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Driver Pulls Over Trooper For Speeding, Gets An Apology (1 Viewer)


USMC 1988-1996
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Sep 18, 2011
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New Mexico
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Interesting turn about...

Driver Pulls Over Trooper For Speeding, Gets An Apology: 'I Was Dumbfounded'

A Texas civilian is still surprised by the apology he received after he pulled over a police officer he says was speeding.

Philip Turner told Inside Edition: “I was dumbfounded, I never expected that kind of reaction from a police officer.”

Turner filmed the incident on August 1 and posted it on YouTube shortly after.​
Interesting turn about...

Driver Pulls Over Trooper For Speeding, Gets An Apology: 'I Was Dumbfounded'

A Texas civilian is still surprised by the apology he received after he pulled over a police officer he says was speeding.

Philip Turner told Inside Edition: “I was dumbfounded, I never expected that kind of reaction from a police officer.”

Turner filmed the incident on August 1 and posted it on YouTube shortly after.​

Pulling over a police officer is filed under "Not something I would do" but... I dunno, I'm more dumbfounded he did it.

I remember one day, I was driving along a 50 KPH zone, this RCMP cruiser was tailgating the living **** out of me, and I'm thinking, what the hell does this asshole want me to do, does he want me to speed and then he can **** me, next thing I know he throws on his lights, I pull over and he flies past, see him at the coffee shop with another cruiser about 2k's down the street.

Tempted to say something there but meh... You never know what kind of reaction you'll get.
Not something I would bother to do either but a citizen certainly has the right to call out potentially dangerous behavior. I respect that cop for acting the way a public servant should act when called out. And I am glad the man taping posted the video. It is important to point out when cops do bad. It is also important to point out when they do right.
Interesting turn about...

A Texas civilian is still surprised by the apology he received after he pulled over a police officer he says was speeding.

Philip Turner told Inside Edition: “I was dumbfounded, I never expected that kind of reaction from a police officer.”

I'm not surprised.

Despite the generally held belief system, not all police are total asshats.
This was an idiotic thing to do.
A little over the top. The number of times he asked for the Trooper's name and the repeatedly confirming of his name plus the spelling of it was over the top.

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