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Femtheist Divine Law (1 Viewer)


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May 3, 2014
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You may have heard of a Youtube channel known as Femitheist, a revolutionary Southern woman who wants to bring about a new world order, one where women rule:

I seem to be noticing a trend of viral female supremacy, being used as a scare tactic of sorts to make men look into women studies, much like this Goddess Coral meme that has been going around which preaches the ideals of female supremacy/male enslavement:
HAIL YOUR GODDESS - Off-Topic - Comic Vine

Have women been backed into a corner, and now they're going to fight back, and oppress males?

Have women been backed into a corner, and now they're going to fight back, and oppress males?

Oh Jeez, I hope to God not. We think things are bad now, just put the entire society into the hands of solely women, and we're screwed. I've worked with predominantly women most of my adult life. Men can't beat them on the scale of brutality toward their own.
I, for one, welcome our new overlords.
No. Just the internet being the internet. Feminist extremism is actually pretty rare nowadays, compared to previous decades.

If you go on that corner of the internet, you will find more stuff like that. Just like if you search for "white supremacy," you'll suddenly be flooded with hits of racist websites. Or, in direct counterpart to feminist extremism, if you search for some of the wackier MRA stuff, you'll be inundated with anti-woman extremism.

That doesn't mean it has any significant foothold in reality. In reality, mainstream feminism of the 21st century is probably the most cuddly it's ever been. There's even a case to be made that it's a little patriarchal -- I tend to get rejected from the biggest schools of thought for being childfree.
Oh Jeez, I hope to God not. We think things are bad now, just put the entire society into the hands of solely women, and we're screwed. I've worked with predominantly women most of my adult life. Men can't beat them on the scale of brutality toward their own.

so it be worse than the mess we have now?? is what I think her message was.

Seems we only have examples of what we have had and what we have now...
I can't fathom how a female dominated society could be worse than a male dominated one. Possibly worse for me personally, but not worse as a society. Obviously, both are inferior to one that doesn't do something as monumentally stupid as oppress people based on their gender.
I don't think she is a complete whack job either

a very brief viewing of a few of her videos just now and I would say she is fairly sharp and makes some really good points :lol:

but then I'm female

I'll take this post as an attempt at comedy.
Oh Jeez, I hope to God not. We think things are bad now, just put the entire society into the hands of solely women, and we're screwed. I've worked with predominantly women most of my adult life. Men can't beat them on the scale of brutality toward their own.

Ah yes. The days of live television news and a newsroom of mostly women, whose primary concern is hair, make up and would slice their lover in half for another 15 seconds of air time. Working in the same environment as men is heaven in comparison. Men lose their anger at one another, play a game of hockey or drink some beers and move on.

women lie in wait and get even. There was one day, from my aerie on the dais, the assignment desk overlooking the whole show, in walked this reporter wannabee/model with big hair, big front and long, long legs. But not as long as the talons of the women who already worked there. I decided to recommend against hiring her because of the discord she would bring [she was a below average talent anyway] but had debated hiring her to make a point.

In that environment was the first time I saw a woman slap another and for some reason it degenerated into them trying to pull each other's bra off...had not seen that before.

And it was the only time I EVER heard a woman call another woman the "C" word.
I can't fathom how a female dominated society could be worse than a male dominated one. Possibly worse for me personally, but not worse as a society. Obviously, both are inferior to one that doesn't do something as monumentally stupid as oppress people based on their gender.

Mostly because of the differences in how women think and reason. We are usually more emotionally driven, we tend to be more devious and manipulative than our male counterparts, and we prefer a more passive approach to being aggressive. I'm not knocking the fact that we have these traits, as they are some of what makes us great moms, but after dealing with primarily women in the workplace for 30 years now, I'd prefer to work with men. I find men to usually more straightforward and honest, and they usually just don't give a **** about all the little minutia.

I prefer living in a political climate where men and women both have some power, as it's more balanced, and the strengths of one can make up for the weaknesses of another.
Ah yes. The days of live television news and a newsroom of mostly women, whose primary concern is hair, make up and would slice their lover in half for another 15 seconds of air time. Working in the same environment as men is heaven in comparison. Men lose their anger at one another, play a game of hockey or drink some beers and move on.

women lie in wait and get even. There was one day, from my aerie on the dais, the assignment desk overlooking the whole show, in walked this reporter wannabee/model with big hair, big front and long, long legs. But not as long as the talons of the women who already worked there. I decided to recommend against hiring her because of the discord she would bring [she was a below average talent anyway] but had debated hiring her to make a point.

In that environment was the first time I saw a woman slap another and for some reason it degenerated into them trying to pull each other's bra off...had not seen that before.

And it was the only time I EVER heard a woman call another woman the "C" word.

I heard a man say once that he'd rather work on a chain-gang in 100-degree heat than with three women in an office. I've got to agree with you and lizzie on your observations about women, though, and I wonder why it is the way it is - especially if all the women are attractive. Some ancient quirky DNA? Weird....
I've got to agree with you and lizzie on your observations about women, though, and I wonder why it is the way it is - ....

I personally think it came from our old and ancient strategy for protecting our children. I find that the most vicious women sometimes make the best moms. I also suspect that it is hormone-driven, just as much of male aggression (and in some women also) is driven by testosterone. If I am small and not physically strong, which puts me at a disadvantage, I need to find alternative methods for insuring my survival and that of my children.
I heard a man say once that he'd rather work on a chain-gang in 100-degree heat than with three women in an office. I've got to agree with you and lizzie on your observations about women, though, and I wonder why it is the way it is - especially if all the women are attractive. Some ancient quirky DNA? Weird....

