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Girls doing homework outside Taco Bell (1 Viewer)

Should we help these girls get wifi?

  • No, wifi is a person expense

    Votes: 9 24.3%
  • Yes, we can help our whole society by giving out free wifi

    Votes: 28 75.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2019
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Political Leaning

So this image was taken.

The girls were sitting outside of Taco Bell to connect to the Taco Bell wifi so they could do their homework. They don't have wifi at home and their mom is a seasonal fruit picker who sells flowers on the side, so they don't have a lot of money.

And COVID isn't helping.

Should we as a nation do something for these girls? Get them wifi at the very least?

It's not like they aren't trying.
i'm fine with providing public wifi for everyone. it's going to happen eventually anyway, IMO.
The Columbus City School District took responsibility for ensuring its students had access to remote learning including providing 15,000 chrome books and partnered with a nonprofit to provide hotspot devices and internet access.

So this image was taken.

The girls were sitting outside of Taco Bell to connect to the Taco Bell wifi so they could do their homework. They don't have wifi at home and their mom is a seasonal fruit picker who sells flowers on the side, so they don't have a lot of money.

And COVID isn't helping.

Should we as a nation do something for these girls? Get them wifi at the very least?

It's not like they aren't trying.

It would be nice if the employees could invite the girls inside.

So this image was taken.

The girls were sitting outside of Taco Bell to connect to the Taco Bell wifi so they could do their homework. They don't have wifi at home and their mom is a seasonal fruit picker who sells flowers on the side, so they don't have a lot of money.

And COVID isn't helping.

Should we as a nation do something for these girls? Get them wifi at the very least?

It's not like they aren't trying.

A Go Fund Me account was created that netted a pretty penny. The local Republicas were heard to scream bloody murder. go figure.

So this image was taken.

The girls were sitting outside of Taco Bell to connect to the Taco Bell wifi so they could do their homework. They don't have wifi at home and their mom is a seasonal fruit picker who sells flowers on the side, so they don't have a lot of money.

And COVID isn't helping.

Should we as a nation do something for these girls? Get them wifi at the very least?

It's not like they aren't trying.

considering that there is a pandemic going on and we are requiring virtual classes, yes, we should have free wifi.

So this image was taken.

The girls were sitting outside of Taco Bell to connect to the Taco Bell wifi so they could do their homework. They don't have wifi at home and their mom is a seasonal fruit picker who sells flowers on the side, so they don't have a lot of money.

And COVID isn't helping.

Should we as a nation do something for these girls? Get them wifi at the very least?

It's not like they aren't trying.

Public wifi is not an issue, the internet in recent years is a necessity, However were it me I would make wifi very limited ie bandwidth restrictions, and block video games and porn from the public wifi. Even though internet is a necessity playing wow or looking up porn is not.

In the past libraries handled internet, but internet needs even for neccessities have long moved past what public libraries can handle.
Who is going to be providing this "free" wifi? Even with a booster, wifi still has a limited range and bandwidth.
Who is going to be providing this "free" wifi? Even with a booster, wifi still has a limited range and bandwidth.

wifi is actually a terrible protocol to just have out in the wild. There is a reason its not used in cellular networks. However, limited LTE might work.
The Columbus City School District took responsibility for ensuring its students had access to remote learning including providing 15,000 chrome books and partnered with a nonprofit to provide hotspot devices and internet access.

Some people should have thought of that from the getgo, I know many people that the only internet they have is on their cellphone, usually through the walmart straight talk, which is unlimited but not enough for remote learning, especially with multiple kids or with a parent working and needing that only phone. It would be possible to create a wifi network restricted just for school purposes.
Heck the chromebook thing makes sense as well, places sell them all the time dirt cheap refurbished, and as cheap as the low end ones are new it would not surprise me if the makers of chromebooks made bulk deals where they ended up being 50-60 bucks a laptop.
I would have no problem with it, but failing that, couldn't the let these few kids into the school?
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So this image was taken.

The girls were sitting outside of Taco Bell to connect to the Taco Bell wifi so they could do their homework. They don't have wifi at home and their mom is a seasonal fruit picker who sells flowers on the side, so they don't have a lot of money.

And COVID isn't helping.

Should we as a nation do something for these girls? Get them wifi at the very least?

It's not like they aren't trying.
and their mom is a seasonal fruit picker

So it's possible she can be an illegal alien? More than likely not a citizen?

