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Hillsborough reactions (1 Viewer)

Infinite Chaos

DP Veteran
Oct 28, 2007
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Watching the BBC news today - a copy of "the Sun" is held up in comparison with other papers dealing with headlines and there is no mention of the Hillsborough inquiry result on its front page.

Yeah, years later the Sun printed an apology for dreadful smears of Liverpool fans but today when the fans and the dead have been cleared - to not recognise and then almost ignore the results of the biggest inquiry is shocking.
I didn't want to derail MickeyW's thread ( :lamo) on religion so I brought this story out here.

27 years ago, almost a hundred fans died in a horrific crushing incident at a soccer ground. Today, the fans were exonerated, after being blamed by the police and vilified for weeks in the Sun, in particular. Survivors were accused at the time, of drunkenly urinating on the dead, robbing the bodies, and other heinous acts, none of which were true. Police mismanagement of the crowd and uncoordinated response by the ambulance control were held to be the cause.
This is the source for the OP? It's a contemptible rag.
My heart goes out to the families of the 96. So much admiration for their commitment to ensure justice and the truth at last.

YNWA....and they didn't. Their families and supporters never gave up.
My heart goes out to the families of the 96. So much admiration for their commitment to ensure justice and the truth at last.

YNWA....and they didn't. Their families and supporters never gave up.

And not only your heart will go out to the families but also your money. They will indeed get what they have been fighting for, loads and loads of lovely compo. (note for American readers. Compo means compensation which British judges throw around like confetti, much to the delight and enrichment of lawyers).
It was never about compensation. It was about things like the family of a schoolboy, blackmailed on their doorstep for a copy of his school photo "Otherwise we'll just have to use the picture of his dead crushed body lying on the football pitch" They handed it over, and the despicable "Sun" used both pics. It's about righting such wrongs.
Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police suspended but I don't think this will be the end - Kelvin Mackenzie very quick this time to apologise but it only took him 27 years or so to do it properly. David Cameron's "looking for a black cat that isn't there" comments may come back to haunt him too when he spoke of the quest for truth by the families.
And not only your heart will go out to the families but also your money. They will indeed get what they have been fighting for, loads and loads of lovely compo. (note for American readers. Compo means compensation which British judges throw around like confetti, much to the delight and enrichment of lawyers).

So, do you believe that compensation is or is not justified when the negligence and incompetence of the establishment kills 96 citizens?

To suggest that the Hillsborough campaigners have been motivated by money - "get what they have been fighting for" - is beyond despicable.
And not only your heart will go out to the families but also your money. They will indeed get what they have been fighting for, loads and loads of lovely compo. (note for American readers. Compo means compensation which British judges throw around like confetti, much to the delight and enrichment of lawyers).
and that is what YOU have to say on it? That is all that YOU have to say on it?

Very pretty indeed :roll:
and that is what YOU have to say on it? That is all that YOU have to say on it?

Very pretty indeed :roll:

What would you expect from a right-wing libertarian? With that ideology life is no more than a calculation of pounds, shillings and pence.
and that is what YOU have to say on it? That is all that YOU have to say on it?

Very pretty indeed :roll:

What were you expecting? A five thousand word essay?
Just to clarify IC's "black cat" reference in post 7, Cameron is giving hypocrites a bad name.

Moderator's Warning:
Stop bickering about each other and stick to the topic.
What were you expecting? A five thousand word essay?

How about a response to the reasonable question asked in post 8 that addressed your initial post in this thread? That would be appreciated.

do you believe that compensation is or is not justified when the negligence and incompetence of the establishment kills 96 citizens?
Nothing pertinent from you, I guess.

No, no cloying sentiment, no phony tears over something that happened decades ago, no 'we are all guilty' sniveling. You carry on with your virtue signalling binge if that makes you feel 'pertinent'.
No, no cloying sentiment, no phony tears over something that happened decades ago, no 'we are all guilty' sniveling. You carry on with your virtue signalling binge if that makes you feel 'pertinent'.

So, for the third time, do you believe that compensation is or is not justified when the negligence and incompetence of the establishment kills 96 citizens? Easy question. A yes or no answer will suffice.
So, for the third time, do you believe that compensation is or is not justified when the negligence and incompetence of the establishment kills 96 citizens? Easy question. A yes or no answer will suffice.

Watching more news coverage last night, it is apparent, that real anger coupled with a desire for vengeance has taken hold of some of the relatives.
Watching more news coverage last night, it is apparent, that real anger coupled with a desire for vengeance has taken hold of some of the relatives.

I think you may be mistaking a legitimate anger, and demand that those responsible are called to account for their crimes, with a desire for vengeance. I guess that distinction is made from the individual viewpoint of each observer.
Dark chapter in English football that can hopefully be brought to a close with this news.
Watching the BBC news today - a copy of "the Sun" is held up in comparison with other papers dealing with headlines and there is no mention of the Hillsborough inquiry result on its front page.

Yeah, years later the Sun printed an apology for dreadful smears of Liverpool fans but today when the fans and the dead have been cleared - to not recognise and then almost ignore the results of the biggest inquiry is shocking.
I didn't want to derail MickeyW's thread ( :lamo) on religion so I brought this story out here.

Never trust authority, wealth and class to do the right thing.
So, do you believe that compensation is or is not justified when the negligence and incompetence of the establishment kills 96 citizens?

To suggest that the Hillsborough campaigners have been motivated by money - "get what they have been fighting for" - is beyond despicable.

A real sentence that would mean something and give a little meaning to those lost lives would be a complete freedom of information and transparency in government and authority. No more 30 year rule, if it happened, we get to know about it NOW.

Orgreave was the location of the real battle that mattered in the 1980s.
I think you may be mistaking a legitimate anger, and demand that those responsible are called to account for their crimes, with a desire for vengeance. I guess that distinction is made from the individual viewpoint of each observer.

I fully understand emotions are running very high. That said, at least two people interviewed said, explicitly, they wanted vengeance. May be poor word choice on their part, but the tone could be interpreted as sinister. Speaking with a few people today, a few said they felt that to be the case. It would be good for the families to get a speedy conclusion, now the tables have turned on the authorities, but I don't see that happening. This will go through the courts for many years to come.
I fully understand emotions are running very high. That said, at least two people interviewed said, explicitly, they wanted vengeance.
That may be the way one or two individuals, possibly not as eloquent as they could have been, expressed it, but none of the spokespeople for the campaign, nor any of their advocates such as Andy Burnham have expressed it that way. I'm sure the emotions being felt in Liverpool run the gamut. Frankly, I wouldn't condemn someone for feeling emotions that might not be exactly PC.

May be poor word choice on their part, but the tone could be interpreted as sinister.
Sinister in what way? What evil do you believe they might be planning? I think 'sinister' might, on reflection, be a poor word choice on your part.

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