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I Be Dark_Fury (1 Viewer)

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Dark_ Fury

New member
Jul 25, 2016
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
A Reagan conservative if you will. Net veteran of a decade. Known to some members here as very hard very tough on liberals. I don't like liberals and I do not intend to start. I do not support nor wish to tolerate islam. I do not support, condone or wish to tolerate the homo life style.

Last edited:
A Reagan conservative if you will. Net veteran of a decade. Known to some members here as a very hard very tough on liberals. I don't like liberals and I do not intend to start. I do not support nor wish to tolerate islam. I do not support, condone or wish to tolerate the homo life style.


Yeah, I've got a feeling that we're not gonna get along at all.
A Reagan conservative if you will. Net veteran of a decade. Known to some members here as a very hard very tough on liberals. I don't like liberals and I do not intend to start. I do not support nor wish to tolerate islam. I do not support, condone or wish to tolerate the homo life style.


Well, however short your stay, welcome. I think.
Well aren't you a peach.
A Reagan conservative if you will. Net veteran of a decade. Known to some members here as very hard very tough on liberals. I don't like liberals and I do not intend to start. I do not support nor wish to tolerate islam. I do not support, condone or wish to tolerate the homo life style.


Why would ANYONE know (or care) about you?
So how long is this one going to last? I got 2 weeks. A real sweetie.
Welcome, I'm already taking bets on how long it take for you to be banned!
A Reagan conservative if you will. Net veteran of a decade. Known to some members here as very hard very tough on liberals. I don't like liberals and I do not intend to start. I do not support nor wish to tolerate islam. I do not support, condone or wish to tolerate the homo life style.

Hey, Dark Fury, welcome to DP. Nice to see you here, also.
The cheese stands alone. :mrgreen:
A Reagan conservative if you will. Net veteran of a decade. Known to some members here as very hard very tough on liberals. I don't like liberals and I do not intend to start. I do not support nor wish to tolerate islam. I do not support, condone or wish to tolerate the homo life style.


I'm Grand Mal. It means big sickness. I'm a liberal, but I like conservatives. I barbecue them, usually, but a nice stir-fry is good, too. They can be a bitch to clean, though. A lotta bile and vitroil sometimes, and noxious scent glands.
Welcome. Put on your fireproof underwear. You be the next BBQ.
I see your liberals travel in packs. They strike me as rather clownish at this point but oh well.
A Reagan conservative if you will. Net veteran of a decade. Known to some members here as very hard very tough on liberals. I don't like liberals and I do not intend to start. I do not support nor wish to tolerate islam. I do not support, condone or wish to tolerate the homo life style.


Old man.jpg
I'm Grand Mal. It means big sickness. I'm a liberal, but I like conservatives. I barbecue them, usually, but a nice stir-fry is good, too. They can be a bitch to clean, though. A lotta bile and vitroil sometimes, and noxious scent glands.

I like my liberals anyway that makes them scream. I am loved by conservatives and hated by liberals.
My stats from where I come.
Joined:Feb 20, 2015
Thanks Received:4,865
Trophy Points:382

Board vet, and as you can see my approval rating is 4,000 points OVER 100%. Will I be banned? Maybe, but anybody that reads me will remember I was here.
A Reagan conservative if you will. Net veteran of a decade. Known to some members here as very hard very tough on liberals. I don't like liberals and I do not intend to start. I do not support nor wish to tolerate islam. I do not support, condone or wish to tolerate the homo life style.


You don't "wish to tolerate...so you're telling me there's a chance!

I like my liberals anyway that makes them scream. I am loved by conservatives and hated by liberals.
My stats from where I come.
Joined:Feb 20, 2015
Thanks Received:4,865
Trophy Points:382

Board vet, and as you can see my approval rating is 4,000 points OVER 100%. Will I be banned? Maybe, but anybody that reads me will remember I was here.

Highly unlikely. We have people like you every week or so, and I just signed up about half a year ago.
A Reagan conservative if you will. Net veteran of a decade. Known to some members here as very hard very tough on liberals. I don't like liberals and I do not intend to start. I do not support nor wish to tolerate islam. I do not support, condone or wish to tolerate the homo life style.


This board is pretty heavily moderated, I seriously doubt it's for you.
I like my liberals anyway that makes them scream. I am loved by conservatives and hated by liberals.
My stats from where I come.
Joined:Feb 20, 2015
Thanks Received:4,865
Trophy Points:382

Board vet, and as you can see my approval rating is 4,000 points OVER 100%. Will I be banned? Maybe, but anybody that reads me will remember I was here.

I hope you realize your reputation on USMB means nothing here on DP.
I like my liberals anyway that makes them scream. I am loved by conservatives and hated by liberals.
My stats from where I come.
Joined:Feb 20, 2015
Thanks Received:4,865
Trophy Points:382

Board vet, and as you can see my approval rating is 4,000 points OVER 100%. Will I be banned? Maybe, but anybody that reads me will remember I was here.

:lamo :lamo You need to break out of your shell, Jury.
I like my liberals anyway that makes them scream. I am loved by conservatives and hated by liberals.
My stats from where I come.
Joined:Feb 20, 2015
Thanks Received:4,865
Trophy Points:382

Board vet, and as you can see my approval rating is 4,000 points OVER 100%. Will I be banned? Maybe, but anybody that reads me will remember I was here.

No idea what those numbers mean, Cubby. It's important to you, apparently- maybe you could work them into a signature line or something.
We've been inundated with semi-moronic conservatives here lately. Some of them have proven to have entertainment value, others have proven to be valueless. You'll find your way around, settle in, no doubt.
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