There's free internet at the public library
Who is going to be providing this "free" wifi? Even with a booster, wifi still has a limited range and bandwidth.

These guys think money grows on trees

So this image was taken.

The girls were sitting outside of Taco Bell to connect to the Taco Bell wifi so they could do their homework. They don't have wifi at home and their mom is a seasonal fruit picker who sells flowers on the side, so they don't have a lot of money.

And COVID isn't helping.

Should we as a nation do something for these girls? Get them wifi at the very least?

It's not like they aren't trying.

Let's become even a bigger "Nanny state" than we already are?
High speed internet is a necessity in today's society, just like electricity is. I don't think the government needs to provide it free for everyone, but providing assistance for those living in poverty makes sense, and the government does the same thing with electric bills for some people. Those sorts of programs should be expanded during times when internet access is an increased necessity like now.

What the government absolutely needs to be doing is investing in infrastructure to make sure everyone has access to high speed internet. There are still millions of people in the US that don't even have the option to get high speed internet at their homes. My grandparents live 25 miles from Columbus, OH and don't have high speed internet to their house.
Public wifi is not an issue, the internet in recent years is a necessity, However were it me I would make wifi very limited ie bandwidth restrictions, and block video games and porn from the public wifi. Even though internet is a necessity playing wow or looking up porn is not.

In the past libraries handled internet, but internet needs even for neccessities have long moved past what public libraries can handle.
I'm a little confused about what you are saying here. Are you saying those things should be restricted on public wifi systems (which many do, others simply don't know how to set such restrictions) or all wifi including from private routers?

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I'm a little confused about what you are saying here. Are you saying those things should be restricted on public wifi systems (which many do, others simply don't know how to set such restrictions) or all wifi including from private routers?

Sent from my SM-N970U using Tapatalk

Either way, people will just learn to use a VPN
Who pays for it?

Does money grow on trees?

we already pay for it through schools. They aren't in classrooms and btw, WIFI can cover large ranges. It is quite interesting that there is public wifi in a variety of places in third world countries but we cannot manage to have it?
High speed internet is a necessity in today's society, just like electricity is. I don't think the government needs to provide it free for everyone, but providing assistance for those living in poverty makes sense, and the government does the same thing with electric bills for some people. Those sorts of programs should be expanded during times when internet access is an increased necessity like now.

What the government absolutely needs to be doing is investing in infrastructure to make sure everyone has access to high speed internet. There are still millions of people in the US that don't even have the option to get high speed internet at their homes. My grandparents live 25 miles from Columbus, OH and don't have high speed internet to their house.

how much do we pay in property taxes again? These kids are not in school...so there is less electricity, water etc being used...use the excess from that and pay for it to be public wifi.
These guys think money grows on trees

How many hundreds of Billions of dollars did the airlines get from the feds? And now are announcing huge layoffs in the very near future. I firmly believe education is much more productive that lining the pockets of a bunch of billionaires.

The republicans and the Trump admin do not have their priorities straight. These airlines screwed the taxpayers when they were given huge tax cuts in 2018, but used the money for buybacks and bonuses. No different than the banks in 2009.

So this image was taken.

The girls were sitting outside of Taco Bell to connect to the Taco Bell wifi so they could do their homework. They don't have wifi at home and their mom is a seasonal fruit picker who sells flowers on the side, so they don't have a lot of money.

And COVID isn't helping.

Should we as a nation do something for these girls? Get them wifi at the very least?

It's not like they aren't trying.

I don't know where this picture was taken but in my area the public school system has found a way that everyone can have internet access without sitting outside a Taco Bell.
Either way, people will just learn to use a VPN
I'm wondering more on whether he wants to limit private wifi use on these things, but thinks maybe there is a difference for overall usage if they wire in to do those things in a private setting.

Sent from my SM-N970U using Tapatalk
we already pay for it through schools. They aren't in classrooms and btw, WIFI can cover large ranges. It is quite interesting that there is public wifi in a variety of places in third world countries but we cannot manage to have it?
Technically, public wifi is not really so much wide range as that there are consistent points of broadcasts for it, enough to cover most distances. That being said, the band that reaches furthest without needing more broadcast points (APs) is 2.4GHz, which is slower and older, which means some devices cannot operate on it and it is more prone to interference.

Sent from my SM-N970U using Tapatalk

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