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Hollywood suspect in custody had arsenal, camouflage outfit (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 15, 2012
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Columbus, OH
Political Leaning
Authorities took a suspect into custody in West Hollywood, California, after discovering an arsenal in his car that included explosive powder, assault weapons and a camouflage outfit, CNN affiliate KABC reported, citing unnamed authorities. The suspect told authorities that he was there for the Los Angeles Pride festival, which is underway this weekend.

The name of the dude in L.A. hasn't been released and it's been reported that he, "looked white". That pretty good indication he's a Muslim.
Apparently coordinated attacks against homosexuals it look likes.

Or just coincidental. I don't think they've released much about the CA guy. I haven't even heard his name (and the link in the OP doesn't say it either).
The name of the dude in L.A. hasn't been released and it's been reported that he, "looked white". That pretty good indication he's a Muslim.

How is that?
How is that?

If he was white and christian, his name would be all over the internet. It would have been in the original article in an attempt to offset the Muslim terrorist attack in Florida.
If he was white and christian, his name would be all over the internet. It would have been in the original article in an attempt to offset the Muslim terrorist attack in Florida.

No, it wouldn't. You are just off gassing stupid posts again.
I saw the police presser from there earlier. What in the hell is going on today?

I saw the press conference ahead of the parade. Some FBI agent said there was no credible threat. I don't know what that means when they've just arrested a guy from out-of-state with a car loaded with pipe bomb materials, guns, and ammo who said he was waiting for a "friend" and was headed for the Pride parade. They're still looking for the "friend."
I saw the press conference ahead of the parade. Some FBI agent said there was no credible threat. I don't know what that means when they've just arrested a guy from out-of-state with a car loaded with pipe bomb materials, guns, and ammo who said he was waiting for a "friend" and was headed for the Pride parade. They're still looking for the "friend."

That means that they had no kind of intell that signified An expected threat. Basically, this guy popped up out of no where.
If he was white and christian, his name would be all over the internet. It would have been in the original article in an attempt to offset the Muslim terrorist attack in Florida.

if he was white and christian you would be defending him
Even if it isn't connected to what happened in Orlando, we all know how these types of things can spread via copy cats. To all of our LGBT friends here at DB, keep living your life but be extra aware of your surroundings in the coming days.
Wow, you people are grasping at anything.

Do you have any evidence to support this charge or are you just lying?

your right....you would probably be saying its a false flag attack, organized by obamas gay mafia and the feminazis as a final plot too come take away your guns
Even if it isn't connected to what happened in Orlando, we all know how these types of things can spread via copy cats. To all of our LGBT friends here at DB, keep living your life but be extra aware of your surroundings in the coming days.

These are attacks on Americans.
Another personal attack. That's two in 13 posts. Got to be a record.

Maybe because your whining about how persecuted white christians (ie. you) are, in a thread that has nothing too with either of those goups
These are attacks on Americans.

I am sure most of the victims were American, though certainly not all. But that isn't my point. I'm not making a political statement. When I told my friends in uniform to be extra careful out there in light of the attacks on recruiting stations nobody replied, "These were attacks on Americans".
your right....you would probably be saying its a false flag attack, organized by obamas gay mafia and the feminazis as a final plot too come take away your guns
No one is saying that but you. Ever considered honest discussion? Or is that something you are incapable of?

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