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Gerrymandering being destroyed one state at a time (1 Viewer)

In yet other words - "Your (GOP) gerrymandering is wrong, but our (DNC) gerrymandering is right and needs to stand."
No. Gerrymandering is bad no matter which side does it. Depriving people of their rightful representation is evil.
The OP fails to mention the most egregious gerrymandering going on right now, New York, which is blatantly violating their state constitution but neither the state nor the OP seem to care.
No. Gerrymandering is bad no matter which side does it. Depriving people of their rightful representation is evil.
I agree that gerrymandering is bad; but gerrymandering isn't just changing districting in one's favor, it's also keeping and protecting what districting happens to be in one's favor - when re-districting is actually warranted.

And the DNC is heavily invested in maintaining current districting that happens to be in their favor, whether it's warranted or not.

So the true evil here isn't with the GOP, it's with the DNC.
Go Marc Elias go!

That's all well and good. However, unless something is done about Texas the Republicans are going to take over the House in Jan 2023. And then the country is truly ****ed.
The OP fails to mention the most egregious gerrymandering going on right now, New York, which is blatantly violating their state constitution but neither the state nor the OP seem to care.
where does it honestly and logically suggest that the op doesn't care about all gerrymandering?
why is the op under obligation talking about a different topic that YOU want to talk about?
Probably the most egregious gerrymandered district in the history of the country.

Yeah, the Republican Party is a bunch of racists.
they 'rounded up all the blacks into a few districts, got less votes and won MORE seats.

it was evil and genius.
Probably the most egregious gerrymandered district in the history of the country.

Yeah, the Republican Party is a bunch of racists.
I take it then you're not much of a student of Democrat party history.

That's ok though, because there's still time to do yourself and everyone else a huge favor by becoming one.
In yet other words - "Your (GOP) gerrymandering is wrong, but our (DNC) gerrymandering is right and needs to stand."
It was taken to court. You lost. Cry moar.
The OP fails to mention the most egregious gerrymandering going on right now, New York, which is blatantly violating their state constitution but neither the state nor the OP seem to care.
I suggest cons stop being so lazy about it and take them to court.
I agree that gerrymandering is bad; but gerrymandering isn't just changing districting in one's favor, it's also keeping and protecting what districting happens to be in one's favor - when re-districting is actually warranted.

And the DNC is heavily invested in maintaining current districting that happens to be in their favor, whether it's warranted or not.

So the true evil here isn't with the GOP, it's with the DNC.
THems some awful big crocodile tears there Edwin.
where does it honestly and logically suggest that the op doesn't care about all gerrymandering?
why is the op under obligation talking about a different topic that YOU want to talk about?
Very true. I would like it all to stop. Simultaneously. Repubs just want only the dems to stop.

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