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Extremists should account for extremists, NOT ME, so knock it off! (1 Viewer)

President Trump and the Republicans are totally against the Nazis and KKK....what world are you living in?

Trying to hijack the thread I see.
Why don't you launch a thread that disputes accusations of Trump's love for Nazis and meanwhile the adults in the room will go back to the subject of the thread, which is why folks like myself deserve the right to tell folks like yourself to take a long walk off a short pier next time you jump up and demand I apologize for far left extremists, which you claim are acting with my blessing.
The biased to the leftist media and their fake nooze checkers are mostly all liars, and I am here to tell you that this Democratic Party cares nothing about the truth.

I've linked the above RCP proof many times. All they keep doing is repeating the same dastardly lies.

Yes, I know it's a waste of time, but maybe there are others watching....who knows.
If the Dem leaders in Portland really wanted to end this they could. Instead, they do this: Man arrested 4 times in Portland riots. The city released him three times.

This thread isn't about Portland either, it's about people like yourself attempting to blame folks like me for the actions of some extremists in any city and attempting to claim they are acting with my blessing. Maybe you could start another thread where you blame Biden and the Democrats for Portland elsewhere on DP.
You’re gonna be so blown away by those “republican dirty tricks” when they start running against Biden on Jan 21. How dare they! Gaaaah!

You're not good at reading minds either. I know that the Republicans can get in the mud. Remember though, if Trump is defeated, Covid deaths becomes addled brain's...and it then becomes Biden's country!

The Democrats set the bar and you, by all accounts, appear to be very proud of that effort.
Well, Antifa lovers and Dems certainly don't give a ****.

This is precisely what I started this thread about, thank you for providing yet another example.
You just can't stop that Morton Downey knee jerk no matter how hard you try, can you?
You're not good at reading minds either. I know that the Republicans can get in the mud. Remember though, if Trump is defeated, Covid deaths becomes addled brain's...and it then becomes Biden's country!

The Democrats set the bar and you, by all accounts, appear to be very proud of that effort.

Not republicans, Trumpists.

Trumpists are the problem, the cult. The GOP simply cowered.
Trying to hijack the thread I see.
Why don't you launch a thread that disputes accusations of Trump's love for Nazis and meanwhile the adults in the room will go back to the subject of the thread, which is why folks like myself deserve the right to tell folks like yourself to take a long walk off a short pier next time you jump up and demand I apologize for far left extremists, which you claim are acting with my blessing.

Ok, you are not an extremist....good. So, then pray tell me why you are voting for Biden other than you hate Trump....what are his policy stances which lends your support towards Biden?....sure wish Ole Joe would speak up...ya know, come on man.
Yes, I know it's a waste of time, but maybe there are others watching....who knows.

I hear you, and I appreciate your effort. Don't ever stop bringing up the facts to counter noise.
This thread isn't about Portland either, it's about people like yourself attempting to blame folks like me for the actions of some extremists in any city and attempting to claim they are acting with my blessing. Maybe you could start another thread where you blame Biden and the Democrats for Portland elsewhere on DP.

I've already addressed your topic.

Right now I'm discussing another issue with another member.

Chill out.
Not republicans, Trumpists.

Trumpists are the problem, the cult. The GOP simply cowered.

She brought up Republicans and their dirty tricks... Take your complaint up with her.
We do not demand any such thing. What we demand is that the police be allowed to stop crime in progress.

That's it.

That's it?

That's a lie. Your side demands a lot more than that, constantly.
Must be why for the last four years, your team, the anti-Trumps have purposely divided the country with some manufactured, faux outrage every day of the week.
Look to yourselves. :mrgreen:

I am anti divide.
United We Stand, Divided We Fall.
If the Dem leaders in Portland really wanted to end this they could. Instead, they do this: Man arrested 4 times in Portland riots. The city released him three times.
If Dem leaders in Portland haven't used all resources available, skirted their responsibilties or encouraged violence and destruction, I surely hope they're held accountable, including State Leaders.

If leaders are doing what they can without violating individual rights or causing unnecessary death then why should they be blamed.

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I am anti divide.
United We Stand, Divided We Fall.

If you are anti-divide, time for you to take it up with the divisive Democrats who have resisted every single minute of Trump's presidency.
She brought up Republicans and their dirty tricks... Take your complaint up with her.

Read what you wrote, YOU spoke to Republicans. I am a Republican and I want no affiliation with the Orange Satan.
If you are anti-divide, time for you to take it up with the divisive Democrats who have resisted every single minute of Trump's presidency.

Don't you get tired of the lies? Don't you see anything objectively?

