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Here’s how Trump’s proposed Moscow project is even dirtier than it looks (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Political Leaning
Here’s how Trump’s proposed Moscow project is even dirtier than it looks


Felix Sater, Michael Cohen and Donald Trump.

Weirdly, it kind of makes sense that Donald Trump's supporters on Fox News and elsewhere are brushing off last week’s revelations about the Trump Tower Moscow deal as a “nothingburger.” This knee-jerk reaction makes sense because Trump loyalists clearly haven’t been following the ongoing reporting on this story, even though Rupert Murdoch’s own paper, the Wall Street Journal, has been one of many top-shelf publications covering the Trump-Russia saga in granular detail. The most realistic analysis is that Trumpers are being deliberately ignorant about a vast series of crimes with our current president at the center of a nefarious confederacy that could easily be defined as the Trump crime family. This is absolutely a somethingburger, stacked high with all the fixin’s -- and we haven’t really seen the lion's share of the details yet. But it wasn’t just the overall hush-hush nature of the Moscow Project that poses such a threat to American national security. The true smoking gun at the center of the Trump Tower Moscow prong of the Russia story happens to be a Russian bank known as VTB. Those who haven’t been following the day-to-day developments (hello, Red Hats) might not know that 60 percent of VTB is controlled by the Kremlin. It turns out that one of Trump’s many shady operatives and hangers-on, Felix Sater, a Russian-born New Yorker with an office in Trump Tower, arranged financing for the Moscow Project. The money was to be put up by VTB, and Trump himself signed a letter of intent to build the skyscraper, complete with a spa facility for Ivanka Trump’s brand and a $50 million penthouse for Putin (priorities, priorities). VTB’s financing appears to have been locked in around October 2015, while Russia’s military intelligence agency, the GRU, was busily deploying its attack against the Democrats and the forthcoming American elections.

What the nothingburger crowd won’t say out loud is that VTB has been subject to American sanctions since July 2014, after Putin invaded Ukraine and seized Crimea in the wake of the Sochi Olympics. Simply put, it’s illegal for any Americans or American corporations, including the Trump Organization, to do business with VTB and other entities under sanction. Trump, Cohen and Sater did it anyway. No wonder Trump and his people wanted to keep the deal secret. Sanctions were potentially violated, and Putin appears to have been bribed with a $50 million apartment. If that’s a nothingburger, I’d hate to see what an actual burger looks like. Trump is publicly altering American foreign policy toward Russia in order to suit his own financial best interests. But it could be far worse than that. Trump could also be ensnared by Russian kompromat, forcing him to enact policies favorable to Putin and Putin alone (the lifting of sanctions and the penalties in the Magnitsky Act, primarily). Anyone beating the nothingburger meme to death right now isn’t seeing the harrowing big picture -- the criminal and national security ramifications of Trump’s ill-advised alliance with a nation whose government is run by thugs, assassins and thieves. If you’re still unconvinced, go ahead and replace every instance of “Trump” in this article with “Obama” and then tell us again how it’s all a big nothingburger.

Putin has Trump by the short hairs. No wonder the orange oaf trips all over himself to please the diminutive KGB Colonel.

Related: Trump's countless scams are finally catching up to him
See, I don't need this to look dirtier than it is. How many dead boy scouts do you have to find in somebody's basement before you're convinced he's a murderer? One dead boy scout is enough.

The need to find more dirt is motivated by trump supporters falsely giving the notion that there is a magical standard that could ever be reached that would convince them Trump is a bad dude who needs to go. Well screw them. You're never going to convince them because they voted for Trump as a protest. Tax fraud, defrauding the American public, colluding with a hostile foreign power, Federal election violations, obstruction of justice and Emoluments violations have all been established. He needs to go.

The dude has six dead boy scouts in his basement and we believe that if we find just one more dead boy scout we'll finally convince his supporters that he's a murderer. Meanwhile, the supporters haven't even told us how many dead boy scouts are enough to change their minds, or that dead boy scouts are even a problem to begin with.
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Here’s how Trump’s proposed Moscow project is even dirtier than it looks


Felix Sater, Michael Cohen and Donald Trump.

Putin has Trump by the short hairs. No wonder the orange oaf trips all over himself to please the diminutive KGB Colonel.

