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Honolulu Senior Elections Clerk Says Barack Obama was Not Born in Hawaii (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2007
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San Antonio Texas
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Before you people completely freak out, he also says he believes Obama is a US Citizen cause the DNC would have vetted Obama on the issue.

Before you people completely freak out, he also says he believes Obama is a US Citizen cause the DNC would have vetted Obama on the issue.

Got any links....??

Got any links....??
World Net Daily.

Mr. Adams seems confident that he had access to public records that would allow him to verify the existence of Obama's birth records, but it was his boss, not his own personal searches, which told him they don't have those records:
Tim Adams said:
I had direct access to the Social Security database, the national crime computer, state driver's license information, international passport information, basically just about anything you can imagine to get someone's identity," Adams explained. "I could look up what bank your home mortgage was in. I was informed by my boss that we did not have a birth record [for Obama].

General elections administrator Glen Takahashi, who was Mr. Adams' boss, disagrees with Mr. Adams by saying they do not have access to that kind of information:
Glen Takahashi said:
We don't have access to that kind of records. [There's] no access to birth records.
Maybe that's why Mr. Takahashi told Mr. Adams that they don't have Obama's birth records. Not because the records don't exist, but because they simply don't have access to that information.

Mr. Adams' response to that is pathetic at best:
Tim Adams said:
They may say, 'We don't have access to that.' The regular workers don't, the ones processing ballots; but the people in administration do. I was the one overseeing the work of the people doing the balloting.
So if Mr. Adams had access the records such that he could verify for himself, why was his boss the one who told him they didn't have the records? Why didn't he just verify it for himself? My guess? He doesn't know what he's talking about or he's a bald-faced liar. Either way, he's probably not worth listening to.

Before you people completely freak out, he also says he believes Obama is a US Citizen cause the DNC would have vetted Obama on the issue.

What a croc of ****! No quotes. No links. No sense.

Before you people completely freak out, he also says he believes Obama is a US Citizen cause the DNC would have vetted Obama on the issue.


I put the VIDEO in as an IMAGE!!!!

Sorry couldn't resist:)
What some high ended lawyer ought to do is sue the Federal Government in regards to the Healthcare bill that was passed, claiming that it would be invalid and void because Obama has yet to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he is in fact a U.S. citizen. If he is not a U.S. citizen then all laws and bills that Obama signed would be null and void. This would perhaps force this administration and Obama to prove that he is a U.S. citizen by producing his birth certificate, the original that is.
What some high ended lawyer ought to do is sue the Federal Government in regards to the Healthcare bill that was passed, claiming that it would be invalid and void because Obama has yet to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he is in fact a U.S. citizen. If he is not a U.S. citizen then all laws and bills that Obama signed would be null and void. This would perhaps force this administration and Obama to prove that he is a U.S. citizen by producing his birth certificate, the original that is.

I agree, the goverment coffers would certainly benefit from the Rule 11 sanctions they'd obtain as a result of this frivolous claim.
Actually this is probably the most plausible thing I've read on the subject. Maybe Obama's birth occurred under more scandalous circumstances than we know or, more tantalizing, maybe he doesn't know himself! Oooooo, the wonderful prospects of him never knowing his true place of birth. So dramatic!
What some high ended lawyer ought to do is sue the Federal Government in regards to the Healthcare bill that was passed, claiming that it would be invalid and void because Obama has yet to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he is in fact a U.S. citizen. If he is not a U.S. citizen then all laws and bills that Obama signed would be null and void. This would perhaps force this administration and Obama to prove that he is a U.S. citizen by producing his birth certificate, the original that is.

Just doesn't fly. Obama was most likely born in Hawaii. But regardless, he has a certified valid birth certificate from the Hawaiian state. There just isn't any upside to pursuing his citizenship.

That said, do believe that there are elements of the details in the BC that Obama does have a political interest in suppressing. Personal suspicion is that there is no hospital or doctor that associates to the BC. And that fact can/could give his opposition something to cause him some awkwardness....


What a croc of ****! No quotes. No links. No sense.

Yeah, heres a quote from another (possibly the same video) he tried to post:

Tim Adams, Chief Elections Clerk for the City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii, under temporary contract, during the 20008 Presidential Election. Verified voter eligibility and had a staff of about 18 people. "When this question came up, I had access to all the usual government databases to verify identity: NCIS, [inaudible] all these other things that we use on average voters. There were two people higher than me in our office who were under the City Clerk of Honolulu, and the question came up about the birth certificate and about President Obama's birthplace."

"TIM: In our professional opinion, Barack Obama was not born in the United States and there is no Hawaii long-form birth certificate."

"HOST: Tim, was it common knowledge within that office that there was no long-form birth certificate?"

"TIM: It was openly admitted by everyone in the office who was above me; at least my immediate supervisors."

"TIM: Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii."

Tim worked as elections clerk from the spring until August, when 50 documents related to voter registration info of U.S. diplomats were stolen. Stolen, according to Tim, because the thief would then know if these people had voted for the current president and use it as blackmail or something.

