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I have to wonder if many who support the gop stop to think what they are supporting could end up making america into a version of russia today? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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I honestly fear what they will do if they gain control of all three branches of government again with all of their talk about being weak and how america needs to be strong right on down to the street level cops and no more of this woke shit. Nationalism is fine when the japanese attacked pearl harbor, otherwise it looks like thousands of nazi flags celebrating nationalism and the leader.

Which america will we choose? A free america or an america ruled by a strong dictator?
Imagine that, a government that has gained a huge increase in power is unwilling to give it up, and continues the ‘public health emergency’ justified by the COVID fear they’ve sown. Didn’t the politicians of the left declare the uninsured a health care emergency? Is this how they achieving their public policy agenda justified on the back of the waning COVID pandemic?

Biden administration extends public health emergency for Covid-19
Health Secretary Xavier Becerra announced Friday that the government would extend the declaration for the eighth time.​
By Phil McCausland, Jan. 14, 2022​


Partially redacted documents released on Thursday night by the US intelligence community reveal a secret CIA surveillance dragnet that has collected some Americans' data under a program that did not have congressional approval or oversight. Senate Intelligence Committee members Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) and Martin Heinrich (D-New Mexico) sent a letter to the director of national intelligence and CIA director on April 13, 2021, demanding that information about the program be declassified. “Among the many details the public deserves to know are the nature of the CIA's relationship with its sources and the legal framework for the collection,” the senators wrote in their letter.​

The mask mandates were all the politics of control. That they are dropping now is also all politics. That the public health emergency for Covid-19 is extended is again, the politics of control, as is the CIA spying on, i.e. bulk data collection, of Americans.
I honestly fear what they will do if they gain control of all three branches of government again with all of their talk about being weak and how america needs to be strong right on down to the street level cops and no more of this woke shit. Nationalism is fine when the japanese attacked pearl harbor, otherwise it looks like thousands of nazi flags celebrating nationalism and the leader.

Which america will we choose? A free america or an america ruled by a strong dictator?

Looks like we're drifting towards an authoritarian America ruled by Rep/cons who decide what a free America looks like, and right over the falls, with the Dems looking on. The Dems will get together later and decide what to do. Of course, they're trying to figure out what to say and do now. While we get closer and closer to the falls that are clearly in sight.

Just a note, many people vote early via mail. If the Dems don't get their act together soon, like real soon, any messaging won't have sunk in in time to have impact on voters' decisions.
Imagine that, a government that has gained a huge increase in power is unwilling to give it up, and continues the ‘public health emergency’ justified by the COVID fear they’ve sown. Didn’t the politicians of the left declare the uninsured a health care emergency? Is this how they achieving their public policy agenda justified on the back of the waning COVID pandemic?

Biden administration extends public health emergency for Covid-19
Health Secretary Xavier Becerra announced Friday that the government would extend the declaration for the eighth time.​
By Phil McCausland, Jan. 14, 2022​


Partially redacted documents released on Thursday night by the US intelligence community reveal a secret CIA surveillance dragnet that has collected some Americans' data under a program that did not have congressional approval or oversight. Senate Intelligence Committee members Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) and Martin Heinrich (D-New Mexico) sent a letter to the director of national intelligence and CIA director on April 13, 2021, demanding that information about the program be declassified. “Among the many details the public deserves to know are the nature of the CIA's relationship with its sources and the legal framework for the collection,” the senators wrote in their letter.​

The mask mandates were all the politics of control. That they are dropping now is also all politics. That the public health emergency for Covid-19 is extended is again, the politics of control, as is the CIA spying on, i.e. bulk data collection, of Americans.

Yes, because a government that advocates the latest recommendations of doctors and scientists in a deadly pandemic is worse than one which calls the press "the enemy of the people", focuses on taking away people's access to vote, and incites insurrection and undermines American democracy every time it loses an election. :rolleyes:
Yes, because a government that advocates the latest recommendations of doctors and scientists in a deadly pandemic is worse than one which calls the press "the enemy of the people", focuses on

taking away people's access to vote, and incites insurrection and undermines American democracy every time it loses an election. :rolleyes:
Can always count on your parroting the left's baseless and false talking points. :rolleyes:
Can always count on your parroting the left's baseless and false talking points. :rolleyes:

You can say that. Anyone can say anything. I can say Santa wears blue, not red.

