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How come we are drowning in conspiracies? (1 Viewer)

Pin dÁr

DP Veteran
Feb 23, 2014
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Political Leaning
Yet, if you only look at the mainstream-lies, you can see we are drowning in conspiracies

Ok, then:

definition of a conspiracy:

Simple Definition of conspiracy

: a secret plan made by two or more people to do something that is harmful or illegal
: the act of secretly planning to do something that is harmful or illegal

Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary

Now just by this definition, you can't say there are no conspiracies!

This kind of thing happen all the time!

Yet people dismiss 'conspiracies' as being true. (Apart from the tons of government trolls here, of course,)

Yet, if you only look at the mainstream-lies, you can see we are drowning in conspiracies

Ok, then:

definition of a conspiracy:

Now just by this definition, you can't say there are no conspiracies!

This kind of thing happen all the time!

Yet people dismiss 'conspiracies' as being true. (Apart from the tons of government trolls here, of course,)

I believe that it is dismissed because most people have no concept of the power that real wealth brings, no concept of the influence and sway it holds.

Because the average person has no power to "influence" therefore they choose to believe that others do not have that kind of power to influence either.

it's illogical but so are most conspiracy theories and people like to view themselves as logical

conspiracy theories border on fantasy occurrences because of our lack of understanding and they mostly can't be proven...ever
Yet, if you only look at the mainstream-lies, you can see we are drowning in conspiracies

Ok, then:

definition of a conspiracy:

Now just by this definition, you can't say there are no conspiracies!

This kind of thing happen all the time!

Yet people dismiss 'conspiracies' as being true. (Apart from the tons of government trolls here, of course,)


You're just a tad unclear here, Cubby. What point are you making?
Yet, if you only look at the mainstream-lies, you can see we are drowning in conspiracies

Ok, then:

definition of a conspiracy:

Now just by this definition, you can't say there are no conspiracies!

This kind of thing happen all the time!

Yet people dismiss 'conspiracies' as being true. (Apart from the tons of government trolls here, of course,)


We're drowning only in the obsessive compulsive manic repetition of believers in certain conspiracies - here at this forum we had to have a sub forum just for them.
Normal people aren't, because we don't live in a paranoid world of made up baloney.

We are drowning in a world full of idiotic conspiracy theorists.
Not sure what you're driving at......but conspiracies are fun, for one thing.

Some are real, some are not......all are fun.
Yet, if you only look at the mainstream-lies, you can see we are drowning in conspiracies

Ok, then:

definition of a conspiracy:

Now just by this definition, you can't say there are no conspiracies!

This kind of thing happen all the time!

Yet people dismiss 'conspiracies' as being true. (Apart from the tons of government trolls here, of course,)


Because most conspiracy theories are the result of a ****-ton of wishful thinking versus actual facts.
Yet, if you only look at the mainstream-lies, you can see we are drowning in conspiracies

Ok, then:

definition of a conspiracy:

Now just by this definition, you can't say there are no conspiracies!

This kind of thing happen all the time!

Yet people dismiss 'conspiracies' as being true. (Apart from the tons of government trolls here, of course,)


There are conspiracies.

What are bull**** are conspiracy theories.
Yet, if you only look at the mainstream-lies, you can see we are drowning in conspiracies

Ok, then:

definition of a conspiracy:

Now just by this definition, you can't say there are no conspiracies!

This kind of thing happen all the time!

Yet people dismiss 'conspiracies' as being true. (Apart from the tons of government trolls here, of course,)


Why are you conspiring against them?:lamo
There are conspiracies.

What are bull**** are conspiracy theories.


There are conspiracies but conspiracy theories are not true??????????????????????????????

please explain.
I believe that it is dismissed because most people have no concept of the power that real wealth brings, no concept of the influence and sway it holds.

Because the average person has no power to "influence" therefore they choose to believe that others do not have that kind of power to influence either.

it's illogical but so are most conspiracy theories and people like to view themselves as logical

conspiracy theories border on fantasy occurrences because of our lack of understanding and they mostly can't be proven...ever

Bravo, good post.

I would like to expand on that by asking if one is ACTUALLY a conspiracy theorist IF one merely doubts the veracity of any given story?

IOW, if one is skeptical of a given story, but does not hold some other theory as to how an event came to pass, is one really a CT by definition?
Bravo, good post.

I would like to expand on that by asking if one is ACTUALLY a conspiracy theorist IF one merely doubts the veracity of any given story?

Simple: No.

IOW, if one is skeptical of a given story, but does not hold some other theory as to how an event came to pass, is one really a CT by definition?

Conspiracy theorists are not skeptics.

They don't think. This is why they are conspiracy theorists. The ability to think is a prerequisite for proper skepticism.
They don't think. This is why they are conspiracy theorists. The ability to think is a prerequisite for proper skepticism.

Ok, well, and how did you came to that conclusion exactly?
They don't think. This is why they are conspiracy theorists. The ability to think is a prerequisite for proper skepticism.

and do you even know what skepticism is??
By hanging out with conspiracy theorists.

Yes, do you?

So, no answers at all. That is telling us something is it not?
Yes, Pin your posts tell a great deal.

So explain why Mark F response was a "no answer"

Your question: "Ok, well, and how did you came to that conclusion exactly?'
Posted response: "By hanging out with conspiracy theorists.
Your question. "and do you even know what skepticism is??"
response: "Yes, do you?"

Your questions were answered, yet you failed to answer his.

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