He then left (apparently in the middle of that investigation) and enrolled in the University of Hawaii and "let them figure it out for themselves."

Currently teaching in Western Kentucky University in the Veterans' program.

Loser was a temp working during the busy (election season). Nothing to see here folks.
Oh lord... enough already.
I agree, the goverment coffers would certainly benefit from the Rule 11 sanctions they'd obtain as a result of this frivolous claim.
Perhaps but, it seems to me that Obama is going through great lengths to hide his orginal birth certificate, not to mention his transscripts from the Universities and colleges he attended, not that it makes much of difference. Non the less just thought I would throw it out there for food for thought and to keep the rumor mill alive. I still have a gut feeling that something is rotten in Demark.
Just doesn't fly. Obama was most likely born in Hawaii. But regardless, he has a certified valid birth certificate from the Hawaiian state. There just isn't any upside to pursuing his citizenship.

That said, do believe that there are elements of the details in the BC that Obama does have a political interest in suppressing. Personal suspicion is that there is no hospital or doctor that associates to the BC. And that fact can/could give his opposition something to cause him some awkwardness....

The one that was produced I believe wasn't the orginal, back in the day it was hand written. He could have lost or whatever, but if in fact he is a U.S. citizen and I am not saying either way, shame on Obama for letting this stay alive.
Perhaps but, it seems to me that Obama is going through great lengths to hide his orginal birth certificate, not to mention his transscripts from the Universities and colleges he attended, not that it makes much of difference. Non the less just thought I would throw it out there for food for thought and to keep the rumor mill alive. I still have a gut feeling that something is rotten in Demark.

Don't disagree. Obama was ushered through the last campaign in the protected cradle of the media. His luster has now been lost to a degree and things will/may be different in 2012. Suspect there may be more questioning of his background/roots the next time around.

Or maybe not. Time will tell.... ;)

Don't disagree. Obama was ushered through the last campaign in the protected cradle of the media. His luster has now been lost to a degree and things will/may be different in 2012. Suspect there may be more questioning of his background/roots the next time around.

Or maybe not. Time will tell.... ;).
Well lets hope he gets the boot in2012, here is another link this one is even better..rumors full steam ahead, but you have to ask yourself did he or did he not say this.

"The American President told me in confidence that he is a Muslim," said Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit on Nile TV. That could explain why Obama has instructed that the term "Islamic extremism" no longer be used in official government documents and statements.
From a article from this link
israel today > Politics > <span style="font-size:24px;">Obama, a 'Strategic Catastrophe'</span>
My daugher was born in Cuba, but to American citizens, HER PARENTS. She is a citizen of the USA, period.
Obama could have been born anywhere. He is a citizen due to his mother's citizenship....

One would think that Alcoa stock would be peaking, what with all the tin foil hats being worn in this country....
My daugher was born in Cuba, but to American citizens, HER PARENTS. She is a citizen of the USA, period.
Obama could have been born anywhere. He is a citizen due to his mother's citizenship....

One would think that Alcoa stock would be peaking, what with all the tin foil hats being worn in this country....

Actually, his mother's citizenship does not qualify Obama due to her age at the time. That point has been noted/disqualified numerous times.

But he does qualify based on the fact that he has a valid Hawaiian BC "certifying" that he was born on the soil of Hawaii. He really is good as gold on the citizenship issue.

Actually, his mother's citizenship does not qualify Obama due to her age at the time. That point has been noted/disqualified numerous times.

But he does qualify based on the fact that he has a valid Hawaiian BC "certifying" that he was born on the soil of Hawaii. He really is good as gold on the citizenship issue.


Several times? then I missed it several times...what does her age have to do with it?
Several times? then I missed it several times...what does her age have to do with it?

A tinsey wincy thing called the law. She was 16 at the time of his birth, that disqualified her from bestowing citizenship on him should he be born not on US Soil.
A tinsey wincy thing called the law. She was 16 at the time of his birth, that disqualified her from bestowing citizenship on him should he be born not on US Soil.

can you source the law, chapter and verse?
can you source the law, chapter and verse?

Believe she (Stanley Obama) was actually 18 at the time he was born. Here is the law that deals with her age and the fact that her own ciitizenship would not in itself automatically qualify the child. But as noted earlier, the discussion is academic since the Hawaiian BC by all indications is valid.


"1952 The Immigration and Nationality Act of June 27, 1952, 66 Stat. 163, 235, 8 U.S. Code Section 1401 (b). (Section 301 of the Act).

"Section 301. (a) The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:

"(1) a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof;

"(7) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States, who prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than ten years, at least five of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years."


Citizenship ???*-*Immigration*-*Immigration*- FindLaw Answers

In other words, Stanley A. Durham would have had to be atleast 19 years old when she gave birth to her son, Barack, provided said birth took place overseas. So, now all the conspiracy theorists need is proof that the man was born outside the U.S. Provide the 100% iron clad proof and I'm on that band wagon!!

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