WHY is it baseless and false?
You can say that. Anyone can say anything. I can say Santa wears blue, not red.

WHY is it baseless and false?
Those talking points have been debunked time and again, only to be continually parroted from the left. It's the political narrative they have to push, facts be damned. Why? Because it is perceived by the left that it politically advantages them.

Core values: "Never let a crisis go to waste" (for political advantage)
This also implies 'If there is no crisis you can take advantage of, manufacture one which you can'.
Imagine that, a government that has gained a huge increase in power is unwilling to give it up, and continues the ‘public health emergency’ justified by the COVID fear they’ve sown. Didn’t the politicians of the left declare the uninsured a health care emergency? Is this how they achieving their public policy agenda justified on the back of the waning COVID pandemic?

Biden administration extends public health emergency for Covid-19
Health Secretary Xavier Becerra announced Friday that the government would extend the declaration for the eighth time.​
By Phil McCausland, Jan. 14, 2022​


Partially redacted documents released on Thursday night by the US intelligence community reveal a secret CIA surveillance dragnet that has collected some Americans' data under a program that did not have congressional approval or oversight. Senate Intelligence Committee members Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) and Martin Heinrich (D-New Mexico) sent a letter to the director of national intelligence and CIA director on April 13, 2021, demanding that information about the program be declassified. “Among the many details the public deserves to know are the nature of the CIA's relationship with its sources and the legal framework for the collection,” the senators wrote in their letter.​

The mask mandates were all the politics of control. That they are dropping now is also all politics. That the public health emergency for Covid-19 is extended is again, the politics of control, as is the CIA spying on, i.e. bulk data collection, of Americans.

So last year when Trump's CDC said we should wear masks they were saying it only so Trump could control us. Sounds about right.
This also implies 'If there is no crisis you can take advantage of, manufacture one which you can'.

You should spend another 6 years looking for Obama's secret birth certificate. I hear you're not gonna believe what Trump's top people are finding on it.

But recommendations from the CDC, NIH, AMA, and every single international medical and scientific organization on the entire planet during a lethal pandemic? Manufactured lies for political advantage by the Biden campaign, right?

Yeah, that makes total sense now. What would we do without sophisticated and savvy skeptics such as yourself who always see so clearly through the con?
I honestly fear what they will do if they gain control of all three branches of government again with all of their talk about being weak and how america needs to be strong right on down to the street level cops and no more of this woke shit. Nationalism is fine when the japanese attacked pearl harbor, otherwise it looks like thousands of nazi flags celebrating nationalism and the leader.

Which america will we choose? A free america or an america ruled by a strong dictator?

It's the Left who need to stop and think about how they're making America into their image of Russia -- repressive, thought-policed, no freedom of expression and freedom to speak your mind, a state-run society, and no freedom to bear arms
They've given up on democracy. They don't think of it as 'Americans each getting to pick their government, and maybe they win with a majority and maybe not, and the losers need to accept the result'; instead they view it as a hoard of their enemies voting for the other side and all that matters is winning power so 'they' ae in charge instead of their enemies, so a dictatorship - which only happens for their side - is just fine. Better, because it wouldn't let the other side get to win instead.

They've sort of forced Democrats to feel somewhat similarly, because instead of a Republican victory being 'bad policies', they've turned it into a wild government that can be totally 'nuts', ignoring laws, oppressing, supporting having the military arrest if not kill protesters, and bringing fascism and an end to democracy and huge corruption that doesn't matter, so that Democrats are pushed to feel like preventing that Republican win is not just basic 'democracy hope your side wins' but a threat to our country, because it is.

Given that what's underlying the right are plutocrats, you'd think they'd be for some more calm while they take all the money, but in order for THEM to get power, they've sort of empowered a monster and can't really keep control of it but they try. An example is watching Mitch McConnell try to navigate between serving the donors and not getting overcome by the wild right he needs for power. Those 'establishment' Republicans were defeated by both trump and Cruz in 2016 and been in peril since that, but they 'need' the trump side to get enough votes. They don't like it but think it's better than Democrats getting elected usually, except for a small minority who actually have said Democrats are better right now.

