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Hurricane Laura looms, and Trump is again the man without a plan (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Hurricane Laura looms, and Trump is again the man without a plan


On Wednesday, Hurricane Laura approached the Gulf Coast with a storm surge that the National Hurricane Center called “unsurvivable” and “catastrophic.” But Trump decreed that the show would go on: The Republican National Convention would resume Wednesday night as scheduled. Trump’s decision to proceed with a split-screen convention fits neatly with his previous indifference. Just two weeks earlier he signed an executive order stripping the Federal Emergency Management Agency of up to $44 billion from its Disaster Relief Fund. Before that, he did everything in his power to dismantle efforts to ameliorate climate change, which is fueling higher-intensity storms. It’s another timely reminder that Trump is a man without a plan. He didn’t create the coronavirus, but he made its impact on the United States worse than in any other country because he had no plan to combat it. More than six months after the virus surfaced, he said his administration was “in the process of developing a strategy” to fight it. He didn’t cause the economic collapse, but he worsened it because he didn’t have a long-term plan to soften the blow. Democrats offered him an election-year gift of a multitrillion-dollar stimulus package, but he walked away because Republicans thought it too generous. Now millions of unemployed Americans are seeing government help evaporate.

He didn’t invent police brutality, but he worsened tensions because he didn’t have a plan (or a desire) to fix racism in policing. Instead he demonized racial-justice demonstrators, sent in federal police who inflamed violence and, at this week’s convention, glorified gunmen who confronted demonstrators. The deadly scene this week in Kenosha, Wis., is the latest byproduct of the escalation. Some of Trump’s supporters on the religious right see disasters as morality tales in the form of messages from God. By the same reasoning, such people might ask, amid pestilence and calamity: Why does God hate Donald Trump? I see a simpler mechanism at work. All presidents are tested by disasters, man-made and natural. Trump’s response seems always to be the same: denial. He pretends the virus will go away. He pretends the economy will come back like a “rocket.” He pretends climate change is a hoax. Now Laura looms. Yet the Republican convention goes on. And Trump keeps tweeting about “LAW and ORDER” and how “China would own our Country” if Joe Biden were elected.

There is the possibility that we may now lose sports in 2020. Because Trump had no plan to fix racial injustice after the brutal police murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, it keeps on happening, over and over and over. Now professional sports athletes in the NBA, MLB and NFL have had enough of this inaction. Games were boycotted last night and the athletes threaten to end their respective seasons unless the senseless police murders of people of color ceases. Three months after the execution of George Floyd, and Trump still has no plan to address racial injustice and police brutality. More than that, Trump encourages violence and then complains mightily when it happens.

We can't keep going on like this, calamity after calamity with never a plan to either mitigate or repair the damages. Do you really want four more years of Trump chaos?
The usual suspects will just start going on about how Biden isn't doing anything to help with the hurricane.
The usual suspects will just start going on about how Biden isn't doing anything to help with the hurricane.

Obviously the Hurricane is going to flood democrat cities!
Hurricane Laura looms, and Trump is again the man without a plan


There is the possibility that we may now lose sports in 2020. Because Trump had no plan to fix racial injustice after the brutal police murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, it keeps on happening, over and over and over. Now professional sports athletes in the NBA, MLB and NFL have had enough of this inaction. Games were boycotted last night and the athletes threaten to end their respective seasons unless the senseless police murders of people of color ceases. Three months after the execution of George Floyd, and Trump still has no plan to address racial injustice and police brutality. More than that, Trump encourages violence and then complains mightily when it happens.

We can't keep going on like this, calamity after calamity with never a plan to either mitigate or repair the damages. Do you really want four more years of Trump chaos?

And it is hot as **** out here in California. When is the Goddamn President going to do something about that?
Hurricane Laura looms, and Trump is again the man without a plan


There is the possibility that we may now lose sports in 2020. Because Trump had no plan to fix racial injustice after the brutal police murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, it keeps on happening, over and over and over. Now professional sports athletes in the NBA, MLB and NFL have had enough of this inaction. Games were boycotted last night and the athletes threaten to end their respective seasons unless the senseless police murders of people of color ceases. Three months after the execution of George Floyd, and Trump still has no plan to address racial injustice and police brutality. More than that, Trump encourages violence and then complains mightily when it happens.

We can't keep going on like this, calamity after calamity with never a plan to either mitigate or repair the damages. Do you really want four more years of Trump chaos?

What a ridiculous post.
And it is hot as **** out here in California. When is the Goddamn President going to do something about that?

I don't think any of the states have declared a disaster.
I don't think any of the states have declared a disaster.