I owned and ran a gardening company and one of my customers was a psychologist who specialized in women and their relationships. As she was very left and an feminist I was shocked one day when she said "women are for more cruel than men. Men only want blood."

There is another side though. In that gardening business, perhaps because it was employing people with "barriers" [read: substance problems] working with women in that setting was a delight. Perhaps it was a rooster and hen thing, but they looked out for one another and like that.

I think it has to do with women in traditional male roles, especially where looks are concerned. A one-all hockey game with three overtime periods has nothing on the competitiveness scale compared to women in a high fashion setting. When careers are on the line and women think they need male attention to get ahead is when I see them turn on one another.

The really freaky thing is it never mattered. At no time in management has a woman's looks ever come up let alone be a factor, and the one time it did was about dress, the woman simply could not keep things buttoned, we pretty much knew her underwear wardrobe and she had the jam to try to file a sexual harassment suit...against me.
I personally think it came from our old and ancient strategy for protecting our children. I find that the most vicious women sometimes make the best moms. I also suspect that it is hormone-driven, just as much of male aggression (and in some women also) is driven by testosterone. If I am small and not physically strong, which puts me at a disadvantage, I need to find alternative methods for insuring my survival and that of my children.

Well, that makes sense. It's not surprising that women do have other women as best friends - men don't usually want to hear us vent, but another woman will understand why we need to! :lol:

Greetings, lizzie. :2wave:
Well, that makes sense. It's not surprising that women do have other women as best friends - men don't usually want to hear us vent, but another woman will understand why we need to! :lol:

Greetings, lizzie. :2wave:

I don't usually hang around with other women, but dh listened to my venting. You can take my word that my venting didn't hold a candle to his. :lamo
I think it has to do with women in traditional male roles, especially where looks are concerned. A one-all hockey game with three overtime periods has nothing on the competitiveness scale compared to women in a high fashion setting. When careers are on the line and women think they need male attention to get ahead is when I see them turn on one another.


They do it in a female-dominated field too. I've been an RN for most of my adult life, and have worked with far more women than men. You've never seen more back-biting and underhanded behavior. My rule of thumb is to stay completely out of the little cliques that form, and just stand alone. Pleasant but uninvolved is how I operate. I don't care about the politics of the job, which is why I didn't stay in management (for the few years I did it), and prefer to be just a worker bee. I do solo as often as possible.
I don't usually hang around with other women, but dh listened to my venting. You can take my word that my venting didn't hold a candle to his. :lamo

Ah yes, I remember. His was mostly about sports or work related things - competition between males, I guess - but he was never petty or vicious. Ever. Women can be. I think we intuitively understand that sympathy is needed at those times when we feel wronged, and we give it. That's what keeps us best friends! :lol:
They do it in a female-dominated field too. I've been an RN for most of my adult life, and have worked with far more women than men. You've never seen more back-biting and underhanded behavior. My rule of thumb is to stay completely out of the little cliques that form, and just stand alone. Pleasant but uninvolved is how I operate. I don't care about the politics of the job, which is why I didn't stay in management (for the few years I did it), and prefer to be just a worker bee. I do solo as often as possible.

My dear departed was an RN, ICU heart recovery. She always thought her environment was much more passive than that of mine. But I know what you mean, after TV I worked in film production with female producers and models. I suspect that may have had a non-conscious affect on my decision to go into computers, where there are still few women.
Why would it be worse?

Let's look a few facts: Here are portraits of the presidents (sans Obama),


Look at the pre-suffrage (1920) portraits vs post-suffrage. Notice anything different? Pre-suffrage, most of the presidents are geeky uggo's. Hired for their skills, not their looks. Not saying it's good, not saying it's bad.

Now look at America's world GDP ranking. Keeping in mind, Wiki says women's voting participation rate took a while to kick-in after 1920.


Notice how and when the country began to decline. Not saying there's any correlation, but it is interesting to note that as women began to vote, the country began its long decline. Because, America's decline also correlates with the rise of progressivism (liberalism), so progressivism could just as easily be the cause of decline. ...unless, women voting and progressivism were somehow related? But, that's not possible, is it?

We must give women credit though, as we walk the personal hygiene aisle recently, we notice condoms are exactly where they were six-years ago. At least women have preserved the industry from those bad old Republican's who were about to banish all contraceptives from the planet. Good job ladies.

Radical Muslim's were given nukes and are about to nuke us, Al Qaida has taken control of no less than seven countries within the past six-years, the economy continues to decline, but at least we still have contraceptives. Whew, that was a close one, wasn't it ladies?

I don't begrudge women their vote, but ladies, please think where you're taking this country. Are contraceptives really the top issue? Were contraceptives really under threat? Why let liberals manipulate you like that? And do we always have to elect the best-looking candidate? Can't we select the smartest or the one in America's best interest, regardless appearance? Surely ugly people have some purpose, some value, some reason they stayed indoors and studied all those years? Look at Ted Cruz. He is far and away the smartest candidate. And he's been exactly correct on every issue for many years. Even when the mob turned against him, Ted Cruz stuck to his principles and he turned out to be correct. Liberal Alan Dershowitz called Ted Cruz, "the smartest student he ever taught" (Dershowitz's taught at Harvard for fifty years). Notice, he did not call him the best-looking student he ever taught nor the most poised. Wouldn't we rather have a smart president (who will release his transcript), than a pretty one?

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