And you're right it's dangerous. I've been getting a better picture of what mainland China is like and it's like finding out there's a bomb that could blow up the block in your neighbor's house - you didn't realize the threat. It's 1.5 billion people who are hugely brainwashed and sociologically conditioned a lot like North Korea who will support an utterly corrupt single-party government that cares about nothing but its own power and becoming a global superpower, and there are some resemblances. A 'bad' government wants to keep power through 'control', not be subject to 'free people' voting in their interest, and we're seeing that same thing with Republicans who care nothing about non-Republicans and mostly about their having power.
Last edited:
You should spend another 6 years looking for Obama's secret birth certificate. I hear you're not gonna believe what Trump's top people are finding on it.
Ahh yes. Your standard 'go to line' when challenged. It's getting so old it's beyond time to fire your writers.

But recommendations from the CDC, NIH, AMA, and every single international medical and scientific organization on the entire planet during a lethal pandemic? Manufactured lies for political advantage by the Biden campaign, right?
'Manufactured lies for political advantage' come from all aspects of the left. It goes back to their core 'values' (if you can call them that).

Yeah, that makes total sense now. What would we do without sophisticated and savvy skeptics such as yourself who always see so clearly through the con?
What would we do without so easily duped such as yourself? I doubt that we'll ever have the pleasure of knowing.
Those who support the GOP have already made up their minds they want a strong Putin style leader. So, they have thought about it to that extent.
When I voted yesterday, this preposterous notion never even crossed my mind.
Ahh yes. Your standard 'go to line' when challenged. It's getting so old it's beyond time to fire your writers.

No. If you don't like that one we can go with Hunter Biden's laptop. Or Hillary's pedophilia ring she operates out of that DC pizza joint. Or how about how if Trump lost the 2016 election it must mean the election was rigged? Or that it was rigged because he lost in 2020?

Have you signed up for Trump U yet? Sure it's expensive, but I hear it's better than Harvard! There's no duping Trump supporters, those sophisticated worldly folks!

'Manufactured lies for political advantage' come from all aspects of the left. It goes back to their core 'values' (if you can call them that).

What would we do without so easily duped such as yourself? I doubt that we'll ever have the pleasure of knowing.

So I hear Covid is no worse than the common cold and is gonna be gone by April 2020. See? That's what happens when you have a real leader like Trump in charge.
I honestly fear what they will do if they gain control of all three branches of government again with all of their talk about being weak and how america needs to be strong right on down to the street level cops and no more of this woke shit. Nationalism is fine when the japanese attacked pearl harbor, otherwise it looks like thousands of nazi flags celebrating nationalism and the leader.

Which america will we choose? A free america or an america ruled by a strong dictator?
Pretty sure most of the are Putin admirers.
No. If you don't like that one we can go with Hunter Biden's laptop. Or Hillary's pedophilia ring she operates out of that DC pizza joint. Or how about how if Trump lost the 2016 election it must mean the election was rigged? Or that it was rigged because he lost in 2020?

Have you signed up for Trump U yet? Sure it's expensive, but I hear it's better than Harvard! There's no duping Trump supporters, those sophisticated worldly folks!

So I hear Covid is no worse than the common cold and is gonna be gone by April 2020. See? That's what happens when you have a real leader like Trump in charge.
Funny. Don't quit your day gig.
It is equally funny that you seem to want to classify me as some sort of 'Trumpist' or 'Tumper' or something. That too would be a fail on your part.
Your doing this make me easier for you to hate me? Hate is what drives the left.

But a terminal case of TDS is never a very pretty sight.

