, even two weeks before the war, the great majority of the people didn't think that war was a possibility. Why? Because all of Europe was much more prosperous than at any time in its history. In the great scheme of things, the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was a very small spark indeed. The fuel, on the other hand, was rampant nationalism, the idea that in a choice between common sense and nationalism, a choice between doing what's best for the world or doing what's most satisfying to the right wing (yes, it was the several nations' right wing at the time), common sense was chucked right out the window. How did that particular bout of unfettered nationalism work out?

NO, I'm not saying that the Brexit is somehow leading to war. What I am saying is that in the UK, rampant nationalism has triumphed over common sense and shared prosperity, and fear of a browner future has triumphed over preserving not only their national economy but also the freedom for their people to live and work as they wanted throughout the EU.

Yeah, the right wing got its way to burn it all down. Wait for a year - and not even a year! - and THEN ask the English people if they still think the Brexit was a good idea!
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs

But don't you know they got freedom of movement with membership.

You know ignoring that the only reason they don't have freedom of movement when they're not a member is because of the members of that same group. :lol:

And by ignoring the fact freedom of movement also meant they no longer could control their sovereignty seems to have been lost on the promoters of the stay agenda.
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs

Obama laughed in the face of the public about Russia, North Korea, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Brazil+Germany (when caught spying)....and countless others.

Very wise of a nation to do the opposite of that idiot.

And what's happening to the world's markets right now? And to your own 401K if you've got one?

Yep! You're another adherent of the "burn it all down" philosophy of the right! Who the heck cares what happens, as long as you get to burn it all down!
Re: Idiots! The UK's right wing burns down the world's economy because "Britain Firs

And what's happening to the world's markets right now? And to your own 401K if you've got one?

Yep! You're another adherent of the "burn it all down" philosophy of the right! Who the heck cares what happens, as long as you get to burn it all down!

Lol after one day? Where did you get your degree from? Of course markets would dive after a major decision. Just like they took a dive before quadrupling for K7.

Oh sorry, I forgot I'm talking to a professional :)

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