My God.
Ok, you are not an extremist....good. So, then pray tell me why you are voting for Biden other than you hate Trump....what are his policy stances which lends your support towards Biden?....sure wish Ole Joe would speak up...ya know, come on man.

15 will go to ZERO.
It will magically disappear.
The reaction is the new DEM HOAX.

Protesters are terrorists.

It's not so much policy. It's incompetence. Lack of Policy. Lack of being for ALL Americans.
15 will go to ZERO.
It will magically disappear.
The reaction is the new DEM HOAX.

Protesters are terrorists.

It's not so much policy. It's incompetence. Lack of Policy. Lack of being for ALL Americans.

The catch phrase the left uses, "I know Joe" doesn't cut it....oh I know they think it sounds good and all, but this is a Presidential election....what good is he?....just because you hate Trump doesn't cut it, either....anyone but Trump, doesn't cut it, either....voters don't give a dam about your hatred, they want to know what Joe will DO when elected.....crickets....that will not cut it either.....Just stay in the basement and lose, Joe.
If you are anti-divide, time for you to take it up with the divisive Democrats who have resisted every single minute of Trump's presidency.

I take it up with any whose goal is to divide.

I've resisted tRUMP's presidency. Since he claimed he takes no responsibility. Well, actually before, because he's been about division since the last campaign season in 16.

If you were against divide, you'd not blame one side. Both divide.
Although Biden is calling for Unity.

Updated Jun 2, 2020, 12:15pm EDT
TOPLINE Joe Biden offered a message of hope and unity in prepared remarks delivered in Philadelphia’s City Hall on Tuesday, seeking to heal a nation tearing at the seams after eight days of unrest and posit his leadership style next to a combative President Trump.
Biden Calls For Unity, Says Country Is ‘Crying Out For Leadership’

(CNN)President Donald Trump on Thursday shared a letter on Twitter that referred to the peaceful protesters who were forcibly dispersed from a park near the White House on Monday evening as "terrorists."

The letter from veteran attorney and former Trump lawyer John Dowd appears to be addressed to former Secretary of Defense James Mattis and rebuts Mattis' Wednesday statement castigating Trump's response to the nationwide protests after the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer.
Trump shares letter that calls peaceful protesters 'terrorists' - CNNPolitics
The catch phrase the left uses, "I know Joe" doesn't cut it....oh I know they think it sounds good and all, but this is a Presidential election....what good is he?....just because you hate Trump doesn't cut it, either....anyone but Trump, doesn't cut it, either....voters don't give a dam about your hatred, they want to know what Joe will DO when elected.....crickets....that will not cut it either.....Just stay in the basement and lose, Joe.

The words I posted were words from tRUMPs mouth. They are not catch phrases. They are his policies towards COVid.

Mexico didn't pay for any wall. In fact, he took money from Military to redo a small section of the wall. Actually, a fence.

tRUMP didn't repeal or replace ACA. In fact neither he nor the Republicans had a plan.

Hillary is still free. What happened to lock her up. lock her up?

He didn't reduce the debt or deficit. He said it was easy.
Again, in March 2016, Trump told The Washington Post that he could get rid of the debt “fairly quickly.” When pressed, he said, “Well, I would say over a period of eight years.”

In reality, he accomplished next to nothing.
I don't give a rat's ass if you "apologize for, condemn, answer for, the actions of extremists." or not...but you, and ALL Democrats, should be demanding that your city leaders put a stop to the extremists because they are NOT doing that now.

You do give a rat's ass, as exemplified here.

What kind of people?

Oh...Dems...Trump haters...anarchists...BLM...

Victim mentality, persecution complex, smearing guilt by false association, it's your hobby, it's your DRUG.
Ok, you are not an extremist....good. So, then pray tell me why you are voting for Biden other than you hate Trump....what are his policy stances which lends your support towards Biden?....sure wish Ole Joe would speak up...ya know, come on man.

MOST people aren't extremists, that's WHY "extremists" are labeled as "extremists".

I prefer the Democratic Party's approach to healthcare, education, the environment, labor, race, women, and foreign policy.
Not perfect, but a damn sight better than the GOP.
Also it has nothing to do with Trump being a Republican, it has to do with Trump being Trump.
Most of my family is New York based so we've known all about Trump for decades.
This is not a 2016 thing at all.

And Biden was not my first choice but I'll accept him as satisfactory for the time being.
And that's as far as I am willing to go in THIS thread, but if you're really interested (which I suspect you're NOT) and you're after specifics, I'd be more than happy to expand on it in another thread.
15 will go to ZERO.
It will magically disappear.
The reaction is the new DEM HOAX.

Protesters are terrorists.

It's not so much policy. It's incompetence. Lack of Policy. Lack of being for ALL Americans.

Astounding incompetence.

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