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Femtheist Divine Law (1 Viewer)

They are both examples of one group of people imposing their will upon another group of people. They are identical.

You are comparing them based upon which one hurts the most. I'll agree with you if we are comparing by that standard. I wear a seat belt all the time and barely notice it. I am horrified at the possibility of having my nads cut off.

I was comparing them from a freewill standard rather than their qualities in regards to physical comfort. Making someone pick up a cup is equivalent to making someone shoot their mom in the face. Either both are wrong or both are justified. Nobody respects someone who straddles the fence.

... and this sort of extremism, equating "pick up the cup" with "shoot Mom in the face", is why I am not a ideological purist of any flavor.

Not all "oppression" is equal. Making people wear seatbelts is not equivalent to gassing millions of Jews, Communists, homosexuals and "defectives". To say otherwise is to throw sense and reason out the window.
... and this sort of extremism, equating "pick up the cup" with "shoot Mom in the face", is why I am not a ideological purist of any flavor.

Extremist are the best communicators. They are very bad at making policy.
No thanks. This fascistic regime of yours has no more interest for me than Hitler's version.

Never did like being told what to do; damn sure I wouldn't like being told I can't vote, can't own anything, and don't own my own balls if society decides I'd make a better eunuch.

Plenty of people support and advocate for certain prisoners to being castrated either physically or chemically. Furthermore, some states do in fact chemically castrate prisoners. The state has already established it can castrate people. It's just a question of how it is applied at this point.
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I do, and the problem with it is that it never happens that way in reality. In reality, people are driven to work together. And in reality, when dictators rule, society falls apart into a type of dysfunction and misery that cannot be achieved with any level of hedonism that humanity is capable of on a mass scale.

People working together and forcing other people to do your will are actually separate things and not connected at all. Once you are forcing someone to do something they didn't agree with you aren't coming together for anything anymore. You're just imposing your will on others. Just something to think about when you start talking about peoples nature to "work together".
So, 11 pages later, what I can gather is that vasuderatorrent wants society to be ruled by women?

While I agree that a matriarchy would be different from patriarchy (notice those who oppression is oppression no matter what are often those who insist their inherent differences between men and women), would it necessarily be better?
would it necessarily be better?

No. Has it been better for women to be the oppressed all of these years? Some women would say, "yes". Some women would say, "no". Others still would say, "Hell no!".

I think the world is becoming more matriarchal in nature already. The transition period really sucks. I'd just like to hurry the process along. This dancing on the fence sucks really bad. I'm ready for the transition to end.

I was taught all of my life by my parents, grandparents and the society around me what it meant to be a good man. Those rules don't apply anymore and it's really painful to be living in the transition period.
No. Just the internet being the internet. Feminist extremism is actually pretty rare nowadays, compared to previous decades.

If you go on that corner of the internet, you will find more stuff like that. Just like if you search for "white supremacy," you'll suddenly be flooded with hits of racist websites. Or, in direct counterpart to feminist extremism, if you search for some of the wackier MRA stuff, you'll be inundated with anti-woman extremism.

That doesn't mean it has any significant foothold in reality. In reality, mainstream feminism of the 21st century is probably the most cuddly it's ever been. There's even a case to be made that it's a little patriarchal -- I tend to get rejected from the biggest schools of thought for being childfree.

I agree completely. I think that, some times, people - especially the paranoid - tend to imagine a feared social movement is as big as their own imagination.

Relax, righties, your paranoia about the feminist take-over is about as likely as Sharia law being imposed upon America. Hell, it may even be less likely, given how many women are complicit in their own oppression by joining such religious groups that consider them less than.

BTW, the childless point is dead on. It's as if being without children leaves you out of conversations about the future with the people who seem hell bent on destroying it through overpopulation and advancing their greed meme. We who have been responsible enough not to procreate just to fit or to avoid the judgments of imbeciles are, ironically, excluded from planning the future.

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