Specific to the OP:
'this woke shit' is idiotic, and it does need to stop.
  1. Abolitionism
  2. Cultural Appropriation
  3. Brown Complicity
  4. Equity
  5. Research Justice

'thousands of nazi flags celebrating nationalism and the leader' - fact of the matter is that White Supremacists, Neo-Nazis and the like are a miniscule percentage of the electorate, so much so together wouldn't add up to more than something on the order of a 10th of 1 percent and no significant threat, but the left, perceiving this push narrative to have political advantage, continues to push it. That so many hate-crimes ate initially attributed to White Supremacists, Neo-Nazis, and most end up being a hoax and committed by some left lunatic, tells you that the demand for such hate crimes outstrips the supply of such hate crimes, this is a good thing. And yet, the dishonest and inaccurate push narrative continues unabated. :rolleyes:
Funny. Don't quit your day gig.
It is equally funny that you seem to want to classify me as some sort of 'Trumpist' or 'Tumper' or something. That too would be a fail on your part.
Your doing this make me easier for you to hate me? Hate is what drives the left.

But a terminal case of TDS is never a very pretty sight.

Specific to the OP:
'this woke shit' is idiotic, and it does need to stop.
  1. Abolitionism
  2. Cultural Appropriation
  3. Brown Complicity
  4. Equity
  5. Research Justice

'thousands of nazi flags celebrating nationalism and the leader' - fact of the matter is that White Supremacists, Neo-Nazis and the like are a miniscule percentage of the electorate, so much so together wouldn't add up to more than something on the order of a 10th of 1 percent and no significant threat, but the left, perceiving this push narrative to have political advantage, continues to push it. That so many hate-crimes ate initially attributed to White Supremacists, Neo-Nazis, and most end up being a hoax and committed by some left lunatic, tells you that the demand for such hate crimes outstrips the supply of such hate crimes, this is a good thing. And yet, the dishonest and inaccurate push narrative continues unabated. :rolleyes:

Haha! Someone thinks racism is no big deal in this country. That's hilarious!

I bet you think climate change is no big deal either. And Covid is just like the common cold, right? :LOL:

I have to wonder if many who support the gop stop to think what they are supporting could end up making america into a version of russia today?​

That becomes ever more apparent when we realize that Republicans do not talk about what their party is doing. Nor do they talk about the party's leader, Trump.

Take a look at the front page of this forum.

There is not one thread started by a Republican about the Republican Party or Trump.
Imagine that, a government that has gained a huge increase in power is unwilling to give it up, and continues the ‘public health emergency’ justified by the COVID fear they’ve sown. Didn’t the politicians of the left declare the uninsured a health care emergency? Is this how they achieving their public policy agenda justified on the back of the waning COVID pandemic?

Biden administration extends public health emergency for Covid-19
Health Secretary Xavier Becerra announced Friday that the government would extend the declaration for the eighth time.​
By Phil McCausland, Jan. 14, 2022​


Partially redacted documents released on Thursday night by the US intelligence community reveal a secret CIA surveillance dragnet that has collected some Americans' data under a program that did not have congressional approval or oversight. Senate Intelligence Committee members Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) and Martin Heinrich (D-New Mexico) sent a letter to the director of national intelligence and CIA director on April 13, 2021, demanding that information about the program be declassified. “Among the many details the public deserves to know are the nature of the CIA's relationship with its sources and the legal framework for the collection,” the senators wrote in their letter.​

The mask mandates were all the politics of control. That they are dropping now is also all politics. That the public health emergency for Covid-19 is extended is again, the politics of control, as is the CIA spying on, i.e. bulk data collection, of Americans.
What part of the declaration of a public health emergency robs you of your FREEDOMS? Please be specific.

Also, did you notice who on the Senate intelligence committee is demanding answers from the CIA? It's the "leftists" who seek control, supposedly, who are making this CIA program, with the abuses almost certainly happening in the Trump era giving the timing, public. Does that make sense to you?
problem is you're talking about the wrong side when you ask that question.
I honestly fear

No you don't

what they will do if they gain control of all three branches of government again with all of their talk about being weak and how america needs to be strong right on down to the street level cops and no more of this woke shit. Nationalism is fine when the japanese attacked pearl harbor, otherwise it looks like thousands of nazi flags celebrating nationalism and the leader.

Which america will we choose? A free america or an america ruled by a strong dictator?

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