Related: Trump's countless scams are finally catching up to him

I took the caption that was under the photograph in the article to reiterate what I've said for more than two years.

‘Trump and his children don’t seem to grasp that the scamming and cheating that got them through the dirty world of New York City real estate doesn’t work as well on the global stage.’

The arrogance of Donald Jr. and the Trump Tower meeting, the impudence of Ivanka taking liberties and being careless with her emails are only more evidence that these children of Trump's were raised in a way that only a handful of children are raised. They grew up in an atmosphere of gold, silver and diamonds. They never had to make a bed, dust a table, cook a meal or shop for groceries. Their own father never did any of those things either or he would have known you don't need a photo ID to buy a bag of potatoes at the local Stop N' Shop. The main thing is that this was their normal. They never had to answer to anyone, never had to be accountable for their actions and never had to pay any price for any indiscretions, lies or wrongs done to anyone else. 'White privilege' can mean many different things, but the privilege to which they've been accustomed to their entire lives goes way beyond 'white privilege' it becomes something bordering on being antithetical to the human experience. They may do wrong, they may even do things that are illegal (for most of us) but they don't even see it, they don't have any sense of right or wrong at all. Their entitlement has become nothing more than unfathomable arrogance. That may work in private life, but it does not work in public life where they will be held accountable for their actions.

Dow Jones -600 right now
Putin has Trump by the short hairs. No wonder the orange oaf trips all over himself to please the diminutive KGB Colonel.

Really bad photoshop job. Putin is 5'7" which places him dead on the worldwide height median for men. 5'5" in Britain, 5'11" in the US. When height becomes a method for judging leadership qualities, please let us know.

A $50 mil penthouse is a very cheap bit of graft these days. Putin is a cheap date. Ask the citizens of NYC who are paying Amazon $$$ bils in tax relief, a company on the way to a $tril in capitalization for part of its headquarters to be located in Long Island City in Queens NYC. Don't get me wrong, the announcement of Amazon in NYC, just quadrupled the value of the 100's of properties I own with partners in LIC, nearby Woodside and Sunnyside. I just received an unsolicited offer of $3.2 mil for an 8 truck garage off Skillman Ave. My partners and I bought the building in 1979 for $21k and it has been bringing in rent since then with no mortgage, a net lease which means the tenant pays the RE taxes, maintenance and insurance. The bidding has just started.

Anyone who has ever been involved in any large RE transaction knows that confidentiality is essential, graft and payoffs are de riguer, one way or another, and the baksheesh flows. Doesn't matter which country, which state, province, city or region. Which cousin receives the turf contract for that new stadium is what matters. Your story is BS, simple and plain. My sister made $2 mil on new construction I and my partners did for a $172 mil building 12 years ago and never knew it until 4 weeks after the closing when I sold a decorating contract for the building's public areas. I had her come to my lawyer's office on the pretense of a lunch, she signed one piece of paper and walked out with a check, forgetting the lunch I had promised. It would be another 2 years before the building was built. I and my partners leased the space to be developed in the meantime, making our commissions, then bought the building back, selling the lease the next day, all with borrowed money, not a dime of our own. We have the exclusive brokerage on all space being leased at any time, manage the building, and it is still making us money. No one in the entire city had any idea who was behind the construction, who the principals were and are. My sister still does not understand how she made $2 mil, paid her taxes and paid for two of her daughters' weddings with plenty left over for some nice vacations and home improvements. She's not complaining or whining.

None of this is criminal. It is the grease that keeps the axels turning. Your half baked article is character assassination and nothing more, malarky for preaching to the choir. Get over it.

Please do tell, how many buildings have you built, how many jobs did you create, how many businesses did you create? What have you really accomplished for others? Really?
I took the caption that was under the photograph in the article to reiterate what I've said for more than two years.

‘Trump and his children don’t seem to grasp that the scamming and cheating that got them through the dirty world of New York City real estate doesn’t work as well on the global stage.’