None of the states have asked for help in fighting "the senseless police murders of people of color" either. Trump needs to take control and fix this goddamn hot weather.
None of the states have asked for help in fighting "the senseless police murders of people of color" either. Trump needs to take control and fix this goddamn hot weather.

Trump should present himself as someone helpful and who wants to work with the states vs "fix it or i will" which is a veiled threat.
Trump should present himself as someone helpful and who wants to work with the states vs "fix it or i will" which is a veiled threat.

LOL You haven't been watching the news for the past three months have you? The President has offered all the states and cities having problems help from the Federal government. Some states and cities accepted the help and haven't had problems since. Other states and cities expressly told the President "**** YOU" and they continue to be plagued by violence. Looks like Evers in WI has finally agreed to Federal help.
Hurricanes don't need plans. Wait until it breaks crap and fix the broken crap like in any other hurricane.
LOL You haven't been watching the news for the past three months have you? The President has offered all the states and cities having problems help from the Federal government. Some states and cities accepted the help and haven't had problems since. Other states and cities expressly told the President "**** YOU" and they continue to be plagued by violence. Looks like Evers in WI has finally agreed to Federal help.

He has certainly made it in a PR issue.
Hurricanes don't need plans. Wait until it breaks crap and fix the broken crap like in any other hurricane.

There is planning that can done around hurricanes, mainly around construction codes and design of civil infrastructure.
He has certainly made it in a PR issue.

IMHO, it will be a big campaign issue. Frankly, it's rather disheartening that it took Biden until yesterday to call out the violence that has been going on all over the country for months.
Hurricane Laura looms, and Trump is again the man without a plan


There is the possibility that we may now lose sports in 2020. Because Trump had no plan to fix racial injustice after the brutal police murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, it keeps on happening, over and over and over. Now professional sports athletes in the NBA, MLB and NFL have had enough of this inaction. Games were boycotted last night and the athletes threaten to end their respective seasons unless the senseless police murders of people of color ceases. Three months after the execution of George Floyd, and Trump still has no plan to address racial injustice and police brutality. More than that, Trump encourages violence and then complains mightily when it happens.

We can't keep going on like this, calamity after calamity with never a plan to either mitigate or repair the damages. Do you really want four more years of Trump chaos?

What kind of Bull corn story is that. It is so distorted one might think it is comedy but for your request for us to not support Trump. Trump is not in charge of states who have violence nor in charge of the sports world.
IMHO, it will be a big campaign issue. Frankly, it's rather disheartening that it took Biden until yesterday to call out the violence that has been going on all over the country for months.

Did Biden finally call out against violence? What about Pelosi, can she call it out?
Did Biden finally call out against violence? What about Pelosi, can she call it out?

Three months too late, but yes, finally.

Biden said that protests over police brutality were “a right and absolutely necessary,” but “burning down communities is not protest. It’s needless violence. Violence that endanger lives. Violence that guts businesses and shutters businesses that serve the community. That’s wrong.”

Joe Biden condemns 'needless violence' after Jacob Blake's shooting - CNN Video

LOL No, of course not. Pelosi's latest is to try convince Biden to bow out of the debates.

Biden insists he will debate Trump after Pelosi remarks | TheHill
IMHO, it will be a big campaign issue. Frankly, it's rather disheartening that it took Biden until yesterday to call out the violence that has been going on all over the country for months.

I agree, its something Biden should take lead on.

If I were him, I would head to Oregon, meet with the governer and come up with a plan

1. Curfew and quelling of rioters in Portland
2. Have the BLM and other protesters (not rioters) form negotiation teams to meet with city officials and police representatives on live TV (except when discussing issues that may have private information, such as specific people or things currently under investigation)
3. Have the delegations willing to sit and stare at an empty room on live tv if the other groups do not meet the terms.

That would flip the narrative quite quickly I believe.
I agree, its something Biden should take lead on.

If I were him, I would head to Oregon, meet with the governer and come up with a plan

1. Curfew and quelling of rioters in Portland
2. Have the BLM and other protesters (not rioters) form negotiation teams to meet with city officials and police representatives on live TV (except when discussing issues that may have private information, such as specific people or things currently under investigation)
3. Have the delegations willing to sit and stare at an empty room on live tv if the other groups do not meet the terms.

That would flip the narrative quite quickly I believe.

You need to the fix the "Progressive" in your profile. :)
Hurricanes don't need plans. Wait until it breaks crap and fix the broken crap like in any other hurricane.

Sounds like good summation of this administration. "Why bother with plans?"
You are reasonable and make too much sense.

That is precisely why I am a progressive. I spent about a decade looking at multiple philosophies, religions, science, history, etc and landed where I did.
The usual suspects will just start going on about how Biden isn't doing anything to help with the hurricane.

We're too busy watching the usual suspects blame Trump for the destruction the hurricane caused. :lamo

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