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Fourteen Microagressions (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2012
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Political Leaning
  • Golf
  • Tennis
  • "Merry Christmas"
  • Compliments about personal characteristics, clothing, speaking ability, or anything else.
  • "husband and wife"
  • "male and female"
  • "boyfriend and girlfriend"
  • "Mr. and Mrs."
  • "Please stand and be recognized."
  • Assuming that a person of a given race would know anything about their heritage.
  • Using a foreign word in conversation.
  • Minimizing a person's racial/ethnic experiences.
  • Referring to a person's racial/ethnic experiences.
  • Acknowledging that men and women tend to dress differently.
  • Golf
  • Tennis
  • "Merry Christmas"
  • Compliments about personal characteristics, clothing, speaking ability, or anything else.
  • "husband and wife"
  • "male and female"
  • "boyfriend and girlfriend"
  • "Mr. and Mrs."
  • "Please stand and be recognized."
  • Assuming that a person of a given race would know anything about their heritage.
  • Using a foreign word in conversation.
  • Minimizing a person's racial/ethnic experiences.
  • Referring to a person's racial/ethnic experiences.
  • Acknowledging that men and women tend to dress differently.

This list is from...... where?
  • Compliments about personal characteristics, clothing, speaking ability, or anything else.

You mean like, "You sure do have a pretty mouth."
  • Golf
  • Tennis
  • "Merry Christmas"
  • Compliments about personal characteristics, clothing, speaking ability, or anything else.
  • "husband and wife"
  • "male and female"
  • "boyfriend and girlfriend"
  • "Mr. and Mrs."
  • "Please stand and be recognized."
  • Assuming that a person of a given race would know anything about their heritage.
  • Using a foreign word in conversation.
  • Minimizing a person's racial/ethnic experiences.
  • Referring to a person's racial/ethnic experiences.
  • Acknowledging that men and women tend to dress differently.

When at a restaurant with another person or a group -
1. Picking up the check
2. Failing to pick up the check
3. Suggesting a split check
4. Ordering meat
5. Ordering anything with gluten
6. Not ordering meat
7. Ordering anything that might be construed as an ethnic food (cultural appropriation)
8. Failing to order an ethnocentric specialty (cultural avoidance)
9. Ordering alcohol
10. Failing to join others who have ordered alcohol
11. Failing to inquire as to the food allergies of other diners
12. Failing to inquire as to religious based dietary needs
13. Ordering dessert without inquiring whether anyone is on a diet
14. Failing to share your dessert with the dieter
If I happen to say something that offends you - grow up and get over it.
  • Golf
  • Tennis
  • "Merry Christmas"
  • Compliments about personal characteristics, clothing, speaking ability, or anything else.
  • "husband and wife"
  • "male and female"
  • "boyfriend and girlfriend"
  • "Mr. and Mrs."
  • "Please stand and be recognized."
  • Assuming that a person of a given race would know anything about their heritage.
  • Using a foreign word in conversation.
  • Minimizing a person's racial/ethnic experiences.
  • Referring to a person's racial/ethnic experiences.
  • Acknowledging that men and women tend to dress differently.

Only 14? These wussies need to step it up.
  • Golf
  • Tennis
  • "Merry Christmas"
  • Compliments about personal characteristics, clothing, speaking ability, or anything else.
  • "husband and wife"
  • "male and female"
  • "boyfriend and girlfriend"
  • "Mr. and Mrs."
  • "Please stand and be recognized."
  • Assuming that a person of a given race would know anything about their heritage.
  • Using a foreign word in conversation.
  • Minimizing a person's racial/ethnic experiences.
  • Referring to a person's racial/ethnic experiences.
  • Acknowledging that men and women tend to dress differently.

None of them come close to "happy holidays".
"Have a nice day!" is an invitation to be assaulted in Britain.
If you think it makes you guys look silly it's because you are.

You do not have the first ****ing clue about "us guys", so I will just laugh at you again.
When driving -

1. Driving too slow
2. Driving too fast
3. Driving exactly the speed limit
4. Attempting to merge into freeway traffic
5. Attempting to exit the freeway
6. Attempting to change lanes (especially to let someone trying to merge in)
7. Failing to change lanes when someone wants to get out of a parking lot
8. Driving in the center lane
9. Driving in the left lane without ever passing anyone
10. Driving in the right lane without ever exiting
11. Picking your nose and flicking it out the window
12. Slowing down to look for an address
13. Allowing someone to pull out of a parking lot while you're at a red light
14. Blocking someone from being able to pull out of a parking lot while you're at a red light.

Please note that if you don't see your pet peeve on this list that's because it's a MACROaggression instead of a microaggression.
When at a restaurant with another person or a group -
1. Picking up the check
2. Failing to pick up the check
3. Suggesting a split check
4. Ordering meat
5. Ordering anything with gluten
6. Not ordering meat
7. Ordering anything that might be construed as an ethnic food (cultural appropriation)
8. Failing to order an ethnocentric specialty (cultural avoidance)
9. Ordering alcohol
10. Failing to join others who have ordered alcohol
11. Failing to inquire as to the food allergies of other diners
12. Failing to inquire as to religious based dietary needs
13. Ordering dessert without inquiring whether anyone is on a diet
14. Failing to share your dessert with the dieter

Unlike the OP, this list was funny!
You do not have the first ****ing clue about "us guys", so I will just laugh at you again.

You're a guy?

After 6 years of carefully constructed gender neutrality, you finally come out in a thread about microagressions?
  • Golf
  • Tennis
  • "Merry Christmas"
  • Compliments about personal characteristics, clothing, speaking ability, or anything else.
  • "husband and wife"
  • "male and female"
  • "boyfriend and girlfriend"
  • "Mr. and Mrs."
  • "Please stand and be recognized."
  • Assuming that a person of a given race would know anything about their heritage.
  • Using a foreign word in conversation.
  • Minimizing a person's racial/ethnic experiences.
  • Referring to a person's racial/ethnic experiences.
  • Acknowledging that men and women tend to dress differently.


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