The arrogance of Donald Jr. and the Trump Tower meeting, the impudence of Ivanka taking liberties and being careless with her emails are only more evidence that these children of Trump's were raised in a way that only a handful of children are raised. They grew up in an atmosphere of gold, silver and diamonds. They never had to make a bed, dust a table, cook a meal or shop for groceries. Their own father never did any of those things either or he would have known you don't need a photo ID to buy a bag of potatoes at the local Stop N' Shop. The main thing is that this was their normal. They never had to answer to anyone, never had to be accountable for their actions and never had to pay any price for any indiscretions, lies or wrongs done to anyone else. 'White privilege' can mean many different things, but the privilege to which they've been accustomed to their entire lives goes way beyond 'white privilege' it becomes something bordering on being antithetical to the human experience. They may do wrong, they may even do things that are illegal (for most of us) but they don't even see it, they don't have any sense of right or wrong at all. Their entitlement has become nothing more than unfathomable arrogance. That may work in private life, but it does not work in public life where they will be held accountable for their actions.

Dow Jones -600 right now

If the bolded above isn't the quintessential explanation of Swampy I have never seen a better one.

Excellent, Humble. Brava!
Really bad photoshop job. Putin is 5'7" which places him dead on the worldwide height median for men. 5'5" in Britain, 5'11" in the US. When height becomes a method for judging leadership qualities, please let us know.

A $50 mil penthouse is a very cheap bit of graft these days. Putin is a cheap date. Ask the citizens of NYC who are paying Amazon $$$ bils in tax relief, a company on the way to a $tril in capitalization for part of its headquarters to be located in Long Island City in Queens NYC. Don't get me wrong, the announcement of Amazon in NYC, just quadrupled the value of the 100's of properties I own with partners in LIC, nearby Woodside and Sunnyside. I just received an unsolicited offer of $3.2 mil for an 8 truck garage off Skillman Ave. My partners and I bought the building in 1979 for $21k and it has been bringing in rent since then with no mortgage, a net lease which means the tenant pays the RE taxes, maintenance and insurance. The bidding has just started.

Anyone who has ever been involved in any large RE transaction knows that confidentiality is essential, graft and payoffs are de riguer, one way or another, and the baksheesh flows. Doesn't matter which country, which state, province, city or region. Which cousin receives the turf contract for that new stadium is what matters. Your story is BS, simple and plain. My sister made $2 mil on new construction I and my partners did for a $172 mil building 12 years ago and never knew it until 4 weeks after the closing when I sold a decorating contract for the building's public areas. I had her come to my lawyer's office on the pretense of a lunch, she signed one piece of paper and walked out with a check, forgetting the lunch I had promised. It would be another 2 years before the building was built. I and my partners leased the space to be developed in the meantime, making our commissions, then bought the building back, selling the lease the next day, all with borrowed money, not a dime of our own. We have the exclusive brokerage on all space being leased at any time, manage the building, and it is still making us money. No one in the entire city had any idea who was behind the construction, who the principals were and are. My sister still does not understand how she made $2 mil, paid her taxes and paid for two of her daughters' weddings with plenty left over for some nice vacations and home improvements. She's not complaining or whining.

None of this is criminal. It is the grease that keeps the axels turning. Your half baked article is character assassination and nothing more, malarky for preaching to the choir. Get over it.

Please do tell, how many buildings have you built, how many jobs did you create, how many businesses did you create? What have you really accomplished for others? Really?

Yes, almost all of what does is criminal in terms of his business. It's what he does. He's been mobbed up for decades./

That you can't accept that on an emotional basis is quite irrelevant to the reality of it.
The layers of Trump's dirt go back decades and the Mueller investigation isn't going to dig that deep but the Southern District of NY most certainly will. All the evidence that's been dug up about his more-than-shady business dealings over the past decades is all being referred to the Atty General of the Southern District of NY. Donald Trump should be very worried because once the Southern District gets its jaws onto a string of crimes, it doesn’t let go. There's campaign finance crimes, tax evasion, money laundering and bribes of foreign officials or governments, which are illegal under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

It may take a couple of years, but Trump may indeed end up either doing jail time or forfeiting most of his fortune in compensations.
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Yes, almost all of what does is criminal in terms of his business. It's what he does. He's been mobbed up for decades./

That you can't accept that on an emotional basis is quite irrelevant to the reality of it.

Prove it true. Then prove every single other major real property developer in the country is not as equally "mobbed up."

That you cannot accept that every single successful Democrat business person isn't mobbed up is quite irrelevant to the reality of life.
Prove it true. Then prove every single other major real property developer in the country is not as equally "mobbed up."

That you cannot accept that every single successful Democrat business person isn't mobbed up is quite irrelevant to the reality of life.


A. This isn't about every single other major real property developer in the country. It's about Trump, who has very long associations with the Russian mob, no matter how much that upsets you.
B. This isn't about every single successful Democrat business person.
C. You seem quite confused.

A. This isn't about every single other major real property developer in the country. It's about Trump, who has very long associations with the Russian mob, no matter how much that upsets you.
B. This isn't about every single successful Democrat business person.
C. You seem quite confused.

That is where you are wrong. Trump is merely a symbol of all that we are, like it or not. It is not you who calls the shots. I'm not the one who is upset. I know who I am and what.
That is where you are wrong. Trump is merely a symbol of all that we are, like it or not. It is not you who calls the shots. I'm not the one who is upset. I know who I am and what.

That is where you're wrong. Trump isn't a symbol of all that we are, no matter how desperate you are to pretend otherwise.
That is where you're wrong. Trump isn't a symbol of all that we are, no matter how desperate you are to pretend otherwise.

Take a good look around you. No pretense necessary on my part.
I wish you'd think more.

Sad to think you don't

Baksheesh makes the world move, yet you don't see it. Pathetic. It isn't personal, it is reality. Ask Elliot Spitzer how his father created and left $300 million trust funds for each of his children, so Elliot could wear his black socks with each of his $4k per hour call girls. During prohibition, old Joe Kennedy traded Colts and Remingtons to the IRA in return for whiskey, made his millions $. The corruption is everywhere. And Rev Al sold his autobiography to his church, with no other buyers in sight. George Soros was one of the greatest smugglers in mankind's history, selling thousands of small arms for the Israeli munitions industry throughout South and Central America. There is no difference between Dems and Repubs when it comes to making money. The corruption is everywhere.
See, I don't need this to look dirtier than it is. How many dead boy scouts do you have to find in somebody's basement before you're convinced he's a murderer? One dead boy scout is enough.

The need to find more dirt is motivated by trump supporters falsely giving the notion that there is a magical standard that could ever be reached that would convince them Trump is a bad dude who needs to go. Well screw them. You're never going to convince them because they voted for Trump as a protest. Tax fraud, defrauding the American public, colluding with a hostile foreign power, Federal election violations, obstruction of justice and Emoluments violations have all been established. He needs to go.

The dude has six dead boy scouts in his basement and we believe that if we find just one more dead boy scout we'll finally convince his supporters that he's a murderer. Meanwhile, the supporters haven't even told us how many dead boy scouts are enough to change their minds, or that dead boy scouts are even a problem to begin with.

THIS ^^^^ post of the month material, definitely.
Baksheesh makes the world move, yet you don't see it. Pathetic. It isn't personal, it is reality. Ask Elliot Spitzer how his father created and left $300 million trust funds for each of his children, so Elliot could wear his black socks with each of his $4k per hour call girls. During prohibition, old Joe Kennedy traded Colts and Remingtons to the IRA in return for whiskey, made his millions $. The corruption is everywhere. And Rev Al sold his autobiography to his church, with no other buyers in sight. George Soros was one of the greatest smugglers in mankind's history, selling thousands of small arms for the Israeli munitions industry throughout South and Central America. There is no difference between Dems and Repubs when it comes to making money. The corruption is everywhere.

Your love and support of corruption duly noted.

I wish you'd think more.
Prove it true. Then prove every single other major real property developer in the country is not as equally "mobbed up."

That you cannot accept that every single successful Democrat business person isn't mobbed up is quite irrelevant to the reality of life.

If anybody was mobbed up, I would think it was a New York politician like Hillary more than a real estate developer.
How dare a guy in the real estate business conduct real estate business. Hilarious. If Democrats weren't on some manic quest to destroy Trump, none of this would be of the remotest interest.
How dare a guy in the real estate business conduct real estate business. Hilarious. If Democrats weren't on some manic quest to destroy Trump, none of this would be of the remotest interest.

Actually, it's "How dare he lie to the American people for three straight years about a business deal he was pursuing in a hostile foreign country, all the while influencing public opinion about that country's leader, placing himself in a position of kompromat to that country and siding with that leader on election interference over the conclusions of our Intelligence Community."

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